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/vr/ - Retro Games

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690370 No.690370 [Reply] [Original]

Has ebay effectively killed game chasing? Every flea market or garage sale I've been to has ebay Buy it Now prices.

>> No.690373

>Takes nearly 20 years

>> No.690379

I usually go to Amazon first. If it's too crazy there I check on eBay. There aren't any local places to find rarities around here.

>> No.690384

I'm sorry let me say, has it FINALLY killed game chasing.

>> No.690423

>Every flea market or garage sale I've been to has ebay Buy it Now prices.
Seriously? That sounds like an exaggeration, or you're just having horrid luck.
Amazon is even more ridiculous than ebay.

>> No.690425

No, but it undeniably has hurt the pre-owned games market quite a bit.

>> No.690489

>That sounds like an exaggeration

Not OP, but every single garage sale (except one) that I've been to in the last year and a half that has had "retro" video games were priced as if the seller had recently checked eBay. I go to at least a dozen garage sales every weekend, so this isn't an isolated incident.

I went to a garage sale yesterday morning that had boxes and boxes of kids clothes for $0.50 each, assorted small appliances for next to nothing and a Genesis model 2 with power supply, NO controllers, games or A/V cable for $40.

And the only "retro" video game store in my area is filled with dirt common SNES carts for $12+. A lot of them still have Goodwill price tags on them, most $1.99 or $2.99, which was what I was paying for them myself in 2004-2005.

So yeah, eBay and "retro" game stores have destroyed this hobby.

>> No.690609

Well, from the gamer pov yes, but if we widen that perspective a bit more, ebay and its prices is not really the cause of the retro vague, just an accompanying consequence. It was meant to happen. What has game chasing in its current state is the fact that the generation who played those games is in the nostalgia age. It will pass, so if I were a game chaser I would hold my wallet and emulate as I wait.

>> No.690629

Better get your LttPs and Castlevanias now before they shoot up to +100 per loose cart in the next couple years

>> No.690659

eBay has been around forever. Why would you think it's just now having an affect on yard sales and the like?

>> No.691213

It's not ebay you idiot. Everyone who grew up with a SNES/Genesis whatever is now old enough to hold down and job and they want their games back.

>> No.691219

I keep telling you faggots to try Amazon or small business gaming websites.

>> No.691229


If you're patient, you will never ever have to pay more than $30 for any game in perfect condition.

The key here is patience.
Century long patience

>> No.691305

Don't apologize even in jest. You used the appropriate wording. Some people are just illiterate.

Yes, resellers have ruined the market with eBAIDS. Thank fuck for flash carts and mod chips.

>> No.691319


Or I can just download the ROMs from a site in Romania. A piece of software is a piece of software.

>> No.692095

It's not just ebay, it's also the "game chasing" resellers on youtube and the scumbags spamming craigslist with want ads and then reselling their pickups on there at ebay level pricing that are ruining game collecting for the rest of us.

>> No.692139

Use emulators.

>> No.692186


Yeah, my local retro stores prices are nuts. Asking $40 for good MM cartridge, $50 for Lumar 1 and much more absorbent prices.

He even sells Pokemon Gold and Silver for like $20 a pop, and things like Emerald for as much as $25!

Fuck these people.

On the plus side I have found eBay to be pretty good with prices, it just takes a little bit of savy bidding and searching to find good prices. In my experience eBay has been the cheapest compared to local stores and Amazon.

>> No.692220

pfft, i've seen a cart only pokemon crystal for 50 bucks the other day. pokemon games man, people think they are worth gold or something...

>> No.692240

eBay can be alright, you just have to search & lurk. I got 2 snes consoles, 3 n64's with a steering wheel for it (never even seen one for the n64 before), a ps2, 3 gamecubes and a broken ps3 for under £70. All with leads apart from the snes's and probably 40 assorted official and non official controllers for them plus some for the mega drive. That day was a good day

>> No.692251

in all fairness, would you pay good money for NCAA college basketball on the Gamecube? Or would you look it up on eBay, see that it's actually rare and then buy it cheap as a generic sports game and brag about how you got such a great steal? Would you sell it for a low price? Or would you check online to see that it's rare and jack the price up so you don't get jipped those extra 40$ you could get?

