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File: 676 KB, 327x224, get n or get out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6873457 No.6873457 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we rate consoles solely on their marketing slogans.

I give this one a 9/10. It doesn't make me physically cringe, even though it tries a little too hard to be edgy. That said, it was appropriate for its time.

>> No.6873472
File: 61 KB, 402x563, atheist station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/10, cringe and blasphemous.

>> No.6873481
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>> No.6873506

This. Fart huffing, fedora wearing, Buzzfeed gobbling Sóyny bronies.

>> No.6873704

Is this a stealth jab at Saturn, the console named after a Roman god?

>> No.6873706
File: 22 KB, 295x288, urnote_front_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSX was as nu-metal as this ad purported it to be.

>> No.6873998

They’re destroying the company’s future, dear.

>> No.6874021

I don't get it. You are naughty? You are not E (everyone), as in you are unique? You are not E, as in you don't play rated E baby games?

>> No.6874047

"You are not ready"

>> No.6874181


In Germany, where it wasn't sure that people would get the "get N" pun the slogan was "A new dimension of fun"

fairly generic but it still tries to keep a bit of a wordplay with "new dimension" because of the jump to 3D. 7/10

>> No.6874186
File: 69 KB, 525x394, rimshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Red "e" -> ready

>> No.6874226

That font was everywhere in mid-90s gaming literature. GamesMaster magazine used it a lot around that time too.

>> No.6874660
File: 11 KB, 480x360, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6874808


>> No.6874961

That’s not a slogan. It’s a quote from a shit publication.

>> No.6875034

>slogan was used to compare the Genesis to the NES
>from 5th gen on Nintendo's competitors have plenty of YOU CAN'T DO THIS ON NINTENDO examples

>> No.6875321

My dad gave a choice to either get a Sega Genesis or a SNES. I ended up getting the Sega Genesis. I don't regret my choice back then. Although I do own a SNES now.

>> No.6875340

There’s nothing more cucked than putting the name of your competitor anywhere near your product . small dicked 2nd place Sega was never going to last

>> No.6875375

>Projecting this hard
t. Seething small dick Nincel

>> No.6875436

Sega was always gay like that. Always mentioning their competition rather than showing something substantial.

>> No.6875451

>Calling Sega gay
t. Seething insecure closet homosexual Nincel

>> No.6875456

Snoystation bribing journos since it's inception

>> No.6875467

>nincels are STILL mad

>> No.6875478
File: 69 KB, 590x835, pepsi pretends it's a real soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo is what Genesisn't

Sometimes it's funny.

>> No.6875493

>now they're fucked

>> No.6875550

Sega is dead bro, give it up

>> No.6875557

If not for the Pepsi logo in the corner I wouldn’t know if this was a come or Pepsi ad. The coke guys must have loved this. What a waste of money

>> No.6875575

>sega is dead bro
>Sega still producing games and are making mini consoles
How delusional are you, Nincel?

>> No.6875601

Rehashing the same Yakuza and Sanic title for the billionth time is pretty pathetic compared to Classic Sega.

>> No.6875613

One rung up from atari

>> No.6875665

I doubt they were that insightful, especially with the SEGA Saturn logo looking like the planet.

>> No.6875669
File: 118 KB, 700x1087, F075E64A-9D8E-4235-98A7-FC6D23A1A44B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6875748
File: 122 KB, 960x540, l943foxppfo31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6875836
File: 266 KB, 500x275, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gamers today want more than they had yesterday. They want a new level of interactivity. It's not enough to just play the game. You have to live the game. Be the game. Touch the game.
>*flips over poster*
>Super Mario 64 DS- Touching is good. Thank you for your time gentlemen.

>> No.6875868

Nincel confirmed

The way the console market is going, 9th Gen consoles aren't going to do so well against PC. Nintendo will eventually make third party titles, Microsoft will probably do what Steam is doing in the PC market and Sony will either probably be bought by WB/AT&T or Comcast/Universal, since Disney is too broke to buy out Sony.

