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6838016 No.6838016 [Reply] [Original]

Was anyone else scared of some things that weren't supposed to be scary? Pic related, this course for me for some reason.

>> No.6838038

There could be anything around that bend, anon.

>> No.6838039

There could be anything around that bend, anon.

>> No.6838043

It's a game for children. Grow a fucking spine.

>> No.6838053


There could be a fucking spine behind that bend, anon.

>> No.6838058
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>> No.6838064

There could be anything around that bend, anon.

>> No.6838067 [DELETED] 


>> No.6838071

there could be anything
around the bend

close your eyes
its waiting

>> No.6838082


On the contrary I always found that track very cozy and aesthetic. I love cruising the highway when the sun is setting

>> No.6838089

There was that one swamp level in the first spyro game, with the enemies that eat spyro in one gulp. Shit vibrated the dualshock too and fucking spooked me as child, so I avoided that level as much as possible in my first play through.

>> No.6838107

Toad’s Turnpike: Scary? No. Infuriating? Absolutely.

>> No.6838175


it is actually not
around the bend

its right behind you
dont turn around

>> No.6838262

Oh I know what level you're talking about. I'm always a little cautious in that level even as an adult because of those stupid frogs.

>> No.6838836
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a city full of people that can never leave their cars or buildings. you will never see them

>> No.6839084
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This particular thing. When I was a kid any kind of sequence where you would have to run away from something was scary. I got filtered by that bastard in Warioland.

>> No.6839110
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You never know whats waiting around the bend

>> No.6839128

But what's round the bend? Also if you get too close what if it comes round the other way and is faster than you?

>> No.6839147
File: 185 KB, 600x338, crash-site-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crawling in Tomb Raider, especially cos the games have lots of unexpected traps and things. What if the trap is a thing slides down and she can't move it and she's confined in that tiny little crawlspace until she dies?

>> No.6839148

This might be borderline, as you could consider it intentionally scary. I couldn't play Eye of the Beholder as a 7 year old. Skeletons unnerved me, and the combination of first person, dark corridors and a monochrome monitor was nightmare fuel.

>> No.6839150

I don't think no-clipping out of the map ought to be scary but it always made me shit my pants. Some combination of "you shouldn't be able to do that" and some mindfuck-y idea that the ingame world is "infinite" just made me feel weird.

>> No.6839151
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>> No.6839165
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 31519-pinball-dreams-amiga-screenshot-steel-wheel-pinball-bottom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh, I had the same reaction to Eye of the Beholder 2. Those skeletons on the back of the box spooked me outright and the claustrophobic underground hallways basically made me not want to play the game and run into those guys so I didnt get very far. I regret it now tho, I was also like 12-13 at the time.
>tfw spooked by skellingtons

>> No.6839284

that track is easy. you can powerslide most of the track.

>> No.6839359

True but there’s a couple places where the road narrows and the traffic just becomes a royal bitch

>> No.6839370

You were ran over by a diesel in your past life OP

>> No.6839509

The noises the dragon made in the first dungeon of Zelda on NES made little me quite uneasy.

>> No.6839770

>Was anyone else
He was scared of it WHEN HE WAS A KID. Idiot.

>> No.6839794

Tomb Raider was fucking nightmare fuel as a kid
>That music when the wolves attacked
>That awful pained noise Lara made while being impaled by spike
>Walking around a corner and finding a fucking T-Rex

>> No.6840190
File: 5 KB, 256x224, 1584890006211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall down a hole into darkness
>endless claustrophobic caverns
>fall down another hole into even more darkness
This game scared the crap out of me, always felt like I'd just keep falling forever and never get back.

>> No.6840194

Something about the garbled nes tiles is pretty spooky about that screenshot

>> No.6840789

The skyboxes and endless voids from mario 64 still make unsettled to this day. Particularly the skybox in the secret star water room. Imagining falling out of the room into nothingness forever

>> No.6840847

Mmm I could go for some pinball right about now. Beat Box time.

>> No.6840853
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i think what makes this shit scary is that your mind blatantly knows its not real, but feels conflicted at the idea that your technically controlling a character that is in a fake virtual world that can disappear or corrupt itself at any moment.
perhaps the visuals give it away in some manner because there is a lingering sense that the actual void of the game data, its eternal black colour, kind of blends into the colours somewhat, even a little.
might explain the uneasiness some people get when playing their computer games.

>> No.6841784
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>hey anon, wanna play the new "Total Carnage"?

>> No.6841819
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>> No.6841867
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This jump-scared the shit out of me when I was 7 or 8.

>> No.6841980

Mario 64's castle was always terrifying to me, it being empty and devoid of life was creepy. I always preferred keeping my time outside of levels to an absolute minimum.

>> No.6842116

This is the kind of shit that goes in my head while looking at those BGs.

>> No.6842563

the atmosphere in tekken 2. everything about it spooked me as a kid, and not just the kazuya/devil finale. it had a weirdly ominous and unsettling feel to it. if you played it you'll probably know what I mean.

>> No.6842574

what's it like being a giant pussy?

>> No.6842584
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When I was a kid the red sky made me a bit uneasy.

>> No.6842605

Yeah, the old Simpsons games had a bit of a creepy vibe to them.

>> No.6842683

Luigis mansion isnt a scary game as in creepy or disturbing, but those damn ghosts always gave me a jump scare lol.

>> No.6843346

What's scary about Toad's Turnpike is how you're locked in it.
There's no entrance or exit, you and other cars are locked perpetually driving in it with no way out, like in some kind of driving purgatory or hell.

And who are the other vehicle drivers?

>> No.6843359
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I still refuse to give The Brickster a pizza.
Pepper may be a disobedient dyslexic, but not me.

>> No.6843660

What bugged me more is that the level of the lava at the top didn't change in level when you pushed the grey blocks into it.

>> No.6843890
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Sega games always used to be so surreal. I can't find a good pic of the skybox in this stage, but you're floating thousands of miles above a massive city and when you fall, it's horrifying.

>> No.6846020

Kings field always freaked me out, but, that opening scene where you are walking up the stairs and look out to see that island, used to really scare me, not knowing what horrors lurked over there.

>> No.6846037

Also the main character death scream, was terrifying.

>> No.6846520 [SPOILER] 
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