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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.38 MB, 1282x896, Slayers SNES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6850836 No.6850836 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6850851


>> No.6850869
File: 18 KB, 256x224, SNES--Slayers translation_May21 1_18_39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851426

/vr/, is this the kinoest licenced RPG?

>> No.6851487

Is it actually good though? I tried playing it once and got bored rather quick. Takes more than characters you know and love to make a good game.

>> No.6851509

It gets better but you could argue a tad easy.

>> No.6851552

Use SFC cover than.

>> No.6851556

I couldn't find a properly sized picture and I wasn't going to use a low quality scan, Lina deserves better.

>> No.6851689
File: 182 KB, 1000x804, DSC_4706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the first Saturn one when it came out but was kind of underwhelmed with it; wound up selling it off without playing very far
I love Hayashibara though
There's so many Slayers games to choose from; maybe I'll try some others

>> No.6851692

Oh shit, that's based.
I've heard here on /vr/ that the PC-Engine game is good.

>> No.6851725
File: 200 KB, 750x750, KICA1169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me, did anyone ever make an undub patch for Sega CD Popful Mail?

>> No.6851757
File: 194 KB, 1431x1005, lina2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based thread

Which Slayers games have people played, and which ones are the best? I've only played the PC-98 and Super Famicom games, both were pretty enjoyable.

>> No.6851769
File: 132 KB, 662x1024, Slayers-anime-VHS-Ad 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the only 2 Slayers games I've played. the PC-98 though, it's kind of a bitch without an english transation, any in the works?

Interested on this as well.

>> No.6851787
File: 132 KB, 779x989, slayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still my favorite anime opening.
The others are great too

It's nothing amazing, pretty standard RPG, but it's better than a lot of other licensed anime RPGs for SNES. I liked it better than the Tenchi, Magic Knight Rayearth, and Ranma games. Sailor Moon Another Story might've been better though, been a while since I played that but I remember it being fun.

>> No.6851816
File: 72 KB, 474x555, lina pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a translation in the works years ago, but sadly it seems like it died off a long time back. Hopefully somebody finished translating it someday. I muddled my way through the game with my very limited Japanese, but there were some places I got stuck. Halfway through I figured out how to use an automatic text translation tool with the PC-98 emulator, which worked well enough for me to figure out how to beat the game.

>> No.6851821
File: 516 KB, 900x1177, Slayers-anime-VHS-Ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the PC Engine game? Know anything about that one? Or am I thinking PC-98?

>> No.6851831

You're probably thinking of PC-98, I've never heard of a PC Engine game.

>> No.6851849
File: 44 KB, 300x300, slayers wonderful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I wish this had an english translation.

>> No.6851856

These ads bring back good memories of renting anime in the 90s. For some reason, Slayers volume 4 was impossible for us to find for a while. It was always either rented out or just missing from the local stores. Was great finally finding it and finishing the show.

>> No.6851861

Don’t bother it isn’t very good even when you read moonrunes. Some of the FMVs are funny though.

>> No.6851867
File: 66 KB, 371x360, 9618F861-3331-41D3-8B04-10AF30946AE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Royal games. Especially 2.

>> No.6851869

Are those Strategy RPGs?

>> No.6851878
File: 24 KB, 480x360, 7799EB19-FB93-4B87-BDC8-65D4E0A1BFE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851889

Neat. Man, I wish there were more slayers games, probably even an Action RPG.

>> No.6851892 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 384x224, 1599627134057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the PC-98 staff didn't get the message

>> No.6851904

Google translated Japanese page talking about the game
If there are any highlights in this game, are the above hot springs and Lina's chest? As far as Jibun remembers, the biggest Lina in Slayers history. At least you can worship Lina with an E-cup chest. The days when people keep saying "I thought I was a boy" are goodbye, and I feel like I'll look back at the guy who said "the little breasts of the Great Plains". By the way, of course, Naga is a huge breast that you can't think of as a human being. You can't walk in the erotic book, though it's not like this chest.

On a side note, it's interesting how characters don't level up at all in the game.

>> No.6851910

Those sound like interesting times. The show wasn't sold on VHS where I live, but it was dubbed so the only way I could watch it was to catch it on TV. Ditto with Ghost Sweeper Mikami.

>> No.6851919
File: 58 KB, 542x747, spells.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While looking through other translated pages, this might be useful for people playing the game:
It has some information on what spells and items do.

