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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6926895 No.6926895 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't YOU making new games for old consoles? Why aren't you getting rich off $50 limited run physical releases?

>> No.6926981
File: 615 KB, 1600x2129, dxKAltqL5nu5zsKQCL9fFg_img_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to learn how to develop for PS1 but I don't even know where to start. Actually, that's a half lie, as I am learning C right now to prepare myself... but after that, I don't know what the next step will be.
I saw that some guy made his own SDK psn00bsdk but he says that it isn't complete and may never be.
Maybe Psy-Q is the best/only viable option.
It doesn't help that a ton of links on psxdev.net are now dead.
I would love some advice as to how I should proceed.

>> No.6927051


>> No.6927061

The SDK comes with tons of samples and detailed documentation. You need to know some general gamedev stuff though (memory, graphics, etc). Good luck!

>> No.6927067

>ISA card

would that even work on a modern PC? adapters exist apparently would a modern OS even know what to do with it?

>> No.6927070

Because I know they'll never stand up to what actually came out back then.

>> No.6927084 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 720x439, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image--1623762678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am. I'm working on a DOOM 2D sidescroller on the ZX Spectrum

>> No.6927085

>You need to know some general gamedev stuff though (memory, graphics, etc).
Thank you, anon.
Do you mean stuff like this
I think I have enough reading material for the next couple years

>> No.6927158

>Why aren't you getting rich off $50 limited run physical releases?

>does anybody have a dump of $latest_game?

>> No.6927207

i dont know where to even start

>> No.6927231
File: 54 KB, 180x214, rgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The catalog says it all

>> No.6927386
File: 43 KB, 1137x798, ndsdev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am making a nds game in assembly, still very early on though.
Got tiles working so next up is actual text on both screens, then saving to sd card, then 3d and finally sound and then making the actual game.

>> No.6927396

I tried with the Saturn in 2004 and 2005, but I simply wasn't good enough.

>> No.6927445
File: 69 KB, 720x439, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image-1086563255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently making a DOOM 2D sidescroller on the ZX Spectrum

>> No.6927470

Damn. Love me speccy. Simple As.

>> No.6927475

tbqh if you wanna do homebrew it's easier to start on something like a Spectrum than attempt a full 3D Saturn game

>> No.6927496

What are some decent emulators with debugging features (asm viewer, memory viewer/editor, etc.)? The ones that I know of (No$, VBA) are inaccurate garbage.

>> No.6927501

What I can learn about that? Yes, I'm that much of a fag.

>> No.6927507

any idiot can bang out an Atari 2600 game in three weeks. 5th gen stuff though...that's tougher.

>> No.6927517

It's usually not a bad idea to look into which emulators people use for TAS as those tend to be the ones with the most robust debugging options

>> No.6927537

NES coding can get pretty nasty when you expand beyond NROM. It's better to code for a Mega Drive where there is normally no banking crap.

>> No.6927548

I believe in you anon

>> No.6927579

>It's better to code for a Mega Drive where there is normally no banking crap

is a nice thing about 4th gen consoles. no banking.

>> No.6927580

Yeah, fuck bankers.

>> No.6927590

The MD and SNES both support up to 4MB of ROM so banking is normally never needed. A few late games such as Chrono Trigger and FF6 are 6MB in size and do use it but that wasn't until near the end of the 4th gen.

>> No.6927592

>Why aren't YOU making new games for old consoles?
I am. Many people are. Are you not aware of this?
>Why aren't you getting rich off $50 limited run physical releases?
Because it's mathematically impossible. There are 5 people in the world who are willing to pay $50 for a physical release. $50x5=$250. Meanwhile if you have a half decent idea you can shit out a phone game in a week and actually make some money.

Not retro. But certainly retarded.

>> No.6927616

>But certainly retarded.
Why? I have plenty of experience making 3d engines and programming arm7tdmi. If anything it seems the trickiest part of ds programming is the dldi driver.

>> No.6927758

I've resumed working on a game that could be somewhat accurately described as "Secret of Mana NES demake". I have much of the conceptual work done and I've started trying to learn how to program 6502 assembly.

>> No.6927789

Ps1 dev kits are region free, dumb zoom zoom

>> No.6927795

thats pretty funny

>> No.6927823

>Why aren't you getting rich off $50 limited run physical releases
if you're making a cartridge based game, you're gonna spend most of that 50 dollars on the materials.

>> No.6928348

I've looked into the Mega Drive (SGDK) and PS1 (Psy-Q)

Both are fairly easy to dip your toes into, but producing anything of substance is a slow process. Even converting graphics into the various archaic or bespoke formats the systems require can be a pain in the ass.

