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File: 91 KB, 741x944, sonic heroes 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6919671 No.6919671 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6919694

it's really not good either

>> No.6919709

the problem is every version of this game is buggy in its own way so its hard to talk about what exactly is wroing with it to everyone else who played it on a different platform where they didnt have those problems but had entirely different ones. i hear the ps2 and pc versions suffer from this the worst

>> No.6919721

The PS2 ver. at least is confirmed to be the earliest beta and the GameCube the latest and most polished. Look up speedrun strats for details.

>> No.6919783
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I don't think anyone ever said it was hard. It's a pain to 100% because you have to do each stage a minimum of 8 times but it's not hard. I think I only ever had difficulty with the special stages because I didn't realise you had to hold the boost button instead of mashing it.

>> No.6919802

I actually wasted the time to complete this game and it was a miserable experience that I regret because I could've put the hours into something better

>> No.6919812

Long as you're not playing the PS2 version.

Still, the adventure games are better. This one felt like a cut down version of them with clunky gimmicks

>> No.6919828
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>tfw unlocked and finished super hard mode on PS2

>> No.6919832

You poor poor soul

>> No.6919848

Eh, it's not that bad. I've unlocked and beaten expert mode on Shadow the Hedgehog twice. Thankfully that was on the GC and Xbox versions.

>> No.6919998

Funny, I was about to make a Heroes thread too.
Mainly because I'm puzzled as fuck as to why Robotnik is referred to as a "Feminist" on the manual, anyone knows if that was some goofy translation/localization error?

>> No.6920004

People claim it's hard...? Also it's alright. Like a solid 6/10 at best. I'd hardly call it one of the great sonic games and SA2 BTFO it pretty hard in terms of just about everything.

>> No.6920018

I would imagine they meant womanizer.

>> No.6920027

That'd make a bit more sense but still would be oddly off character for him. In the Genesis games he was just a mad scientist that only cared about his mechanical creations and getting the chaos emeralds, why would he give a fuck about thots?

>> No.6920042

Who said it's hard? It's just feels shitty to play.

>> No.6920096

>add different teams like Adventure
>give them all the same abilities and levels so it's pointless
Heroes was made by idiots

>> No.6920103

Uh.... it was like that in Adventure, too.

>> No.6920147

sounds that are imprinted into my brain

>> No.6920196

They redesigned all the stages in Adventure

>> No.6920201

who said anything about hard? its just bad

>> No.6920220
File: 18 KB, 654x315, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminist is a loan word in Japanese that gets confusing when translated literally. The manual means that Eggman is deluded and believes himself righteous. I think there was a Rance game that joked like this too

>> No.6920231

You talked about abilities, not level design. Moving goalposts.
Also, Heroes' level design > Adventure.
Heroes feels more in tone with the Genesis trilogy in terms of art direction, too.
Also, as a 32Xhead myself, I was absolutely thrilled about Team Chaotix!

>> No.6920234

He said levels

>> No.6920470

welcome to Sonic games

>> No.6920498


>> No.6920506

look at all those eggman's robots!

>> No.6920554

My main issue is that Sonic and co. are just so slippery and fast. I get that going fast us a big part of sonic games but sheesh tone it down a bit. It's not hard, but some of the wonkiness from the slippery control can be tough. The combat as a whole is shit too. I wish they broke up each level into segments that each character takes on individually. That way each character's strengths could be played to in their own segment instead of having to try and design a single level around all 3.

>> No.6920589

>Heroes' level design regressed us to 99% of the playfield being instant death pits and the rest being cordoned-off combat areas
>this is a good thing

>> No.6920596
File: 116 KB, 239x228, 1577551771452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You talked about abilities, not level design.

>> No.6920615

sonic heroes is gameplay is just the worlds slowest, simplest, stupidest QTE
>run up to pole
>there's a sign that says I need to have sonic out
>"lets have sonic out" - tails, voiced by a 5 year old with a cold
>I do the spin move and then watch a cutscene of the characters spinning up the pole for 5-10 seconds and then get to keep playing
>there's a fan
>there's a sign that says I should have knuckles out, and slightly before the fan they forced me to swap to him anyway
>"yo dude, we should have knux out here" - sonic sounding like he's on prozac and trying to show the kids he's hip
>swap to knuckles and use the fan to slowly fly up, which is literally just holding a button with no challenge for a few seconds before I get to continue playing the game
ect ect. you could probably train a monkey to play this game since it's entirely just reacting to visual cues with pre-programmed simple button inputs with combat that's just "mash the one button until everyone dies or you fling yourself off the stage because of the crazy momentum on everything"

>> No.6922162

This is so damn accurate lmfao

>> No.6922229

Old PC port with fan patches (widescreen etc) is the best version. I wish they just put in on Steam though.


>> No.6922236

Making a Sonic Heroes thread because of Ross' Game Dungeon, hmm?

>> No.6922237

Later levels like the spoopy castle and railway canyon have some genuinely difficult moments. It just sounds like you dropped the game after the first level.

