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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 88 KB, 507x766, func_goatse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6853996 No.6853996 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / 90s FPS THREAD - Last thread >>6843535

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)
-Album of infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ietb4JwaaXA [Embed] [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGj4gXyCzg0 [Embed] [Embed]

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake pastebin (2016-06-22): http://pastebin.com/XjBHDRFw
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Doom Shovelware

Doom RPG series



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.6854000
File: 634 KB, 220x165, Blood - Monolith (1997).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


450ml of /vr/ (for Blood)
Before the project officially begins, familiarize yourself with MAPEDIT:
Optional discord for questions:
Rules: >>6837387

=== NEWS ===
[9-9]Hideous destructor got updated: https://github.com/MatthewTheGlutton/HideousDestructor/releases/tag/v4.4.2b
So as Ugly as sin: https://github.com/caligari87/Ugly-as-Sin/releases/tag/v4.4.2b-1
and there is now a site to see all the addons done for Hideous destructor: https://accensi.gitlab.io/hdportal/index.html

[6-9] ROTT is getting an official source port for PC & consoles.

[6-9] La Tailor Girl got updated to 1.76b:

[6-9] anon's latest weapon mods, with contribution from VA anon. Developed and tested on GZD 4.4.2.

[4-9] another reelism hotfix

[3-9] Official Bethesda ports have been added to Steam, if you already own Doom you get it for free. You can still launch the DOS copy as well. Including many features, like DeHacked support:

[8-29] Rtex.wad, a boom-compatible texture pack released

[8-28] 2048 Units of /vr/ finally completed
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j8yiuestrwfvmdh/2048unitsvr_v1.1.zip?dl=1
2048 Guns: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l51hgsqhcg2v99e/2048GUNS.zip?dl=1
DW Thread: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/116497-2048-units-of-vr-boom-megawad-for-doom-ii/

=== PREVIOUS ===



>> No.6854014
File: 10 KB, 369x300, 1381579575807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6854051

half life a shite

>> No.6854061


>> No.6854065

Doom sucks

>> No.6854071

Doom is gay. Why is the op pic from quake.. dumbass

>> No.6854081

Ever so slowly I get better at the game. Mastering infighting seems like the only way through some of these crazy user mods. For example I played thru Going Down which was great fun for a while but eventually it just got too difficult for me (I still think it's a fantastic wad worth checking out).
Here's an example of a map from the wad where you have to get a cyber demon shooting rockets at a huge crowd of imps that block the exit. For the life of me I couldn't figure this map out and when I watch videos of other people completing it I get the feeling I'm looking at the end result of a LOT of planning

>> No.6854092

Just so you know, monsters of the same type don't damage each other when they infight

>> No.6854094

Goatse.cx, the map.

>> No.6854126

Is there a more customizable substitute for A_Blast? I just want to push back enemies I am aiming at and with a force I can specify without damaging them directly. With A_Blast it's always a radius and the force warrants zscript fuckery with additional functions and I really don't want to do that.

>> No.6854127
File: 73 KB, 564x500, quaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do make it so that I always "pistol" or rather wand start levels in Heretic? I'm playing in LZDOOM

>> No.6854131

Could use thrustthing / thrustthingz.

>> No.6854135

Wouldn't that warrant setting TIDs and so on? That's something I wanted to leave behind me desu.

>> No.6854170

You can use uniqueTID to give them an id (if they dont have one) and then reset it once youre done.

>> No.6854201
File: 752 KB, 666x666, 1597524785600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing the 2nd episode of Blood. I had a pretty tubular moment where a cultist and I both threw dynamite at each other. Our bundles collided in mid-air exploding and it took out the cultist.

Also, I am playing with Fresh Supply. I heard it was better now? Or did I hear wrong?

>> No.6854214

Not really many ways of doing it other than using IDCLEV to the level you entered

>> No.6854226

I didn't know that, but as long as they're not shooting me I'm happy. Seems like you could get lead a third demon through the crossfire and break it up with a different fight. Infighting is so fun to mess around with that I wonder why more games don't have it. Doom reminds me of a top down bullet hell game sometimes, and if a bullet hell game had infighting I would actually want to play it

>> No.6854229

Fun to shoot bundles of dynamite out of the air as well.
>Fresh Supply
It's fine now. There's somebody who put together a post a long while back now that states BuildGDX is still more accurate on a frame-by-frame basis to the original, but unless you're an archivist, you don't care about that.

>> No.6854235

Oh, but another thing, Atari is holding the source code for Blood hostage, so we're never going to see another update ever again while BuildGDX still gets updated for Blood. Make of that what you will.

>> No.6854245

Cheats are disabled on the last difficulty though

>> No.6854254

IDCLEV should work regardless of the difficulty, at least that's how it is in Doom.

>> No.6854258

Ehhh, ThrustThing is an ACS function. And I remember somewhere in the back of my head doing something like that some time ago, with an extra ACS script and setting CVARs and stuff like that. I'd like to stay with ZScript though. But this is probably beyond my capabilities anyways. Thanks anyway.

>> No.6854259

I used to bind "nextmap" to some key and press it on the intermission screen.

IDCLEV ignores that. Not sure if Heretic behaves the same.

>> No.6854269
File: 187 KB, 576x384, 08c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6854283

In decorate (and i assume zscript too), you can use any action special (including thrustthing) in place of an action function.

>> No.6854308

Ah shit you're right. Well, I'll see what I can come up with, although A_RadiusThrust just behaved weirdly when it thrusted the enemy exactly once and then never again.

>> No.6854313
File: 133 KB, 1786x1084, twad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twad a terminal based wad launcher for Doom was released. Would of posted this sooner but I only just found out about it.

>> No.6854318

>news post has date flipped now
good one you foreign bastard.

>> No.6854368
File: 236 KB, 1166x903, EOpvQjhUUAYYacO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they say there arent enough hexen wads.

>> No.6854371
File: 34 KB, 476x635, ay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Conspiracy Prime Time on planet Earth.
Ancient Aliens 2 when?

>> No.6854374 [DELETED] 

Imagine being a hlnigger

>> No.6854385

Heh, a wad with proper levels that utilize a HOM effect like that with that texture would actually be pretty neat visually speaking

>> No.6854391
File: 13 KB, 255x198, blob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would've thought so too. There are a lot on doomworld archives and most of them are SHIT

>> No.6854408

You're right

doom ii rocks.

>> No.6854420

Most of the ones on idgames are from the 90s. You can find some more modern ones on Zdoom forums.

>> No.6854424 [DELETED] 
File: 1.70 MB, 349x367, 1573763820241.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have to imagine.

>> No.6854432 [DELETED] 

Everyone hates your game

>> No.6854461

There's exceptions to that.

An Imp hitting an Imp with a fireball has no effect, he takes no damage and they don't get pissed at each other, same for a Baron and a Baron, as well Barons Vs. Hellknights. Visible projectiles from the same species do nothing.
However, gunshots ignores this, so a Chaingunner hitting literally any other enemy may cause said monster to retaliate, the same for Shotgun Baldies and Greenhair Troopers, as well as the SS Nazi and Spider Mastermind. The exception would be for the Arch-Vile, which no other monster will fight with, they can hurt him and he gets pissed and starts attacking them, but they'll never strike him back.

There's also the remote chance of barrel explosions, if a monster manages to hurt another monster by setting off an explosive barrel, then the hurt monster may get pissed and start going at the guy responsible, EVEN if they are the same species. For Imps and Barons, that would entail throwing ineffective fireballs at the offender, until he gets close enough for claw distance, upon which point it's on, because melee attacks also ignores that special species immunity, and they'll tear each other apart.
For monsters without melee attacks, such as the Arachnotron, this would result in the Arachnotron just blasting away at the other Arachnotron, and never doing any damage to him.

A piece of trivia is that barrels could, in the original release, cause a monster to look at himself as responsible for blowing up a barrel and hurting himself, and if he has a melee attack start clawing/biting himself (because he's, uh, in range of himself), or if he doesn't, start shooting wildly in all directions because he can't aim at himself. This bug was patched out very early on.

>> No.6854463

It was like that when I found it.

>> No.6854464 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 312x419, 1580134216044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my game.

>> No.6854472



Hmm havent been on ZDoom forums for a long time...

But if I could describe my enjoyment of going through doomworld wads, it's like travelling back through time, if the past was 97% sewage and sentient camel dung

It's weirdly fun and sadistic...

>> No.6854475

Calm down guys, the last entry if 9-9 so you can discreetly flip it back. I say keep the non-retard format, though.

>> No.6854484

Cool if this could download from doomworld like quakeinjector

>> No.6854567

Repugnus, you fuck, where are you? Don't tell me you got sick and died.

>> No.6854647


>> No.6854687
File: 2.93 MB, 534x400, second verse same as the first.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done most of the decorations, just need to think of something more for the flesh room. And maybe something on the outside.

>> No.6854713

Looks good.

>> No.6854729

Looks sweet dude.

>> No.6854757


>> No.6854763

Probably a butthurt HL fan.

