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File: 227 KB, 418x308, cv4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6901545 No.6901545 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6901550

Go back to bed, Australia.

>> No.6901552

For me, it’s low effort bait threads

>> No.6901557

There is a hard mode you unlock upon beating the game yes? What's it like?

>> No.6901561

Nah, that’d be Dracula x

>> No.6901568
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, CV4 gold.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also access it with a password. It's the best way to play the game. Gives some enemies slightly more health and alters some enemy placements. The changes are minor compared to something like CV3 but that hard mode might of taken things too far. This one is just right.

>> No.6901590

Which version? There's a good one on SNES and a lackluster one on Turbo-CD.

>> No.6901709


>> No.6901724

It's the last Classicvania.

>> No.6901734

Worst is no doubt CV the Adventure for Gameboy. What a bad game.

>> No.6901776

This, it isn't even a question. Though the gameboy games usually get left out of the discussion.

>> No.6901804

Adventure is fine, just runs a bit too slow. Legends is the actual worst Gameboy Castlevania.

>> No.6901850

What about Dracula X? Sure the aesthetic is different, but the gameplay is there.

>> No.6901860

At least it have Battle for the Holy. But other than that it is a very flawed game. I cant blame the system when Mario Land 1 and 2 as well were great games. The 3rd GB CV is however a good game

>> No.6901913

Woah, cv3 has a hard mode?

>> No.6901919

Yes, either on a second loop or with a password. It's ridiculously hard. For example the first level has a new enemy: flying skulls that are like Medusa heads if their pattern was wildly unpredictable and they could go to the top and bottom of the screen.

>> No.6902181

Not sure if bait but I'll bite. Castlevania X is the worst Classicvania. It's pretty much a shitty port of Rondo of Blood. The only thing going for it, is the music. IMO the best Classicvania of that era is Castlevania:Bloodlines, for the Megadrive/Genesis.

>> No.6902262

You mixed these up, anon.

>> No.6902291

I didn't even know that 4 did and I've been playing it since 1993.

>> No.6902346
File: 280 KB, 510x856, 1558852100731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if we're gonna talk actual worst classicvania...
DOSvania exists, Amigavania exists, C64vania exists.
For actual Castlevanias made by Konami themselves, I think the real worst one was Haunted Castle. At least it gave us some really good music, though.
BTW regarding Rondo vs DX, I think both are good games, and if you like one, you should like the other, since they only share the same gameplay and main character, but have completely different levels. DX is like playing a sort of sequel that reuses enemies (and it's not like CV doesn't reuses a lot of enemies throughout the series)

>> No.6902467

>DOSvania exists, Amigavania exists, C64vania exists.
When is James going to do that computer Castlevanias episode?

>> No.6902473


>> No.6902476

The angry video game nerd actor.

>> No.6902545

Oooh, now that you say it, yeah, he should do an episode on those, they're fantastically bad.

>> No.6902596

It's the worst 16bit game (no, we're not going to count 'miger trash) but it's still pretty good.

>> No.6902604

He did a series of episodes about Castlevania, but as a nostalgic recap. He reviewed the N64 games, but ignored the other bad ones.

>> No.6902694

The N64Vanias aren't even that bad

>> No.6902707

Yeah, they also got decent reviews back when they came out. It was only in retrospect that they started receiving hate, as many other early 3D games did.
CV never worked in 3D, but CV64/LoD was still the best one, with LoI close second (mainly due to the music)

>> No.6903026

LoD is pretty good and just has shitty camera at times. Nowhere near the worst CV game.

>> No.6903225

So true.

>> No.6903227

dracula x is unironically better than rondo, rondo was all hype

>> No.6903234

Placed CVIII as holy trinity instead Super remake faggotly.

>> No.6903245

rondo instead of the sharp one and it's perfect

>> No.6904047

Yes, yes it is. Dracula XX is a much better classicvania.

