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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 135 KB, 1050x783, xbox04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6846761 No.6846761 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else miss those simple days bros?

>> No.6846774

I think the last time my family had a christmas with a lot of gifts was 2005

>> No.6846782

Yeah. I miss the old days. Now, gaming is about profit instead of making innovative games. That's one of the reasons I started collecting my PS games.

>> No.6846814

My most memorable vidya-related Christmas was Dreamcast. House of the Dead 2 and Sonic Adventure, it was heaven. Plus since I'm Polish I got to open my presents on Christmas Eve :D

>> No.6846828


>> No.6846845
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>yfw missing the simple days (pre-retro boom of early 10s) of missing those simple days (golden age years)

>> No.6846850

>muh nostalgia

>> No.6846851

Honestly the 00s weren't very fun to be a kid. Adult people were very stressed out by post-9/11 cultural change, everything was a lot more serious and darker than in previous decades.
It was a great era to be a teenager though. Everything was edgy as fuck, as teenagers like.

>> No.6846857

That cutie on the left could definitely get the dick

>> No.6846891
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Maybe your family could have tried layaways?

>> No.6846895
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>> No.6846912

Christmas hasn't felt very good pretty much since I started working (10-15 years ago). Now I can just buy what I want, at any time of year. I also feel bad about making people spend money. You have to buy a bunch of gifts for everybody and it gets expensive.

>> No.6846925

Same, the only reason I like Christmas is because I can buy my nieces and nephews cooler shit than their parents do.

>> No.6846934

I literally beg people to not get me anything but it never works. I don't want gifts, I don't want to buy adults gifts, I just want to buy the coolest shit for the kids in the family!

>> No.6846938

>, everything was a lot more serious and darker than in previous decades.
you're an idiot if you think the post 9/11 period was harder than the fucking 60s, where people were trained to hide under their desk to prepare for nuclear holocaust.

>> No.6846940

This. It's nice to get cool things for kids in the family. Kind of just a chore for everyone else. I don't want people to waste their hard earned wagie bucks on shit I don't need :(.

>> No.6846949

>the 60s were "hard"
Ok, boomer.

>> No.6846958

you telling me it was hard being a kid post 9/11 when I was a kid post 9/11 and other than a bunch of movies like Kingdom of Heaven and 300 that were obvious iraq war analogs, life went on.
my grandfather grew up in italy during ww2 and my dad grew up in the 60s during the height of the cold war. and they weren't black so they were allowed to use water fountains!

but yeah go ahead and think "oo it was SO HARD growing up with my xbox and playstation because SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED ON TV"

>> No.6846985

Haha yeah imagine growing up in a safe neighbourhood where darkies were segregated, receiving a proper education, and then going to college and being guaranteed a good job and a big house to live in after graduating. What an absolute nightmare those boomers had to live with!

Countries have more nukes and greater projection range today than they did then, by the way.

>> No.6846991

shut the fuck up moron, you aren't worth arguing with. oh no my rerun of animaniacs was interrupted by the 9/11 newscast, MY CHILDHOOD IS OVER

>> No.6846996

As soon as CRTs went out of fashion and computer equipment went from white to black was when everything started to become soulless.

>> No.6847005

The 2000s were all right. But what we are going through now is definitely worse than anything that happend during the 60s.

>> No.6847007

Fuck man, I remember getting my old Xbox on christmas and being so fucking excited. I still have that old thing in my closet collecting dust. Maybe I should get some new games for it, since I lost them all like 10 years ago. Any recommendations, /vr/?

>> No.6847021
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Fuck i didnt come here for those feels.
2002 was probably my last great xmas

>> No.6847023

Do it faggot. Xbox and PS2 games are really fucking low in price right now so there's no better time to collect. But don't forget to hook it up to a CRT or else it'll look like ass. Even a small 13" bedroom set you might have lying around somewhere will do just fine.

>> No.6847027

Totally agree

>> No.6847032

yeah I was about to mention how what we're going through now is FAR more impactful and traumatic than 9/11. this corona stuff effects everyone's day to day lives directly. 9/11 just didn't.

>> No.6847036

>when the crayon runs out of wax
Or did they get you a pencil for christmas?

>> No.6847039

Had a 13 inch CRT until it got left behind by accident and my dad sold it. Guess I'll start looking for a good cheap one

>> No.6847040

Forced to concur.

>> No.6847063

>you aren't worth arguing with.

Yeah, boomers are experts at running away and burying their heads up their fat arses. That's why you turned western countries into complete shitholes you obese fucking slob.

>> No.6847069

you're a fucking schizo bro, at least follow the reply chain to see who you're talking to

>> No.6847071

I disagree. The 60s had honest to god actual racial prejudice, not today's pussy ass "microaggression" bullshit pushed by white college kids. On top of fearing the communists due to living in the peak of the cold war, they had to put up with polio about a decade ago which didn't give you flu symptoms like coronachan does but literally fucking paralyze you for life. Medical science has come a long way too.