>> No.6928505

So many reasons. Those and many other things are obviously not covered in the blog your reading.

>> No.6928579

Anon, you're out of your depth.

>> No.6928952

But the power plug is garbage.

>> No.6928993

>Both are fairly easy to dip your toes into, but producing anything of substance is a slow process. Even converting graphics into the various archaic or bespoke formats the systems require can be a pain in the ass.

oiy, is this guy's style of writing ever cringe.

>> No.6929049

>I've resumed talking about thinking about it

>> No.6929053

Anon, I'm pissing in your inflatable pool. Zoom back to your tranny discord to circle jerk with the other babies.

>> No.6929087

How about retro influenced games or games made as for an older console but for new consoles/PC?


>> No.6929091

And here

>> No.6929109

Just out of curiosity,
Did ex any game devs ever dump their development kits/ programs for the psx online at any point in time?

>> No.6929186

My my look at mister negative here.

>> No.6929191

It's surprising there isn't more homebrew for disc-based 4-6 gen consoles.

>> No.6929315

My my look at the faggot who's buttblasted no one was impressed with his retardation. Sorry things didn't work out the way you hoped little zoomie. Now take your not retro retardation and zoom back to wherever you came from.

>> No.6930528

> ps1
yeah fuck off, faggot.
> american
into the trash they go
>Maybe Psy-Q is the best/only viable option.
psy-q is a pile of shit. don't bother with it. it's a mess.

>> No.6930543

how do i even start
what engine do i use

>> No.6930907


>> No.6931182


>> No.6931239

I'm too occupied with getting drunk off pumpkin ale and watching giallo movies.

>> No.6931349

Im working with NES maker now

>> No.6931354

Do you got nes maker?

>> No.6931357

is there a cracked version of nes maker anywhere?

>> No.6931358

This most people Don t get rich off of limited release games

But it is Good for people to try making new games for old systems

>> No.6931390

No I had to buy a activation key


But what im making is not ground breaking graphic wise

Its closer to super Mario bros 1

Super Mario bros 2 would be graphically advanced compared to the simple platformer im making.

>> No.6931397

Its a great way to have instant recognition, say you make the game for the old console and then sell an emulated version on steam with the option of playing it on the console.
Its free marketing at the cost of more work.

>> No.6931402
File: 56 KB, 222x223, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Icons.Default.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to make 8-bit games and want free software to do so I would suggest making a game for the commander x16 8 bit computer eventually coming out.

>> No.6931407


All im doing is 1 porting a commodore 64 game to the NES.

Second game is a platformer that has early Nintendo style graphics easy game but the main goal is to get my own hobby music into the game.

>> No.6931421


Im not trained I wanted to make 16 bit games but the SNES and genesis is too advanced for me to do anything with plus the games made on those systems had huge staff.

>> No.6931429

IIRC the sega consoles except the saturn are the easiest to program.
The SNES is actually very high in difficulty.

>> No.6931530

>getting rich
Any decent job will give more returns. There's a reason why most people who make that kind of stuff are losers in dead end jobs or living off benefits. Too much autism to apply their knowledge for something that would actually make you rich (ie open your own IT consulting firm).

>> No.6931538

The Gameboy is also pretty cake.

>> No.6931541

>All im doing is 1 porting a commodore 64 game to the NES.
What game?

>> No.6931557

Didn't even think about it desu. For 36 bucks seems like a good tool to have.

>> No.6931581

>All im doing is 1 porting a commodore 64 game to the NES.


Start off with something simple like Squish 'Em. This one is only 8k and you won't have to deal with mapper antics.

>> No.6931623


>> No.6931709

This game looks very simple but it does have split screen scrolling and he'll have to play with sprite 0 bullshit to do that.

>> No.6932105

not necessarily. you can just use sprites for a floating score counter.

>> No.6932425

Are you retarded. That video is fake. Everyone knows the C64 can't do scrolling. Do you even zoom, bro?
Also, using a feature of system isn't "bullshit". And there are other ways to this without sprite 0.

>> No.6932431

>Also, using a feature of system isn't "bullshit". And there are other ways to this without sprite 0.
It's called MMC3 but who the fuck would use MMC3 with an 8k game?

>> No.6932434

>Everyone knows the C64 can't do scrolling

>> No.6932632

afaik there was only ever one commercially released NES game that was 8k and that was Galaxian

>> No.6933156

I think Space Invaders was only 4k but they used a 16k ROM and left most of it empty.

