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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6890054 No.6890054 [Reply] [Original]

What went so bloody wrong?

>> No.6890061

all the bloody whinging and knackering by that fucking baby

>> No.6890064

>eat something and shit an egg which you throw

>> No.6890069

It wasn't ported to the amiga

>> No.6890103

Literally nothing schizo.

>> No.6890110
File: 3 KB, 112x125, 1533171526277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890354

Turning Mario into a whiny baby and making the game about Yoshi. Worst Mario game ever made.

>> No.6890531

Git gud.

>> No.6890551
File: 15 KB, 220x267, 220px-Sonic3&KnucklesCart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo tried to make you babysit while you were having an epic adventure on the Genesis.

>> No.6890628

Mario doesn't cry if you're good at videogames

>> No.6890642

>Sonic 3
Worst 16-bit Sonic game, and no where near as good as YI

>> No.6890673

I mean, I agree that baby Mario made it look very kiddy, but nothing is more kiddy than playing a game with cutesy animals.
And I love both Mario and Sonic because I'm not a teenager that's insecure of his maturity anyway.

>> No.6890674

t. whingeing and knackering diaper baby

>> No.6890719

No thanks, Yoshi's Island is too bland for me to try and master.

>> No.6890724

I agree, I had more of a blast playing that game than Yoshi's Island.

>> No.6890730

Based anti yoshi autist.

>> No.6890760

The egg throwing is the only interesting new mechanic, but it never challenges the player. It's slow, you're rarely in danger using it, and there's extra ammo everywhere.

meanwhile all the challenge from the game comes from gameplay we've seen a million times before.

Does not help that the levels are so long and slow

>> No.6890762

It's just australia-kun, mods confirmed on IRC, to nobody's surprise.

>> No.6890770

Can you produce a screenshot? I'm always curious as to what the /vr/ IRC looks like and what kind of bants go on.

>> No.6891109

He's lying to you.

>> No.6891132

Why does /vr/ try to pretend that it hates Yoshi's Island? If it came to an actual vote or something it'd be far away in favor of the game.

*some people on /vr/

>> No.6891136

missed tea time today did you?

>> No.6891142


>> No.6891157

Nope. Yoshi's Island gets a fair amount of hate. Same thing happens with Sonic CD and Resident Evil 4. The only ones who are in denial about the negative reaction to Yoshi's Island, are the fans.

>> No.6891164

No, retard, I didn't say the game didn't get a negative reaction, I said it's not what the board actually thinks.

>> No.6891172

I don't drink tea, it angries up the blood.

>> No.6891179

It's literally 1 guy.
Of course, shitting on popular games to get (You)s is a regular thing here on 4chan, you get the usual guy who will post OOT or MGS and call it shit, but the specific guy who spams /vr/ with Yoshi's Island in particular, is always the same one.
See: >>6891157 I also remember him making a thread some months ago saying that Yoshi's Island is as divisive as Sonic CD. He uses the same tactics every time, so you can tell it's him (besides mods confirming it's always the same guy)

>> No.6891180

False. It is what the board actually thinks. You're either a dumb cuck who is in denial about it, or you're just making excuses rather than accepting the the truth because you're that damn stupid. You're like the SJW's who are in denial about their feminazi girlfriends fucking a black guy behind their backs. Eventually you're going to kill yourself after you find out the truth.

>> No.6891185

>literally 1 guy
less makey threads
more takey meds

>> No.6891195

Do you remember back in 2014-16 when he would make a "now that the dust has settled, what gave A Link To The Past that retro feel?"

>> No.6891218

>fucking a black guy
You're american, aren't you? Based mutt's law.
Anyway, your meme that YI is a "divisive game" isn't catching on any time soon. You will always gonna get called out every time.
I feel sorry for maybe the few people who will want to make any honest criticism on the game in the future. The board isn't divided on YI, instead, your spam caused the board to be more defensive of YI, if anything, since you sperged out way too much for a long time.
You really need to learn how to work subtlety.

>> No.6891230

>The board isn't divided on YI, instead, your spam caused the board to be more defensive of YI, if anything
What entry-level shitposters like him never understand is how to actually work reverse psychology.
By spamming "this game is shit", you're only making people who don't like the game become more interested in it. "Hm, this shitposter really gets triggered by this game, it's probably really good then", and on top of that, people who already like the game are gonna to defend it more.
The right way to orchestrate an agenda against any given game is to spam positive comments on it. Reverse psychology is what works best always, not just in 4chan, but especially in 4chan.

>> No.6891250

Better than Super mario World, fight me

>> No.6891256

>fight me
Why? I prefer SMW, but YI is a great game too. They're very different too. It's good that we have variety and different tastes. Ultimately both games are great

>> No.6891273

Sorry I was a little harsh, I had so much fun with Yoshi Island. It sticks out for me, I think it's more charming

>> No.6891295

They are just totally different games.
I think that's why people claim to hate SMB2USA, because it just isn't comparable to 1,3 and World.
They are using the characters and setting, but both of the 2's are experimental triumphs.

>> No.6891304

>False. It is what the board actually thinks.

>> No.6891329

The only cons of that game is not having a real world map like SMW1. I would have appreciated a fully fake 3D animated map to get to each stage. I didn’t want to see that only after completing a chapter with a shitty autoplay.

>> No.6891480

At worst, it's a decent game that you just don't care for. It's pretty fucking well made. What outside of the meme baby complaint do you have against it?