>> No.6854764

>Waaaah people I don't like are gonna play the same game that I do waaaah
Deal with it faggot

>> No.6854765

I don't care. I only go to doomworld to post my screenshots and maps.

>> No.6854768
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>> No.6854772

>and yes, I'm on the spectrum myself as well

>> No.6854775

I think people who post cross-board stupid shit are huge faggots like (you)rself and should be beaten

>> No.6854776
File: 34 KB, 512x512, 1540767161446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on that thread a couple hours ago. People who make threads like that are like doomsday prophets, I swear man.

>> No.6854784

I almost feel bad for this person, it sounds like they have a lot of anxiety and paranoia over nothing. "Almost" because theyre using their mental problems as a cudgel to try and sow drama.

>> No.6854796
File: 993 KB, 500x303, tumblr_e4c6833f043c924cb1c3acbd93ec5bd7_87e2b491_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> haven't checked Crispy Doom in a while
> wide-screen support
> better view bob options
> supports Nerve and Sigil
> sf-55 sound don't works perfectly
> limit extending, but still very high compatibility


>> No.6854804

Meant sound font. Great because it means I don't need the SC-55 individual packs anymore. It works with everything.

>> No.6854823
File: 229 KB, 521x768, 4fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my biggest takeaway from reading all this is that this guy is a fucking faggot and no wonder people hate the doom community now

>> No.6854830

are there any mods that used ed edd and eddy or hannah barbera sounds?
has one ever used the fucking "orle orle orle hehee" singing?
so cirno day

>> No.6854841

do people who make this even think of mods or source ports or any fan culture that lasted for years and could last more if people focused on more relevant things related to their hobbies?
if a guy makes a cool discovery that could change doom modding, would you care that he used to say mean things at some point?
almost everyone that makes these posts have skeletons on their closets or just try too hard to overcompensate for their sa/4chan days anyway

>> No.6854842

Its not only the doom community. Narcissism exists in all ages.

It will morph tomorrow into something else to feel vainglorious about.

>> No.6854856

Halfway through reading and half the posts vanish, as expected.

>> No.6854861

I managed to snag the thread before it got nuked, I could upload it if you want

>> No.6854884

tl;dr caught this at the end though

>someone I care deeply about being forced to live with honest-to-god PTSD because of guys like these

Absolutely pathetic. Without even reading it I can tell this loser is most likely gay and or a progressive. Who wants rules changed or to dictate what people do, say and think like all good little mutant commies do

>> No.6854886

Any dechacked compatible widescreen hud wads? No Boom/Gzdoom stuff.

>> No.6854894 [DELETED] 

go to church anon

>> No.6854895

This. If you have crippling anxiety because people you don't like exist, you are a failure in every possible regard.

>> No.6854915 [DELETED] 

FUCK OFF! Churches, Mosques and most public schools these days are kosher indoctrination camps.

>> No.6854930

i ain't reading all that.
my thoughts are that he's dumb and gay.

>> No.6854971

I don't know what the fuck does his beef with that guy have to do with boomer shooters, he must have run out of meds or something. Doomworld drama is always so retarded

>> No.6854976

Not that important, I'm pretty sure most of it was just ree-ing about people with different opinions and people making asses out of themselves.

>> No.6854979

Crispy Doom really is top notch.

>> No.6854987

I dont know why he posted that shit, why call the drama here?

Its the typical ego trip alphabet mafia standard procedure artillery opener to stir shit.

It reads to me as normal as corporate drivel right now. The empty rhetoric empathy angle, the guilt shaming, etc.

>> No.6854992

One of the new versions triggered virus warnings, was that thing cleared up?

>> No.6854997

some of us worry about hacks like midnight and the new generation of "slayers" that look like a redlettermedia joke in real life then we have this from the "old guard" who forgot most 90's fps were considered to be edgy at their hayday due to their themes and identities
also, i hate the term "boomer shooter"
it feels fake
like saying doggo instead of dog

>> No.6855000

>why call the drama here?
For easy (you)s and thread derailment. He succeeded.

>> No.6855001

Also agreed. As we were, gentlemen

>> No.6855013
File: 345 KB, 1122x634, EhdspIFU0AEs9EB.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6855017

I saw this earlier, that's a pretty good SSG

>> No.6855021

i love the rev's sprites and most of the other enemies
a lot of sprites here look so good
if anything, this is what the sentinel/heaven stuff in eternal should look like
fucking serious sam 4 gets a popemobile
id, you cowards

>> No.6855028

God those decorative models look fucking awful. Maybe idea is their simplicity makes them look more retro, but really they just look like cheap assets youd see in a Unity asset flip.

>> No.6855034

What the fuck is he talking about? What game got attention. What chuds. WHAT THE FUCK IS A CHUD.
Why is he being so fucking coy. Just say what you mean or shut the fuck up. How am I supposed to weigh in on anything when I don't know what the hell he's referring to.
Also, fuck this constant pandering.
And this dumb horse shit.

>> No.6855039

Go to lgbt right here and they will tell what is a chud.

I fucking hate americans.

>> No.6855046

It seems like the root of it is that he saw the Ion Fury devs make "offensive" comments and get away with it and he really can not stand the idea of that happening again.

>> No.6855067

What boggles my mind is that he thinks ion fury should stand with the build trio.

Insanity right there.

>> No.6855074

>go to lgbt right here
why the hell would I do that
I hate how sensitive people are. This shit was predicted 70 years ago in science fiction. It's just a means to divide and conquer. Why the hell would I interact with anyone if I might piss them off with something I consider innocuous humor.
Complete dissolving of social trust.

>> No.6855076

You should know what you face.

>> No.6855078

Hey this is cool and all but take it to /v/

>> No.6855104

shit thats nice

>> No.6855112

Seems like an awful marketing strategy using "boomer" which is effectively an insult just embrace Le Meme culture.

Anon a few threads back had a conspiracy theory that Randy Pitchford is behind it all to unveil a new Duke game lol. I have a theory that this is a quick cash-in while simultaneously crashing the market, effectively killing the trend of consumer demand for quality level design and innovative gameplay

>> No.6855135

Interesting take. But no.

Although taking a step back from super grafix might be good actually in some cases.

>> No.6855165
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer shooter
I hate it too. Viral marketing through internet memes is such cancer, but it was only a matter of time.

>> No.6855175

Playthrough video of map04 of Illicit Engineering is up. Still with the old audio setup (the bad one). I wonder if the author is still around.
Also, another shovelware level with the new setup. In addition to the previous improvements, I turned the game volume up a bit. Not enough, imp.

>> No.6855186

That's a user map, yeah? Or just a marketing map.
Prodeus looks good. The mapping tools are neat, and they already have a bunch of user maps from their beta.

>> No.6855193

It's a marketing map they used in one of their tweets.

>> No.6855278
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, Crispy Doom BTSX Ep2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTSX is good shit.

>> No.6855315

Better than being a hlcuck

>> No.6855319

>the new generation of "slayers" that look like a redlettermedia joke
So who's going to do the "Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About the Praetor Suit" video?

>> No.6855362

fucking FERNS

>> No.6855474
File: 679 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20200905_213656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, Repugnus hasn't replied yet (let's hope he's alright), and I figure I should stop blueballing some of you with this, here's the last version (for now, anyway), of 2048GUNS.
2048 Units Of /vr/ is still fully playable as is, but I'd really like to see v1.2 released, just rounding off the final jagged edges.

Major change is the BFG replacement.

>> No.6855507

I never go on Doomworld. I didn't realize the userbase was a bunch of resetera tier faggots.

>> No.6855520

Some of them are old SomethingAwful goons, so it doesn't surprise too much. I see some people in that thread who are a lot more reasonable and level headed though.

>> No.6855528

all of the doom forums are like that, zdoom is especially bad because they will ban you if you don't viciously suck the admins cock every time they post in your thread.

>> No.6855536
File: 25 KB, 335x475, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot new insult the left likes to call anyone that doesn't toe their line. stands for pic related. idk why they think calling people they don't like cannibals is a good insult but whatever

>> No.6855556

whatever cuck

>> No.6855558

good shit. worth posting in the DW thread too. you should consider making another weapon pack of your own, you've done some good work man.

>> No.6855567

Half of that was stuff I had lying around or could put together fairly quickly. Maybe I'll do one some other day, but I would want to move past sticking to original weapon performance and behavior.

I'd rather go back to focusing on Immoral Conduct for now. I realize I can use the 2048 BFG as a placeholder for what I intend to eventually do for ICD's BFG replacement though.

>> No.6855568

>whatever cannibal
lol good one

>> No.6855583

>He admits it
Damn I'm good

>> No.6855602

Call them of what you are, and insult them of what you do.

>> No.6855619

yeah the big bad cannibals are gonna get you lmao

>> No.6855620
File: 96 KB, 1008x672, Stroggosfornia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commiefornia became Planet Stroggos during the D-Day.

does someone remembers the name of the Q2 unit on earth from ol planet quake?

>> No.6855626

Why would they get me when they could go after a weak cuckling like yourself?

