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6924723 No.6924723 [Reply] [Original]

The only thing keeping this from being the perfect Zelda game is the lack of buttons. Sometimes you end up stopping every 3 feet to swap items, it gets annoying but it's not usually a problem.

Other than that though, I love everything about this one.

>> No.6924728
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The only thing keeping this from being the perfect Zelda game is absolutely nothing.

>> No.6924742

Maybe someday someone will hack in extra item slots. And somehow let you bind extra buttons through an emulator. One can dream.

>> No.6924757

Wow, it's actually a breath of fresh air to see this opinion. Most of the time it's just a circlejerk about how OoT isn't as good as Majora's mask because MM was dark.

I agree though, OoT is a masterpiece.

>> No.6924763

To be clear, MM isnt good. OoT is top tier

>> No.6924770

The switch version was a good effort, and it fixed that particular problem. It feels like the new one was nerfed in difficulty though.

>> No.6924827

really the item swapping doesn't get tedious, at least for me, til the end game. That's mostly because you can use all the shortcuts at that point so you're still saving tons of time back tracking. it's only noticeable because it stops gameplay but it's still less tedious than walking the same dozen screens you already have memorized just to get back to a place you just were.

with all the crazy shit we've seen with mario 64 over the last week or so and the Nintendo leak I wouldn't be surprised to see similar projects popping up. A PC port that incorporates some memory swap that's binded to a hot key doesn't seem impossible. Press 1 to assign sword to the B slot, press shift+1 to bind it to the A slot, press 2 to assign shield to B slot, etc.

>> No.6924870

I loved this game :)

>> No.6924912

Me too man. This is top tier Zelda

>> No.6924920


It's the only way to play.

>> No.6924928


>> No.6925563

The annoying messages everytime you don't have the proper item.

>> No.6925686
File: 28 KB, 500x316, 1600961467079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, it's actually a breath of fresh air to see this opinion.
Just go to reddit. Everyone over there has the same opinion as you.

>> No.6925785

The switch version fucked up by not having D-pad support

>> No.6925898

That's not true at all. It's an MM circle jerk over there.

>> No.6925920

>everyone i don't like is r e d d i t
Reddditors would be all over botw's dick actually.

>> No.6926369

It's understandable why it doesn't though, they remade it for a new generation that didn't grow up with the same rigidness that old games had.

>> No.6926379

Don't get me wrong I hate Reddit too, but it's clear a lot of people on this site have never been there. Just like a lot of people on Reddit have never been to 4chan and they have over-the-top complaints about it that aren't even true.

I was a redditor from 2014 to July of this year, I have a huge list of reasons for hating the site.

>> No.6926392

That and the stone age graphics

>> No.6926398

You can cancel messages with the B button on the OG monochrome version.

>> No.6926402

>be me
>play LA for the first time in june
>get about halfway
>take a break
>3 months later
>dont remember anything about where I left off
happens every time. unless i can devote time to consistantly play through, i end up forgetting the story or what sidequests ive done or what secretes ive aready found
fun game though

>> No.6926403

The internet is full of special snowflake contrarianism, this isn't specific to 1 website.
Most people like both games.

>> No.6926409

Call Ulrira on a phone booth.

>> No.6926419
File: 32 KB, 620x382, 1347218004908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LA will always be my favourite Zelda.

>> No.6926420

turns out Ulrira is very shy in person...

>> No.6926431

Nah man, that's one of the best parts. It was the days when you were used to using your imagination to fill in the shortfalls of the graphical processing.

The human mind is an immaculate gpu

>> No.6926438

You're right. I like both of those games too. They're both good in different ways.

>> No.6926439

That's why you call him on the phone instead of visiting him.

>> No.6926445

I know this is bait but honestly 2D spritework from the actual 2D era > hipster "2D" made with modern 3D graphic engines.

>> No.6926457

I thought that was an excellent way to offer assistance to the player through some of the more cryptic stuff, without being hand-holdy. Wonderful happy medium in my opinion

>> No.6926470

I agree. Earthbound did a similar thing, but it also requires you to pay for hints.

>> No.6926479

I'm glad earthbound is getting the love it deserves these days.

I played it when it came out and couldn't really talk about it with anyone because nobody knew wtf I was talking about lol.

>> No.6926529

MM is dogshit

>> No.6926549

Wow, what a deep analysis, you convinced me!

>> No.6926570

>Linear as fuck world
>Boring landscape
>Every dungeon feels the same
>Stupid mini quests between dungeons
Fun game, but it doesn't compare to ALttP

>> No.6926591
File: 10 KB, 318x287, links_awakening_screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Linear as fuck world
Linear isn't inherently bad, especially now that we know "open world" games can be bland as fuck, but I still disagree, LA's map feels like every single tile on the map counts, and you can't access certain parts unless you find certain underground paths. I love how in many cases you can see certain things, but reaching can be quite complex, or requires certain late-game items to access. LA is less about wandering through empty spaces, and more about knowing how to reach certain places.
>>Boring landscape
Disagree, it looks fantastic.
>>Every dungeon feels the same
What do you mean "feels"? Anyway disagree again, and the music in each dungeon is also great.
>>Stupid mini quests between dungeons
I thought the trading sequence was pretty fun, and seeing the different character's side-stories develop was funny (like delivering the photo of Princess Peach to Mr. Wright from the goat girl)
>Fun game, but it doesn't compare to ALttP
I like both.

>> No.6926597

link's awakening is so perfect that it's the one zelda that needs a qol patch ;)

>> No.6926627

Your taste is dogshit

>> No.6926686

sounds like you're describing ALTTP m8

>> No.6927480

This is a beautiful scene to bring you through the bittersweet ending.

This still, even out of context is gorgeous, especially if it's the GBC version.

>> No.6927892

What makes this better than the GC or 3DS versions?

>> No.6928009 [DELETED] 

The only thing that would make the OoT HD would be a remaster for the switch. It was kind of lame having to use such a small screen to play.

>> No.6928078

GC versions are buggy and somehow run worse than than the 20fps of the original releases.
the 3ds remakes rape the art direction, making the lighting and atmosphere shitty.

>> No.6928085

Alright, I play the original then, thanks anon.

>> No.6928092


>> No.6929328

Pausing to equip boots

>> No.6929380

Don't worry. I'm not.