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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6873446 No.6873446 [Reply] [Original]

People meme so much about Brits and the ZX Spectrum here that nobody remembers how in Spain we had our own huge Spectrum game scene which had many classics you never even heard about.

>> No.6873452

but is any of it even good though

>> No.6873454

that top left looks horrible

>> No.6873468

That top left one looks amazing and horrible at the same time.

>> No.6873475



>> No.6873484

Was the ZX Spectrum cheap at all? Because that's the only reason I can imagine people playing games like this at all.

>> No.6873492

Thanks for shedding light on this. I'll be sure to play Sniguel right away!

>> No.6873495

The Amstrad CPC was popular in Spain as well, and the MSX but no Commodore machines. Nobody had those down there.

>> No.6873498
File: 171 KB, 420x506, 1598830749039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6873509

I do not, whatsoever, get the appeal of the CPC outside of the computer itself looking like some Vietnam era military equipment. EVERYTHING ran at like 8fps and ran at a ludicrously low and vertically squished resolution. It had more colors big whoop, it has no style to it like ZX or C64. What the fuck's the killer app on this stupid thing? For as shitty ZX is I can kinda see the appeal, a little bit, and they at least have a good homebrew CV game.

>> No.6873515

You can play the windows remake
Right click in-game to choose English

>> No.6873517

yeah the Amstrad was pretty pointless

>huge 16k graphics page which was too much for an 8-bit CPU to drag around and ate one quarter of the memory in the computer
>the graphics were also amazingly ugly
>and it came out in 1984 which was really fucking late for a new 8-bit machine
The only thing it did well was productivity stuff because you could use CP/M with the monochrome monitor and those funky 3" floppy disks and type documents in WordStar. Also unlike the other machines mentioned in here, it has no modern-day homebrew scene and nobody cares about it.

>> No.6873518


>> No.6873523

sencillo como

>> No.6873525

Spanish games are basically British ones but worse. Also the Spanish software industry back then was a lot lower budget and less developed. Their game magazines were particularly horrible and often totally useless.

>> No.6873542

Let me explain this to you, Spainbro. No one gives a shit about the Spectrum, people just post about it to make retarded nigel anglofucks seeth.

>> No.6873568

My uncle grew up with a Speccy. He's 51. I don't think you're making anybody on this board genuinely seethe.

>> No.6873589


>> No.6873630
File: 318 KB, 925x1050, 1564442821658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Así que aquí está el compañero del trato. Zed Ex Speccy fue la mejor computadora hogareña española de todos los tiempos, a pesar de que, literalmente, todas las computadoras volaron esta calculadora con esteroides fuera del agua, el Speccy es un clásico puro, no importa que los juegos hayan envejecido como la leche, siguen siendo clásicos, ¿verdad? Pude experimentar este verdadero clásico y su secuela Sniguelo 2: dungeon quest, el juego fue un clásico correcto

>> No.6873638

>What the fuck's the killer app on this stupid thing?
80 column display

>> No.6874503

People meme about the Brits because they still insist their shitty games they got stuck with during childhood are still good and totally comparable to Japanese classics like Chrono Trigger and Sonic 3.

>> No.6874516

russia too

>> No.6874721

>Chrono Trigger and Sonic 3
You're comparing apples to oranges, those games are from the mid 90s while the Spectrum is from the early 80s. The Spectrum was taken out of production in 1992, and it was on it's last legs then. It was also from the start intended to be a budget-friendly computer, even back then everyone knew it sucked compared to the C64 for example.

>> No.6874759


>> No.6874792

The Spectrum was underpowered, but comparing it to the SNES and Mega Drive is unfair, they are from a later generation. It was contemporaneous with the NES and Master System.

>> No.6874813