>> No.6855638

What's Immoral Conduct? I've found google results for an old weapon replacement wad but I'm not sure if that's what your working on. In any case I'd love to see more levels and weapon mods by you since your contributions to 2048 were so good.

>> No.6855647
File: 62 KB, 600x901, caleb_from_blood_by_beckyalbright_d8x24a4-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caleb is CUTE

>> No.6855675


wheres the goatse icon of sin mod?

>> No.6855678

Prime example >>6855556

>> No.6855682

There was a fair amount of pushback, so not everybody is as extreme as that OP. Its still a good place to find (and archive/promote your own) wads.

>> No.6855687

too late they're coming for you
guess you shouldn't have been such a weak cuckling ;)

>> No.6855696

>just repeating the same insult back
low test. I bet you like Half-Life

>> No.6855714

Trouble shooting and downloading was the extent of time on Zdoom. Only recently did I force my self to actually read like 2 threads (1/2 really) and even as a newfriend the circle jerk was immediately apparent. It's fucking embarrassing. Its no wonder few if any have ever had a job in the industry

>> No.6855754

hlnigger cope

>> No.6855758

Unironically gross and cringe

>> No.6855861
File: 319 KB, 842x944, Crispy Doom All Episodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out Crispy Doom also picks up all official addons (and Sigil) and adds them to Doom1 and Doom2 automatically. Bitchin.

>> No.6855887

Half Life sucks

>> No.6855924
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, MechDoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks so badass

>> No.6855958

Doomer Boards is alright, 90% of the activity is in the project threads, which is how it should be

>> No.6855965
File: 1.83 MB, 640x379, Sorachi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Quake 2 Community maps ungodly hard
>Gunners traps and fucking light guard snipers

>> No.6855990

Because Q2 sucks.

>> No.6855993

its almost 1am in most posts of the world but alf and his cockgarging friends derails this fucking thread 24/7 >>6855990

>> No.6856008 [DELETED] 

Fuck off huenigger.

>> No.6856013 [DELETED] 

Rent free
Those games are hated for a reason.

>> No.6856029
File: 41 KB, 1000x600, 1530641683637.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6856037

DB is a goddamn mapping powerhouse, mad respect to them.

>> No.6856068


>> No.6856082
File: 392 KB, 1284x996, 1599657937702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6856140
File: 220 KB, 200x222, 1577611867022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was funny, Alf, I'll have to concede that to you.

>> No.6856156 [DELETED] 


>> No.6856174

It's not sarcasm
I genuinely laughed at that Half Life mention after reading all that fucking schizo onions thread
First post too
Well played

>> No.6856249



>> No.6856269
File: 19 KB, 150x170, 1590505090086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot get enough of Blood. It just feels so fucking good. This is the first time in 15 years where I'm actually looking at a games modding community instead of just moving onto the next game. I just beat deathwish. The spooky horror levels based on Silent Hill, The Thing, Jigsaw, etc were all pretty cool and interesting. The cinematics were really taking me out of the game though. What are other good Blood mods?

>> No.6856331
File: 73 KB, 1080x1248, 49532998_2273301702939717_2240624888665567215_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French Meat (1 and 2), Bloody Pulp Fiction, Eviction, The Cult

>> No.6856429
File: 32 KB, 136x228, 1570194321657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6856441

Shrine 2 man needs to learn to fucking press ctrl-A in doom builder. I know youre here.
Also the pods shouldnt be thrown until you let go of fire.

>> No.6856442

VA anon here
as always if you got any requests throw em at me

>> No.6856445

I thought the entire point of these launchers was them being for people too dumb for CLIs

>> No.6856453

And also make it so monsters can open doors.

>> No.6856457

I need you to breath like you had something really hot in your mouth.

>> No.6856459

Like coughing out a hot pepper in your throat?

>> No.6856471

Oh my god he still hasnt learned to lower unpeg door tracks. Please bro im begging you. It literally takes 2 seconds.

>> No.6856476

Did you just call my door pregnant

>> No.6856498

That's also ok, but I was thinking more like eating a bite of something that instantly burns your mouth, like a McD's apple pie thing.

>> No.6856524
File: 670 KB, 720x360, I must go, my planet needs me.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making doors is hard.

>> No.6856561
File: 72 KB, 720x690, 1461515918525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck is every server with people on fucking brutal doom or some other over complicated shit

>> No.6856605

host & post anon

>> No.6856616

brutal doom is THE shit

>> No.6856621

It's pretty badass, stop being a contrarian and try it out with a decent PWAD.

>> No.6856641

Why not just Bolognese? Brutal Doom guns are lame

>> No.6856674

>can look up and down
not for me senpai

>> No.6856675

It's the norm so everyone does it. Complex doom sucks a fat one though. I'd play Brutal doom over Complex.

>> No.6856682

it's iron sights and recoil that kill it for me. sure you can turn off pretty much everything, but why not just play a gore mod then instead of this bloated piece of shit

>> No.6856689

Vertical mouse aim is hardly Brutal exclusive, be honest now.

>> No.6856723

What do we think of Final Doomer?

>> No.6856729

It's overpowered but I think it's a lot of fun

>> No.6856731
File: 193 KB, 256x256, bloodpalette2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting super autistic about Blood's art. I couldn't find the color palette anywhere so I generated it using a tool I found on moddb.
If anyone can dig up any info on the art direction behind blood that'd be huge. So far the most I've gotten is a few old archives and forum posts showing the claymation models.

>> No.6856734

Sorry didn't mean to reply to that post.

>> No.6856746

I saw it before and still don't understand.

>> No.6856765

JPCP melee is better than melee in SW remakes.

>> No.6856769

if i have to play gzdoom for something, it's usually final doomer. fun weaponsets, feels really satisfying.

>> No.6856778

The C4 in the hellbound set is one of the more fun rocket launcher style weapons I've played with in a Doom mod. Though you gotta set it to the ADVANCED mode so you can detonate that shit with altfire, which means you can place a fuckload of C4 and cause massive explosions

>> No.6856781

No, it isn't.

>> No.6856818

Man, TNT fucking sucks.

>> No.6856820

It's only as good as the person using it.

>> No.6856826

It's OP as fuck. Unless you're bad at aiming it, using it point blank or are throwing it at cultists while they have line of sight of you.

>> No.6856831

I'm talking about TNT Evilution not the weapon from whatever shitty fps nobody cares about you think I'm talking about.

>> No.6856836
File: 49 KB, 700x744, PALLEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fuckin guys.

>> No.6856838

>Seething this hard over a game he "totally doesn't know about"
Git gud

>> No.6856859

What crawled up your ass?

>> No.6856861

>essentially screwed Mick Gordon out of scoring what would become The Ancient Gods and pretty much destroyed his professional relationship with id Software beyond repair because TODD HOWARD IS THE DARK LORD, you name it
Are there really people still trying to pretend this wasn't entirely Mick's fault?

>> No.6856865
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Take a guess

>> No.6856876
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>> No.6856903

So, how am I supposed to survive the blue key room of Retirement Grease? Eventually I gave up and just spammed the BFG.

>> No.6856920
File: 7 KB, 242x209, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Gantlet
The Focus
The Waste Tunnels
The Crusher
Dead Simple
Tricks and Traps
The Pit
Refueling Base
Circle of Death
The Factory
The Inmost Dens
Industrial Zone
The Courtyard
The Citadel
The Catacombs
Barrels o' Fun
The Chasm
The Abandoned Mines
Monster Condo
The Spirit World
The Living End
Icon of Sin

if you disagree, you ARE wrong

>> No.6856927

I can see a few wasted entries, especially in brown
they should be grouped and filtered fro close duplicates, then maybe provide some expansion into the purple/violet

>> No.6856928
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>> No.6856950

I'm no good at Duke/Blood modding. How would one use an altered palette with the game? Could try messing with it.

>> No.6856954
File: 415 KB, 488x519, 1595509668600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Circle of Death
>Not 'O' of Destruction
Shit list

>> No.6856967

The objective list of Doom is
reach the exit
kill demons (some times you don't have to)

>> No.6856970 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 468x450, 1599732262123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wacky war tech themed Wolf3D mods. Do they exist?

>> No.6856983

Love The Living End. Simple as.

>> No.6856984

Yes, they called vanilla fucking wolf3D

>> No.6856987


uh mecha hitler and 3 armed nazis existed irl

>> No.6856989

Based, best Doom 2 map, next to The Focus

>> No.6857004
File: 81 KB, 800x537, 14128360423850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. You can't get any wackier than real life.

>> No.6857024
File: 28 KB, 192x192, fh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah. But modders never seem to run with it. Just more regular soldiers and officers with slight edits. Nothing really goofy.

>> No.6857026

Figure eights and SSG. That's about it

>> No.6857054

Quake sucks
Half Life sucks
Duke Nukem 3D sucks
Blood sucks
Quake sucks
Doom sucks

>> No.6857057

Why the spoiled map?

>> No.6857060

Nazi nigromancers is where its at

>> No.6857070
File: 183 KB, 643x701, we3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't find what I was looking for but something else popped up.
Looks like some puzzle oriented deal. Tricks and traps, "stealth" and multiple floors per level. Ugly website included.