>> No.6851928

>70 bucks for a VHS box set
They say you can't go home again, but sometimes I don't wanna go home again.

>> No.6852487

It's a SNES JRPG that tried to be a little different and fell a little flat. It's not bad, but party members can refuse your orders, and it's frustrating when Lesbian Ronin /k/ommando keeps insisting her wide-range wind element special is the best way to kill a single heavily wind-resistant enemy. Also, the less said about the town-wide dialogue puzzle, the better.

>> No.6852575

I'm in the screencap

>> No.6852841

Post Naga, you niggas.

>> No.6853149

I got all three seasons on VHS on ebay for $85 including shipping in 2005. I can only image that the person selling them had bought the original DVD releases that were $115/season.

>> No.6853305

>tfw I torrented the whole thing instead

>> No.6853648

now I have to re-watch the anime

>> No.6853659

Please tell me there's others who think Amelia's best

>> No.6853669

I genuinely believe literally all girls are best.

>> No.6854125

Although not exactly Retro, there's that Lodoss War metroidvania coming out, should Slayers also come back in one? Maybe something akin to Julius Mode/CV3 where you change character.

>> No.6855194
File: 2.14 MB, 320x240, pettywaiting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I p2p'd the whole thing instead

>> No.6855403

Old IRC days?
Wait, isnt torrent technically p2p?

>> No.6855438
File: 257 KB, 1024x768, 2007-11-17-79543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel The Slayers is in that weird place that casual anime fans don't know it but hardcore fans thinks it casual. At least that's been my experience.

>> No.6855684

Yo derroto a mis rivales con magia y destreza para que la justicia florezca

>> No.6855776

¡Yo me reiré de su falsedad!

>> No.6855797
File: 47 KB, 283x320, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are some other light-hearted soulful animes that can get me through all this? And do any of them have good /vr/ tie-in games to boot?

>> No.6855806
File: 717 KB, 680x550, 1590039290563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6855808

Ghost Sweeper Mikami, got a SNES beat em up.
Saber Marionette J but idk if it has vidya.

>> No.6855840
File: 9 KB, 256x224, akazukin-cha-cha.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't understand japanese, at least listen to the music

>> No.6855852

Moon is just fine, and it turns out that was one of the first shows I watched when I was learning Japanese like a decade ago. Didn't know it had a game!

>> No.6856000

Technically. On IRC, you'd get shit off a bot. The same learning curve applied, you'd join #warez or whatever and stumble your way to the good channels. It's a bit different nowadays with the cabal and all that horseshit, but you found out where to go because you knew a guy who knew a guy and would get invited.

It's a bit too autistic illuminati for me, so I just stick with where I am because it has everything I need. I dropped out of touch with a lot of guys over the years, but I suspect many of them are cabal faggots nowadays and we're both better off.

>> No.6856364
File: 47 KB, 500x375, 4E2E08C8-BFE1-4482-80B0-A3D41E1AB249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fish fish you get yer wish

>> No.6856529
File: 288 KB, 542x781, amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished rewatching the series with a friend, It was his first time, It's still as great as ever.
I wish the series had better games, The SFC RPG is fun but could've been a lot better.

>> No.6857282

>Garter belt
YES this is the good shit. I just wish it was black rather than white.

>> No.6857616

I think Naga's usually too silly for me to find attractive but wew

>> No.6858573
File: 67 KB, 500x375, Mikami (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slayers and GSM are probably my 2 favorite animes!

>> No.6859718

Based and Nice Body-pilled

>> No.6861534

Just finished watching the first season. Philionel is just so fucking awesome.

>> No.6861859

What about Zelgadis

>> No.6861912

He is

>> No.6861953

This is SO awesome.
He's insanely based too, but he's not as fun.

>> No.6861964

Needs little cupcake tits.

>> No.6862339

>team member refuses your command
any other game that does this?
all i could think of is Soul Hackers

>> No.6862347

is...that her lady musk??

>> No.6862905

Pokémon when you try to over level your party.

>> No.6863791

Doesn't that only apply to pokemon you didn't catch yourself when you don't have the appropriate badges?

>> No.6863838


>> No.6864417

But it kind of counts, doesn't it?

>> No.6864645
File: 38 KB, 360x360, 115645._SX360_QL80_TTD_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty short, but Dragon Half has the Slayers vibe going on. I love it to bits! Mink is super cute.

