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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6913464 No.6913464 [Reply] [Original]

Childhood is thinking nothing will ever top the Super Nintendo. Adulthood is realising that the Mega Drive was the true king of the generation:
>larger variety of games
>superior ports
>better music (yes I said it)
>better visuals (plus higher resolution)
>more challenge
>CD add-on even has a few worthwhile games and didn't inadvertently create the PlayStation in doing so
I know, I know, another console war thread but I genuinely want to hear why people still claim the SNES is superior. I just feel like most of that console's games don't hold up nearly as well as those on SEGA's 16-bit system.

>> No.6913467

Adulthood is putting childish things, like retro games, away. Don’t kid yourself.

>> No.6913469

See, this could have been just a comfy Mega Drive thread pre rule change. Post tracks https://youtu.be/zpsu8Y4Zov0

>> No.6913491

Compare games that were released for both systems. Almost every time the SNES version was superior, with a few exceptions like Earthworm Jim.

>> No.6913559

Just off the top of my head, Bishoujo Sailer Moon, Robocop vs. Terminator, Mortal Kombat, Final Fight and Aladdin are all better on Mega Drive

>> No.6913698

i preffer the genesis version of Batman and Robin over the snes version.
snes version was more focused on the gadgets and platforming, and you don't see a lot of enemies on the screen simultaneusly, although it does a better job simulating the cartoon, the graphics are a little better because of it.

the genesis version is like a contra clone, the music is just doing its own thing, instead of trying to emulate the classic batman theme it's just blasting techno beats and it's great.
the action feels more fast paced and constant with little interruption, just comparing the first few levels you can see the genesis version is not afraid to throw more enemies at you from every corner.

>> No.6913759

This is /v/ with a time lag now. If you want to get people in a thread you have to shit stirr, or no one will care. See this thread for an example what happens if you don't: >>6911442

>> No.6913810

Childhood is thinking that the one you bought is superior, Adulthood is realizing that both consoles offered a different yet great experience.

>> No.6913835

Genesis games I care about (Including 32X, Sega CD) : 340
SNES games I care about (Including Stellaview, SuFami Turbo): 510

Sorry bro, Genesis loses this fight.

>> No.6913840

No one cares about your shitty thread.

>> No.6913880

I got a SNES far later, but I'll never understand how people like that shitty console.

Sega were the kings of the arcade. There are plenty of competent SNES games, but they're home system titles, not arcade quality. The only SNES game I consider a classic is Super Metroid, but it's trivially easy.

>> No.6913892

SF2 turbo? Mario World? Mario Kart? Sim City? ISS Deluxe?

I'd have these 5 as the zenith of their genres. Metroid is unquestionably the best of its genre.

>> No.6913898

Had both as a kid, played the more obvious releases. SNES mostly has JRPGs and I can't say I want to play any of them after being so underwhelmed by earthbound and final fantasy 6.

Genesis is absolutely more appealing.

>> No.6913907

SF2 is just a shoddy port, SMW is one of those games I'll never understand given SM3 had most of those features and the few additions were mostly casualisations, and I've always hated Mario Kart given it's a bastardisation of the racing genre into a fucking party game. Sim City is an actual garbage port, and soccer games are shit.

>> No.6913943

And there it is, the most retarded thing I will read all day.

>> No.6913946

They used to, that's why you're cancer.

>> No.6913947

Your fucking gay thread is cancer that no one gives a fuck about.

>> No.6913949

>Almost every time the SNES version looks better in screenshots
fixed that for you

>> No.6913950

I care about his thread and you don't belong here.

>> No.6913952

Sure, but it’s iconic
64 is the superior title, super sucks
On a console? ISHYGDDT
Only euros care about this

I’d say that’s a pretty fair take

>> No.6913954

According to who? You and your shitty weeb opinion?

>> No.6913959

SNES has a vastly deeper catalog if you include JP games, and a lot of the best genesis games are JP anyway so there's no point in restricting it to the US.
hardware-wise I prefer the genesis despite the shittier colors, and I agree that it had better sound, but SNES still had the better library overall. they're both good consoles, but there's a reason SNES is seen as superior outside of this board.

>> No.6913961

Childhood is having a megadrive but and thinking that the SNES that your friends have was better but suspecting it might be just because you don't have it.
Adulthood is having both consoles and confirming that the SNES is in fact better by a long way even though there are good games on both.

>> No.6913964

Well apparently we used to be able to have threads about Shining Force >>/vr/thread/S3818128#p3818128 and now we suddenly can't. I wonder what happened.

>> No.6913972


Best port.

