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689912 No.689912 [Reply] [Original]

best controller for retro gaming emulation on your PC ?

getting back into playing games from my childhood

just not the same play on the keyboard

what do you guys use ?

>> No.689920

The cheapest Logitech ones are nice.

>> No.689923

Playstation USB adapter for most stuff.
Saturn USB adapter for Sega games and anything that needs a stick
360 controller for anything that needs a shitload of buttons and hates USB adapters

>> No.689959

Heard 360 controller was the best one, just plug and play

with ps3 controller you'll have to get something like motioninjoy

which communicates constantly to the internet (no idea why that's necessary for gaming "offline), has advertisements, and is horribly laid out.

>> No.689973

Motionjoy is filled to the back teeth with AIDS. Now the Motionjoy Defense League will come out of the woodwork to call me a liar.

>> No.689990

Random anon confirming that this guy is right. Also, even if you uninstall motion joy it fucks up your registry keys and you'll have to fix them manually.

360 wired controllers are plug and play so I'd go with that.

>> No.690060

I'm using a couple of first-party 360 controllers because of how sturdy they feel and their ease of compatibility with modern games.

I keep a couple of Logitech dual-action as backup too. They look and feel flimsy but I've had them for a few years and they still work perfectly, shame about the square shaped analogue stick brackets.

>> No.690086

>with ps3 controller you'll have to get something like motioninjoy
Nope. Thank god those days are over. Now there's a pretty good bluetooth driver for windows
And modern games will recognize it as a 360 controller too, so you don't have to define keys

Honestly I think the the dualshock 3 is the best solution right now, if only it had 6 face buttons for fighting games and it would be perfect.

>> No.690382

The Dpad could use some improvement on mine, but it's never caused me to slip up when playing anything.

>> No.690426

i like the DS3 for everything but n64

using the right analog for c-buttons is wierd

>> No.690456
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Is this usb pad legit? Not in general but this specific one. Does it give you the same (or close) NES feel or is it some cheap crap?

>> No.691454
File: 698 KB, 1603x1441, pccontrollers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only controllers I use & need for pc

>> No.691465

dpad on the original nes controller was a stiff piece of shit, that gave you tons of blisters; it can't be any worse. that said, retrolink is just another shit brand counterfeiter and their counterfeit saturn controller is absolute shit. don't expect quality.

>> No.691471

USB corded X360 pad + model 2 Saturn pad with a USB converter (because the native USB Saturn pads cannot be bought now, only the chink knockoffs).

X360 pad is OK on it's own for apps that support it, but ones that don't are a bitch to set up because the default drivers set the triggers to the same input axis (which retards idea was that, I don't know). So if you don't mind a little extra setup, use custom drivers like the morii one, which allow you to change EVERYTHING on the x360 pad layout. Make the triggers act as buttons, change the analog deadzone, even set up different patterns for the leds.
Downside is that if you do that, games using XInput will not work anymore with the pad.

>> No.691478

Retrolink stuff is usually alright. I haven't used that particular controller, but their SNES replica pad and their adapters are pretty good.

>> No.691482
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the USB Saturn is not the be all, end all of all PC controllers people. especially considering how it only seems to be getting harder to find the actually good ones

The Hori EX2 for example is an excellent controller which is also suited for more modern games

>> No.691495


Mine works just fine but i've heard other complain about that too.

>> No.691498
File: 794 KB, 2740x2418, F310_CTG_300_dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using Logitech F310s at the mo. They're cheap and actually pretty nice, although the D-pad isn't as good as the old Logitech ones.

>> No.691512
File: 81 KB, 1000x722, hori fighting commander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this? This seems like the perfect controller for retro gaming, though I kinda wish it had analog sticks so I could use it for everything else.

>> No.691515
File: 316 KB, 1600x1200, slspad_sega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because the native USB Saturn pads cannot be bought now, only the chink knockoffs
It's not 'that hard' to find well kept SLS Saturn controllers online. Thou they can be pricy. Usually ranging around 70-150 a piece.
Personally I picked up mine for 20 bucks and got a 360 controller, an N64 controller and a N64/PS2 USB adapter with it. The dumb fuck never pointed out that he was selling a SEGA licensed SLS controller and not some shitty chinese knockoff by gtron/retrolink. Which of course I knew exactly what it was because it had SEGA branded on the USB connector molding. Which was really funny too because the seller got all pissed after, leaving a shitty comment on my ebay feedback. hahaha. Loser.

>> No.691527

>though I kinda wish it had analog sticks so I could use it for everything else.

in that case you want this:

There's also a PS3 version. Both USB so they work with PC either way.