There is also the sister series to Slayers: Lost Universe. Megumi Hayashibara is in it too. Can't get enough of her voice.

I'm also fond of works by Kōsuke Fujishima, like Oh My Goddess!, eX Driver and You're Under Arrest!

I miss older anime man... sigh.

>> No.6864650

>Lost Universe
Redpill me on this. Is it subbed?

>> No.6864673
File: 560 KB, 433x899, 2570899-556520_canal_vorfeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dub and sub as far as I'm aware.


>> No.6865123

I'd say so

>> No.6866652

Akazukin Chacha.
Bakuretsu Hunters.

>> No.6866719
File: 103 KB, 296x283, linaembarassed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of in love with this thread, OP

>> No.6866993

Thanks, I'm too.
It's hard to have good threads on /a/ lately with the jannies nuking anything they deem "spic bait", like Saint Seiya or Slayers.

>> No.6867098

Oddly enough there's a thread over on /v/ right now. Might want to get a hit before it archives.

>> No.6867184

How is Slayers considered spic bait? It was dubbed (badly) in Italian as well.

>> No.6867205

Lina doesn't look young enough for /a/'s mods to get horny for her.

>> No.6867528

It was also dubbed in spanish for LatAm market in the 90's so there's kind of nostalgia for it. As I say, kind of since, as another anon said in this thread, Slayers exists in a weird gray area hardcore anime fans think Slayers is a casual/gateway show and normalfags never ever heard of the show to begin with.

>> No.6867741

Slayers was reasonably popular in Brazil, though that was ages ago.

>> No.6868369

>Lost Universe
>You're Under Arrest
>Oh My Goddess

My nigga

I wish anime was this good still.

>> No.6868471

There's good anime, but you gotta either approach with an open mind that art styles changed and NOT listen to /a/'s shit taste.

>> No.6868853

Based Gunsmith Cats poster

>> No.6869458

>dubbed (badly) in Italian
It was not the dub the problem as the cast was fine, it was the adaptation as it was heavily toned down for a younger audience with the main title changed to ''a spell disclosed between the petals of time for Rina'', name changes, lots of censorship such as the whole part when Lina was unable to use magic, etc.

>> No.6870326

You know what's amusing? Fox Kids in the US were gonna air a toned down version of Slayers, even had Lisa Ortiz re-record some spells to change the word blood but they couldn't dance around Naga LOL

>> No.6871016

God, this is so 90s. So much soul

>> No.6871104

I remember hearing about this back then, but I don't think Naga had anything to do with it. Naga only appeared in the OVA and Movies whose rights where owned by ADV at the time.
Probably had to do with the lack of success of Escaflowne (still weird to think it was on Fox Kids). If I remember, this was around the same time that Harry Potter is evil because it has magic, so an anime with a female protagonist, who summons power from dark lords wasn't likely the safest bet from a marketing standpoint.

>> No.6871120

Why is that boy standing really closely behind that girl?

>> No.6871129

He's dumb and doesn't know what personal space is.

>> No.6872069

Does Slayers even have figmas or such?

>> No.6872608

I still remember writing a letter to Toonami I know asking them to please look into airing Slayers because it was a really good show and everyone would like it. Different times ...

>> No.6872726

He's trying to hide from her wrath and thinks that staying outside her field of vision at all times is the safest bet. Clearly.

>> No.6872742


>> No.6872756
File: 182 KB, 700x448, 1372290654_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyatto Ninden Teyandee

>> No.6872774

The game is fun too

>> No.6873816

The Samurai Pizza Cata game is kino

>> No.6873879
File: 247 KB, 750x1000, lina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lina and Naga have Nendoroids, at least.

>> No.6874135


If you are going to use meaningless buzz words, you could at least use one that applies to games like "ludo".

>> No.6875552

chill man, I just meant the game is really fun. I was surprised especially since I found out about it through a something awful article way back in the day shitting on the game, I think that's even how I discovered SA

>> No.6878149
File: 464 KB, 1046x1450, lina naga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the games have Naga in them. This is good.

>> No.6879213

God she really has the body of a supermodel

>> No.6879323

i watched cardcaptor sakura

>> No.6880161

Did that had a game, tho?

>> No.6880167

it had quite a few on retro consoles, yeah.

>> No.6880174

Right? Lina's great.

>> No.6880209

Were they good?

>> No.6880210

The PS1 game has a great aesthetic but it's mostly a playable retelling of the show from what I remember.