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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6867494 No.6867494 [Reply] [Original]

bootleg thread

>> No.6868354

What was the gameboy Pokémon bootleg that had Meowth quoting Titanic?

>> No.6868558

kino music

>> No.6868698

>tfw you thought Telefang was a rare Pokémon game cuz you're a dumb kid
Good shit

>> No.6869348

I own one of those 8 in 1 gameboy cartridges that had this on. All the other games on our are legit, resulting in me being really confused as to why do many people liked sonic games.

>> No.6870398

Was this from ever released on internet?

Ordered donkey Kong 5 this week on AliExpress can't wait I love Pokemon pinball ost, dk as character and SMB as game so it's a win to me

>> No.6870407

Do anyone where I can find someone selling this game can find any bootlegger selling it

>> No.6870429


>> No.6870481

I thought it was the Pikachu Nightmare, a bootleg of the Smurfs Nightmare, but I think it's actually a game that was a bootleg of the Smurfs 3, that was just the Smurfs Nightmare on Game Boy without Color

>> No.6870496

Sonic! Sonic!

>> No.6870505

I couldn't find anyone selling it right now, but this is what my cart looks like. It also has Dr. Mario, Smurfs 2 (not Nightmare) and like 3 other games repeated a bumch of times

>> No.6870507
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x1908, 20200913_183609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a retard

>> No.6870616

Pokémon go go go?

>> No.6870819

Yeah, that's it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy2rS2_pKW0

>> No.6870834
File: 864 KB, 2448x2448, AC5F206A-58E7-45FC-A17A-054C6FD9F37C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6870982


This thing was sold on carts and was advertised on central tv in Russia in 1994.

>> No.6871009
File: 36 KB, 220x308, divine sealing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the first unlicensed genesis game it has great box art. its a shame its untranslated and has 0 info

>> No.6871029

This is a thread for pirate games not accurate depictions of historical events that the mainstream media doesn't want the sheeple to learn or it would threaten their (((leftist))) narrative hegemony in academia and pop culture, for more information look up 911wasaninsidejob.blogspot.tv games.

>> No.6871040

This bootleg has soul


>> No.6871582


>> No.6871585

Any good bootleg recommendation list? Do this exist

I'm currently looking for good/hilarious gb games

>> No.6872542

No, but we could create one.

/vr/ Recommended Bootleg/unlicensed Games list.

>> No.6874002

damn, i used to play this a lot

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