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File: 18 KB, 220x165, 220px-Daggerfall_promo_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6884886 No.6884886 [Reply] [Original]

I'm having a hard time trying to appreciate this one for what it is. What exactly is supposed to be fun about this game?

>> No.6884920


>> No.6885391


You're right. It was released in 1996, so it is an old game, not a retro game. If it were a modern Daggerfall clone, it'd be retro.

>> No.6885413

that's right

Dear OP, only PS2/Gamecube/XBOX-OG games are allowed here

>> No.6885687

Huge shit dungeons and huge shit world are the main features. As well as a whole lot of terrible shit quests.

>> No.6887035

Pixel tits. Otherwise not much, since you have to be careful with saves since evetything in the game is broken. But when it works right, it feels like a fun roguelike dungeon crawler, but in real time.

>> No.6887048

i didnt like it

>> No.6887452

skyrim came out in 2011 retard

>> No.6887503

Art direction superior to the Elder Scrolls game that came after it in spite of being 2D pixelated sprites , awesome MIDI soundtrack, dungeons that will mindfuck you, and if you try really hard to roleplay you can imagine you're in a real medieval world that's larger than Great Britain. No one makes risky games anymore

It's everything Elder Scrolls was supposed to be before Todd Howard stole the name to create a normie console series for reddit plebs

Who knows, maybe one day Daggerfall Unity will be able to mod it to its full potential

>> No.6888590
File: 109 KB, 640x940, dungeons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of those games where it sucks 80% of the time then you trip over something fucking crazy. An example would be the dungeons, which are the core of the game. Most of them are giant blobs of spaghetti that suck. Then you find a dungeon that is contained entirely in one giant room that's so big it has fucking towers and shit in it that you can fly around to. Then you start learning more and more about the game and interesting things to play with and understand why some things exist.

It's one of those games you wont enjoy unless you sink 100 hours into it and understand whats below the surface.

>> No.6888793


How'd they generate the huge landscape again? Did they just run an algo with a pseudonumber generator with defined land filling parameters for a few hours? How big is the map size wise anyway?

>> No.6888802

Pretty sure it generates the land when you visit locations. There's no way they could fit the map on a floppy. It's the size of England.

>> No.6888809

Nothing. This game was only ever rated highly by larpers who got wowed playing it in their teens.

>> No.6888818

literally the only people I know that enjoyed this crap were fedora tippers and ackhually neckbeards

>> No.6888912

>Pretty sure it generates the land when you visit locations. There's no way they could fit the map on a floppy. It's the size of England.
Very few things are procedurally generated during the game, but they used a worksation at the time to pre-generate all dungeons and towns. Some were later tweaked by hand.

>> No.6890815

It has a ton of content, but also a ton of artificial depth.

>> No.6890857

Daggerfall is wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle, but it also came out at a time where being wide as an ocean by itself was mind bogglingly impressive.

>> No.6890961

By that logic games were supposed to be deeper and deeper with time. I wonder how that went.

>> No.6891202

It's pretty redundant explaining that considering games have not changed in that concept.

>> No.6891219

i havent spent nearly that much time into it, usually ill get the itch and play for a few hours, get tired of the endless hallways and stop. cycle repeats.

i mean, morrowind is the perfect counter example. it's like, what, 1/10,000th the size of daggerfall? and they removed a fair amount of features but overall its a much more engaging experience in my opinion

>> No.6891241

Computer games specified in the sticky, I don't even care if this is an 'ebin' troll, you tongue slapping retards. Fuck's sake just look at the stupid game, I hate you so much.

>> No.6891251

It had a lot of unused text smut in the game too.
>tfw all those porno mods for newer TES games are probably in line with the dev's original vision

>> No.6891265

Practically infinite dungeon crawling, endless games are a very tired concept now and usually tied in with lame microtransaction ecosystems but I imagine it was a very novel concept on release.

>> No.6891274

It seems like the biggest case of "you had to be there" ever. I'm in my late 30s and this game is utterly repellant. It's been done better by its successors unless endless unfun procedurally generated content is your thing.

I don't even think Morrowind is that good, and I don't want to entertain Oblivion, a game that needs 2005 hardware, as retro.

>> No.6892969

Its successors never attempted anything on the scale that Daggerfall did. I have a very soft spot for the game. You can go to some random province, and some small town, and join a guild. Then you can just hang out in your town doing work for your guild and others in the town, gradually rise up the ranks and make some money. Then you can buy a house (there are probably 5-50 houses for sale in any given town) and live there through the changing seasons.

Opportunities for actual role-playing if you were willing to use a small amount of imagination were enormous compared to any of its sequels.

I like Morrowind quite a bit too, but it's a different game and not as ambitious in trying to create a world for you to full on live in and do whatever you feel like doing in.