>> No.691535

I just use a 360 controller.
One day I'll eventually mod the dpad to not be garbage, but I've always just mapped movement to the analog stick anyway.

>> No.691541
File: 202 KB, 1058x1116, neogeo_gamepad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adjusting dpad angle
actually it looks more like the perfect controller for Q-bert.

Want something similar, available in PS2 and PS3/USB models? Get a NeoGeo Pad. If you shop around, they're not too expensive and microswitch trumbstick dpad is supposed to be damn good.

>> No.691542

i use my 360 wireless, plug and play, and wireless... I prefer the dualshock3 but its such a pain to set it up wireless, gotta be wireless since i dont always play in front of the computer monitor, sometimes it'll be the tv etc. 360 controller makes me extend my fingers to hug the exterior which is suppose to be ergonomics or something, but it just tires my fingers out in long gaming sessions. You know, the whole if u relax your fingers they naturally curl, cant do that with the xbox360 controller but can with the dualshocks.

battery power not an issue on either of the controllers, 360 has awesome triggers and dualshock3 has shit ones, oldnews tho.

>> No.691551
File: 819 KB, 2122x2372, xboxdpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One day I'll eventually mod the dpad to not be garbage
if it's a wired controller or you got the right security torx driver, it only takes a couple minutes to fix that fucker.

>> No.691559

Yeah, I saw that after I posted. Seems to be the one for me. 6-button layouts should have been a standard 2 or 3 generations ago.

>> No.691584

pic related.
also, for PC use, get one of these VVV

well worth the money, and it isn't cheap either. no lag on inputs or anything, very good adapter.

>> No.691592
File: 12 KB, 375x195, snes-controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking forgot pic

>> No.691609
File: 133 KB, 622x674, controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

I went to a game store this afternoon and bought an xbox360/PC controller, hardwired.

I just plugged it in, drivers automatically installed and I've been playing super metroid all afternoon on snes9x 64bit with no issue.

I previously had a playstation 3 controller, which I attempted to use to play retro video games and overall the experience was horrible.

Installing drivers from motioninjoy (which was a trojan in code, not necessarily in function but that doesn't help) was horrid. The layout of the program itself is one of the worst pieces of software I've ever experienced, on top of that only the D-pad, 4 primary buttons, start, select, and L1, R1 would work. No analog controls, no L2 R2, no Playstation button (home button) support.

now I'm sure there are other methods but I spent about half a day looking for alternatives (and I'm not a retard so I know how to effectively search the net for solutions) and the best one I could come up with in a few hours was something called better ds3, but it required that you install motioninjoy, which as I explained above is nothing but pureshit.

so back to today, I buy the new controller, all the buttons work, full analog function which is nice, a bit more ergonomic

no tertiary software, no botnet, plug in and play.

so far I would highly recommend it.

picture is the exact product I bought, take note that in my research other users have said it must be wired, and not wireless.

>> No.691621

thank yourself for getting the black one. my white one is already yellowing after about 2-3 years of use.

>> No.691620

I use a Wii classic controller with a USB adapter. Works like a charm.

>> No.691639

Fuck them. I hate how all of their adapters are for a SINGLE controller, while charging an arm and a leg for them. Like it would have killed them to design them with two ports. Also they haven't done shit with their flashcart devices in years.

>> No.691660

is the wii u pro ready for pc's?

>> No.691681

>take note that in my research other users have said it must be wired, and not wireless.
wireless works too, but you need the wireless gaming receiver and ms no longer manufactures it themselves. so only chinese knockoff exist as new products. thou when ms did manufacture them, they bundled them with 'pc model' controllers and sold it separately

talking about that piece of shit that looks like a SNES controller in the middle, with wings & sticks? don't bother. the quality is pure shit. watch a few youtube reviews on it.

>> No.691684

then go buy something from somewhere else? the quality of the adapter is undeniable, and that is what i believe i've payed for.
i'd rather have something really reliable than taking a chance at buying a shitty adapter for 5$, then having to go buy another for 20$.

>> No.691687

the vids i watched gave it positive reviews

>> No.691709


Not the guy you're replying too, but I have one and really don't get the criticism. They're pretty good, comfy too. However, you'll have to buy an adapter to hook them up to PC, and I don't know how quality those are myself.

>> No.691786

I find their saturn controller to be mediocre(L and R buttons are unbelievably stiff for no reason, X button doesn't seem to register button presses very well, and the buttons stick down for too long), but I plug my SNES controller into an adapter most of the time anyway.

