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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 50 KB, 708x398, mister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6841383 No.6841383 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone take the mister pill? The de-10 is kinda expensive, but seems like a small price to pay for FGPA powered hardware level emulation.

>> No.6841386

seems cool but damn i aint got time for this shit lol

>> No.6841387

I've considered it but I hate how jank it all comes together

>> No.6841393

man what the fuck was sega thinking with that controller design. look at the fucking buttons. should have just copied nintendo

>> No.6841405

Seems like a lot of work, but might be worth it considering what Analogue products go for.

>> No.6841436

The Nt Mini is retardedly overpriced considering theres stuff like the AVS out there, I do think 190 for the Super Nt and the Mega Sg is reasonable-ish for what you're actually getting. They should fucking come with the damn controllers that are in the photos though.
Analogue pisses me off, they break their back trying to maintain this Apple-esque boutique bullshit all the time, and even people who like their products are sick of that horseshit.

>> No.6841439

>what the fuck was sega thinking with that controller design.

Have you never seen an arcade cabinet before? The button layout is the same as the standard arcade cabinet, paired with a d-pad which has never been topped.

>> No.6841483

it sucks

>> No.6841559

I wish finding a SCART cable for it wasn't such an epic quest. Analogue DAC cable is incompatible, many Mister stores don't have it in stock currently, RGC doesn't manufacture it, Retro Access' website is bullshit, and I don't trust Chinese storefronts.

>> No.6841572

>mister pill
thats called "semen"

>> No.6841731

congrats, you are fucking retarded

>> No.6841978

>six buttons instead of four
>can easily rest your fingers across two and even four buttons for quick access
you dumb

>> No.6841985

Never in stock and showing the controllers and not including them is not cool

>> No.6842170
File: 1.06 MB, 1013x1062, 1593993653725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want a MiSTer but many of the console and computer cores don't appear to be as fleshed out as I'd like or have some accuracy issues lingering.
That said, the Arcade cores are the most appealing part, especially ones done by Jotego. some of them like old DECO games (BurgerTime and Bump & Jump) and Ghost n. Goblins run at their proper speeds yet they currently run a bit too fast in Mame. I might get MiSTer just for arcade shit alone but I do home other cores can get more features and be at parity with software emulation on PC.

>> No.6842282

This dude is a dingbat but including 3 button as standard was a fuckup

>> No.6842467

Why would I pay hundreds of dollars for a trumped up emulator box that isn't even as accurate as downloading fucking retroarch?

>> No.6842517

Yep, built a mister recently to keep hooked to the 20" PVM. I highly recommend the Retrobit wireless RF Saturn pads, it plays everything great with no latency.

>> No.6843059

because it plays every 1-3 frames faster than you're used to and dual output means you can use component cables on a crt and hdmi at the same time.

>> No.6843160


>> No.6843163

FPGA emulation is meaningless at the current point in time.

>> No.6843165

Care to expand on this? I've got a MiSTer and all the current console cores run well?

>> No.6843168

Proof? Genuinely interested in this...

>> No.6843169
File: 31 KB, 378x378, 8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Care to expand on this? I've got a MiSTer and all the current console cores run well?

>> No.6843180

Great thanks for the searing insight!

>> No.6843183

hey mister are you ok

>> No.6843224 [SPOILER] 
File: 297 KB, 2874x1714, 1599468508060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6843332

Fuck the Mister, fuck FGPAs and fuck you.

>> No.6844092

Most of this is wrong, all the console and computer cores are solid. Unless you are talking about stuff still in dev like ps1 and x68000.

This is just bullshit.

Wojack zoomer cunt


>> No.6844153

Up until very recently the Mega SG and Super NT had been in stock for fucking ages, like for well over a year

>> No.6844172

>buys an expensive fpga to reduce input lag
>pairs it with some laggy 8bitdo trash

>> No.6844175

The Mega SG is still in stock, I think it got boxed out by the Genesis Mini being quite good and all the other ways to play Genesis games these days. Obviously the Nintendo shit is gonna be more desirable to the average person these days, I haven't seen a Super NT in stock for a few months but they've said they're going to restock soon. I'll probably pick up a Super NT, I do a lot of garage sailing and I still see a lot of SNES stuff out in the while but I've always just emulated it.

>> No.6844182

>I've got a MiSTer and all the current console cores run well?
Why are you posing that as a question? Are you ESL, or an uptalking tranny?

>> No.6844196

Has anyone made a good handheld Mister yet? seems like it'd be easier than the WiiBoy and such

>> No.6844198

Thanks anon! I found this cable for Minimig in the UK:
but your cable looks slightly better on the photo. I hope they are decently made, amigos had two decades to perfect such thing.

>> No.6844330

>Anyone take the mister pill?
No mister, I have not. It's a waste of money, plus I got my PC to emulate games with anyways.