>> No.6933203

I have to say I'm not a fan of most of the early NROM Famicom titles. It didn't get good until mappers arrived.

>> No.6933209

Alisha’s Adventure exist.

TG16 was easier to program.

>> No.6933447

Fun fact of the day: The Atari 2600 has zero input lag because all processing is done in one frame.

>during the vblank all game processing and controller input is done
>during the frame rendering your code loop is drawing the playfield and has to stay just ahead of the beam

On almost every other system, the frame render is spent preparing the next frame of animation, consequently there will always be one frame of lag between controller input and the game responding to it.

>> No.6933460

The Famicom didn't have a built-in IRQ timer because apparently it didn't even occur to the design team. And actually, some early PPU revisions have a rudimentary part of a circuit for generating one which is likely something someone at Ricoh stuck in there but it was never made into anything functional and got removed from later revisions.

>> No.6933471

MMC3 does make NES programming a _lot_ easier. Of course back in the day it was also not cheap and in fact not even as good as third party mappers like the VRC2 and Tengen Rambo.

>> No.6933481

Nintendo's first party mappers were always bleh compared with third party ones and MMC3 and MMC5 were literally cloned from Konami's mappers.

>> No.6933492

You get it, all the lolberts screech about boycotting AAA companies and only buying indie dev, however most good indiedevs are hobbyists and have a job, maybe a family too. Most people don't have time to make even a portion of a AAA game let alone the whole thing. AAA companies have people that specialize in each area of game development.

>> No.6933496


It's a good filter. If the game has MMC3 and/or a large ROM size it's probably a quality release and not shovelware. Shitty games had small ROMs and discreet logic mappers most of the time.

>> No.6933508

that's true and you shouldn't try to do everything yourself unless you're trying to make an Atari 2600 game or something. since this is the Internet age, you can have an open project online with different people volunteering for different aspects.

>> No.6933510

That site has some mistakes on it such as the erroneous DQ4 dump and also where the fug did Bootgod's site go?

>> No.6933514

FWIW after U3 Richard Garriot had an actual team helping him instead of making everything himself.

>> No.6933518

>since this is the Internet age, you can have an open project online with different people volunteering for different aspects.
But you still need to assume everyone's on the same page and you all have a coherent vision for the game.

>> No.6933534

Rocky and Bullwinkle is MMC3 and it sucks dick.

>> No.6933540

I wouldn't be surprised if he packed up and left with byuu. The asshole quotient of the internet is getting too damn high.

>> No.6933560

Home Alone is also a large ROM MMC3 game and I think I'll avoid playing that one any time soon.

>> No.6933574

Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make a game about the Crash Test Dummies?

>> No.6933585
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 9696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idol Hakkenden
>dunno what that's about but if it says "idol", probably nothing good
>search on Youtube and oh god no, someone actually did an English translation

>> No.6933594


>> No.6933602
File: 303 KB, 640x412, idol-hakkenden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might take a guess.

>> No.6933613


Apparently you're a farmer and, uh, ninjas are raiding your garden and you have to kick their ass. That's what I vaguely surmise here.

>> No.6933628


Yay, I love boomer golf games.

>> No.6933660

Because idk how to make a game even if i do have ideas for one

>> No.6934008

Ways is plural champ. When you started with "It's" that should have been a dead giveaway you were dunning-kruger posting. The way MMC3 does it is called an interrupt. MMC3 isn't the only mapper that has an interrupt. Not by a long shot. The size of a game is irrelevant to your false claim that "he'll have to play with sprite 0 bullshit to do that". My only claim is that you were wrong and you've now confirmed that, in addition to being more wrong. You might want to quit while you're behind.

>> No.6934783

I don't have the time to do /vr/ development. I've done some NDS programming with devkitARM but I didn't make a game. I would very much like to make a /vr/ game some day.

>> No.6934793

Which console was easier to develop for? PS1 or Dreamcast? And why?

>> No.6934880
File: 164 KB, 1027x837, forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm basically done with mine. I just haven't had the motivation to polish up a few sprites. I was trying to see if there was a way to publish it on cartridge, but it seems too costly for a little game.

>> No.6935056

Neat it's the assembly language larper guy.

>> No.6935069

Why not do >>6931397 and do an emulated release and a rom download on the side, then later on offer a proper physical release.
Talking about emulators, can you even sell something that is gpl licensed even though its not the main product?

>> No.6935097

yes later era ASIC mappers used with >128k games had IRQs but he's talking about a tiny 8k game

>> No.6935138

it seems most NES homebrews are NROM. people can't be bothered to deal with banking I guess.