>> No.691913

>i'd rather have something really reliable than taking a chance at buying a shitty adapter for 5$, then having to go buy another for 20$.
Buy one from Mayflash and you don't have that problem. Nor will you drop $40+ just to play 2 player games with 1st party controllers. My 4P adapter was only $15 and I've never noticed any lag with it.

Counterfeits bro; they're all pure shit.

On the early reviews I saw a number of people complained about issues the dpad and their decision to map the Wiimode mode to 2/Y,1/X,B/B,A/A when this makes it more difficult to press 2+1&B+A together like that. Thou that last one is more forgivable because everyone seems to think they need to place run & jump where the two can not be easily pressed together without shifting your thumb. Derp.

>> No.691937
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, PCS016008_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I use. It's cheap and works great for 2D games.

>> No.691995

Dude, I've still got a pair of those as backup/extra pads, they're awesome. Better dpad and button feel than their newer controllers. It's a shame they replaced that model.

>> No.692021

Oh they don't make them anymore? That sucks... I better take care of mine then.

>> No.692045

I just want a USB Power Glove so I can fuck up badly at games with it.

>> No.692067
File: 383 KB, 680x875, 5734829053402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i have friends to play with

>> No.692080
File: 24 KB, 370x321, 1310582103497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but they still have that great d-pad right?

you know the one that has those little tubes under the plastic cross?

and the tubes are what presses the rubber thing that triggers the button?

plz tell me they still do

>> No.692136
File: 60 KB, 640x426, Photo on 3-24-13 at 6.45 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micro xbox controller. At first I hated it because of the size but then grew to favor it over my larger madkatz. The joysticks are extremely responsive as are all the other buttons and the small size lets me mash all the buttons quicker than on other controllers. The D-pad is good too but its position makes it awkward to use and I only ever do when I play rpgs as I tend to scroll through the battle menu too quickly with the joysticks.

Paid $20 some dollars for it 7/10 it's awesome

>> No.692150
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B-B-but the buttons are on the wrong side anon!

>> No.692170
File: 22 KB, 368x278, TombaU-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never seen a mirrored image

>> No.692173
File: 92 KB, 600x578, you-think-this-is-a-motherfucking-game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a left handed controller
what the fuck is wrong with you?
do it right like the rest of the lefties and use a right handed controller.

>> No.692175


Why would i take a picture in a mirror, i'm not a grill...

>> No.692187

>It's not 'that hard' to find well kept SLS Saturn controllers online. Thou they can be pricy. Usually ranging around 70-150 a piece.

That's what I meant when I said they cannot be bought now. That price is just bullshit when you can buy a normal console pad + usb converter way cheaper.

>> No.692205

I bought a white one when they launched, early 2006 or so, and only in this January did I had to replace it - top right button didn't work anymore.
It wasn't that yellow, but that's cause I kept it out of sunlight.

Note that it took six years of NON-STOP gaming, daily 5-6 hours at least, to ruin ONE button on the pad. Actually the ABXY face buttons were less responsive too (the rubber membrane was wearing out), but I only realized that when I got a new black pad which handled totally differently than the old worn out one.

>> No.692239
File: 96 KB, 500x333, 1262137581840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x360 pad is the best pad.

Just look how cute it is.

>> No.692298

Classic Controller/CCPro with USB adapter works wonders. Logitech Dual Action/F310 when I need to use R3/L3, and a Saitek P2500 for N64 emulation.

>> No.692732

Just a mirrored pic guys I would never do such a thing

>> No.692783

I have this as well, and is awesome but im trying to get into some fighters and it just is shit for it.

>> No.693352

I have one of these
I actually prefer using it to my 360 and Snes controllers

>> No.693368

Total dogshit. Barely works. Avoid.

>> No.696778
File: 63 KB, 640x480, 2013-05-14 11.58.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I made a thread about this controller I found on Goodwill a while back. It felt good and was dirt cheap but since it used Game Port instead of USB I had to order an adapter (which didn't cost too much either).

Today the adapter finally arrived (of the Logilink brand) and the thing works well enough. Plug n' Play, no compatibility issues with Windows 7, no noticeable input delay. Now the controller on the other hand... well, I learnt why the green and yellow button say TA and TB instead of X and Y at least. Yep, TURBO A and TURBO B. It ain't remappable either. The Start and Select buttons marked C and D are also function identically to the C. and D. shoulder buttons though I kind of expected that the way they were marked. In short: Well fuck.

Basically there are exactly 4 unique functioning buttons here out of the 8 possible and it isn't even the four face buttons. Oh well.

>> No.696796


All that little OFF/ON switch seems to do is make the shoulder buttons actually function for whatever reason. They're still the same two inputs as the Start and Select buttons though. No idea why it's 3-step switch. The middle and ON step seem to be identical.