Faggotry Gay Pedophilia Activator?

>> No.6844338

The controller is perfect for arcade fighting games like Street Fighter 2. Also the D-Pad is way more comfortable than Nintendo's D-Pad.

>> No.6845336

> i just like having opinions without being able to explain or back them up because durrr

>> No.6845378

that "?" bullshit is twitter speak so, yes, a tranny.

>> No.6845408

>I just like buying useless trash durr

>> No.6845427

oh good the poorfag brigade is here to shit up the thread
aren't you late for your shift at starbucks?

>> No.6845669

where's muh gamecube case faggot

>> No.6845804

I'm not stupid enough to take the Mister pill because unlike some anon's, I emulate on my PC.

>> No.6846913

Zoomies need the rope

>> No.6846920

I chuckled audibly, good show sir

>> No.6847082

You post about gay pedophilia so much. I wonder if it’s because you’re a boy diddling faggot? Emulation is great and FPGAs are a long way from reading their promise, but honestly fag, the world would be a better place if your father had just jacked off into your whore mothers mouth the night your dumb ass was conceived. Gay ass pedo fuck.

>> No.6847095

The “if you don’t blow cash on useless toys you must be poor” anons will be the funniest fucks on this board. Like, not only do you suck corporate cock, you thank them for using you and then brag to people about it. Get Covid and die limbless and alone.

>> No.6847106

t. Extremely triggered $0YB0Y

>> No.6847118

Yeah, whatever faggot. Whatever you say, you still a worthless little bitch. Sorry, that’s just how you’re life tired out

>> No.6847159

I love drinking your tears.

>> No.6847167

You love drinking any mans salty fluids.

>> No.6847180

enjoy your 5 years of input lag

>> No.6847542

typical delta between wired and a bt-connected m30 is around 5ms
that being said, FPGA is still a shit because it loses the latency battle to software emulation because of the run ahead regardless

>> No.6847585

>isn't even as accurate as downloading fucking retroarch
Software emulation will never be accurate because it will always have bad input and audio lag

>> No.6847616

software emulation has better input latency than the real hardware so yeah, not really
you can achieve sub 10ms audio latency with WASAPI, too

>> No.6847618

"the run ahead" is polishing a turd and the very rare times it beats original hardware or FPGAs is when the game is designed to respond later than 3-4 frames to every input/action. And then audio latency still fucks everything up anyway

>> No.6847625

there is no appreciable difference in anything but input latency with run ahead, so not sure what turd are you talking about, please do elaborate
>And then audio latency still fucks everything up anyway
refer to >>6847616

>> No.6847638

I have my audio latency set to 9ms for more Retroarch cores with wasapi (some infrequent audio clicks), and it's still horrendous for actually playing games with audio cues that are supposed to sync to actions, like the jump in Mario games. Also runahead can hardly ever be set high enough to match original hardware, let alone exceed it

>> No.6847641

*most cores

>> No.6847649

The turd is software emulation's latency

>> No.6847651

>I have my audio latency set to 9ms for more Retroarch cores with wasapi (some infrequent audio clicks), and it's still horrendous for actually playing games with audio cues that are supposed to sync to actions, like the jump in Mario games
I find that hard to believe, 9ms difference is hardly distinguishable for a human
>Also runahead can hardly ever be set high enough to match original hardware, let alone exceed it
It always exceeds the original hardware if the latter has at least 1 frame of input lag, so most of it. That being said, both has to be connected to a CRT for apples to apples comparison.
If emulation's latency a turd then the original hardware must be a festering pile of shit because it has more latency.

>> No.6847658

oh no, FPGA retard is at it again

>> No.6847684

>I find that hard to believe, 9ms difference is hardly distinguishable for a human
I doubt that 9ms is the time it takes for the audio to play. There's probably some additional layer that the number in RA's settings doesn't take into account, because subjectively the delay is clearly noticeable in games for which it matters
>It always exceeds the original hardware if the latter has at least 1 frame of input lag
Not true, even on Linux in KMS mode, with frame delay set to about 8

Original hardware is almost always more responsive than software emulation. Runahead is a drastic improvement, but set emulation next to the hardware and play something like SMB1, and it's blatantly obvious. Even the best emulation setup makes the sprite feel like it's sticking to the ground before every jump

>> No.6847762
File: 82 KB, 640x360, FE596FF4-913A-433A-91B2-81DC20C0381A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love mine :)

>> No.6847832

>Original hardware is almost always more responsive than software emulation
That's severely outdated information unfortunately. I suppose the target audience for FPGAs is people unfamiliar with emulation.
>Even the best emulation setup makes the sprite feel like it's sticking to the ground before every jump
Sounds like a problem with your personal setup rather than emulation as a whole. SMB1 has 1 frame of input latency built in, so you can't reduce it by much with run ahead, but it still would be snappier than the original hardware.