>> No.6892998

>you have to be careful with saves since evetything in the game is broken
an Elder Scrolls tradition proudly carried on to the present day

>> No.6893017

Not like Daggerfall
its very easy to fail the main quest without even realizing it and then you're just persisting in the doomed world you've created

>> No.6893075

I thought the only way to fail was to not meet Lady Brisienna after you get her letter, or to not go to talk to Helseth after getting a message that you got a letter (and then not having the letter in your inventory). It's been a long time though.

>> No.6893079
File: 10 KB, 225x225, tism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then you're just persisting in the doomed world you've created

>> No.6893087
File: 33 KB, 936x235, -b4uRNI-C65vMIgT7K87WFdF-kFXaI9aiMqca7wKt6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. someone who has never played Morrowind

>> No.6893092

theres like dozens of ways to fail, you can sell quest items or decline the wrong quest at the wrong time, stuff like that
and then im sure theres a bunch of ways for your playthrough to just get bugged

>> No.6893101

I have played Morrowind though.
played all the main ES games

>> No.6893146

Fair enough. Those just seem like obvious ways to fail that you'd only do if you were stupid or careless, as opposed to fail states that you could encounter where you wouldn't have any reason to expect to have created an unwinnable state.

But given that the game is more of just a life simulator, I don't even think that's really a problem desu senpai.

>> No.6893156

No theres no problem with it I dont think
It just trips up a lot of people playing it for the first time in 2020 since theyre so used to there being guard rails
It's so easy to install these days, both the normal and unity versions that I think anybody who is a fan of the series should at least give it a try. Once you get out of the starting dungeon, join a guild, and take on your first quest youll know whether or not the game is for you.

>> No.6893737

You literally can't fail the main quest in Morrowind, and there's no timer to complete it. You could spend literal years in-game doing nothing but tugging your dick, and still complete the main quest.
You can fail it in Daggerfall, and you can't take your sweet time completing it.

>> No.6893824

>You literally can't fail the main quest in Morrowind
I guess you can always kill Vivec.

>> No.6893856

The Elder Scrolls series has always been casualcrap. Scrollsfags always claim the latest game isn't as good as the previous game, but they're all crappy Bethesda RPGs with muh yuge world.

>> No.6894346

It's from an era where you needed imagination. It doesn't work well playing windowed while watching your favorite streamer.

>> No.6895040

The artistic presentation of Daggerfall is so much more appealing to me than the later games. It seems that 3-5 all have a bland, vanilla style where the games feel very safe.
When I played Daggerfall I was 11 and it blew my mind. Maybe it is nostalgia, but enough people appreciate the game to spend hours of their time developing Daggerfall Unity which I haven't even played yet.

>> No.6895231

>You can go to some random province, and some small town, and join a guild. Then you can just hang out in your town doing work for your guild and others in the town, gradually rise up the ranks and make some money. Then you can buy a house (there are probably 5-50 houses for sale in any given town) and live there through the changing seasons.

Thanks, this helps me understand the game better. I tried it a while ago and although I have tolerance for old games (because I am 40) I couldn't stand the random dungeons in this one. They were just miserable. And the action was pretty bad too. But what you describe there reminds me of the glee I experienced when I first played my pirated copy of the original Grand Theft Auto, not really caring about the missions but just doing random crap. If the random dungeons in Daggerfall weren't so deeply unpleasant then I might have been able to play it like it was Grand Theft Auto.

I am a sequence-breaking kind of a person and obviously the main quest isn't the primary appeal of Daggerfall - why would the world be so big if it were? So I could only ever have played it in an aimless roleplaying way. But I've been told that only the main quest dungeons got any decent polish; the algorithm that generates the random dungeons is just too unrefined for me. I mean obviously a handmade dungeon would be easier to polish, but there's endless opportunity to polish procedurally generated dungeons too. This development team just sucked at it.

>> No.6895250

is this a quality game in series? or did it age poorly? im open to some abuse.

>> No.6895279
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I had the most fun with its character progression and customization. I got into the Unity port a few years back and it was the first time I ever really dove into magic in this series, it's incredibly fun.

>> No.6895305

>Oblivion, a game that needs 2005 hardware,
With a few mods and playing with the settings ini file you can make Oblivion look pretty modern and realistic and it won't make your PC chug like in 2005

>> No.6895676

>The artistic presentation of Daggerfall is so much more appealing to me than the later games.
It's by far the most interesting thing. I think it's because it's got a gothic touch, but so subtle that you don't notice it. It also has the 90s/dos 16-bit aesthetic, which can look like shit or amazing.

>> No.6895692

Has this game a main quest (and maybe some predefined side quests) which I can finish and move on? I want to play it

>> No.6895713

Yeah it has a main quest. The side quests are all basically randomly generated but they can be more interesting that glorified randomly generated quests you see in modern TES games. Like if you have to find someone, you'll need to ask around town to figure out where they are. 9/10 times the dungeon you get sent to is boring as hell, then there's that 1/10 time it's something absolutely insane like this >>6888590

>> No.6895780
File: 17 KB, 200x200, 200px-MW-creature-Yagrum_Bagarn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd have to kill Vivec AND Yagrum Bagarn I think