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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 515 KB, 500x375, pepsiman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6903983 No.6903983 [Reply] [Original]

games with this aesthetic?

>> No.6904031 [DELETED] 

>this aesthetic

I didn't realize that "white supremacist" was an aesthetic now

>> No.6904035




>> No.6904056


>> No.6904060

bubsy 3d

>> No.6904085

lsd dream emulator

>> No.6904091

Yo! Noid 2?

>> No.6904118

That's what I thought it was when I saw the thumbnail.

>> No.6904127


>> No.6904140

>le epic vaporwave ironic capitalism aesthetic

>> No.6904142

Bubsy 3D
Tobal no1
Namco Museum

>> No.6904150

You mean A E S T H E T I C .

>> No.6904159

I hate that ironic aspect but i unironically like, well, the aesthetic. Just take away the tryhard pizza pepsi shit

>> No.6904208

found the communist

>> No.6904225

mario 64 just look at the thread in the catalog

>> No.6904235
File: 142 KB, 680x510, proxy-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6904236

found the dumb ass

>> No.6904596
File: 13 KB, 259x194, Gloverboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glover, maybe.

>> No.6904735

>Just take away the tryhard pizza pepsi shit
>just take the pepsi out of pepsi-man, bro

>> No.6904749

Velvet Swing

Broken Reality

>> No.6904763

I like the aesthetic too. It's cool, and clean, and dreamy.
Fuck off retard.

>> No.6904764

Stay mad commie. Pepsi man is better than your shitty ass system.

>> No.6904813
File: 61 KB, 640x480, 3-2013.03.27_23.21.18_-_Immercenary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immercenary, perhaps?

>> No.6904826

This OP.

>> No.6904830

>implying communism triggers you
Have sex incel and stop being racist and unfun at parties just because your mother didn't hug you enough you unironic edgy schizophrenic that takes things too seriously to the point that you obsess over the jewish in a non-popular website!

>> No.6904845

That’s not a pepsiman screenshot

>> No.6904865

Vaporwave is ironic? I've always enjoyed vaporwave/cyberpunk/etc. on a completely unironic level.

>> No.6904874

An aspect of vaporwave is mocking consumer culture

>> No.6904881

hey anon are you going to gather the images for your shitty facebook page with fullwidth/spaced out letters ? beacuse its been done to death since 2013 and there's already pages with 10k+ likes doing it and taking content from here

>> No.6904897

Yeah originally it was, its postmodern snark. Since been adopted by people who are more genuine and sincere but still morons imo, sorry to say

>> No.6904910

Alpha waves

>> No.6904928

Eh there are morons behind every movement or ideology. I don't care if the people behind it are stupid as long as I can keep looking at Greek sculptures with katakana over them and listening to remixed elevator music

>> No.6904930

>Jumping Flash
Legit the only non-meme answer that I can think of, it's just pretty low-poly

>> No.6904972

>doesn't recognize pepsiman

Are you retarded?

>> No.6905373

Shiggy diggy do you people think that OP’s pic is taken from pepsiman?

>> No.6905398

>trannies are now posting on /vr/
feels real bad

>> No.6905405


Better stop with the bullshit politics before you summon a /pol/ infestation

>> No.6905424

you are years too late anon

>> No.6905713

whining about irony and starting a post with "le"? kill yourself

>> No.6905930

imagine being baited this easily

>> No.6906064
File: 55 KB, 656x371, sonic-mania-special-656x371[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic Mania bonus stages.

>> No.6906102


>> No.6906258

Bubsy 3D

>> No.6906373


>> No.6906502

Not retro.

>> No.6906660
File: 272 KB, 850x732, Evaluating-first-order-sentences-with-the-program-Tarskis-world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try tarski.jar

>> No.6906664

i think you did and thats why you assumed it was

>> No.6906675

Congratulations on your ability to make people upset

>> No.6906929

Kill yourself.


>> No.6907097



The Sentinel:

Tower of Babel:

Did I miss anything?

>> No.6907101

Wow, this is sick. Thanks anon

>> No.6907108

hacks and mods of retro is considered retro. mania is repurposed content and assets.

>> No.6907620
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x1785, 7839041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6907723
File: 73 KB, 800x792, IMG_6559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you luxuriate in the wind?

>> No.6909060
File: 6 KB, 638x399, xu3HNrB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6909246

>le virgin 2d universe
>has to use the same hole for both eating and pooping
>her gf has flat ass and tits, doesn't care
>insecure about his perimeter

>chad's tarski world
>his logical propositions are the only truth in this universe
>kino aesthetics
>basically, he is god

>> No.6909252


>> No.6909273

Omfg dude. Underrated game right here. The soundtrack is perhaps my favorite of all on PS1 :)

>> No.6909291

they're new assets

>> No.6909310

>>stop complaining when people act retarded

>> No.6909317

It's people that wish we became a cyberpunk utopia that like the feel it gives. We were to have flying cars and full body vr and such. Replicants. Etc. WE have a cyberpunk dystpopia right now but it's also too much like the l950s still but with less rights and a lower standard of living.

