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6920813 No.6920813 [Reply] [Original]

how did Gex end up being the one true mario killer?

>> No.6921476

What are you talking about Mario killer? Mario is still going very strong while there hasn't been a single Gex game since '99.

>> No.6921503

Hooo boy that's what I think when I think of Mario killer, Gex the Gecko is where it's at I tell you what

>> No.6921512

Have Gex

>> No.6921736

I like the first game a lot but the 3D sequels are lame. If Gex ever gets rebooted it should be like Rayman, go back to 2D.

>> No.6921853

Gex offers what mario couldn't; punchy dialog that engages the player and can identify with them;
'"If this weren't a video game, I'd be on my way to prison!"'

>> No.6921924
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It didn't kill Mario but at least it indirectly killed music.
Also, Gex 2 > Gex 3.

>> No.6922246

It did well enough to spawn two sequels that are more liked then hated but then it just quietly died.
Funny to think that the Gex IP is owned by Square-Enix now because they own Crystal Dynamics, though I think DC are too busy making games about baby Lara Croft and The Avengers to make another Gex game anytime soon.

>> No.6922260

>If Gex ever gets rebooted it should be like Rayman, go back to 2D.
This would be good. 2D Gex deserves another try. The original game was obviously rushed and unpolished but had fun worlds and mechanics.

>> No.6922859

>The original game was obviously rushed and unpolished but had fun worlds and mechanics.

The 3DO version only runs at 30fps because of some of the limitations the machine has when scrolling 2D bitmaps around. The game did make nice use of the hardware. The only other 2D platformer I can think of for the 3DO is Soccer Kid, which was a port of an Amiga game. Gex is the only original platformer for the system and it sold really well too because of that. Would love to see a new 2D reboot in the spirit of the original.


>> No.6922873

I wouldn't want the team behind that Avengers game to make another Gex.

>> No.6923857
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I don't think he's ever coming back, bros.

>> No.6925362

As long as there are PlayStations, there is a chance.

>> No.6925439
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But Gex is dead, and Mario lives.

>> No.6925447

Today's Mario is actually Gex disguised as Mario. Remember, he is a chameleon.

>> No.6925501

>enter the gecko

>> No.6925513

OP must be from an alternate reality where Mario and Sonic were dethroned by Gex and Bubsy.

>> No.6925958

didn't sell on saturn
didn't sell on pc
didn't sell on gbc
didn't sell on psx
didn't sell on n64

>> No.6925974

God that cover is trashy
This game is great though

>> No.6926002

Why did quipformers become their own platforming subgenre
Who thought this was a good idea

>> No.6927047

>didn't sell on saturn
>didn't sell on pc

Crystal Dynamics didn't even waste their time with Enter the Gecko on the Saturn. But they did port it to Windows 9X back in the day, and it was pretty good version.

Interesting that they never ported the third game to PC or Dreamcast.

>> No.6928127

Glide emulators must be pretty good now.

>> No.6928235

Wow that's way smoother.

>> No.6928243
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I remember the gameboy color games being fun (other than requiring passccodes for saves) but I havn't played them in like 2 decades so my memory may be off.

>> No.6928256

>Gex 4 gets stealth announced as a PS5 launch title exclusive

>xbox fans btfo

>> No.6929169

Honestly, a cheap multiplat is more likely

>> No.6929342

By selling billions of copies. Making SEG... eidos shitloads of cash... in fantasy land, where OP lives.

>> No.6929451

Reminder Gex was actually way bigger than Banjo.
Actually, Gex was bigger than God of War would be years later.

>> No.6930308

>Reminder Gex was actually way bigger than Banjo

This is the only real information that I can find on the Gex series sales numbers:

> The Gex series has sold a combined total of over 15 million copies for all platforms. Gex 3 is the best selling of the series, shipping over 6 million copies and also became the best-selling PlayStation adventure game of 1999 with 3 million copies in that year alone.