Also the frog forest is one of the better forest/jungle levels in Sonic games, it's really cool.

>> No.6922259
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>> No.6922263

The Cult of Sonic are not pleased.

>> No.6922442

patched PC port > GCN/Xbox versions > shit > PC/PS2 port

>> No.6922760
File: 97 KB, 894x894, game_night_amy_rose_speedpaint_by_cuteytcat_ddxx73v-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching it right now, and or course he's those "IF I'M NOT GOING FAST THEN IT"S BAD" shitters. Sonic is a platforming game. Yes, you go faster then most PFs but you still have to, you know, platform.

>> No.6922804

He's just a little too on the spectrum for me. Going on weird tangents and such that don't even matter.
"Going fast" is pretty much only what people that have barely played Sonic think you do.

>> No.6922856

the point about stages like marble garden being a total drag is one I agree with. Sonic historically has had slow paced platforming, but its a thing I deal with to get to the better stuff.

>> No.6922861

*marble zone, not marble garden

>> No.6923165

Yeah the connotations get a bit fucked, the proper word for feminist in nip is 女権論者, literally "Women's Rights Advocate". And yes there is a line in Rance where he says "Women should be treasured, I'm a feminist you know" but I don't know the context. Knowing Rance it could be him being serious because for all the asshole shit he does he's not a bigot and can and will stand up for anyone who gets discriminated against.

>> No.6924336

The only terrible level in this game is Mystic Mansion. The music is good, but holy shit the level is design is at it's worse in that level, the ending speed section is glitchy bullshit.

>> No.6924448

>Later levels like the spoopy castle and railway canyon have some genuinely difficult moments.
because the physics are so jank you'll accidentally rail transfer off a cliff or homing attack into the void, yes. but even these levels still constantly have these stupid poles/fans/enemies that need specific moves to take out/switches/other dumb shit that just exists to forcibly make you take longer to finish the level because after the sonic adventure games sonic team decided 3D sonic game levels can't be over in 2 minutes anymore for some reason, so they kept coming up with annoying ways to inflate the playtime of their games like dobson

>> No.6924460

Heroes>Adventure 2>>>>>>>>Advernture 1
If you disagree you're eithe ra boomer or a zoomer

>> No.6924626
File: 90 KB, 1136x534, knuck1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speed is a reward for skillful play

>> No.6924842

This game is awful
The adventure series is really a low point in Sonic's career, which says a lot

>> No.6924895
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, Heroes_Special_Stage_C_Challenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the special stages were hard :(

>> No.6925176

>Also, Heroes' level design > Adventure.
None of Adventure's levels have giant copypasted sections like Heroes does

>> No.6925189
File: 41 KB, 440x712, knuck2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked how they were a callback to the gamegear, and I appreciated the challenge.

>> No.6925197


>> No.6925198


>> No.6925204

kek this
>SUUUupp GUYZ! Erm, today we are playing... Sonic GAMES AMIRITE?
>Sonic games are..... *snort*.... Not always good?
>Also, Sonic fanbase have.... you know.... Weird fanart on the Internet??
imagine listening to that in 2020 for one hour.

>> No.6925206

It's comfy.

>> No.6925219

I guess it really feel like this video was made in 2010. I mean, Christ, acting like you just discovered furry art or weird fanart in 2020, on the fucking Internet.

>> No.6925241

Sounding a little defensive there, anon, have some commissions that you're ashamed of?

>> No.6925901

>I liked how they were a callback to the gamegear,

>> No.6925967
File: 16 KB, 240x210, special.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6926108

I'll take care of them!

>> No.6926113

You know you can just hold the boost button right? I thought you had to tap it but I was wrong.

>> No.6926292

>that level
I see we've found the beginning of boostshit level design: in Sonic Heroes.

>> No.6927387

This. Sonic was never good.

>> No.6927442

Ross' episode really isn't about that at all though. It starts with him repeating the same tired crap about Sonic, but he actually gives the game a fair shake and seems to be pretty open to the 3D formula.
A lot of what he says about the gameplay is frustrating because most of his complaints are specific to Heroes and the glitchier Adventures ports; if he didn't reject 3D sonic on face value and would play the DC originals and games like Unleashed, Generations, and the classic series I think he'd like the game a lot.

>> No.6927748

The GameGrumps series on Heroes was fantastic.
Arin choose to play the PS2 version on purpose to make it more funny

>> No.6927821


>> No.6928153

Ross is mostly a pc person so his selection of sonic games is still pretty limited, he's also in Poland, so that might also restrict him. Still, he could have played the adventure games and spend a whole segment on changes from the dreamcast.

>> No.6928163

Sonic was good, people just somehow found a way to gaslight burned out sonic fans into believing it was bad

>> No.6929027

most of Sonic games got released on PC

>> No.6929236

Uh what, that's not original from a Gamegear game

>> No.6929240

This, I tried to beat sonic 2 for like 2 weeks and the last 4 times I played it I ran into 4 gamebreaking bugs

>> No.6929247