It's the whole "why can't ignorant sellers give me games i would pay good money for at low prices and i only know their value because I also check ebay" mentality that has plagued collecting now. Good and rare games will cost more and the average person has a smart phone so they can google what the price is worth. This is the state of the reselling industry and collecting industry so just sit back and don't waste money on used games unless you can justify it to yourself.

>> No.692274

because of fagdicks like
we'll be having to wait for the bubble to pop

>> No.692285

>50 bucks for Lunar 1
depends on what version it was, and if it was complete. For the Playstation version, that would have been a pretty good deal

>> No.692420
File: 19 KB, 420x190, the-purple-tape-420x190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sellers asking ridiculous prices for items
inb4 not game related


>> No.692428
File: 59 KB, 1033x582, ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I hate shit like this. Sage for not being retro.

>> No.692430

>I can't get my games for dirt cheap
>EBAYS fault.

Why do you think the internet is somehow different from the real world? People dictate prices; Ebay hasn't a thing to do with it.

>> No.692476
File: 315 KB, 1178x1118, ebaysly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage for not technically retro, but relevant

>> No.692538

eBay has changed the market. Whether or not eBay has "killed" the market is a matter of opinion. From the perspective of the seller, eBay is a fantastic tool. From the perspective of the buyer, not so much.

Video game collecting has really exploded in popularity over the last two years, and eBay has helped facilitate that, but the real reasons for this are:
a) First and foremost, the kids who grew up with this stuff are now in their mid twenties, have "grownup" jobs, and are wanting to buy it back. It's the same reason that toy collecting exploded in popularity many years ago, why Atari collecting was the first real big deal in the sphere of game collectables, and why NES, SNES, Genesis, and PlayStation are just now catching up. This is the main reason why demand is higher, and thus, prices are higher.
b) It would also be foolish to discount the impact that James Rolfe, Game Grumps, and other internet celebrities have had on demand. I'll be honest with you and admit that AVGN got me into game collecting.

Really, the prices you are seeing on eBay are fair given just how far demand has spiked in the last 24-36 months. Is it a bubble situation? Perhaps. But right now, this is what the market is, and we just have to deal with it. As long as people are dropping $450 on Panzer Saga (and they are), sellers are going to keep asking it.

As for yard sales and flea markets, you're going to see less and less naivety from these sellers in the future. Anyone who is not an idiot is going to check eBay for the going rate on what they are selling. They know that what they have is often times valuable, and it's their right to price it at fair market value.

>> No.692542


And that's the thing that I think a lot of collectors here don't understand. eBay dictates fair market value at this point in the game. There aren't enough independent shops to influence eBay pricing, and you're not going to see Earthbound go up for auction at Sotheby's anytime soon. eBay is literally the barometer for pricing in 2013. This is what the market is now. Sometimes you'll luck into finding a yard sale hosted by someone who is clueless, but it's not like we were going to keep it a secret forever. With a market this profitable, it's impossible to keep people from finding out about it.

My personal opinion on eBay is a positive one. I buy a few things a week from sellers online. I live in the Midwest. The closest (decent) retro game stores are an hour and a half away in Chicago. Pawn shops near me have jack shit. I don't have time to garage sale. I have disposable income and have come to accept that this is what the market is, and no matter how much I or others here bitch, it's not changing anytime soon. I enjoy the bidding process, and I'll purchase BIN listings as I see fit. I'm content with it.

>> No.692549


That's mostly true, but Ebay+Paypal's high fees and amortization of a seller's risk do necessarily impact prices.

>> No.692927

As someone who is into music collecting actually more than vidya collecting--
Rare? Okay. Obscure format? Ehh. Artist most people have never heard of? Suddenly it's reduced to comparatively shovelware.
$5,000 is absolutely outrageous. If it truly is rare I'd personally appraise it at maybe $30 at the absolute, ABSOLUTE GENEROUS HIGH END of the market, more realistically $5-10.
I have some musical releases where less than 5 copies were ever made. A few where only one copy was ever made. Rarity does not guarantee value. If it did I'd practically be a millionaire.
sage for off-topic