>> No.6857075
File: 83 KB, 362x380, taikodemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like potterywork.

>> No.6857080

Why is Quake in this list twice?

>> No.6857085

Which maps were you thinking of? I make my maps based on my 20+ years experience of playing the games, and I also state so in my readme.txts.

Were you thinking of this?


>> No.6857127

>SJWs drive talented people out of the club
>Talented people form their own club
>REEEEEEEEE you can't just make your own games!!!

Getting so tired of this SJW nonsense. When will it end?

>> No.6857164

Whenever the mind control wears off and mods start caring about keeping the community alive and healthy again.
So never.

>> No.6857197

Anyone knows how to use the fucking drawing and translation tools in SLADE?

>> No.6857202

Don't use Slade.

>> No.6857219
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>secret can only be reached through a damage boost

>> No.6857225

to what end? even paint is better

>> No.6857226

Absolutely awful. Who the fuck thinks near RNG like that is fucking fun or interesting?

>> No.6857234

I don't really even need drawing, I just need to do some palette tweaks for a vanilla mod. I remember it working before but for some reason it just won't now.

>> No.6857250

Sgt Mark has a full platform there. So I would say Doomworld is at least light years away from RetardEra. Ling just tends to be benevolent to both sides of the autism spectrum.

>> No.6857318

That's why you should combine with something like babel monsters, playing Hellbound with it and final doomer is fucking crazy.

>> No.6857321 [DELETED] 

Alf the nigger trying to meme Quake 1 and 2 hate when its his fag discord friends trying to kill this general

>> No.6857329

meant for >>6857080

>> No.6857362

ignore him

>> No.6857373
File: 3.46 MB, 200x200, 9E920E1D-0203-42A7-A5D7-4CC58C721E84.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dynamite only cultists in Post Mortem

>> No.6857417

>This topic is now closed to further replies.
Well at least the moderation has their heads on somewhat tight

>> No.6857418

The Castle is literally Sunder levels of HARD on nightmare earlier on

>> No.6857426

The true marinara experience

>> No.6857494
File: 17 KB, 1235x127, romerog doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic content

>> No.6857647
File: 728 KB, 1920x1080, Crispy Doom Sigil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there been any work on extracting the widescreen art from the unity ports to use in other source ports? There's some good shit in there.

>> No.6857708
File: 375 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20200628_012724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immoral Conduct was a gameplay mod made by a guy named Cory Whittle. It was a really ambitious and cool mod from the early days of more advanced gameplay mods, it ran on Edge, because ZDoom didn't have anything like Decorate at the time. You could *almost* call it the Hideous Destructor of its day, given the attention to detail for things like ejecting spent casings, gunsmoke, fragments and shrapnel from explosions, lighting up darkness with emergency flares, bouncing grenades, partial item pickups, the higher lethality of enemies, etc. It's more realistic than stock Doom, and basically most other mods at the time, however you're still playing a fast run & gun shooter where you can dual-wield Uzis.

I've always liked it a lot, though being from like 2003 or so, it's pretty dated in some ways, and the arsenal of guns is actually pretty bloated, some guns feeling less like they're added because they would fill a good functional niche, and more just for the novelty of having a lot of (at the time) advanced and impressive weapons, some are even really clunky and awkward to use, like the Minigun. One of the things I've been working at is to consolidate the arsenal and make it a little more practical (and also making enemies tougher to compensate), and making centered weapons.

You can find a download of the original here:
It also has a Decorate recreation made for GzDoom (you load it with the old .wad for its assets), which for the most part is very faithful, though it lacks a few things due to GzDoom limitations. Primarily, it doesn't have the friendly helper marines of the original Special Edition for Edge, which would replace stuff like Megaspheres, though I always thought this was one of the most awkward additions to IC, and I don't particularly lament their absence.
I've been using this Decorate recreation as a base for what I've been working on for a long time (with O. Hakubi's permission).

>> No.6857717

I'm also very happy to hear that you liked my contributions, it makes me feel glad that I finally joined in on a /vr/ project for once, and given the high caliber of other people's contributions, I'm glad my work gets to be next to theirs. I think we should all be proud of what we achieved with 2048 Units Of /vr/, it was a summer very well spent.

>> No.6857738

Maybe I should check them out.

>> No.6857745

I remember this.

>> No.6857754

Possibly fairly soon.

>> No.6857764
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>> No.6857868
File: 82 KB, 1311x1080, PysDoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PysDoom is pretty neat.

>> No.6857878

No, it's not, it's in fact very straightforward. What the fuck did you do?

>> No.6857882
File: 3.19 MB, 1923x1080, DOOM ZDL Organization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys organize your DOOM configurations? I find ZDL shortcuts keeps things nice and tidy.

>> No.6857925

Man hokusai became such a fucking meme.

>> No.6857946
File: 2.84 MB, 3988x2988, 1598235906684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Wave is a cool painting.

>> No.6857958

Virgin - Careful organization by date, genre and author of mods. Several discontinued sourceports used for old mods.
Chad - Everything in folder gzdoom-4-4-2-Windows-64bit folder with Brutal Doom and recent cocoward winner.

>> No.6857960
File: 688 KB, 1754x928, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6857972

Technically Wolfenstein and Grosse come earlier than that in the game's order.

>> No.6857974
File: 340 KB, 1759x903, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6857975

Its meh the lower waves looks like he was trying to make fuji then just covered it up with a wave.

Give me aivazovsky instead.

>> No.6858001
File: 60 KB, 959x993, Снимок.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything goes into big pile.

>> No.6858002
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you guys organize your DOOM configurations? I find ZDL shortcuts keeps things nice and tidy.

>> No.6858038

No. The only thing missing from Doom is the Hell Knight and maybe the chaingunner. Every other Doom 2 addition ruined the game's chemistry.

>> No.6858046

I'll excuse it for an Arch-Vile jump.

>> No.6858072

Unreal 2 is underrated.

>> No.6858147

I was so happy when I got my hands on that game. 2 and a half days without any sleep at a LAN and suddenly someone has it on the file server.
Then I played it. That's where the memories end. Don't remember a damn thing about it.

>> No.6858180

Did Blood have vertical aim? I have no idea how else to apprehend those fucking flying gargoyle fucks. But when looking up/down the view gets warped. Also, do I have to do something special to step on rats? Because just walking over them doesn't seem to work. Am on BuildGDX.

>> No.6858191

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6858192

Yes it did. You could set up WASD and free mouselook even in DOS.

>> No.6858202

Make sure your using the polymost render, that way things won't get warped when looking up or down.

>> No.6858208

t. filtered by revenants and archies in community wads

>> No.6858248
File: 266 KB, 422x482, disdain cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6858315

Brainlet take. Every monster in the game is a good addition.
Lost souls and barons have too much health though. Barons should have a different attack pattern or something. They're kinda boring meat shields atm.

>> No.6858318

Meat shields are fine. Most of the monsters really are various flavours of area denial and it's OK. The secret is to place them well.

>> No.6858329
File: 35 KB, 639x399, spookier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2048 Units of /vr/ 1.2 update (mostly minor fixes):
-Softlock in MAP03 taken care of
-MAP05 & MAP07 slightly edited to work in MBF compatibilty (for the DeHackEd Guns)
-MAP21 Hell Knight encounter altered, scratched walls fixed
-MAP11 Hell Knights now teleport in when plasma secret is triggered
-Fixed an inescapable death pit in MAP24
-Fixed a softlock in EX02
-Stuck Pinkies in EX04 are now free
-BFG added to both 2048 Guns wads

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bj4nvtd5wjbyegq/2048unitsvr_v1.2.zip?dl=1
2048 Guns: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l51hgsqhcg2v99e/2048GUNS.zip?dl=1

>> No.6858395
File: 958 KB, 800x847, best friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What upcoming WADs are you most hyped for?

>> No.6858404

I think Fresh Supply fixed the vertical aim warping but I haven't played it. Really the best way to fight gargoyals is to just run back and forth under them in an area where they can land and when they do land chuck a stick of dynamite in their face.

>> No.6858410


>> No.6858427

Hey, there you are, I was beginning to worry!
We can now call 2048 definitely complete, right?

>> No.6858429

I only know the ones I participate in. So Modest Mapping Challenge 2, where everyone gets trolled by my secret map.

>> No.6858434

Golden Souls 3, x2 (as in x squared) and Steve was Slain, Doom maps with Minecraft textures might be an actually cool combo. Other than that I'm hoping that Skillsaw would release anything anytime soon, but he's supposedly making maps for Prodeus so it'll probably be a very long time.

>> No.6858438

I would say so. Now all that's left to do is get it on idgames. Should the megawad and the guns be packaged together, or should they be separate?

>> No.6858443

Just make separate files, I think it's allowed. Never actually put anything on idgames yet myself.

>> No.6858445
File: 109 KB, 1520x1080, 1599397254478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aligning textures in the terrains I like to build is a lot harder than it sounds

>> No.6858451

>Its been nearly 1 year since it was announced
The devs claim its not dead,
Looks fancy

>> No.6858456
File: 234 KB, 361x316, frembo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you mean, pretty sure I unpegged every door

>> No.6858459

It ain't over till the fat lady swings

>> No.6858512

The lines on the side of the door need to be "lower unpegged" so their textures dont raise with the ceiling.

