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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6855627 No.6855627 [Reply] [Original]

Pre 1999 hardware thread. Come discuss old computer games and console games

>> No.6855629

Not fair we should be able to talk about 6th gen here, it's retro enough

>> No.6855659


>> No.6855665

Too retro
Fuck outta here gramps

>> No.6855668

Cool, go make a 6th gen thread then, i’m not stopping you

>> No.6855679

so this is the power of zx spectrum

>> No.6855685

No, it belongs here. What did you guys think of Silent Hill 2?

>> No.6855692

Oi mum izzat a speccy oi spoi wif moi littawl oi?

>> No.6855698

Meh, overrated

>> No.6855702

>No, it belongs here. What did you guys think of Silent Hill 2?
Underages were a mistake

>> No.6855716

Stop gatekeeping

>> No.6855737

Boring otherworld and and a disjointed story with nonsensical symbolism that does nothing for world building unlike 3

>> No.6856045


>> No.6856065

Does anyone know of a good Sharp X68000 emulator? Also, what PC88/98 emulators do you guys use?

>> No.6856103


>> No.6856164

>Also, what PC88/98 emulators do you guys use?
Neko Project 2, it has a native gnu/linux and windows version.

>> No.6856203

Can PAL Megadrives still output 60hz if I play NTSC games with a flashcart, or should I import a Genesis?

>> No.6856237
File: 41 KB, 623x358, atari520st-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the ST.

>> No.6856525
File: 130 KB, 1768x1148, 888854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6856947

we get it, 6th gen was a mistake, go shitpost somewhere else

>> No.6857034

No, you need to mod it first.

>> No.6857437

>the new edge

>> No.6857443

Damn! Utter destruction! Now pick a title that isn't on the list of the top ten worst ZX Spectrum games, you disingenuous slug.

>> No.6857507

> spectrum
into the trash it goes
every game on the spectrum is the worst game. this is fact.

>> No.6858971

For me, it's the power book g3 wallstreet

>> No.6859008

Metal Jesus said the Zedex Spectrum Next is a piece of crap and thats all I need to know to know the original Zedex mustve been even more of a piece of crap

>> No.6859225



>> No.6860471

How much should I be willing to pay for one of the ones like the OP?

>> No.6860507

I like M88 for PC-88, but that's mainly because it has some debugging features.

>> No.6860517

Atari ShiT

>> No.6860857

Anybody have a IIGS? What did you play on it?

>> No.6860890

>not Atari STd
come on man

>> No.6860982

He's literally got nothing else. He tried "durr u guys drink onions and love Bernie" when his generation also does the same plus consists only of OnlyFans whores and fat simps giving $600 to ugly muslim roasties to be their gf on a whim. At least we had a chance.

>> No.6860986

Agreed. What did you think of retro GOTY Lou2, anon?

>> No.6861272

Been playing a shit ton of speccy recently. I've grown to love the graphics. It's very punk rock if you ask me.

>> No.6863060


>> No.6863081

You have to appreciate the clean minimalism of it and that it's much easier to figure out and not as hacky as eg. an Apple II.