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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 53 KB, 700x394, 4oWtJmS_kBWPxkaHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmFkc2ltZy5jb20vZTUxNjQ3NTk4Njg3YzdmOTg1YjBiNzc3NjQ3MWE4MDliMTYxMjk0YzhkYzEwNjY1NmNiNzM3ZDRjNTkyYzFiZS5qcGd8fHx8fHw3MDB4Mzk0fGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuYWR2ZXJ0cy5pZS9zdGF0aWMvaS93YXRlcm1hcmsucG5nfHx8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6935087 No.6935087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is discussion of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum censored on /vr/ when 6th gen is not?

>> No.6935092

The Speccy is older than retro, it's antique. Please keep discussion of such consoles to the pre2k general.

>> No.6935094

Finally some evidence that people who are assblasted about new rules are responsible for this Speccy spam.

>> No.6935104

It's not censored, there's just a spammer whose threads get deleted.

>> No.6935118

Its actively suppressed as is evidence showing Jet Set Willy was the first Metroidvania

>> No.6935137

Endless shitposting.

>> No.6935145

They didn't delete my speccy mocking thread.
They probably got your IP locked, willyposter. Stop shitposting for a day at least.

>> No.6935159

Hi spammer. Nobody else is laughing at your dumb forced meme attempt.

>> No.6935197

Why don't you fucking seethe harder you Sharter nonce?

>> No.6935256
File: 150 KB, 500x533, b000-get-better-material-29436351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>act like a cockney stereotype when called out for shitposting a terrible forced meme
Seen it! Get some new material, buddy!

>> No.6935358

I told you motherfuckers. I was right all along.

>> No.6935365
File: 80 KB, 729x342, 4gi0b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You act as if this is a game, cunt. It isn't. These are facts and the jannies are suppressing them.

>> No.6935375

There is some for fun shit posting about the speccy. But I’d say that turd who keeps spamming “mayors” and “scotformer” is behind a lot of it

>> No.6935379

Nothing this mouthbreathing sub 85 IQ says should ever be taken seriously at all. He couldn't beat the first three levels of Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts on the easiest setting with 9 lives, yet he felt the need to release a video full of incorrect details about the game anyway. Fuck this retard.

>> No.6935387

>recognized as the foremost expert on Metroidvanias in the West
>invented the term
>can't be trusted because he wasn't good at some shitty Ghosts n Goblins port

>> No.6935391

He's more recognized as the foremost expert in sucking cock than anything related to video games. Nobody even knows who this dumbfuck is, I only know him from that atrocious video.

>> No.6935394

He's married to a woman. Can you say the same?

>> No.6935408

He has a faghag. Doesn't change the fact he is a retarded faggot.

>> No.6935415

A faghag is a woman who hangs out with gay men you retard. Could you seethe about Parish any harder?

>> No.6935418

>A faghag is a woman who hangs out with gay men you retard.
Someone like his wife for instance.

>> No.6935421

He isn't gay. Stop projecting. If he was a faggot he would be proudly blasting that fact on social media like hia friend Henry Gilbert.

>> No.6935423

Love me Speccy
Love me Kemptson joystick
Simple as

>> No.6935424
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>> No.6935425

Why the fuck do you know who this faggot is friends with?

>> No.6935426
File: 39 KB, 516x516, Spectrum01_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should get one of these gamepads for Speccy mate

>> No.6935428

Because I listen to Retronauts of course. Jeremy is a pretty great retro game historian.

>> No.6935437

>Jeremy is a pretty great retro game historian.
Objectively incorrect. You probably have misinformed opinions just from listening to him.

>> No.6935438

He provides citations for everything in his show notes. Have you even listened to Retronauts or watched his fantastic series on YouTube documenting the history of every NES, Gameboy, Master System and Metroidvania title?

>> No.6935448

>He provides citations for everything in his show notes
Does that include the footage he stole from other youtubers because he couldn't play a video game yet felt the need to upload a video of it for the grift? Because I know he did that in his SGnG video.

>> No.6935453

He credits whoever he uses footage from but generally captures his own from real hardware. He also documents the physical cartridge and packaging, buying them and then reselling them once an episode is done since its so expensive

>> No.6935454

Why are you so fixated on Super Ghouls n' Ghosts?

>> No.6935461

Lush that might get one for Dailey Thompsons Decathlon, love Ocean wagglin games me

>> No.6935462

You're saying he doesn't know shit about the history of retro games because he wasn't good at SGnG on SNES?

>> No.6935463

>He credits whoever he uses footage from but generally captures his own from real hardware
Just the fact he uses other people's footage because he couldn't be bothered to complete a game he made a video about is horrendous. Could you be any more of a grifter than that?
Because it is the one video from this tard I've seen and it was atrociously bad.