>> No.6858549
File: 12 KB, 223x175, 1557252711507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood project officially starts today, eh. Pour a warm glass of blood, boot up dosbox, open those tutorials, and lets get mapping.

>> No.6858550


>> No.6858552

Separate files is fine.

>> No.6858567

Blood is garbage

>> No.6858612

>though it lacks a few things due to GzDoom limitations. Primarily, it doesn't have the friendly helper marines of the original Special Edition for Edge, which would replace stuff like Megaspheres
That's perfectly possible in GZDoom, Brutal Doom does it but with Invisibility Spheres. If you look at the OP, he outright says it was intentional because there are ZDoom maps from the early 2000s that require a megasphere pickup to trigger a scripted event.

By "EDGE does things GZDoom can't" he refers to the various syntax differences between DDF and DECORATE and how both are better and worse than the other in different ways as a result. DECORATE outpaced DDF in terms of raw capabilites long before the GZDoom version of the mod came out.

>> No.6858614

What is this here?

>> No.6858624

>That's perfectly possible in GZDoom, Brutal Doom does it but with Invisibility Spheres. If you look at the OP, he outright says it was intentional because there are ZDoom maps from the early 2000s that require a megasphere pickup to trigger a scripted event.
I vaguely remember a comment in the code stating that they would be troublesome to get just right, but that's a reason which is even better.

>he refers to the various syntax differences between DDF and DECORATE and how both are better and worse than the other in different ways as a result. DECORATE outpaced DDF in terms of raw capabilites long before the GZDoom version of the mod came out.
Well, yes, that's all true, but there was a few very minute things which aren't immediately possible to copy in Decorate, which were substituted with something very similar.

>> No.6858641
File: 236 KB, 341x357, 1557675696746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pour a warm glass of blood, boot up dosbox, open those tutorials, and lets get mapping

>> No.6858653

So, any of you guys have any plans for your maps?

>> No.6858659

I might need to finish the game first

>> No.6858680
File: 6 KB, 643x513, automap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got the map renderer partially in asm

once it's fully asm maybe I can hit 18-19 fps here, but if you switch to the further zoomed out mode, it'll drop down to 9-10 fps probably.

he framebuffer is software copied to VRAM, not sure if I should try a DMA framebuffer (which is much faster to copy, but makes drawing lines a bit trickier), or try drawing the lines directly to VRAM, and don't copy stuff back and forth at all

or maybe just leave it as is

>> No.6858685
File: 215 KB, 112x112, 1593217409521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is too late you are being crisped as we speak

>> No.6858690
File: 8 KB, 642x512, automap2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody says doom is only 2d so im basically done at this point right?

>> No.6858727
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>> No.6858730
File: 43 KB, 820x820, 1591052951479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i had a stroke reading this

>> No.6858734

Link pls.

>> No.6858741

I had to include one:


>> No.6858793

Another 2048 playthrough (with 2048 guns) in the wild

>> No.6858806

Nightmare is painful because machinegun soldiers and enforcers doesn't fuck around, plus gunners.

>> No.6858815

Q1 AD Maps Does that, and its even a map covered recently by icarus.
is the one with the 3 pillar stuff at the middle of the map, and it uses the Mix of Slipgate and Strogg base with jungle textures in it

>> No.6858828
File: 1.55 MB, 2560x1440, 8th and hennepin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got two in the works right now. One is a mini-golf course and the other is a small town with a demolition site and other interesting areas.

>> No.6859001
File: 2.47 MB, 356x200, 4ehu3f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minor LitDoom update, WIP preview of the new LMG. You can find us on the Zdoom forums, modDB and Discord.

>> No.6859032

can I get this viewmodel for Brutal Doom?

>> No.6859078
File: 744 KB, 707x408, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One is a mini-golf course
Please tell me it will involve zombie heads, like that one secret in Dark Carnival.

>> No.6859080
File: 113 KB, 906x1200, EYh3H8XVAAAvX69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I was a bit hesitant to do this because I didn't want to promote or engage with a bunch of toxic f*ckheads"
What a fucking fop. Also I bet I'm far nicer and friendlier than the average deranged neglected child swarming Twitter or Tumblr.

>> No.6859120

I want to play 2002 A Doom Odyssey, is 10th Anniversary the way to go or should I play the original first?

>> No.6859147

Among the tunes that inspired Doom's soundtrack, I'm always suprised this one never showeds up, it sounds awfully familiar dont you think?


>> No.6859158

I will never understand this mindset of not playing something because it's probably made by people you don't like

>> No.6859160

Well I suppose that's how his userbase feels about 4chan in general and wouldn't care about our work so more people to play and talk about the wad?

>> No.6859162
File: 34 KB, 237x180, 32426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6859164

So I just played Trench foot, what are some wads as good as this?

>> No.6859173

That's because the track in Doom is more obviously inspired by Alice in Chains' Angry Chair, made even more obvious by the fact that another song rips off Them Bones from the same album.

Alice in Chains may have been inspired by 13th Floor Elevators though.

>> No.6859201

Yeah, you can kick around the golf balls and knock em in holes. I'm trying to find a way for sprite collisions to generate triggers, that way you could have secret areas open up when you score. Zombie heads break after a few kicks so I'm using different sprites.

>> No.6859213


>> No.6859220

Bitch, I don't care at all, one of the best .wads I ever played was made by a trans person on Tumblr.

>> No.6859223
File: 2.37 MB, 1764x994, Base_Profile_Screenshot_2020.08.22_-_02.32.20.68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet, we're still working on replacing all the BD assets and code.

Preview of the new difficulty settings here. Now you can configure ammo, enemy count, HP, med drops etc. as you like, from nonstop fighting and plentiful loot to survival horror make every shot count.

>> No.6859226

> new game comes out
> play it for a day
> find new wads/sourceports and play Doom instead

Every time

>> No.6859232

What was the .wad?

>> No.6859235


>> No.6859246

doomworld even has a REST api so it's not impossible

>> No.6859260

Atleast he does pistolstart, which makes this the best 2048 playthrough video so far

>> No.6859269

He's showcasing the wad to a public who would not touch anything that came out of 4chan and hopefully these people will come to accept that things they might enjoy might be made by people they don't agree with.
Of course normal people read about new 4chan wad and think about stuff like moon man doom. If you are criticizing these people here, you are wasting your time.
Also he points out some level design stuff like changing floor height when changing textures.

>> No.6859324

The carnival level uses a Counter Sector

>> No.6859329

Nihility, it's an E2 replacement using lots of neat DeHacked stuff and alpha/beta textures, and using ambient sound effects in place of music, go check it out. The author was working on an E1 and E3 as well, though I haven't seen any updates about it in a long time.

Even if it never gets made into a full fledged Doom 1 megawad, it's very good for what it already is.

I'll give him that. Hell, he isn't even awful to watch, it's just I hate that kind of posturing.

Maybe you're right.

>> No.6859401

Not at my computer. Was the out of bounds imp ever fixed?

>> No.6859404

Playthrough video of map05 of Illicit Engineering is up. Bad audio setup.
In addition, have another shovelware level - "Cool Doom Level". More or less a shitpost.

>> No.6859410

I'm planning on haunted house theme. Original, I know, but I just want to focus on map layout and trying to make interesting encounters with Blood's (limited) monster variety.

>> No.6859413

Playing with freelook is worse than playing continuous start.

>> No.6859528
File: 22 KB, 335x243, hotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotel Quaddicted's old planet quake website had soul
sadly most of it is gone and celephais went on to enforce Quake 1 only stuff at the new one

>> No.6859569

>eventually it just got too difficult for me
There's more than just the UV difficulty setting, anon.

>> No.6859594
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 1501112661465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a good 3D render of the classic Chaingun? I'm working on making a replica and I need some more references/""""inspiration"""".

>> No.6859635

search it on google, there are renders of it
if not the Generations arena one

>> No.6859712
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, 1591605885392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6859753

I find it impressive how no one ever tried to do the same to Q3A.

>> No.6859875

So, someone is trying to make Chunky software Quake 2 source port on the same vein as quakespasm

>> No.6860346

Man, I've been playing through No Rest For the Living for the very first time and I'm SUPER impressed. The level design is actually quite impressive, and it's fairly challenging on UV but not retarded and unfair. I just finished Hell Mountain, I hope the rest of the episode is just as interesting as this first bit has been.

>> No.6860362

What if enemies could follow you into the next map

>> No.6860442

https://youtu.be/8l2WVBn4e2E looks neat!

>> No.6860449

Are those the security robots from Doom3?

>> No.6860465

Shit, that looks pretty fun

>> No.6860480

NERVE.WAD is great. It gives me Episode 1 of Doom 1 vibes.

>> No.6860631

I think I might have briefly played Nerve in a drunken wad-downloading spree. Once I'm done beating No Rest on my Switch I'll boot up my PC and check it out!