>> No.6847104

Go gaslight someone else you mentally ill degenerate.

>> No.6847127
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>> No.6847128

Polio was quickly eliminated through vaccines developed in the 50's. Unless you were a third-worlder, you weren't worried about polio as a 60's kid.

>> No.6847149

>my grandfather grew up in italy during ww2

Based, wish I coulda got to live under fascism

>> No.6847156

Move to Russia or China, idiot.

>> No.6847163

I didn't think I'd ever see a tripfag who wrote more worthless posts than babbage but you've done it.

>> No.6847227


>> No.6847264

>The 60s had honest to god actual racial prejudice, not today's pussy ass "microaggression" bullshit

lol implying you wouldn't be one of those people calling MLK a "communist" and the Black Panthers "terrorists" if you were alive in the 60's

>> No.6847270

oh good another worthless name/tripfag
just what we needed

>> No.6847503

Too bad OP's console started it.

>> No.6847603

christmas has always been for kids. it's all downhill from there

>> No.6847607
File: 128 KB, 828x452, 564D718B-8BA9-4F2F-AB25-CA46C68A7085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, retard

>> No.6847612


Every damn day. You’re a faggot!!!!

>> No.6847627
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I want to go back to the simpler time Op.

>> No.6847631

I thought this board was older. I guess not.

>> No.6847637

It’s mostly a very very autistic “adult” boomer spamming these threads.

>> No.6847714

/vr/ is a glorified 90s board. A lot of posters here were either born in the 80s or 90s. I was born in 93 so I love talking about 5th gen but I also grew up with 6th gen as a preteen, so I welcomed the new /vr/ rules with open arms

>> No.6847721

Lol, maybe your american, here in Europe everything was very relaxed

>> No.6847727

American here. Can confirm, wife’s dad was military and she lived in Spain in the 2000s and said moving back to the states in 2008 was like moving back to some paranoid nanny state by comparison. Although it’s funny because that describes Europe more these days.

>> No.6847730

of course. consoles are so thoroughly uninteresting these days. it honestly kind of blows my mind that console wars are even still a thing. how the fuck does anybody honestly still care? you've got nintendo in one corner with a stupid gimmick each generation, then the other manufactures with the exact same boring x86 hardware, with the only question being what the exclusives are. and most of the time, those exclusives are unfinished, soulless, big budget movie-game garbage loaded with microtransactions, oh joy. there's nothing to get excited about with console hardware anymore, i have no idea why you wouldn't just game on a PC. oh well, i have an old game backlog to last me a lifetime

>> No.6847935
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>> No.6848381

No, someone assuming you're from another country based on your looks is not the same as being scared some men in ghost costumes will break into your house in the middle of the night and hang you by the nearest tree.

>> No.6848387

>Although it’s funny because that describes Europe more these days.
That's what you burgers tell yourselves in order to sleep at night.

>> No.6848438

Overall modern times are much worse for people in terms of their morale and inferred reason to exist, etc... As well as the high chance you grow old alone with no spouse, no friends, and moving job to job. Culturally we are also decimated almost worldwide.
The 60's and other decades had their own issues though, and back then they didn't have the same amount of guaranteed quality of life or ease of existence. Now many are granted the ability to be shut-ins and dweebs and losers, back then yiu had to fit in and had to be normal or else you wouldn't make it and would be bullied or harrassed until you changed. There was also a great fear of catastrophic events, and people started waking up to the change in economy as well as society and how discontent was spreading while the fabric of the community, etc... was rotting. People realized that their hard work would only pay off for a little while but the future was probably fucked. Now people are just kind of used to it and don't give a shit about anything besides being entertained. Also now employees and students can bitch and moan about shit and be pieces of shit while often getting away with it, back then things were strict. Many people from today wouldn't make it back then, and I am thinking many people from then would lose their will to live after they got past all the 'cool shit' we have today.

>> No.6848470

Overall modern times are much worse for people in terms of their morale and inferred reason to exist, etc... As well as the high chance you grow old alone with no spouse, no friends, and moving job to job. Culturally we are also decimated almost worldwide.
The 60's and other decades had their own issues though, and back then they didn't have the same amount of guaranteed quality of life or ease of existence. Now many are granted the ability to be shut-ins and dweebs and losers, back then yiu had to fit in and had to be normal or else you wouldn't make it and would be bullied or harrassed until you changed. There was also a great fear of catastrophic events, and people started waking up to the change in economy as well as society and how discontent was spreading while the fabric of the community, etc... was rotting. People realized that their hard work would only pay off for a little while but the future was probably fucked. Now people are just kind of used to it and don't give a shit about anything besides being entertained. Also now employees and students can bitch and moan about shit and be pieces of shit while often getting away with it, back then things were strict. Many people from today wouldn't make it back then, and I am thinking many people from then would lose their will to live after they got past all the 'cool shit' we have today.