>> No.6935163
File: 43 KB, 1000x562, 268bf743df9c2b4a78198e9f74a5cf936b6e6c05_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why they don't is most of them want to put it out as a physical cartridge release.

>> No.6935202


>> No.6935205

>Because I know they'll never stand up to what actually came out back then.

Yeah about that. Did you ever see the remakes of Pac-Man and Donkey Kong for the Atari 2600 versus the originals?

>> No.6935220

Dreamcast bc it has working ogl 1.5, although its only good for 2d shit.

>> No.6935250

Because it wouldn't be enough to make an actual good game, that would imply the losers who buy these things actually having decent taste. You would need to build up a shitty hype train in the community and have previews and alphas and so on.

>> No.6935251
File: 35 KB, 2400x1800, What Remains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly, homebrewers might want to educate themselves that commercial games never had those one pixel width noodle limbs for a good reason.

>> No.6935273

you forget the part where they eat half the ROM with their shitty Famitracker composition because FT is horribly optimized

>> No.6935292

I agree FT isn't that optimized though it's a bit impressive how you can do things with the 2A03 that nobody did back then.

>> No.6935302

That's what I was most likely planning on doing. There's a small GB development community that publishes on itch.io, so I'll just release it there.

>> No.6935306

FT is a music demo/composition tool first and foremost, it's not something you'd actually use to make in-game music due to memory constraints and other reasons. But having said that, late period NES games could get quite elaborate and sound closer to FT compositions (complex melodies, DCPM drums, arpeggios, etc).

>> No.6935325

Arpeggios are something rooted in Euro demoscener music, the Japanese didn't use them or know of them back in the day.

>> No.6935337

Only the Japanese know how to make Mega Man ROM hacks. Americans are too lazy to learn assembly language so they decide to make fan games using high level engines, graphics without needing to figure out the PPU color attribute system, and music whose data would span the entire NES library because Famitracker is horribly optimized.

>> No.6935385

back in the day you had 1-2 programmers, artists, director, and composer. all you had was a couple of programming manuals/schematic diagrams for the system, and some archaic 80s workstation or minicomputer to code on. you had to burn the compiled code to ROMs and test dozens of times. until near the end of the 80s you also had to plot your graphics on graph paper and convert them to hex values by hand.

they had to deal with time and budget constraints as well as not being able to include game content the publisher or license owner found unacceptable. early in a console's lifespan the ROM sizes, programming tools, and general knowledge of the hardware was worse. stuff like the remake of Atari 2600 Donkey Kong? fucking impossible to have made that in 1982. today you have the complete freedom to make all the NES 512k MMC3 games you want and include all the edgy NSFW content you want. did you get to do that in 1990? no you didn't.

>> No.6935398

>elevens didnt know about arpeggios
Are you retarded?

>> No.6935410

And for all that, somehow there's barely a single NES homebrew game that's fun or playable at all. otherwise they wouldn't be garbage that only the programmer himself can find fun or amusing.

>> No.6935427

they're about at the level of shitty Euro games on the Amiga or whatever that look kind of nice but the level design and controls are a joke

>> No.6935443

Most commercial games have a team of several people working and doing Q/C. The problem is, people if left to themselves are prone to developing tunnel vision and not seeing the flaws in their own work. Your co-worker could point out to you "Yeah that sprite could look better" or "This level layout needs to be reworked."

>> No.6936453

yeah that

>> No.6936525

Of the big consoles, which one was the hardest to develop for?

>> No.6936536

Probably the SNES, Saturn, and N64 though the latter two are only hard if you try to use their extended features.

>> No.6936541

The PS2, Saturn, and N64.

>> No.6936549

PS3, its like a Saturn but with 8 processors instead of 2(3?).

>> No.6936553

NES is kind of a bitch once you move past NROM

>> No.6936557

What made the Saturn so difficult?

>> No.6936578

1. Trying to use both CPUs at once
2. The 3D mode which uses square polys that most 3D tools don't support

>> No.6936583

Multi processor systems are always tricky

>> No.6936589

IIRC you needed to do parallel programming for it to actually be useful, plus coordinating the various processors and making sure bus access wouldnt bottleneck.
Basically what this guy says

>> No.6936592

What were they thinking with that shit? Didn't the Jaguar do the same shit?

>> No.6936596

> square polys that most 3D tools don't support
It's an inconvenience but factually wrong; all major3D creation tools of that time support quad patches. SI, 3D Studio, Lightwave, Alias. They all do.