>> No.6909321

yea I know what you mean bro. I like the seapunk, fern, and windows95 aesthetics of vaporwave but I don’t like the pepsi/pizza shit.

>> No.6909326

another reminder for me to give this game a proper go

>> No.6909364
File: 42 KB, 600x400, 1469262597506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this console doesn't exist
>no one at my school has heard about it and you have this look on your face when you play it like you're not really home.....
>w-where did you get it? f-father?
>are you from another planet?
>what did you do with my real f-f-father?

>> No.6909372


>> No.6909394
File: 297 KB, 325x533, 1571503124499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surely someone acting retarded for attention will stop if i give them attention!

>> No.6909449
File: 235 KB, 2048x1472, 1594693203854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6909492

someone say pizza?

>> No.6909498

They'd just (You) their own posts and monkey see monkey do.

>> No.6909505

Stalin got more kills than Hitler and the Soviet rev lasted for like 80 years.

>> No.6909529

this desu

>> No.6909593

The beauty of vaporwave, like all great art, is that it's open to interpretation. You can enjoy it ironically or unironically or somewhere inbetween. Vaporwave is a way of organizing your perceptions of the world, it's not someone preaching a political message at you.

>> No.6909795

Yeah this.

>> No.6909828


>> No.6909987

This post has to be a joke, not even reddit drinks this much soÿ.

>> No.6909993

The only person Stalin killed was his own wife, you mutt.

>> No.6910715


>> No.6910790
File: 2.10 MB, 2500x3158, Virtuality_marketing_page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dactyl Nightmare maybe. Don't think it's possible to play on modern VR systems though.

>> No.6910801

pepsi man

>> No.6910832

Virtuality is working to bring ports of Dactyl and their other games to modern VR.

>> No.6910838

Sentinel was such a weird game. I need to check out the other games you listed and the others in this thread, I'm a sucker for weird concept games.

>> No.6910874

Speaking of VR and Sentinel, there's a pretty great VR port named Augmentinel, based on the emulated Speccy code.

>> No.6910902

Thanks anon, didn't know about it.

>> No.6910931

Oxyd 3D, the best vaporware of them all


>> No.6910936

CUBE (defender of the polyverse)

>> No.6910939


It's usually the first to come up in these threads, so everyone already knows about it.

>> No.6910964


The fun cannot be halted

>> No.6911063

It is, doesn't mean it can't be fun though. Other guy is just a jaded fag.

>> No.6911252

Does anyone have a fucking working ISO for this game

It's stream only on internet archive and the only place i can find that even pretends to have it for download has some bullshit ISO that does not work with any BIOS (i tried all of them) and does not match the redump checksum

>> No.6911264
File: 974 KB, 1680x1050, cFz6gLc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the weirdest game I've ever played and own. It's like some really strange new-age fever dream shit mixed with Aztec mythology or something.

I bet not a single person here has ever played this, let alone heard of it. I bought it from a video rental store for $5 about 5 years ago. Playing it on a real CD-i is a truly sublime experience.


Also Lazer Lords on the cd-i is trippy af

>> No.6911608
File: 26 KB, 640x480, IMG_6560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaball Screen

>> No.6911658
File: 172 KB, 384x280, IMG_6561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tetris cdi

>> No.6911731

Now THIS is fucking cool. Thanks for posting anon

>> No.6911741

God damn I want to play this game so bad but I'm not buying a cdi for it. Can't figure out how to emulate cdi either.

>> No.6911746
File: 35 KB, 288x224, IMG_6563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burning force
Hot chick on motorbike in neon checkerboard future funk is my fav assthetic.

>> No.6911749
File: 334 KB, 2048x2048, 1595610969082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worlds.com and all of its odd japanese knockoffs


It originally was ironic/postmodern as established by shit like EccoJams/Far Side Virtual/Floral Shoppe, but it soon became appropriated by retarded zoomers who can't even remember 9/11 to fit their retarded "nostalgia for something they haven't experienced". This shit about "open to interpretation" is just retardation spouted by children from Twitter or Reddit.

>> No.6911781

>only one post mentions Namco Museum
This anon knows what's up.

>> No.6911860

wait, stuff like this counts?

well then have this one
used to play this as a kid

>> No.6911910

I killed communists in the war, kiddo ;^)

>> No.6912768

Just about every Virtuality game.

>> No.6912838

How many people did Hitler personally kill you slow fucker?

The point is that communism is a powerful ting, your right winger memes are barely even alive and are only alive because no one has gang-banged USA as they did HItler's police state on account of the German nukes the usa stole.

Also the uk, if it were to get it's ass tapped too then this salty right winger shit would finally stop forever because it's lucky to be alive as it is.

