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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6897953 No.6897953 [Reply] [Original]

Finally ready to celebrate Super Mario Bros’ 35th anniversary.

>> No.6897963

Shiggity Shiggity Shwah

It’s called Mario Twins

>> No.6897972
File: 1.00 MB, 800x575, smbposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6897974


>> No.6898075
File: 103 KB, 867x1149, 551A567E-62A7-4F1F-9E82-1C35D016DF7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best princess coming through

>> No.6898080
File: 48 KB, 500x356, 34FED862-FCDA-40C0-A574-7E71DF1532D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And best Yoshi

>> No.6898089
File: 48 KB, 356x500, F8B3740F-087A-4E76-939F-AAFC7DFB9F83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess Daisy poses for trading card photo.

>> No.6898159

It would be funny if someone made a game of the film of the game, with digitised graphics like SF2.

>> No.6898409
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Out of all the game to other media adaptations, did Super Mario Bros The Movie fuck with it's source material the most? I think it's futher off the mark than:
Double Dragon
Street Fighter
Mortal Kombat Anihilation
Sonic SatAM/Archie comics

And why doesn't President Koopa and his climate changed world get compared to Donald Trump more often? Too old for the zoomers?

>> No.6898430

Upon rewatches, SMB really comes off as more carefully crafted than it initially seems.
The details of having Toad be a character that plays guitar on the streets (and has a sort of Toad-esque hairstyle), Big Bertha, the fact fungus/mushroom actually plays a big role in the movie. I also always liked the moonjump shoes, it kind of have a "realistic" approach at Mario's inhuman height jump from the games.
Of course it's still very, very different from the games but that's kinda the charm, it's the Super Mario universe reimagined as a dystopian alternate dino world with cyberpunk motifs.
Every time I rewatch the movie, I pick up on more and more little details I didn't notice before.
On contrast, movies like SF or MK are fine, but everything is more obvious, still isn't a 100% adaptation of the source material, so there's less things to be surprised about upon rewatches. I have a lot of nostalgia for both MK and SF movies, but I rarely go back and rewatch them.
As for Sonic SatAM/Archie, those are the most disappointing IMO. As a kid I didn't knew what fanfic was, but I could sense a sort of cheap madeup bullshit that was nothing like the games. Even the Sonic OVA had a lot of bullshit with human characters and what not, but at least the Sonic vs Metal Sonic fight was amazing, nothing like that on the american cartoons. I'm sure Metal Sonic appears in archie comics, but archie comics are just one big joke. In fact, if there's any media adaptation that can be said to have fucked way too much with the source material, it's the Sonic archie comics. It just went for too long, and did so many embarrassing shit, many of which are connected with the infamous sonic fandom.

>> No.6898507

I don't know how people can hate Mario Blade-runner edition

>> No.6898534

Someone once pointed out in these threads that the movie is film theory 101 on how to make a character likable. The scene with Mario raging about having to pay 3 dollars for bottled water makes him relatable to the audience as a man of the people, as most folks have experienced the frustration of having to pay for a resource that's normally free at some point in their lives. This is almost immediately followed by him helping his brother Luigi talk to Daisy, simultaneously showing off his interpersonal skills and his care for his brother.

>> No.6898584

why has no one edited the "blast" to say "bust" or have they? I love the movie, my 2nd favorite vidya movie after Street Fighter 94. I love it even more after reading stories from the filming.

>> No.6898628

I don't even know how I forgot Annihilation. One of my most watched in high school. I guess because it could still happen in the MK universe with all the crazy shit that happens just cause it's not that far out there for me. I love that movie though. Hard start, no set up, bad guy just shows up out of nowhere while everyone is hanging out for some reason and says, "lol ur all fukt." Kill Johnny Cage in 5 minutes because you couldn't get his actor to come back. Love Jax and his robot arms that become a character development moment. Fuck all that high tech machinery that makes you super powered, just believe in yourself bro.. I especially loved the animalities. Liu Kang fights all movie to learn his, then Shao Kahn uses his own and continues to whoop Liu Kang's ass. The animalities are off screen in under a minute and never come back. The same thing that happened to Jax, but you don't want to harp on that because it may lessen the story telling.. Good movie, 7/10.

>> No.6898851


>> No.6898884

Man, I have seen Annihilation a few times and I just can’t get down with it and I’m an apologist for some bad movies. Maybe I’ll try it again.

>> No.6898910

The Goombas scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.

>> No.6898976

I'm not an apologist for shitty movies, I just appreciate them. I got a bunch of laughs put of it. I honestly think Annihilation is a better "adaptation" than Tank Girl and people legitimately call that a good movie.