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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 687 KB, 1024x768, Panzer Dragoon Saga-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
693001 No.693001 [Reply] [Original]

Finlay beat this game.
The story was somewhat confusing and hard to follow but the game was super enjoyable.
The battle system and the game-play was ahead of its time.
If the game came out today people who'd praise the game-play even by today's standards.

>> No.694465
File: 24 KB, 616x480, Ne-Rai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.697098


>> No.697139

did you use all techniques/attacks?
for me i just stuck with what worked. i didn't experiment much

>> No.697605

It's good, but it has a few flaws. It's easy to get away with cheesing the gun most of the time since AOE attacks and the lasers aren't used as often. Morphing is cool but not really necessary: I beat the game several times without having to morph at all and sticking to the general class. "dungeons", at least the black ruins, were kind of a chore.

everything else is tops though.

>> No.697619

Hey guys look at me I'm autistic enough that I care about spelling errors on the net.

>> No.698425

I owned this game until earlier this year. Never played it. Found it in the mid 2000's at a yard sale for $5... sealed. Sold it for round $500 earlier this year.