>> No.6848491

Every boomer should be hanged.

>> No.6848537

No anon, old people aren't the reason your life is miserable. Stop blaming your parents for you being a fuckup and actually get a job.

>> No.6848542

your sisters are cute

>> No.6848551

nation of islam is a terrorist organization though

>> No.6848553

>back then yiu had to fit in and had to be normal or else you wouldn't make it and would be bullied or harrassed until you changed
tribalism still exists and might be even more toxic

>> No.6848574

Definitely still exists but it changed. Now it is much harder to make friends if you don't have any, or be accepted even if you are normal, but people are also more closed off into groups or isolated alone so alot of the time you can get by while being a total weirdo, and many people are pushed to accept that in terms of not overtly bullying you in the workplace or in front of the teacher, etc... so you see tons of skinny or fat dweebs walking around with no idea of how to dress or groom, video game and comic tattoos, etc... They are allowed to exist. The more materialistic nature of today also means that you can be a loser or wierdo but if you have what people want then you can lure people into hanging out with you.
Nowadays people in bars and clubs don't even socialize unless you have something they want, they just stay in their little groups unless you can have social value or bottle service, etc... Back in the day you could just talk to people anywhere, and didn't need to hunt for partners as much as school, family, work, church and the community helped you with that shit. But also you had to be normal and work hard to fit in with the group, which many now simply can't handle though they desperately desire it, they can't put aside their own ego and need to be 'special'.

>> No.6848591

Ahhh, yes. Good old '04. How to forget the summer olympics that year

>> No.6848616

LOL I am special and it's the reason I don't fit in, and it took a horrible chain of suffering and sacrifice to reverse that karma

sorry you had to be shitty and also have no friends, I don't know what that's like I've always been amazing

>> No.6848629

You what?
Is the first part supposed to be a green text? Is it supposed to be bait? Try that one again dude.

>> No.6849048
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>PS2! And Spyro

>> No.6849212

I regret writing that entry since it was Enter the Dragonfly, the shittiest Spyro game yet

>> No.6849301


>> No.6849318

Nah missed the point.

>> No.6849380

Don’t think he did. This whole thread is people being nostalgic for either their childhood, or someone else’s childhood. Just more of the same “grass is always greener” shit the losers on this website can’t shut up about

>> No.6849419
File: 255 KB, 640x2067, VEmOfLt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a board to discuss retro video games. Nostalgiafags who want to talk about their boring childhood belong on /b/.

>> No.6849580

you do realize half of /vr/ are threads saying "i played x when i was a kid, it was good/bad, did anyone else have x growing up"

>> No.6849583

Discussing memories of childhood retro games is still talking about retro games, so anon you are wrong.

>> No.6849597

If you don't like video games then why are you here.

If you can say ahead of time that "the games from my childhood were better" is ALWAYS false whenever anyone says it, then that implies that games have never gotten better or worse over time, which is ridiculous. People have stronger nostalgia overall for 4th and 5th gen for example than for 2nd gen, and it's because the games that were enabled by the advances in technology were objectively better and more appealing. Sometimes the grass really is greener.

>> No.6849629

>Sometimes the grass really is greener.
And I don’t think you get what I’m saying, and I don’t think you read through the whole thread. This shit is no different from “le wrong generation” people that would attack Justin Bieber videos

>> No.6849647

>being nostalgic for fucking Xbox on Christmas morning
Gay. My childhood memory like this was getting the Sega Genesis/Sonic the Hedgehog 2 bundle and Maximum Carnage (was a huge Spider-Man fan as a kid, this was during the height of 90s comic excess and I fucking ate up all the Fleer Marvel cards and holographic foil cover variants for the comics)

Maximum Carnage was hard as fuck but damned if I didn't lose my shit when I opened those two presents.

>> No.6849661

Oh I also got the fucking Activator lol... this shit never worked and the only way I ever remember getting it to even resemble functioning with a game was sitting in the middle and waving my hands over the sensors. It didn't get used much but I really loved the included game which was Eternal Champions and my parents bought me MK1 to use with it too (ABACABB fuck no blood SNES cucks)

>> No.6849669
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Forgot pic. I had SF2 also can't remember if I got it that same Christmas but my boomer ass parents probably bought it and MK1 just because it listed them as "compatible" on the box

>> No.6850095

Skylanders exist, Enter The Dragonfly while unfinished at least felt like a Spyro game

>> No.6850798

Look at the shitty present the sister got. HAHAHAHA!

>> No.6850807
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Ah yes, the good old days after 9/11.