>> No.6847882

Congratulations, you just wasted your money on a glorified emulation box. You may as well have spent it on a hooker riddled with STD's.

>> No.6847906

>That's severely outdated information unfortunately.
I've seen the tests, I've read the libretro thread headed up by that guy who does all the lag testing. In reality his results don't bear out. For most console games, when you properly set your runahead per game (i.e. before it causes missed animations), soft emulation can't match original hardware or the best FPGA implementations. And as I said before, this is assuming that audio latency isn't an issue, though it's a major issue

>> No.6847915

>Sounds like a problem with your personal setup rather than emulation as a whole. SMB1 has 1 frame of input latency built in, so you can't reduce it by much with run ahead, but it still would be snappier than the original hardware.
No, it's not snappier, or as snappy, because software emulation and issues with the way PC hardware and OSes work add additional frames. 1 frame of runahead-removable lag + a high frame delay setting isn't nearly enough to compensate on any setup

>> No.6847932

Can you please explain how exactly does this video fit into your argument? SMB has 1 frame of input lag.

>> No.6847938

He either made an unintentional or intentional mistake in testing methodology and/or execution

>> No.6847962

>evidence is non-withstanding when it doesn't fit my agenda
FPGA has special appeal for certain kind of people, I see

>> No.6847972

Nah I have plenty of experience with emulators and this is something else, frame pacing and responsiveness is much better than emulators

>> No.6847973

I'd love that video to represent reality. I'd love audio lag to be non-existent. I've been wanting software emulation to be good since Nesticle, but it's just not

>> No.6847976

you'd love objective reality then

>> No.6848160

$200 or whatever isn't that bad for cycle perfect accuracy. It's for autists for sure, but a lot emulators can't even properly run SNES star fox.

>> No.6848165

it takes 1 emulator that can properly run star fox to make that idea nonsensical
and why would you want to play snes starfox anyway lol

>> No.6848521

This looks like a great project. I would definitely build one if the price came down a bit. It's too bad this thread is filled with autists screaming at each other.

>> No.6848981

So your PC can't handle emulation well? What are you running emulation on? An old crappy out of date computer? LOL Wow.

>> No.6850006

FPGAs are great, I think emulation is slipping back to how it was perceived in the early 90s since right now there are so many better alternatives

>> No.6850148

This thread is the epitome of sour grapes. If you're happy with emulation, it obviously isn't for you. I use retroarch on PC and mister on the couch. Poorfags cry some more.

>> No.6850168

Learn 2 Cope Poor fag. First you griped about game collectors. Now you're griping about FPGA's. What will you gripe against next? Something that costs money.

>> No.6850183

I just did. I took about two weeks and ordered about three hundred dollars worth of parts from all over the country. I'm finishing up putting it into a larger case and waiting on the final parts to build a power button for it. I'll be posting pictures of my build after it's completed. It will be rather unique.

One of my biggest complaints is the lack of Optical Drive support, but that's a pretty small complaint considering. VGA output is superb and external buttons and leds are fantastic.

>> No.6850589

It's a pretty nice piece of equipment. I sold my consolized mvs because it made it obsolete. Also sold my sega cd for the same reason. I also have no desire to buy a flashcart with cd ability because it works so well. I'll still keep my old consoles but this thing is very good.

Playing GB/GBC/GBA/GG on this is the great.

>> No.6850643

>I highly recommend the Retrobit wireless RF Saturn pads, it plays everything great with no latency.

There actually is some lag from the retrobit saturn pad (2.4ghz). It's not much but it's there more than wired pads. I found it fine for some games, but timing shit like on mother 3 strikes isn't possible with the (small) amount of lag. You would probably never notice it in most situations. Wired pads don't have enough lag to matter. I ended up using a pokken controller with it.

>> No.6850785 [DELETED] 

Faggots Playing Gayly Autistic?

>> No.6850840

This. I can understand the appeal of real hardware, but hardware emulators? Gimme a fucking break. It's the greatest meme in retro gaming. Either emulate or play on real hardware. Imagine wasting money on this.

>> No.6850878

I use original hardware (don't own any FPGAs), but if I wanted to save space or money I would without question go with an FPGA like this, never software emulation. Because of input and audio lag it's just not good enough to fully enjoy playing a lot of the games I like to play

>> No.6850883

... Like what? What games are you playing that require an fpga to be enjoyable?

>> No.6850921

Platformers (Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man, Mario etc.) and rhythm games (Rhythm Tengoku) are the ones that suffer most, but every twitch-type game feels better on original hardware.

It seems like the scrolling shooter crowd cares most about input lag, but that's one of the genres that works best for me with Retroarch, possibly because movement isn't accompanied by sound effects; you're usually just holding down fire, which doesn't expose any kind of lag; and because there's no jumping