Yes. It also worth noting it is the first time the spear knights actually use their spears.

Also the NTSC-U version has enemy sprite changes the NTSC-J version doesn't have on hard

>> No.6904117

>My childhood game is better than the clearly superior one!

>> No.6904171

I played SCIV and Chi no Rondo back to back and have to say, the former really pales in comparison.

>> No.6904172


>> No.6904173

Playing Rondo (on the wii) on a crt was one of the most impressive experiences I've ever had.

>> No.6904178
File: 16 KB, 367x136, 1481971499878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia is the worst country.

>> No.6905763

He's right, you know. Rondo is only rated higher because it's easier (especially if you play as the loli, but also because Richter's Bible is OP) and has muh voiced animu cutscenes. Anyone with half a brain will realise that XX has much better designed stages that actually challenge you.

>> No.6905776


>> No.6906219

Consider the following:
Dracula X had a limited late SNES release, not that many people had it back in the day.
On the other hand, Rondo has been re-released multiple times, many people who are now in their 20s played the PSP remake (which includes the original) as kids, also on Wii VC.
Dracula X gets memehate, the "bad Rondo port" argument is a LIE, it's not a port of Rondo, it's a completely new game that uses some Rondo assets (just character sprites, all level assets are new, as are their designs, also at least half the bosses are new).
I'm willing to bet more people played Rondo as kids, than Dracula X.

>> No.6906318

seething snescuck

>> No.6906332

lol so this isn't even about castlevania anymore, you're just a console warrior.
got it.
get over it, Dracula X and Rondo are different games, and normal, non-sheeple people are able to enjoy both. The fact Nintendo prevents you from enjoying Castlevania games is kind of funny though.

>> No.6906341

The only one I have no desire to replay is Chronicles. Really did not like that thing

>> No.6906363

Just in case, be aware the PS1 port was flawed (yes, even original version). The only way to proper play X68K is on an actual Sharp X68000, or emulating it.
One thing that surprised me about Dracula X on SNES is that it actually lacks slowdowns while Rondo of Blood has a lot. Of course the games are different but you can notice it in some bosses that are the same ones, like the serpent boss. On Rondo, it's basically in slowmo due to the slowdown, on SNES it doesn't have slowdowns so it's a much harder fight.
Thinking about it, Bloodlines also had a lot of slowdowns...

>> No.6906371

Yeah I played the Ps1 version and good god the music. I’m the kinda guy who can play a game just for the music, and Castlevania has awesome music. Ps1 chronicles (or at least the enhanced version) did these jazz fusion remixes of all the classic songs and it’s fucking HORRIBLE

>> No.6906387

I don't get this meme. I played both. They're different games

>> No.6906474

Official 4th gen CV ranking:

X68k > The New Generation > Rondo of Blood > Rondo of Bootleg > Super Castlevania Bros.

>> No.6906491

About time you showed up, auster.
but nah, see: >>6902346
That's the proper official ranking. Enjoy your amiga trash.

>> No.6906509

>Rondo of Bootleg
A "bootleg" that has no slowdowns, actually detailed backgrounds and is more challenging? I love bootlegs now!
>The New Generation
Bad censored version.
>Super Castlevania Bros.
What does this means? If you're talking about Super Castlevania IV, then it's up there with X68k as the best ones.

>> No.6906518

>What does this means?
It means he is a highly mentally ill shitposter from years past.

>> No.6906520

"super castlevania bros" is a meme australia-kun tried to force, but instead it made people call him out every time he posted it.

>> No.6906636

who the fuck is australia-kun, anyway your list sucks, lol imagine thinking the NES version is superiour to the Amiga version.

>> No.6906869

>jazz fusion
a what a fucke

>> No.6907529

Dude that said Super Castlevania Bros. above, looooool.

>> No.6907547


>> No.6907615

Amiga is cancer

>> No.6908275

It'd be worth it for him looking at all those janky as fuck ports actually.