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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6855367 No.6855367 [Reply] [Original]

>shitty hardware that was made outdated shortly after released
>low quality library of games, most of them mediocre first party games, inferior ports from other consoles and some third party crumbs
>awkward bulge controller
>completely outshined by sony's console on sales
>stuck with outdated format for its games
>fucked up compano so hard they never recovered

>be nintendo 64
>pic unrelated

>> No.6855390

>shitty hardware that was made outdated shortly after released
wrong for both
>low quality library of games, most of them mediocre first party games, inferior ports from other consoles and some third party crumbs
wrong for the dc

The rest seems about right

>> No.6855415

Why do American soillennials love the N64 so much?

>> No.6855428

Solid hardware that lasted in the arcade well into the 00's
Excellent arcade library. Inferior ports to non DC consoles, yes.
Controller feels fine, but the cord coming from the bottom does kinda get in the way.
Sony didn't fix their jagged games until a year or two later. DC looked very nice by comparison.
GD-ROM wasn't even a thing anywhere but Japan. Hitichi CPU, NEC GPU, Yamaha sound and optical drive. Pure bred Japanese console.
Suck it lad

>> No.6855431

Read the last two lines, fag

>> No.6855439

N64 wasn't even the same generation. GameCube comparison would have been more appropriate and they fix all of those previous issues.

>> No.6855442

The memecast was still the N64 of its generation, so pic is very much still related.

>> No.6855446
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>> No.6855448

At least the memecast doesn't have a legion of obnouxious HRT'd fanboys

>> No.6855451

>GameCube comparison would have been more appropriate
But that would be objectively wrong you mongrel

>> No.6855454

So ops saying the only good thing about DC wuz teh interwebz?

>> No.6855459

All of 6th gen hardware was well thought out except the PS2.

>> No.6855471

Comparing 6th gen to 5th is right?

>> No.6855476

It's not comparing hardware, so what's the deal?

>> No.6855479

Are you kidding? Memecast fansöis are HRT incarnate.

>> No.6855485

Legion is the key word.

>> No.6855601

Do Sonyggers really?

>> No.6855615

To be fair Sega died 18 years ago, so the only way to safely assume that the person you're talking to isn't a stinky zoomer retard is him identifying as a Sega fan.

>> No.6855650

Zoomers love nu-Sega thanks to PSO2, Yakuza, hold-forward-to-win (aka modern) Sonic, and owning Fatlus.

>> No.6856957

op isn't talking about the DC at all

>> No.6857450

Apart from some cherry picked games of the system, Dreamcast players seem to admit more that the console was shit. While the N64 fags are still shilling their failure of a system because it was the console of their childhoods and some journalists told them to.

>> No.6857558

Name a single company that has done more damage to gaming as a whole than Sony. Protip: you can't.

>> No.6857685

Nintranny seething because DC has a mythical library.

>> No.6857690

>criticize n64
>no! sony is way worse!
too busy criticizing others to notice your own flaws

>> No.6857692

this thread just proves that /vr/ is incapable of reading comprehension

>> No.6857694

Please ask this again and this time post like you're above the age of 16.

>> No.6858092

OP here. Yeah, really impressive how they miss the last 2 lines. That's literally the entire thread

>> No.6858097

Both are better than the Shovelstation.

>> No.6858976

Anything is better than Shovelstation

>> No.6859575

>He doesn't like my Brand™! He must be my rival!
lol, fuck off, you're NOTHING to nintendo, they don't belong to you and the owe you nothing.
Quit being a blind faggot and grow up.

>> No.6859917
File: 1.01 MB, 500x988, dc64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no games
>stupid controllers
>transparent shells
>annoying fanboys
>makes sonyggers seethe
Checks out.