>> No.6850820

No. I despised Christmas as a child. The only redeeming thing about it was when it snowed; on Christmas Eve I'd usually build a wall of snow in the next door old bastard neighbor's doorway, blocking them in. I hated that miserable fuck.

>> No.6851286

Based and blackpilled

>> No.6851294


>> No.6851328

I miss when the consoles were so fundamentally different from each other that exclusives were actually meaningful. Sometimes there was shit you could do on one console that COULDN'T BE DONE on the other one because of base differences in the architecture, hardware, and assembly language. Even ports of the same game from one console to another sometimes resulted in drastically different games. Now every console is just a fucking mid-tier PC in every possible sense and there's no reason not to just make every game available on every platform because all the hardware is identical and no one is coding in assembly anyway, it's all middleware game engines and shit.

>> No.6851492

Almost every action/shooter game in the mid/late 2000's was about PMC's. I don't fucking miss that shit.

>> No.6851519

Holy fuck SO MUCH THIS. I miss early 2010s, still able to score retro vidya for pennies, watching grainy 240p videos of AVGN, CGR and Happy Console Gamer on YouTube, still finding shrink wrapped 5th and 6th gen games on clearance sales, occasionally coming across retro coin-ops at the local bowling alley or pool hall ... retro gaming still felt like a fresh and fun and secret hobby before it went mainstream.

>> No.6851685 [DELETED] 

Or being scared some men in police uniforms will break into your home and shoot you in your sleep? #BreonnaTaylor

>> No.6851731


>> No.6852752

no one cares about your gene puddle faggot

>> No.6853282

>Now every console is just a fucking mid-tier PC
Thanks, Xbox

>> No.6853370
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I think the summer of 2004 was the high point of my life. Everything was downhill from there. My grandmother had Alzheimer's and I decided to spend most of that summer at her home since she was beginning to get to the point where she needed some day to day help. But she wasn't so far gone that she wasn't herself anymore so I could still get her out for a few last enjoyable experiences.
She wasn't rich, but she had done quite well for herself so in a bit of a morally questionable move I may have taken advantage of that to get myself an xbox along with a few other things, though she always enjoyed giving gifts so I imagine if she'd been more aware she would have enjoyed giving it to me. Spent most days hanging out with her, then stayed up all night to watch late night anime or play Kotor/PGR2. At one point while watching me play PGR she asked 'how it worked', so I explained the controls and spent the next hour watching her do hot-laps around the test track in an M3 and having the time of her life. Looking back I kinda wish i'd been hit by a bus the day before school started back up that year.

>> No.6854413

This so much

>> No.6854462

At the same time PC got it's own exclusive games, now it's just for playing console games at higher detail. The last big exclusives I can remember are Doom 3 and Half-Life 2.

>> No.6854469
File: 97 KB, 720x718, 9iplhbevlyx31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love this board. Finally a place I cam call homr...

>> No.6854642

welcome to my filters.

>> No.6854787
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>tfw Christmas 2002 I got a PS2 and a GBA
My life peaked at that moment and it's been downhill since

>> No.6856157
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Made me laff more than it should have. Well done.

>> No.6857076

>Thanks, Xbox
I wouldn't blame the xbox, that thing basically proved to the world that a consolised PC was an unprofitable mess. That today's consoles are using PC derived parts is because they are the only ones left standing after all the alternatives gave up and either stopped producing, went super low power or super high end. Blame Intel for strongarming businesses into going 100% Wintel leaving Motorolla 68k, IBM PowerPC and all the others from Hitachi, NEC, DEC, etc. to wither and die.

>> No.6857092

I think 95 would be more like a millenial. People just stopped saying millenial because it's not as dramatic as boomer/zoomer. You are basically the lost generation, irrelevant to the boomer/zoomer wars.

>> No.6858212
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>> No.6858230

>boys get an xbox
>girl on the left gets a fucking piano toy

>> No.6858289

I was in my mid-teens at that point.


Doesn’t it suck when you get a new console RIGHT BEFORE THEY KILL IT OFF?

>> No.6858472

Gift-cucking my family-in-law because I'm well educated and well-employed is the true meaning of Christmas

>> No.6858478

OP here, I ended up selling my xbox the following summer and my dad was pissed but i told him that buying an xbox in 2004 wasnt the best idea lol

>> No.6858540
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This. It was even better around 2005 because that's when gamestop liquidated their 5th gen stock, so you could get a ton of 5th gen games for pennies. Fucking faggots threw out the cases for the PS1 games though. The 6th gen never saw anything like that because suddenly retro was picking up, but you could still get games for 1/10th of what they are today. Still leagues better than the cancer we have today. The retro gamestore near my house use to be lined with gold. I would buy shit everytime I went in there. Now it's literally just sports games or that 1 super popular game with the original box locked behind a glass case with a +$100 price tag.

>> No.6858579

damn, Melissa had taste.

>> No.6858585
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i wanna Friend Clariassa