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File: 183 KB, 568x800, popful-mail-75f854ab-6497-4fe5-acc2-82212a738fc-resize-750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6848596 No.6848596 [Reply] [Original]

Starting Popful Mail, no spoilers but if anyone have advice or anything missable before delving in go for it. Otherwise Popful Mail thread!

>> No.6848739

You really don't need any real pointers. Popful Mail is quite the simple linear game overall.

>> No.6848765

Good to know, it does seem pretty simple so far but decent fun.

>> No.6848776
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>> No.6848809

I know some people don't like their style but I really enjoyed the way Working Designs localized games. Popful Mail CD's was just as.

>> No.6848874

People seem to hate Working Designs but if not for them Sega was going to reskin this game and call it "Sister Sonic."

>> No.6848890
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After you're done with it, watch Slayers for similar shenanigans to Popful Mail.

>> No.6848909

I was a big fan of Slayers in the 90's and always meant to play Popful but didn't see it in a store and then never got around to it. I love the style though.

>> No.6848930


>> No.6848998

Sorry I don't pay attention to waifu threads even if the characters are from games I like. No interest in that thread.

>> No.6849005

You're still shitting up the board with redundant clutter.

>> No.6849029

Lol this from the guy making waifu threads. Slow clap friend, slow clap. This is about the game not fap bait.

>> No.6849270

Doesn't make any difference now. If that were the case we'd all be playing the translated PC Engine version.

>> No.6849274

Based and Inversepilled. Anyone who likes Slayers has top-tier taste in my book.

>> No.6849284

You must finish the game quickly if you want to see all omake during the ending. If I remember well, you must complete the whole thing in under five hours. Beside that, the game is pretty much sttaightfoward. Enjoy the ride !

>> No.6849291

Slayers is pretty much the definition of based. Pure 90's goodness. Wacky humor, cool characters, epicness. There even is a tranny dragon at a point.

>> No.6850747

I once downloaded this game as a .cia file from 3dsiso, and Installed it on my 3DS just for the portability of it.

>> No.6850805

Is anyone else unable to run this in Kega Fusion? Am I an old person for still using Kega Fusion?

>> No.6850927

I'm playing on PSP it runs great.

>> No.6850937

Oh shit, there's a SEGA CD emulator for PSP?

>> No.6850975

Picodrive runs them real well yeah

>> No.6851735

And after that, play Popful Mail again with Japanese audio

>> No.6851752

There's not too much misable, there's like 1-2 sidequests in the entire game. One is getting a wedding ring back from the badger gang, and then I think another time you bring a guy some gold bullion. One bit of advice I'll give though for boss fights is to make use of your environment, the first bosses you fight are really big on this, using platforms to block bombs that come down on you or ducking under a platform to avoid the giant boss charging at you.

>> No.6852179

I've never had a game that didn't work on kega. Mapping controllers is a whole other story, however.

>> No.6852345

Not only a waifu thread anon: it's another Popful Mail thread in general. All that you need is there

>> No.6852705

are the dialogues different in the different versions? i want to play the pc98 version but my text hooker doesn't work anymore

>> No.6852869

i loved this game and have a burned copy for my sega cd

never beat it
but i don't understand what OP is asking
just steamroll it its a sidescroller

>> No.6853073

how do i equip my armor in the pc98 version? seems there's just one button