>> No.6875876

>The way the console market is going
which is what? consoles are still going strong. PCs have been better options for fucking decades yet people still buy consoles. I mean it's basically down to 2 now since Nintendo has gone full handheld

>> No.6876008

They're not wrong, though.

It's like how every other 00's FPS was being marketed as "The Halo Killer", calling your product "the Halo killer" just ensures that people will always think of Halo when they think of your product. It's basically free advertising for your competition.

>> No.6876065

Right. Same with every MMO being a “wow killer”. Basically calling your product a knockoff

>> No.6876076
File: 291 KB, 1024x617, 1599799924896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6876094

Pepsi and Coke used to do this in the 90s, so did Disney and Universal.

Times were better back then because we weren't as polite.

This for instance pisses a lot of people off, but even bad publicity is still good advertising as all you ahve to do is hold people's attention. The only thing that stayed that spicy was the (((nes))), except they stopped smiling while talking about death and such.

>> No.6876103

I miss how overt and fun marketing used to be. It was an obvious attempt to sell you something and you didn't care because you either wanted to buy the product or not. Nowadays marketing is so insidious, joyless and forced (in the sense of trying it 'be on the same level' as the consumer) that no one has the balls to actually market anything in a fun way anymore.

t. marketing major

>> No.6876107

I think both parties involved love this kind of stuff because it's free shout outs
Like how Dan shows up in SF Alpha to make fun of Art of Fighting, but it drums up attention for both franchises

>> No.6876386

Kek that ad is pretty funny. Surprised they did something like that. I absolutely fucking hate pepsi though.

>> No.6876454
File: 398 KB, 500x500, 1459639200151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nincel confirmed
Even people who like sonic use it. It's like frens for sonic. Mario had one to but it never caught on. Don't be such a faggot.

>> No.6876663

The Switch is a console/handheld hybrid actually. You've also not been paying attention because recently consoles have been a decline in recent years. Even my nephew sold his consoles to build his own PC and buy games for it. Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo won't last too long. I use to be very supportive of console gaming, until the reveal of the PS5 made me realize I should give up on consoles and start building my own PC. I really wish there was a better option, but I think now is a good time to say goodbye to consoles.

Not true. Look at Marvel, they take shots at DC all the time. Worked out pretty well for them.

>don't be such a faggot
>calls Sonic "Sanic"
t. Seething Nincel fag

>> No.6876682

>Not true. Look at Marvel, they take shots at DC all the time. Worked out pretty well for them.
wtf are you even talking about. besides friendly barbs about the "distinguished competition", go ahead and show me the advertisement or campaign that shows one mentioning the other. I don't think you follow comics or movies by bringing this one up

>> No.6876703

>Nincel confirmed
>hurrr you can't be a Sega fan if you don't like those shitty Sanic games
Face it lad, Sanic Team was Sega's worst division. AM1, AM2, AM3, AM7, all better. But hey, if you're into autistic kids games like what they shat out, more power to ya, buddy.

>> No.6876904
File: 258 KB, 900x1330, Lobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>distinguished competition
Stan Lee is really crappy at taking shots at DC. All he managed to do is get me to give DC a chance. Same with the Apple ads bashing on PC, I went straight for building my own PC instead of buying an Apple computer.

>> No.6876906

>anyone who defends Sonic is autistic
Not him, but did some autist cuck you?

>> No.6878990
File: 101 KB, 600x300, EL CEREBRO DE LA BESTIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10, the TV commercials also hyped the shit out of me.

>> No.6879513
File: 76 KB, 900x900, 15394323365918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 - The Third Place

Twin Peaks reference. Not to spoil anything there's two inter-dimensional places in the series, where this slogan would serve as a portal to a third place.
Back then the stranger the commercial the better and Twin Peaks was very popular in Japan, it made total sense for grown-ups and young adults who had watched the show.


>> No.6879519

You could say that Pepsi is real and Coke is just a dressed up Pepsi....
But you could also argue that the Pepsi dresses up because it wants to be a Coke because Coke is cool.


>> No.6879521

Clever but in a bitchy, childish way. 6/10