Who knows how accurate it is? Banjo Kazooie on the N64 sold 3,650,000 units, while Banjo-Twooie sold 1,490,000 units. That's apparently 5.14million carts sold, and these are probably accurate numbers. Then you would have to add the GBA Banjo-Kazooie game, Nuts and Bolts, and the XBLA/ Rare Replay re-releases.


>> No.6930357
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Gex was the closest thing that the 3DO ever had to an official mascot. I wonder if the M2 was made, would Gex: Enter the Gecko been an M2 exclusive? Gex became Crystal Dynamix official mascot after the character went multi-platform. Gex would appear in the Crystal Dynamix logo on all of their PS1 published games. Which only gave the character more exposure.

>> No.6930378
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>> No.6930408
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>> No.6930574
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That classic Gex Crystal Dynamics logo.

>> No.6931030
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> *Crystal Dynamics meeting, 1999*
Employee: "So... what if we got the woman from Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me to be a character in the game?"
CEO: "...K"

>> No.6931305

>GBA Banjo-Kazooie game
Two GBA games. Grunty's Revenge and Pilot. Both pretty good.
Sadly no one bought those games. Most people weren't even aware they existed when Banjo was announced for Smash.

Banjo was memed in, quietly shilled by Microsoft for years, like Battletoads were with the Battletoads pre-order meme.
Microsoft seems to do this to keep their series alive and to see if people are interested in new games.

>> No.6931359
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Gex was also a bonus character in Hot Shots Golf 2 for the PS1.

>> No.6931743


>> No.6932539
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>> *Crystal Dynamics meeting, 1999*
>Employee: "So... what if we got the woman from Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me to be a character in the game?"

That's not Felicity Shagwell from The Spy Who Shagged me. It was a Playboy bunny model who appeared in a couple episodes of Bay Watch as an extra.

>> No.6932626

With pleasure

>> No.6934060

Gex had 2 GB games, multi plat releases for the main games, and even later got rereleased on PS3/PSP as downloadable games. The original Gex can be found on GoG even. I could believe the sales numbers bieng that high.

Personally over time I ended up with
gex on 3DO
gex on PS1
gex on PC
gex 2 on PS1
gex 2 on N64
gex 2 on GB
gex 2 on PS3/PSP
gex 3 on N64
gex 3 on GB
gex 3 on PS3/PSP

That's 10 separate purchases with the same franchise and different versions of the same game.

Meanwhile I had
Crash 1 on PS1
Crash 2 on PS1
Crash 3 on PS1
Crash Team Racing on PS1
Crash NSane Trilogy on Switch
Spyro 1 on PS1
Spyro 2 on PS1
Banjo Kazooie on N64
Banjo Tooie on N64

That's 9 purchases across 3 different franchises and only one version of each (excluding nsane trilogy) and would be 10 if I also got Spyro 3.

Spyro, Crash, and Banjo were all platform exclusive originally. Banjo and Tooie weren't available to buy "new" until recently with Rare Replay (correct me if I'm wrong). Spyro and Crash continued getting sequels and I'm sure Skylander Sales were relatively high. But their main sequels weren't very popular.

>> No.6935374
File: 68 KB, 640x640, dreamcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gex had 2 GB games, multi plat releases for the main games, and even later got rereleased on PS3/PSP as downloadable games. The original Gex can be found on GoG even. I could believe the sales numbers bieng that high.
>Personally over time I ended up with
>gex on 3DO
>gex on PS1
>gex on PC
>gex 2 on PS1
>gex 2 on N64
>gex 2 on GB
>gex 2 on PS3/PSP
>gex 3 on N64
>gex 3 on GB
>gex 3 on PS3/PSP

I think that is just about everything. Missing the Saturn port of Gex 1 and the PC port of Enter the Gecko.

I think the PS1 games generally sold better, as they ended up in bargain bins at discounted prices. While the N64 carts generally cost a lot more, it was much harder to discount an N64 cartridge in price than a CD. Plus there were other competing 3D platformers on the N64 that made the Gex games a slightly harder sell. But the PS1 games were big sellers. I wonder why Crystal Dynamics didn't try to make a Gex 4 for the PS2? It seems like they were having financial issues in the 2000's and shifting over to licensed games.