>> No.6912875

Only on a surface level. If you look underneath, there's complete glorification of it. You can't have true vaporwave without basking in the consumerism. It's nostalgia for it, with a sprinkling of light critique. That is, until some retard just pastes nike logos on everything and muddies up the presentation

>> No.6912880

shut up, retard

>> No.6912889

These are so eerie

>> No.6912918
File: 25 KB, 640x400, skyroads_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6912921


>> No.6913016

at this point your best bet is probably to buy it yourself

>> No.6913051

laser lords looks like a tim and eric sketch, it just looks so shitty and unintentionally hilarious

>> No.6913136

where the fuck did this aesthetic even come from

>> No.6913257
File: 66 KB, 490x610, d8345ab6c7014814e20ab2ba74debe4d--surrealism-painting-art-paintings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surrealist Art I would guess.

>> No.6913374

you mean Z O O M E R

>> No.6913405

Abstract geometry makes me think of The Sentinel (1986).

>> No.6913416

There's really not an rom anywhere? Just how many roms have we lost over the last few years?

>> No.6913417
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Life Stage: Virtual House (3DO)

>> No.6913435

there's one on cool roms

>> No.6913456 [DELETED] 

I came to posted that one

>> No.6913492

google Dali or Magritte

>> No.6913550
File: 713 KB, 740x555, masturpish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just early CG. Wonky primitive shading and limited rendering capacity combined with nerdy "artists" with undeveloped taste trying to be the next Dali or whatever is how you get shit like this.

Basically, things like checkerboards and spheres with reflections on them were easy to render, while classical statues and shit were how you showed off. And combining them was how you revealed your lack of taste.

>> No.6913585
File: 179 KB, 1440x1080, lodge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternately, Twin Peaks. If you want to believe there's some specific place it "comes from".

I think it was just the usual case of lots of people being influenced by something they saw in pop culture and these ideas bouncing around and cross-pollinating until you get this fad where for a short while something like "statues on chessboards" becomes the common shorthand for "cool" before everyone eventally realizes it's a dumb cliché and stops doing it. Basically the same thing as that neon lasers "aesthetic" in the 80's.

A couple of decades later dumb zoomer hipsters find it and revive it as some ironic "movement" because now it's retro and therefore cool but only "ironically" or whatever.

>> No.6913821
File: 46 KB, 491x500, 51XA5GJQRVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6913829

Not a game but Alice.

>> No.6913837

Death of the author etc etc. You can't control what people do with art or how they interpret it. Literally what makes art survive is its ability to be appropriated into different contexts and interpreted differently.

>> No.6913868


>> No.6913897

If Burning Force counts, then so does Space Harrier.

>> No.6913910

Calm down and dry your tears, reddit.

>> No.6913923


The general aesthetic predates Twin Peaks, I always felt the Red Room was heavily influenced by Mario 2 & 3. Even clothes from the 80s were dominated by patterns like that. But yes the checkerboard was a staple of early 3D because it was a cheap way to convey depth. For me a big part of that aesthetic was the sky/statues and I always felt it was a nod to Greco-Roman architecture, which was also prevalent in cartoons of the era. It's strange because I get new age and ancient vibes out of the same thing.


>> No.6914469

Stalin = 62 mill
Mao = 35 mill
Hiltler = 21 mill

That and there's tons of commie nations now days. They're a popular and efficient thing. It's a common sense thing really, and though sabotaged when they get going they rape the shit out of you and you should thus be afraid.

Righties are just the fuedal system. It's strong, but the peasants want to be commies in such nations.

Can you not hear the people singing?

>> No.6914483
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, tranny tripfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This tripfag is a fat homosexual.

>> No.6914630

capitalism doesn't care if you really believe in it, it will save mankind regardless

>> No.6914790

but at the same time its a lament, a memory of a time that didnt truly exist. its the happiness they portrayed in commercials and the joy of buying things all being seen through the lens of a bunch of modern doomers. thus, its all about a memory that is vapor. something that cant be really relived or recaptured ie thats why the slowed down sad feelings to songs that were previously loud and upbeat. the commercial video loops that seem happy while the music is bright but hollow. vaporwave is about windows 95 and the early internet bringing promise. something that didnt happen how a lot of us thought as most of us are lonely and distraught. the future delivered to us a vapor of dreams.

>> No.6914796

>Literally what makes art survive is its ability to be appropriated into different contexts
literally how art grows and evolves. however, it can remain what it always was if the original intent was clear and people adhered to it. that is not the case with several artforms a new generation latches onto.

>> No.6915596

now you've got me thinking of a retrowave demake where everything is top down 2D and the music is midis played on gramophones

>> No.6916171

It's also a Frankenstein monster of older Sonic games' special stages that could have been valid answers to OP's question like Sonic CD and 3&K.
Seriously fuck Mania though. Literally nothing in that game is original.

>> No.6916205

Looks like shit, the purposely bad assets just make it look like an emulated DS game

>> No.6916238

are u telling me pic related is the kind of person with she/them is their twatter bio

fuck america tb.h