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File: 227 KB, 418x308, cv4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6890098 No.6890098 [Reply] [Original]

This game is... my fuckin' nightmare.

>> No.6890104

Why do I... care

>> No.6890117

For why? it's piss easy.

>> No.6890128

>getting filtered by super castlevania bros

>> No.6890138

rent free

>> No.6890142

The Trashure Taint. They would also go on to ruin another classic Konami series with Gradius V.

>> No.6890151


>> No.6890204

Honestly I don't remember much about Gradius V. Genesis ruled the shooters Gaiares is a way better game.

>> No.6890228

there's no way you're getting filtered by the easiest classicvania game, what the fuck

>> No.6890234
File: 57 KB, 131x179, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fucked up Wario too. Thankfully the Goemon boys did him much better.

>> No.6890250

Eh, last couple stages are among the hardest in the classic series. Rondo, Bloodlines or even CV1 are easier than CV4 (death's corridor is not hard when you play it for the 5th time, while the later stages of IV always remain tricky).
Anyway, there's a certain schizo in this board who is obsessed about this game and Treasure, so it'll be fun to watch his meltdown once again I guess.

>> No.6890254

Why does it seem EVERY board has it's own Barneyfag?

>> No.6890257

Honestly the last stages are harder than the death corridor which is the only hard part of 1
Rondo doesn't have anything as hard as CV4's last couple of stages

>> No.6890265

Honestly all you have to do is preface whatever you say with "honestly" and you magically become right

>> No.6890276

Ok, fine, I sounded like a retarded.
Here you go:
I didn't think any of the stages in Rondo or CV1 were as hard as the ending stages of SCV4, especially the autoscrollers and boss gauntlets.

>> No.6890280

>Rondo doesn't have anything as hard as CV4's last couple of stages
Pretty much any Rondo mayor is harder and more thoughtfully designed than the hardest mayor from CV4.

>> No.6890298

You take constructive criticism with grace and aplomb, sir! Bravo

>> No.6890310

I enjoyed Rondo's >mayors more, especially the Shaft fight, but it was still easier than SCIV.

>> No.6890359

Fair enough, but what is it about SCV4's last few levels that bust your balls so much?

>> No.6890362

I guess anonymous posting attracts these kid of schizoids. The problem is mods not doing their job and range-banning their ISP.

>> No.6890501

Play PSX remake

>> No.6890525

LARP as ESL, IP count didn't go up

>> No.6890556

Based and Chroniclepilled. Much better than SNES shit.

>> No.6890570

The first level of Castlevania IV has medusa heads and flipping platform traps. That alone makes it inherently harder than most other CV games' first levels, and we're only talking the first level here.
You can't jump while you're walking on stairs, and the diagonal whip actually *doesn't* make things easier except for a couple parts (like being able to hit enemies from below, but that's only in a handful of situations, and it's not like there wasn't other ways to cheap enemies in the NES games either, especially with the stunt holy water in CV1).
The diagonal whip in this game can actually fuck you up because unless you actually time your hits, and manage to land a direct hit with the full whip stretched, then you're only gonna do 1/2 of damage (or less). The famous "wiggle whip" only does like 1/3 of damage or 1/4, something like that.
Devs actually cared about balance when making the whip in this game. It's not the same to land an actual straight, well-timed hit, than to flail the whip around. The later will not kill enemies quickly, and can turn into a situation of Simon getting knocked back and falling into a pit. Thus, the whip in this game might give the player a sense of "hah! I'm invincible with this whip!", but most of the time, it will only make the player fail a lot of times but relying to much on using it as a shield. I've seen it many times with new players.
CV4 is still easier than CV3, but not easier than most of the other games in the series.
As for bosses, it's kind of a different topic entirely. Bosses in CV games were never particularly hard. You can whip spam most bosses in CV1 and win, only Death (and maybe frankie) require holy water stunt in order for it to not be game over hell until the RNG plays in your favor.
Rondo got a bit more emphasis on bosses and some of them are a bit challenging but then you can also cheese all of them with item crash and stuff.
People are very disingenuous when discussing difficulty in CV games.

>> No.6890575

lol LARP as ESL

>> No.6890578

I know that you're just console warring, but in case you actually want to play X68K, do NOT play the playstation port, emulate the original Sharp X68000 version. PS1 version has a lot of inaccuracies, it's not a good port. And yeah I'm talking "original mode", not even the casual arrange mode.

>> No.6890580

>australia-kun finally started doing his namefag schizo skits again
This is going to be fun, brb grabbing some popcorn.

>> No.6891875

that's interesting. I found it really hard as child. Now I find it extremly enjoyable and playable. I think I never got stuck as adult on any part. Though the game is long. Holy shit does it go on and on.

>> No.6891887

Yeah, I actually found CV4 pretty tough. I wouldn't say it's a cakewalk the way people make it out to be, it's got some tricky platforming bits.

>> No.6891914

i fucking love this game

>> No.6891925

The torture chamber level was pretty hard, and Death's a pain in the ass as he always is.

>> No.6892204

CV4 is CV casual edition

>> No.6892237

It still retains many of the classic ethos, more than later games like Rondo or Bloodlines.
The first real casualvania was SOTN.