>> No.6860642

NERVE is No Rest for the Living

>> No.6860651


>> No.6860674

vivisection best section

>> No.6860789

oh fuck im sorry i forgot all about this, here

>> No.6860905

ooh boy are we going to get a new generation of doomfag lolcows?

>> No.6860913

Has anyone tried the new maps they made for the Doom 64 port? Does it hold up to the base game?

>> No.6860961

>TSP is also compatible with most monster mods (featured in the video is Rampancy by our friend Yholl)
yeah they used the Doom 3 security robots for Rampancy, among stuff like Deus Ex and other models from games

>> No.6860984

Rampancy is probably the best monsterset for using with extremely techbase-y wads

>> No.6861097

Yeah, I know

>> No.6861121

Unreal engine is way more flexible like that. Easy to update with fancier stuff.

>> No.6861124
File: 144 KB, 320x320, 1599274107271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weeb shit

>> No.6861170

and you love it, you little slut

>> No.6861226

Oh hey, I thought Marty put that on ice indefinitely, cool to see him getting back to it.

>> No.6861292

Spank me daddy

>> No.6861313

Lmao, look at this thing I found in my suggestions. Look how they massacred our boy.

>> No.6861318

Plot-twist: Strogg base is actually Quake base textures slightly modified/left out of Quake.

>> No.6861320

im sure this shitter posts here too. is there some code you can add that disables mods?

>> No.6861330

shit like this, shows why its a good idea to make an account there, there are some people with good heads on their shoulders in the replies, so thats a relief

as long as you dont act like a total sperg you can be a counterwheight to the people who want to spill their bile everywhere

>> No.6861332

Just look at this furfag shitter kvetch in his preamble.

>> No.6861367

am I supposed to be upset about this

>> No.6861370
File: 74 KB, 1156x1063, everything sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're about 15 hours late.

Yes anon.

>> No.6861384


>> No.6861392 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 624x504, 1599827158276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psx fire sky
>lots of red
>lots of demons
>Sign of Evil

>> No.6861402


>> No.6861427

It is what it is. I don't care for how he plays with a different sky texture for some reason (or the lack of view/move bobbing), also Final Doomer seems mildly quaint when the megawad already has a weapon set, but hey, maybe they really like it.

Maybe, but why bother? (it'd be easy to disable), and also it would defeat the point of 2048GUNS.

>> No.6861434

What level did you contribute to 2048?

>> No.6861453
File: 444 KB, 937x814, gdt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why haven't you written a Doom movie script yet? Maybe a screenplay? Something.

>> No.6861457

Why should I? Doom doesn't have a plot.
I suppose Doom 2016 could make a generic action movie in spirit of original Resident Evil, but still.

>> No.6861501

Because I'm not a paid screenwriter and there are already movies out there that do "Doom themes" better than the actual flicks

>> No.6861502
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x1280, 1584495554318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a good weaponset mod for btsx2? preferably one that leaves monsters intact
don't want final doomer since i've already played that mod several times

>> No.6861515

really? constantine kinda sucked

>> No.6861590

garry's mod

>> No.6861620

Write on paper. Sell it if it's good. Do it on your computer and someone will steal it, somehow. Inb4 schizomeds.
This is the world we live in.

Just saying that writing and thinking up scenarios is a good and constructive way to make time fly by.

>> No.6861631

Idea guy here, does a damaging floor that ends the level (like in E1M8) allow to warp player from MAP31 to MAP32? It'd be a cool gimmick, I think.

>> No.6861640

Only onto the next level. Best I can think of is blowing up some barrels and sending voodoo doll flying over the exit.

>> No.6861663

why can't you have floors over floors?

>> No.6861667

Portals were not invented yet. Although with advanced ports you can.

>> No.6861748
File: 12 KB, 300x168, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im having trouble playing Guncaster on doom, none of the enemies get hurt, and I don't get hurt either. It works fine on heretic, hexen and strife though
also solo game when?

>> No.6861796

christ that looks horrid

>> No.6861802

that looks fookin disgoosting

>> No.6861860

NRFTL and Sigil are the best wads since Plutonia.

>> No.6861874

how about helping me out?

>> No.6861905

Op here, I actually posted this out of genuine curiosity. I saw it spammed elsewhere, but didn't see it posted here. So I wondered if the drama was some personal vendetta bullshit from someone on Doomworld who was too scared to post it on /doom/. Some retard kept spamming it on literally every board and general EXCEPT for /doom/ it as though he was trying to get a rise of people claiming that "we're taking away the doom community from you" , so I posted it here to find out if there was anyone in that thread that was notorious for this kind of behavior. Unfortunately seems, I made a mistake and called too many people to this shit, I was only expecting to get two replies at best, instead I come back and find out I derailed the whole thread.

>> No.6862079 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 849x849, firefox_YTpfemHlxG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it's not very
of me [SPOILER]but the most fun + easiest setup i've had in doom is in the oculus quest port. that shit could be a 'console' seller.[/SPOILER]

>> No.6862106

What is the best way to play Doom 1/2 multiplayer with friends?

>> No.6862112

how big can a prop sprite be in classic doom?
i remember that one pile of corpses being cut because "it would be too gruesome even for 93" but i wonder if it was more about the actual size
i know about those light tubes in e1m1 next the stairs that lead to the armor and the shotgunners

>> No.6862117

not retro

>> No.6862125

what kind of prop?

>> No.6862129

Tech pillar is 128 which seems like a theme in sizes. But I have no idea.

>> No.6862130

The Lost Levels? It's even better or as good as the best maps from the original Doom 64.

Zandronum is pretty much the best way, unless you want to play strictly vanilla, then it's probably Odamex.

I don't think there was even any limit when it comes to sprite size (there were some texture size limits though) and you can just edit the object's width and height with Dehacked, so you might be able to have things like a 1000 pixel tall column, but the problem would be finding or making a good place to place it.

>> No.6862136

Holy fuck GMan is getting more retarded with every new video
Complaining that he can't load a TC like Shrine 2 or "even a simple mod like Brutal Doom" into Bethesda's port that is so vanilla it's not even Boom compatible yet.
Also apparently "GZDoom" is "original" now, and all ports should be compared to it.
wtf did he eat for his brains to melt that much

>> No.6862139

>I don't think there was even any limit when it comes to sprite size (there were some texture size limits though) and you can just edit the object's width and height with Dehacked, so you might be able to have things like a 1000 pixel tall column, but the problem would be finding or making a good place to place it.
Actually decorations are way shorter than their sprites for some reasons, as far as projectile collision is concerned. Which is weird.

>> No.6862191

He could have at least done a bit of research, so he'd know that Unity port's music is prerecorded instead of using midi like GZDoom, if he even knows what midi is. Still, you could get that by just taking a quick look at the port's Doomwiki page. But that's just a small problem next to the fact he's treating GZDoom as the original Doom version. And him critizing people for playing Doom with a pad while playing on GZDoom is really fucking rich coming from him.

>> No.6862269
File: 241 KB, 1184x358, Doom Difficulty Differences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing for years and never realized there were only 3 map configurations for single-player. Neat.

>> No.6862302
File: 14 KB, 640x385, SC-55.sf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now that Crispy supports widescreen and DeHacked wads, as far as I'm concerned it should be the gold standard for Vanilla Dooming. Just throw a SC-55 soundfont in there and it's perfect.

>> No.6862307

wasnt the bethesda port a half baked unity monstruoisity or did they fix it enough already?

>> No.6862314

Unity is only for the frontend, and it works mostly fine now.

>> No.6862317

Brightmaps have spoiled me, does it support them?

>> No.6862320

Honestly it's pretty decent now. Unlike the bog standard dosbox emulation, I can finally recommend Doom to people and have something that just works and works well.

Yes actually. For walls and items.

>> No.6862351
File: 39 KB, 1920x1080, Crispy Doom Brightmaps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it looks like.

>> No.6862361
File: 64 KB, 1573x697, CD Brightmaps Lightswitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the lightswitch effect myself.

>> No.6862403

>Complaining that he can't load a TC like Shrine 2 or "even a simple mod like Brutal Doom" into Bethesda's port that is so vanilla it's not even Boom compatible yet.
The fuck? I knew he was a dumb asshole, but I didn't know that he was THAT dumb. Like I can accept some 12 year old asking for integrated BD, because they don't know any better at that age, but Shillman should understand that the Bethesda port doesn't support any of the things BD needs, like truecolor, hardware rendering, Decorate, ACS, etc.

It was an absolute dumpsterfire on launch, like, completely shitty, but they actually fixed it up really well with patches. For a normie to just grab it on Steam or PSN or whatever to play Doom, they're getting a mostly authentic experience with the vanilla game.

>> No.6862413

so you just buy ultimate doom and Doom 2 on steam and you get the ports now? at least thats a step up if you have no idea about sourceports.

>> No.6862417

Fucking nice.

As I understand. I think the DosBox setup still comes in the package, I guess for people who don't know better.

>> No.6862427

You cant expect this slow general to be expert troubleshooters for every mod under the sun. Im sure the mod has a page on ZDoom forums or Doomworld or something, go look or ask for help there.

