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File: 173 KB, 629x960, 1599133527457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6844675 No.6844675 [Reply] [Original]

I dont remember zombies are my neighbors sounding this shit. Is that nostalgia blinding me or did i fuck something up with my emulator?

>> No.6845171

Listen to the original ost and compare or a youtube gaming video. Unfortanely i cant tell whether the audio is fucked or not because of the loud hiss. Also which version?

>> No.6845190

Why did you ruin this thread by posting a picture of an anime girl like a faggot?

>> No.6845246

>posts on the nostalgia diaper baby containment board
>hates anime
What’s wrong with you retard?

>> No.6845281

He's allowed to not like anime, anon. Relax.

>> No.6845303

No he isn’t, and you aren’t either moron.

>> No.6845309

image sauce?

>> No.6845360

Wtf I love anime now

>> No.6845432

I thought this was about whether or not something is wrong with you're emulator not whether or not you watch anime. By the way i watch the best anime KOTH .

>> No.6845457
File: 72 KB, 318x146, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be careful when scrolling anon, you might encounter some of those scary animes.

>> No.6845485

>>posts on the nostalgia diaper baby containment board

Has your brain been irreparably damaged by drugs or something? People here are obviously going to be a lot older than the average age on 4chan, now please fuck off with your bullshit, nothing you say is going to be useful to us, any response you have will be nonsense.

>> No.6845565

>wah wah, anime on my board wah
>you’re not catering to us old guys wah wah wah
If the anime bothers you, you can always find a different site to go on to have your midlife crisis.

>> No.6845679


>> No.6846709

Image sauce?

>> No.6846714

It’s from a stupid diaper baby weebaboo anime okay?

>> No.6846952

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