I'll give you one for free. The scoring system and how it locks away content sucks.

>> No.6891491

>it's literally 1 guy
You're literally in denial.

Yes I'm American. I never called YI a divisive game. I think your delusions are getting to you, cuck.

t. Cuck in denial

>> No.6891492

The sequels. The aesthetic if you need mature games for mature gamers such as yourself. That's about it. Why don't you suck more black cock, Jeff Gerstmann?

>> No.6891495

Reverse psychology would mean we join the bandwagon in calling this game shit. I think you failed psychology class.

>> No.6891518

Joining the guy who insists on shitting on Yoshi's Island every chance he gets would mean more people would oppose the idea of hating this game.
You want people to start hating Yoshi's Island? Call it the best game ever made.

>> No.6891532

Nah because if he's a contrarian, you would want him to think it's popular to hate on Yoshi's Island so he would do the opposite and call it "the best".

>> No.6891534
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Apparently they did make up one, but it wouldn't fit onto the cart

>> No.6891972

Sounds like that dude on /v/ who spams those "zoomer nostalgia" threads.

>> No.6891973


>> No.6892789

Almost nothing. The graphics are unique and fantastic. The soundtrack slaps and covers on youtube are enjoyed by literally millions of people today. The baby crying is punishment for you sucking. The only real fault is the egg aiming which isn't hard to do since I beat this game when I was like 10. This game not being good is a dumb /vr/ meme. It's still loved today. What's wrong is your perception.

>> No.6892803

>in denial about their feminazi girlfriends fucking a black guy

Jesus Christ you guys have to be the most insecure bitches in the history of the world.

>b-b-black guys are g-gonna f-fuck all the white women who d-don't like us for some reason! Let me post about how m-much I hate them on a MGTOW/Red Pill site! Th-that'll help my abysmal social isolation and being a virgin past 25!

Project harder, dude. Good lord.

>> No.6892830

That is not the world map. It was just some soul details they added on the stage screens, you would still select stages the same way we do with the final version.

>> No.6893620

>insecure bitches
Nope. But you Social Justice Incels sure are.

>Project harder, dude
Not projecting. I'm the black dude cucking SJW's by sleeping with their girlfriends. Keep seething, white boi.

>> No.6893701
File: 31 KB, 680x483, guess_thats_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it, black bro. I've strung along a number of polyamorous/cheating broads in tinder and such and on rare occasion fucked a few. Any time I see a pic of them with the boyfriend he always looks like pic related.

>> No.6893708
File: 218 KB, 1628x1346, 1589142882508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game is bad because the sound of baby crying playing as a punishment for being bad triggers my paternal instinct

>> No.6893734

Exactly. lol

>> No.6893762

kys race-mixing scum

>> No.6893775

Nah white boy. I wanna keep cucking you Social Justice Faggots.

>> No.6893806
File: 123 KB, 720x703, scoobydoobydoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pulls out AR-15*
you asked for it, bro

>> No.6894691

I've 100%ed it, including the secret levels and I'm quite mediocre at games. The last level in Megaman X is too much for me but I can destroy YI.

>> No.6894737

maybe they can add more in romhacking.

>> No.6894758

this is one of the best games ever made. in my top 5 probably.

>> No.6894801
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x1242, 1506109466901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was made only in the attempt to surpass DKC, and it failed, miserably.

>> No.6894806

But Miyamoto also helped with DKC's development...
It's over, the funny story about Shiggy hating DKC was debunked, not just by the man himself, but the actual supposed source that contained the supposed quote by Miyamoto literally does no exist.
It was fun while it lasted, though.

>> No.6894816


>> No.6895019

I agree its not some attempt to “surpass” DKC and of course that Miyamoto quote is bs. But the game does seem a bit like a “response” to dkc. Or I guess what I’m saying is that the Japs at Nintendo took some of the Brits at rare’s ideas from DKC and played around with them for Yoshi’s island. Both games show a shift towards more exploration and collection based platforming. Both games have obvious reasons to replay levels to “get 100%” whereas the previous hits like early mario and sonic titles gave no real incentive and sometimes no option to replay a level at all. The animal buddies and yoshi transformations are obvious parallels. There are surely dofferences too but its just a personal hunch of mine the DKC influenced YI a bit.

>> No.6895113

In modern times? The Brits made whites tyrannical.

>> No.6895115

All mario and mario related 2D platformers outside of warioland have shitty moving physics

>> No.6895136

I have literally 0 problem with them

>> No.6895178

Platforming takes a backseat to collecting

>> No.6895182

Naht really. When I played the game when it came out I played it as a regular platformer, never cared about the score, and it was still great.
Also, it's less "collecting" and more "not fucking up". The 30 stars is more about not getting hit than collecting.

>> No.6895302

idk but it really does seem like the redheaded stepchild of the mario universe

>> No.6895308

You think so?
Back in the day, there was no standard formula for Mario games. All of the mainline Mario games during retro era are very different from one another (compare to how similar all the New series are). Also, Yoshi's Island is a spinoff, like Wario Land. They share some DNA with the Super Mario series, but they're also pretty much their own thing, and that's good.

>> No.6896084

even for a nintendo game this was fucking childish. What was Nintendo fucking thinking????

>> No.6896203

Right? Mature Gamers rise up!

>> No.6896348

seriously. this is one of the best platformers of all time. it must just be one person trolling.