>> No.6862430

Yeah, but you get censored Wads now, with green crosses and swastika textures removed from nazi level.
There's always at least some thing wrong with official Doom ports, for some reason they just can't make it right

>> No.6862437

what the fuck is this? germany in the 2000s?

>> No.6862441

Is he right?

>> No.6862445


>> No.6862456

>swastika textures removed from nazi level
Thats pretty fucking silly considering Bethesda makes Wolfenstein now, which is full of swastikas and Nazi imagery.

>> No.6862462

almost the ideal doom movie

>> No.6862464

Yeah, it's a shame.

I believe that German ratings is why that's censored, yes.

They censor a lot of that out for German releases (Nazis are replaced with the "Wolven League"), it's frustrating that they do not do this with Doom, where that would be a very marginal effort, and would make the port much better for the rest of the world.

>> No.6862474
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x626, Doom Unity Widescreen Assets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new widescreen assets in the Unity port are pretty sweet. I want them in Crispy desperately.

>> No.6862483

Half Life, CS, Halo and RE4 ruined gaming

>> No.6862490

thanks for your opinion

>> No.6862495

when people like decino, marphyblack or even dwars, doomkid and a hit or miss like civvie exist, gman is like a secondary in comparison
if only his audience challenged him more

>> No.6862496

Uh oh, Alf is having a tanty again!

>> No.6862498

who buried a bunch of giant cacos in the sand

>> No.6862502

an opinion that most oldfags agree

>> No.6862503

One thing that is missing is hell creeping in and corrupting the techbases. It was always visceral in original games, with walls of flesh, floors of tentacle, blood flowing like water. Can make for some gruesome and interesting visuals. Something cronenbergian rather than gigerian.

>> No.6862504
File: 108 KB, 480x688, 1599537607765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Alf No!

>> No.6862505

he all know he'd used the wikia one

>> No.6862506

That's how they're grown, you plant them.

>> No.6862528
File: 1.73 MB, 1200x626, frankenspriting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad they didn't really drew the art, but frankensprited it from existing one, often reusing bits from the same base scene

>> No.6862535

that too and even rooms of marble and bricks like a dark castle fused with uac techbases (e2m2)
or even shit that just happened to be in some levels like e3m3 having a ceiling of water or one plutonia level having a ceiling cross made of blood
the weirder, the better

>> No.6862538

They probably didn't have any readily available artist on hand who could replicate Adrian's style like that, so that's honestly a workable solution to me.

>> No.6862548

Fucking PL2

>> No.6862552

How can it be vanilla if it has widescreen?

>> No.6862561

Doesnt really matter, no normal person would examine the graphic on the intermission screen long enough to notice. Also i imagine its difficult to replicate the exact style of the graphics. How were they even made anyways? A rasterized painting or sketch?

>> No.6862568

Fun fact: That stuff isn't censored anymore in Germany. Might be because of some old ratings still.

>> No.6862580


>> No.6862591 [DELETED] 

Thief definitely ruined videogames, all oldfags agree on this.

>> No.6862608
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that tie Germany censored Hitler by just removing his mustache

>> No.6862613

Lookin good my man

>> No.6862619

Now that I think of it, Quake monsters would fit much better in Doom locations that Doom monsters. Doom monsters are not really that scary and outlandish, they may as well have appeared in saturday morning cartoon.

>> No.6862628

I wish Dusk was on console

>> No.6862631

This guy is a fucking retard. He even compares GZDoom's shitty Microsoft Midi emulator to the Steam versions high quality Roland recordings and says that the Steam version is "at least better than Doom 32X".
Like holy shit man. No wonder Civvie is quickly replacing this moron as YouTube's "retro FPS guy".

>> No.6862639

Both are garbage, they like HL.

>> No.6862643

>All that bumping on obstacles

>> No.6862654


>> No.6862656

As soon as he did the music comparison I was incredibly perplexed.

BTW, if anyone wants it. Here's the SC-55.sf2 sound font that works in most source ports. I find it to be incredibly accurate and it works with far more wads than prerecorded options.


>> No.6862672

Anyone have experience with prboom3ds? Worth it for handheld Doom or is it shit?

>> No.6862679

I play it on a n3DS sometimes with dual analog controls.

>> No.6862686

Both are garbage, but Civvie also hates HL.

>> No.6862689

Is the set-up/selection of wads easy?

>> No.6862691

lol no he loves it

>> No.6862694

might be more on the art style than the designs alone because there is fanart that sort of makes them look more serious, even if doom also had that b movie energy
also, the archvile is pretty terrifiying

>> No.6862698

Civvie clearly hates the effects HL had on the industry but I don't think he's ever shat on the game itself.

>> No.6862703

I bet you like half life

>> No.6862706

fookin 'ate 'alf life man

>> No.6862714

dilate your game is rightfully hated in the retro fps community

>> No.6862717

>Half life's biggest fan

>> No.6862741

I wonder if Alf realizes that he is literally the only person in this thread who ever mentions up Half-Life.

>> No.6862748

muh boogeyman
Admit the game is bad for once.

>> No.6862756

A logical person would say their piece and stop. You can't magically convert the whole world to your opinion, even a child knows this. But Alf doesn't, its clear he has been damaged and lashes out in the craziest way possible. I bet when he first started he got trolled to shit on /v/ and got ptsd from it, that and autism.

>> No.6862770

imagine being a fact denier.

>> No.6862775

Why is the file so fucking huge

>> No.6862778

>cucked by your bad genetics
>cucked by the internet
>cucked by a videogame
the rope is waiting, let your struggle come to its end

>> No.6862782

>ZDL does not work on my computer

eeeeh, any suggestions? doom launcher is kinda lame

>> No.6862783 [DELETED] 

And HL ruined the genre, cope.
There's nothing you can about it.

>> No.6862802

You ate too much pizza at cuckycheese. Cope with the fact you wasted your life

>> No.6862804

I was really hoping this was going to go into some cool game design insights regarding old game mechanic revival with shooters and table top games as examples. but it turned out to just be pc drama shit lol

>> No.6862806 [DELETED] 

so you agree that your favorite game is cancer?

>> No.6862808

yea can't unsee now, everything else is good

>> No.6862814

>guptill89 organizes a mapping collab

>> No.6862816
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I just now saw the Sin2 prototype on Doom 3.
It looks so cool why didn't they release it?

And Elexis sill looks juicy evil as fuck.

>> No.6862819

That's Oregon but I like where you're going

>> No.6862821

Who ever said it was my favorite game? You're still eternally cucked and human waste. Go make your own game if you are so great. Post all your maps to prove you know anything at all

>> No.6862828

Dec 15, 1993, 6:00:51 PM

Ok people, these are the original DOOM cheat codes (like the Wolfenstein
debug keys). I didn't get round to looking for them until I had finished all
levels in Ultimate Violence mode and found all secrets.

-------- SPOILER ALERT ------- SPOILER ALERT --------- SPOILER ALERT --------

You just have to type the following magic words while playing:

iddqd Degreelessness mode (God mode)
idkfa Very Happy Ammo. (full ammo + 200% armour, no backpack)
idspispopd No clipping (SPISPOPD?)
idbehold followed by S, V, I, R, A, L for various things (menu)
idclev followed by episode number and level number: warp
idmypos prints your co-ordinates in hex
idchoppers prints 'Doesn't suck - GM' (What ??????????)



PS. DOOM RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6862838

I remember buying a pirated CD of doom with everything from Final Doom to Duke Nukem Life's a Beach, the inside of the jewel case had all the cheat codes written in the back of the cover.

I remember playing Final Doom mostly because Doom 1+2 had the shitty mouse drifting and I didnt kinow how to fix it because I didnt know a lick of english at the time

>> No.6862840

it's a bad game

>> No.6862849

Too ambitious and Idtech4 was bitch to do anything in it. Source is far more optimized on same fork.

>> No.6862852

Because the industry preferred to follow HL instead of good games.

>> No.6862857

Quake 2 is sooooooo much better on Nightmare than hard.

Also can anyone draw? I need the little Quake 2 drones shooting candy corns. Cus that's what it looks like. Dismembered heads on drones shooting Halloween candy at a man with a shotgun with a HANDLE

>> No.6862858


>> No.6862860

Character models looked nice. From the preview they were still not afraid of TnA. Its right on the edge.

But removing the physics it would be fine right? I mean Elite force was on the same engine and Wolfenstein from raven?


I like HL. Cope. Also Sin was pretty linear only a couple levels were more Duke Nukem inspired.

>> No.6862865

do a longplay and maybe i'll consider your opinion

>> No.6862869

Woah, spoiler alerts were a thing back then?

>> No.6862870 [DELETED] 

>I like HL. Cope.
stay in the minority

>> No.6862873
File: 189 KB, 603x322, 7qf6gl3n6e331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair. I hope it stays dead. Making Sin today would just be another nail on a coffin that show almost no wood at this point.

>> No.6862878

It could save the genre if done right.

>> No.6862879

It's always baffling how people these days have to sanitize fucking EVERYTHING.