>> No.6935464
File: 23 KB, 109x128, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6935469

Absolutely. He actually said Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts double jump was a returning feature from the previous games. Just that fact alone tells me this dipshit knows absolutely nothing about video games.

>> No.6935470

He very rarely uses anyone's footage but his own, he just wasn't good at Ghosts n Goblins, why are you so autistic about it?

>> No.6935476

Cite where he says this, timestamp in video. I guarentee you're misremembering it

>> No.6935479

Speccy threads you see right now are NOT GENUINE but mindless spam from a handful of turbo autists.

>> No.6935483

You can't have too many speccy threads imo

>> No.6935484

>why are you so autistic about it?
Because if someone is going to bill themselves as a ""historian"" they should put just a little more effort into I don't know getting his facts straight? Putting effort into his videos maybe. Not just saying "oh well this game is too hard, time to shit out a video full of misinformation and use someone else's footage"

>> No.6935487

There are genuine Speccy fans here Sharter, deal with it

>> No.6935493


>> No.6935497

No, skill at Ghosts n Nonces is not the deciding factor of the worth of a historian

>> No.6935504

I gave you the fuckin timestamp in the link. 8:07 I guess it didn't work on your end.

>> No.6935506

Because they're just shitposters from Brit threads on /pol/ and /r9k/, and they admit it.

>> No.6935513

However deciding to upload a video with incorrect information because you the epic gaming history man couldn't be bothered to actually play a video game before making a video about it, that is a deciding factor and based on that this dude is a fucking tard.

>> No.6935520

Then make a genuine thread instead of garbage like >>6935348, fucking fairy.

>> No.6935526

The spammer is indeed mentally ill and does not speak for most of us. Everyone and their dog knows the Spectrum was the computer for chavs who lived in a council flat and couldn't afford a C64 or Amstrad. I guess they had some fun and memories with the "games" they had, but I don't think they would have owned a Spectrum if they could afford anything else.

>> No.6935537

Shouldn't you have watched all of his videos first before giving your opinion on him?

>> No.6935568

I was thinking this shortly before you made this post. Does this guy just not even play the games he talks about? He didn't even get halfway through Zelda II and yet made another video where he recites the Wikipedia entry for it. Then he shills some fucking books halfway through the video. Fuck this grifter.

>> No.6935569

Fuck off Scouser spacker. You're a gormless wanker is so is Paul McCartney

>> No.6935692

He does far more than recite the Wikipedia article, why are you being disingenuous? And he's in his 40s, he has talked about getting Adventure of Link shortly after launch once he was able to actually find a copy. He has beaten it.

>> No.6935703

>He does far more than recite the Wikipedia article
Yeah he also adds in ""witty"" political commentary while he's at it.
>He has beaten it
[citation needed]

Also he couldn't beat Ghosts 'n Goblins on NES either. Why does this shitter even upload videos?

>> No.6935726

He doesn't do that very often but he has a couple of times and I agree its cringe

He has said numerous times Adventure of Link is his favorite classic Zelda title so I am sure he has beaten it. Why the obsession with beating games?

>> No.6935742

>Why the obsession with beating games?
Is it really too much to ask that a person who uploads a video on a game complete that game first? You want to hear a film history video by some retard who has only seen half the movie he reads the Wikipedia page of?

>> No.6935750

Its preferred but not absolutely necessary, no.

>> No.6935751

Speccy shitposting can be fun, but not when australia does it. He somehow always manages to be unfunny and dense as fuck.
I blame autism.

>> No.6935754


>> No.6935759

I guess anyone can read a Wikipedia entry after all.

>> No.6935761

>some troll baiting a retard by agreeing with their schizo theories
Wew lad

>> No.6935769

Australia is the scotformer/segasystem guy. He's actually a brit, he just earned the nickname australia-kun because he pretended to be an aussie.

>> No.6935770

I guess that their posting styles totally match the posters in those threads is just coincidence, as is them knowing what I meant when I said they "typed like Eddie."

>> No.6935776

He doesn't read Wikipedia entries for the videos, people who do that are quite onvious, people like Simon Whistler on the Biographics, Today I Found Out and a million other channels. You can pull up the article and literally follow along, the overall structure and key points are all the same, just sentence structure is slightly altered. Jeremy's videos are clearly original research.

>> No.6935784

>Jeremy's videos are clearly original research.
Which consists of reading Wikipedia, writing a script, playing the game for five minutes for footage of the first two maybe three levels and then shitting it into a youtube video and or book.

