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/vr/ - Retro Games

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684985 No.684985 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /vr/, I just finished this game today (with the retranslation). It was alright, but those dungeons drove me insane, especially the Air Fortress If you didn't know the Wand exploit and I was caught off guard by the NPCs actually giving hints that I kept forgetting to write down. What does /vr/ think of it, since it seems overshadowed by its sequel (that I haven't played yet)?

Also, Phantasy Star Quadrilogy general, I guess.

>> No.685097
File: 55 KB, 644x446, phantasy_star_generation_1_screen_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon guys, these games aren't THAT obscure.

>> No.685107

It was a boring grindfest. You could literary be killed by the weakest enemies right next to the first town if you were unlucky and missed a few times.

>> No.685114

The main character starts as a wimp, sometimes that works for a game.

>> No.685125

Never played the first three, and I love the fourth despite always stopping shortly after Rune leaves the party.

>> No.685128

It wasn't that bad for me, I find Final Fantasy 1 and Mother 1/Earthbound 0 to have much more grinding than this game. I spent quite a bit of time at the beginning to Lv. 5 or so and I never had to go out of my way for exp again. It's weird that they have the Devil Eyes right next tp the town when you should fight the Flies first outside the gate though.

>> No.685136

IMO, only the fourth game in the quadrilogy was worth playing. The first three games had either annoying 1st person dungeons, bad battle systems, excruciatingly bad music, or awkward game mechanics.

>> No.685142

>excruciatingly bad music
That's what's keeping me from playing 2. I thought it would be better if I played the GBA version, but somehow the sounds got even worse. Hopefully something makes up for it, besides the plot twist I've already been spoiled to.

>> No.685143
File: 133 KB, 640x906, and be ready to die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really a fan of grinding and it's generally archaic, but it's great for when it was made.

Phantasy Star II is also rather dated, but it's worth a play. At least you never need to grind.

PSIV is one of the best JRPGs ever, in my opinion.

>> No.685153

>besides the plot twist I've already been spoiled to
Do you mean Teim and Nei dying?

>> No.685164


Yeah, it was kind of a thing to have the lv. 1 character be dreadful until you got afew levels in.

>Running around dungeons.
>Encounter dragon.
>Use telepathy.
>Never have to worry about dragons.

>> No.685173

Uhh, you still have to grind in that game. The cat girl in the early part of the game is total dead weight. You're practically fighting solo in the beginning.

>> No.685205
File: 434 KB, 800x1101, nei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Nei two steel claws (called "bars" for some reason) at the start. And go back to Rolf's house to get Rudolph ASAP. Then you shouldn't have any problems.

>> No.685226

Nigga wut

>> No.685231

I'm playing 2 right now and it doesn't seem as hard as some people say.

>> No.685261

For Phantasy Star II, are there any gameplay differences between the american version and the japanese version?

>> No.685267

It really isn't. Some dungeons are annoying if you don't have maps, though.

You can even equip two shields and itemcast with storm gear and stuff to make the game super easy.

>> No.685285

I just equip give everyone two weapons except for swords

>> No.685295

I used:
Rolf - sword
Nei - claws
Rudo - gun then later shields
Amy - shields
Anna - shields

I think I was level 24 at endgame and only came close to dying against a certain monster-in-a-box.

>> No.685304

The music in PSII sucked ass, even after Nei died the tunes were still all happy and shit

>> No.687249

I thought that was intentional as part of the setting, contrasting the complacent lifestyles of people under Mother Brain's influence with the harsh reality.

>> No.687763
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x1603, 6b3b6a67a00afe599ccde5e9460fdb83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasy Star 2's music was superb.
Fuck the haters.

The only Phantasy Star I cannot take is PSIII. That game really is the bastard child of the whole franchise. Even the card game made more sense.

>> No.687809


It was the 80s, we didn't know any better.

For the standards then though it was awesome and the scifi/fantasy mix setting was actually fresh then.

>> No.690087

In retrospect, it was kind of nice to have the teenage girl start the game as a complete wimp for once. But yeah grinding is boring.