I swear to god some day I will take some modest female character and I'll put her in fucking pasties.

>> No.6862886

And the new battletoads is actually funny at points.
But I guess it was not made by frogs like SOR 4.
Also do it anon. Spite is a powerful weapon

>> No.6862887

It's a soundfont.

>> No.6862890

>Also Sin was pretty linear only a couple levels were more Duke Nukem inspired.
wrong valve drone

>> No.6862893

post longplay of you playing it

>> No.6862895

Dumb fuck somehow even thought GZDoom was pure id tech 1 while saying how it feels weird to play Doom in any other engine.

>> No.6862903

>Quake 2
go back

>> No.6862919

Wtf am I looking at here?

>> No.6862928

Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.6862930

The new dark queen from battletoads.

>> No.6862932
File: 45 KB, 1100x1100, 2287fd0d08a12347f36f420560c13c806e4dcaa6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the original ID team had stands, which ones would you assign to each person?

>> No.6862936

>Yeah, but you get censored Wads now
Not last I checked, no.

>> No.6862954

the fuck is a stand? some weeb shit?

>> No.6862958

He never had any brains. That's a synthetic humanoid. Can't think and needs to be spoonfed everything and anything when it comes to information.

>> No.6862959

If we're gonna be real he was probably sexually abused by a family member who showed him Half-Life or something. That, and autism.

Also stop engaging with him, just report him for spam and ignore him.

>> No.6862965

it's similar to dmc:dmc where the people behind reviving a property don't even respect or care much for it
for all the issues with the new doom's, it could have been worse than the disney sw or feigbusters
also holy shit at least the keen mobile game was cancelled

>> No.6862967

pretty much, a stand is like a nedlessly convoluted superpower that is also inspired by a song title

>> No.6862972

No the people actually have some talent in this particular case. Its the artists who are gay.

>> No.6862974

>also holy shit at least the keen mobile game was cancelled

oh thank fucking god

>> No.6862979

didn't nubattletoads had a scene mocking a strawman shitting on the game or something?

>> No.6862981

I'll hold you to that. I want you to take whatever 'respected and wholesome' female character is popular, and make her an absolute whore.

>> No.6863018

You last checked in DOS or a decade ago?

>> No.6863025

If you are going to make a character androgynous on purpose, its best 8 or 9 times out of 10 to make them aliens in my book

>> No.6863027
File: 36 KB, 112x112, index.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6863028

And only use it for pronoun like in outer wilds.

>> No.6863030

How much brain damage must you have to say that thing is funny? Are you like 12?

Those cutscenes are the cringiest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.6863032

Well I have only seen like a third of it. Seemed okay for a videogame.

>> No.6863037 [DELETED] 

Good enough but I think the music should be the narrator. Set the mood, tell the story. You know. Discrete "ambient" storytelling.

>> No.6863047
File: 36 KB, 478x198, jawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good enough but I think the music should be the narrator. Set the mood, tell the story. You know. Discrete "ambient" storytelling.

>> No.6863053

I pet cats like this and they hate it

>> No.6863059

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.6863078
File: 340 KB, 680x443, d80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder when tipping point occurs?

>> No.6863092

Thank me later

>> No.6863094

I wonder what this has to do with this thread.

>> No.6863105

Uh based and lewd pilled

>> No.6863107
File: 594 KB, 200x200, 1541361184893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just imagining that the original version of Dark Queen actually still has those titties, and that her coat is just pushing them really hard against her chest all cartoony like

>> No.6863119

Stop derailing the thread with a shitty reboot game, hlcucks.

>> No.6863124
File: 408 KB, 1520x720, Screenshot_20200911-171637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Alf being based?

>> No.6863182

The environment in DOOM is frightening, but the player can be at
ease when playing. Much effort has been spent on the
development end to provide the smoothest control on the user
end. And the frame rate (the rate at which the screen is
updated) is high, so you move smoothly from room to room,
turning and acting as you wish, unhampered by the slow jerky
motion of most 3-D games.

>> No.6863214

That's it!! I new twist on the game!!! The DOOM good guys are idle
gaming buffs who have finally cracked and can no longer wait for the
release of the only game that will make ALL OTHER games seem like PONG!
Blind Wolfenstein will no longer simmer the anger! They go slap-happy and
grab their multidimensional boots and gloves (with snazzy smooth shading)
and go to the id programmers' dungeon/lair. It will be a slaughter!
Pixilated programmers, peeved project leaders, panting personnel...the
works. The big bosses could be just that, the big bosses, especially the
one who just made a press release that DOOM would be delayed another few
months (this is make believe, of course - (squint) you aren't going to
delay the release (pant, pant); look into my eyes (o)(o) (imagine
reversing sound) and repeat after me, "I must release DOOM soon. I must
program, eat, sleep day and night." Mu who ha ha ha!).

Excuse my sanity. I get a bit zany when I get thinking about the soon to
be released game that will resolve the U.S.' Deficit and save the rats
from being beheaded on the space shuttle. I see the sun raising...

>> No.6863265

Well I'm dumb, thought that SC-55 soundfont was working, but it was just defaulting to Windows midi. Got it working with VirtualMidiSynth though.

>> No.6863276 [DELETED] 

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 play Brutal Doom w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite game!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m

>> No.6863302

Windows MIDI is based on SC-55, so not a hard mistake to make I imagine.

>> No.6863316

Yeah, real (or emulated) SC-55 just has deeper sound overall, but instruments are near identical.

>> No.6863353


>> No.6863360

In my basement it will always be December 1993

>> No.6863362

Simulation's doing something funky. We've all gone crazy, again! But at least one of the cores is still running Doom so we're all good, I guess. Holding on to nostalgia was a mistaaaaake!

>> No.6863370

I'm just waiting till the new bread then maybe some interesting news will happen

>> No.6863378
File: 222 KB, 248x349, DEAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Ok. We're still crazy though.

>> No.6863393

Holy fuck, katy would be like 26 now.

>> No.6863407

Ah fuck you're right. I guess it was the dosbox version I was thinking of.
I bet you could just replace the iwad though. Or run the old one as a pwad

>> No.6863423

Any sourceports that have the new Ultra-Violence+ skill level?

>> No.6863426

-skill 4 -fast -solonet

>> No.6863427

I guess all of them have if you set the right parameters

>> No.6863431


>> No.6863441

literally who?

>> No.6863451

metadoom now has a difficulty setting based off uv plus

>> No.6863453

coom again?

>> No.6863456
File: 113 KB, 1711x962, Crispy Doom Skull Brightmaps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't solo-net technically make nightmare easier?

>> No.6863457

how does this question and answer fit together in any way

>> No.6863465
File: 73 KB, 750x908, 1588701007692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooo spoopy

>> No.6863470
File: 16 KB, 783x169, basedboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell who likes penis more, you? pic related? Or sperg king Alf.

>> No.6863474

what tthe fuck are you even on about

>> No.6863510
File: 2.90 MB, 1920x1080, UVPlus Sigil.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra-Violence+ with Sigil seems fun.

>> No.6863521

Any that lets you play UV with co-op settings.

>> No.6863524

Playthrough video of map6 of Illicit Engineering is up. Old audio setup.
And another shovelware level with a better audio setup. A level mostly made for deathmatch that probably is awful at that as well.

>> No.6863527
File: 38 KB, 600x404, 12524823_hbrq8-m-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juan Romero made you his bitch!

>> No.6863542

does it have fast monsters too?

>> No.6863546

Yeah, fast monsters and coop configuration.

>> No.6863595

Ultra-Violence+ does have one major difference between using solo-net in source ports. You can't respawn in the Unity ports. Also, weapon pickups actually disappear from the map in the port.

>> No.6863612

Sooo, where are the 2048 demos?

>> No.6863620

Some guy in the Doomworld thread posted a bunch of them.

>> No.6863621

Someone on Doomworld posted some of their FDAs.

>> No.6863639


>> No.6863640

How was the question relevant in any way?

>> No.6863651

Having deathmatch weapons show up kind of ruins it, though.

>> No.6863663

Are Deathmatch and Coop weapon spawns the same?

>> No.6863672
File: 2.99 MB, 960x540, muscle memory.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6863679

Doesn't Steam still have the normal iwads?

>> No.6863682

Yep. Also, patches exist to convert your iwads to whatever version you want either way.


>> No.6863683

I think he has just never played the original games. He complained about the Bethesda port not having a console.

>> No.6863693

make a new thread

>> No.6863735

> TNT and Plutonia Anthology patches

>> No.6863745


>> No.6863858

How to get Sigil into Ultimate DOOM?

>> No.6864452

You only got one secret

>> No.6864581

That review was awful
He compared pre rendered tracks to GZDoom soundfonts and pretty much only used GZDoom as a base
At one point claimed the port couldn't run external mods which is untrue
Also saying things like the secret sound was "changed" when this is the first official port that had one.
This review was normie tier and not indicative of a man who has played doom for years so I'm more baffled by the tech bafoonery than his actual synopsis
It reminds me of his Blood: FS review which he died for a hill for on twitter even though the devs disowned it
E-celebs are cancer