>> No.6936602

The Saturn was supposed to be a 2d only console, the 3d came at the last second when sony announced the ps1 and its 3d capabilities, so naturally sega just went in and pasted some chip shit and voila.

>> No.6936604

If you do 2D and only one CPU then the Saturn isn't difficult at all. Of course the N64 isn't hard either if you wanted to make a basic game like SM64. Trying to use microcodes...oh boy.

>> No.6936608

These hardware engineers are way, WAY smarter than you, faggot. Don't act like you even understand.

>> No.6936619

shut up kid.

>> No.6936624
File: 35 KB, 285x371, bernie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, saturntrannies
Buy a Dreamcast

>> No.6936625


>> No.6936626


>> No.6936631

t. Nincel

>> No.6936632

When the Sonic X-Treme team ended up almost dying of hunger, thirst, and sleep deprivation trying to code a Saturn game, it says something.

>> No.6936638
File: 25 KB, 343x500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good thing about Saturn was its death

>> No.6936639


>> No.6936647


>> No.6936650

Untalented poofters. The only good coders are Japanese ones.

>> No.6936654


>> No.6936656

Nah thats because it was development hell. Apparently they wasted like 2 years and had to whip out the game in like 5 months.

>> No.6936660
File: 97 KB, 800x1195, sega-dreamcast-bernard-stolar-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excelent. Buy another Dreamcast

>> No.6936662

>yes i'm wrong b-b-but
Keep coping kiddo

The mere thought of it sends their baby brains into a fit of the vapours

>> No.6936661

thanks you stupid rear gunner

>> No.6936665

>shills for a Sega system
>"ur a nintendo fanboy!"
What a retard.

>> No.6936669
File: 139 KB, 800x452, Seaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail SEGA

>> No.6936674
File: 21 KB, 640x366, stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand the Saturn shilling, it's almost as bad as the 32x

>> No.6936682 [DELETED] 

No that was because Yuji Naka was a butthole and wouldn't let them use the NiGHTS into Dreams engine and they had to try and make a totally new one from scratch. It was impossible with the deadline they had to finish and after two months of working 20 hour days and nearly dying, the project was mercifully called off.

>> No.6936690

You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with that old Hebrew.

>> No.6936691
File: 4 KB, 171x250, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is in it to you?

>> No.6936692

>Saturn Derangement Syndrome detected
Nincels cuckfirmed.

>> No.6936694

Based Jap. Wagie Wagie back in Cagie.

>> No.6936704
File: 49 KB, 282x358, 20200922_004619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6936729

>x derangement syndrome
back to your containment board, /pol/cel.

>> No.6936735

Back to plebbit, tranny freak

>> No.6936738

No that was because Yuji Naka was a butthole and wouldn't let them use the NiGHTS into Dreams engine and they had to try and make a totally new one from scratch. It was impossible with the deadline they had to finish and after two months of working 20 hour days and nearly dying, the project was mercifully called off.

The project started in 1994 and was supposed to be for the Mega Drive, then the 32x, then the Saturn and they had two teams working on completely different engines. None of this was more than rough demos and nobody really knew 3D that well at this early phase or knew how to get it to work, but some SOJ representative visited and liked the 3D engine they had so he said use that. But the engine wasn't anywhere near ready to go, it was just a demo/prototype. So Bernie Stolar told them they could use the NiGHTS engine instead.

They didn't get very far though before Naka was like (cue Eric Cartman voice) "No you gaijin can't use my engine or I'm leaving Sega! Screw you guys, I'm going home!" So without that they had no choice but to try and use their own prototype engine that Chris Coffin wrote with the impossible goal of having the game shipped by Christmas 96.

They tried but after the above mentioned two months of hopelessly working 20 hour days and living in the office, it was clear the deadline couldn't be met and some of the team members were at death's door from overwork and lack of food, water, and sleep.

>> No.6936745

Based Jap

>> No.6936765

Remember when Shiggy said the one regret he had in his life was not being the creator of NiGHTs into Dreams?

>> No.6936774

So without a true Sonic 3D game for Christmas 96, Sega was limited to offering a Saturn port of Sonic 3D Blast.

>> No.6936790

lyl didn't they later end up hiring some American Sonic fanboys to make one or more of the Sonic Adventure games?

>> No.6936820

Sega was ultimately fucked by the rivalry between SOJ and SOA. Amusingly, Nintendo had a similar problem in the 90s when North America ended up accounting for like three quarters of the N64 market so Nintendo of America made a power play to try and assume overall world management of the entire company, but Yamauchi didn't let them do it.

>> No.6937880