SMB3 dominated 8 bit. Even if I was to agree that SMW was just an upgrade, which I don't, it was an upgrade of THE 8bit scotformer. You can't name a better Sega game.

Again, you can't name a superior Sega game

Feel free to cite a superior Sega game

Once again I am asking you to cite a superior Sega football game.

And of course when I say Sega game, I mean a Megadrive port.

>> No.6913976

And you can still have your shitty threads, but clearly no one is interested now. Perhaps they all cut their dicks off and are too busy dilating to participate in the same threads day after day.

>> No.6913993


We don't want you here. You don't belong here. Never belonged here.

>> No.6914003

Who is "we" you sad little faggot? Literally no one gives a fuck about your thread and you are mad at me because why? I have no idea why you are linking to /v/ threads, this is /vr/ you fucking loser.

>> No.6914009

It's not my thread, but I care about it, and you're clearly a migran from one of those threads. Just go back.

>> No.6914010

>Dying on the hill of a Sim City port and football game
The absolute state of Nincels

>> No.6914013

I like mega drive more because it has very cool blast processing

>> No.6914018

Based on what? The fact that I don't give a fuck about weeb games that have an entire board dedicated to them? Make me go back, wimp.

>> No.6914019

>Cited zero better games
No wonder Sega went bust.

>> No.6914021

Ah yes of course Sega had nothing better than a bad PC port and a mediocre footy game. What a shit company lol!

>> No.6914025

So name them. You won't because you can't.

>> No.6914072

You have low standards.

>> No.6914089

Yeah you're right, I absolutely can't name any haha. Only Nintendo makes good games.

>> No.6914098


>> No.6914264

Scrub who hasn't explored entire console libraries detected.

>> No.6914280

Childhood is console wars

also this:

>> No.6914372
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>all these posts defending SNES, yet none of them list any worthwhile games
Sure feels good being a Sega Chad.

>> No.6914937
File: 99 KB, 640x902, 35747_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once again I am asking you to cite a superior Sega football game.
ISSS Deluxe is also on the Mega Drive.

>> No.6914968

The genesis has technically better music, but it sounds worse to me. Like the palette they’re working with or something . Really don’t like the genesis music

>> No.6914976

Only Americans give a shit about Nintendo consoles.

>> No.6914984
File: 2.01 MB, 1080x1175, 4C8F5E5D-F4A7-42E6-9662-338709830139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adulthood is having a well-paying stable job that allows you to purchase the Neo Geo for your sons that you wish you had growing up.

>> No.6914986

As is SF2, both games being better on the SNES.

>> No.6914991

back then i found the sound of the megadrive so shitty i even prefered the master system, such as here

>> No.6915012
File: 96 KB, 750x803, 1590723404848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I love the Genesis but you're absolutely wrong.
>larger variety of games
That may be true but the SNES has a large variety of actually good games. There are maybe like 30 genuinely excellent Genesis games.
>superior ports
Play The Hyperstone Heist and Sunset Riders compared to their SNES counterparts.
>better music
Compare both versions of Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Super Off Road and get back to me.
>CD add-on even has a few worthwhile games and didn't inadvertently create the PlayStation in doing so
The Sega CD was pretty much the beginning of the end for Sega and led to them trying to put the Genesis on life support with the 32X and 32X CD games. Plus there are like 3 good games for the CD so wrong again.

>> No.6915021

>Compare both versions of Zombies Ate My Neighbors
You mean that game that's censored on the SNES? Lel

>> No.6915030

Other than Square, most of the big Japanese developers put out rather underwhelming SNES games compared with their NES efforts.

>> No.6915031

Adulthood is knowing that you can't be a kid again, but doing what you love regardless, because you don't have to answer to anybody. Only those who are mentally weak are still trying to fit in and do what everybody else wants you to do.

>> No.6915039

>>better music
>Compare both versions of Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Learn to read retard

>> No.6915046

Got nothing to say about that rest of his post, console warrior?

>> No.6915048

>He thinks this
>Is superior to this

>> No.6915052

Yes everyone had the misfortune to read your failure at cherrypicking

Who would respond seriously to a console warrior?

>> No.6915060

I never said the SNES has better music in general. Just most of the time, especially with multiplats.

>> No.6915062

Man I can't fucking stand the way the drums sound on the genesis. When they do those fills. It's like someone rolling their tongue. It's so bad

>> No.6915078
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>> No.6915097

This is your brain on shittendo

>> No.6915114
File: 426 KB, 827x742, 2020-09-23 20_36_47-_vr_ - Childhood is thinking nothing will ever top the Su - Retro Games - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the funnier version