>> No.6935820

He's a highly respected games journalist and historian, he reads and speaks Japanese. Why you think he just reada Wikipedia is beyond me, he cites interviews with devs and shit that aren't even mentioned on Wikipedia

>> No.6935826

>He's a highly respected games journalist and historian
Never heard of him, nobody else has either. For a historian I can tell you he sucks at his job as I've demonstrated and I don't think any journalist deserves any form of respect whatsoever.
>Why you think he just reada Wikipedia is beyond me
Because I've watched two of his videos now.

>> No.6935828
File: 32 KB, 564x564, 3be3af7267647f29d2d4930d50480e17--tom-hulce-people-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the anon you're arguing with but
>game journalist

>> No.6935832

Why would you have heard of him? You clearly don't consume this type of media because you know better than every video game historian because you're good at Ghosts n Goblins

Show me the similarity or plagiarism of the Wikipedia articles in his videos

>> No.6935837

Yeah yeah

>> No.6935838

>You clearly don't consume this type of media because you know better than every video game historian
Damn straight. Not like that's hard. I do watch these occasionally about games I really enjoy just to see if these cocksuckers get things wrong and I was right in my suspicion in this case.

>> No.6935847

I don't think there was ever any doubt that this was the case. The crysis and bioshock spam didn't take off, so they moved on to something else. It's fine, eventually they'll get bored or mods will start cracking down on the spam. It'll work itself out.

Are you the same guy who was sperging out about that in the savestate thread?

>> No.6935865

>Are you the same guy who was sperging out about that in the savestate thread?
I was in that thread. What gave it away?

>> No.6935893

>It'll work itself out.
Not really since so many old posters left.

>> No.6935903

Jeremy never said that. Just the shitposter making up lies. If you ask him to give you a source, he can't.

>> No.6935913

Source for what? You can watch his video and see the first three levels on the easiest setting with maxed out lives and the only footage further in the game is credited to some other youtuber. You can also hear him say that the double jump was "carried over" from the previous game and that the treasure chests are randomized.

>> No.6935920

The source is episode Zero and the Montezumas revenge episode.

>> No.6935921

kek how can anyone cite him as a credible source?

>> No.6935926

Honestly 1 person is responsible for making this board much harder to enjoy. It's the Wilyvania/speccy guy. Lot of boards have 1 autist that literally ruins the fun for everyone. /sp/ has Twain, /mu/ used to have a gorespammer who made sure no one talks about heavy metal. It's extra noticable on /vr/ because this is a slow board, and people don't make threads very often. So one autist making 5 threads every 6 hours and posting in every other thread every minute actually has a profound effect on the experience.

Im sure his ego is delighted to know he's affected my life so much. You're mentally ill buddy. No one likes you and you're ruining something people actually enjoy. I hope you find peace or blow your brains out, whichever comes first

>> No.6935929

Did they though, or were those threats just part of the same tantrum? There hasn't been any sudden drop-off in the Retro FPS/Thief threads, so it doesn't appear that many people fucked off. The only difference is some 6th gen threads in the catalog, board speed picking up slightly, and that already seems to be leveling out, and shitposting shifting from "popular thing = bad" to "popular thing = bad" and "muh speccy".

>> No.6935937

Just admit that the first Metroidvania was Jet Set Willy and the genre should be called Willyvania.

>> No.6935941

i'll admit you're my dad and fucked my mom if it means you just fucking stop your shit already and let the board function

>> No.6935943

I'd be in favor of making all of Australia-kun's retarded phrases an autoban.

>> No.6935946

Link the video and time stamp it then, so we can see him say that exact quote.

>> No.6935947

I'd love to find and shoot the assembly languager LARPer, I really would.

>> No.6935949

Speccyposting is not just 1 guy. I did some speccy threads, just for fun, mocking the system and its fans.
The wilyvania poster, however, is one guy, and he's an old shitposter here on /vr/. He's trying to reverse the speccy mockery and turn it into a "speccy invented a genre that's commonly associated with nintendo" meme. It's not even the first time he's tried this.
He's an old brit obsessed to the bone with Nintendo, has been shitposting the board for years.
If you're new to /vr/, welcome, I guess. You arrived when the board is already rotting in hell anyway.

>> No.6935954

>I did some speccy threads
go fuck yourself

>> No.6935956

Can I get a quick rundown on this "assembly languager LARPer" guy in your head?

>> No.6935961

Do it yourself. You gonna pay for my research time?

>> No.6935964

Go to the Desu archive and search "dunning kruger" and you'll see his shitposts.

>> No.6935965

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.6935970

I know there's that one aspie that always spergs out and calls people dunning kruger while posting no proof of whatever tripped his autism. I like to reply to that guy because I think it's funny.

>> No.6935979


Eg. in this thread.

>> No.6935986

I'm the second guy he's replying to. As you can see he can be quite amusing.

>> No.6935994


>> No.6936001

British humor, everyone.

>> No.6936015
