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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 430 KB, 936x854, ristar_full_by_elesis_knight-d5y99az.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
683594 No.683594 [Reply] [Original]

Any /vr/ game that you'd think would be done justice by a modern sequel or at the very least, an "HD" remake like Bionic Commando Rearmed or R-Type Dimensions?

Mine is Ristar. I've dreamed of a new one for two damn decades. Even if were a 2D sequel like Contra 4 my heart would skip.

>> No.683613

I feel like Ristar could be amazing in 3D if done right. It'd look cool at the very least.

>> No.683634
File: 153 KB, 221x302, Rkcover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted a new Rocket Knight for ages and I was elated to hear about a new one. Then I saw the art style and my boner fell off. I still haven't played it.

>> No.683643

I liked it. The art style is pretty average but I found the game fun enough. Its a bit too short though

>> No.683651

You should play it Anon, it's a good game ;)

>> No.683678

I say don't bother.
It feels as lifeless to play as it looks.
It's by far the worst of the four Sparkster games.

>> No.683686

I was about to say Rocket Knight...I didn't even know this existed.
They did a real shit job of advertising it.

>> No.683706

It's even more soulless than the SNES version.

>> No.683725

Sparkster SNES>RocketKnight Adventures 2

>> No.683726


>talking shit about SNES Sparskter

Did you even play it? Elaborate.

>> No.683732

Yeah it was a pretty lame reboot-quel that didn't have the charm or humor of the first one.

>> No.683752

I know the reason I'm going to give is incredibly stupid and autistic, but I wouldn't like a sequel to Ristar on the basis that the story of the first game was finished with no loose ends.

A remake would be neat. Just having it on Steam was already great.

>> No.683770
File: 431 KB, 1000x756, zelda-link+awakening-+remake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a 3d remake for Link's Awakening with good graphics, somewhat realistic, but without the extremely detailed textures and excessive shit lighting every game these days has, don't forget to leave that toon shit at the door, please.

A metroid II remake would be nice too.

>> No.683834
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ITT: SEGA in a nutshell.

>> No.683846

Why'd they reuse the enemies from the SNES game?

>> No.683850
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>> No.683853


Probably had no ideas at all. Climax had no business trying to make another Rocket Knight game.

>> No.683860

I mean, we had pigs, wolves, and lizards. I think insects would be a cool choice for bad guys.

>> No.684195

Ristar was just a kid in the first one. He could be grown a bit for part two

>> No.684221

Jesus Christ, yes.
I would love to see a new Alien Soldier.

>> No.684234

I have no idea what a new Alien Soldier would even be like though.

>> No.684292

Idunno, something like Vanquish or DMC?

>> No.684301

please no

>> No.684339

>Decap attack
>Not the superior and colorful japanese version
>Not Psycho Fox

I really hated Decap Attack's designs...

>> No.684351

A handheld Advance Wars-type port for Der Langrisser, definitely. If not that, then a complete update for the original Phantasy Star games.

>> No.684906

I, too, would cry for new Ristar.
Empy dreams.

>> No.685101
File: 21 KB, 320x224, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I'd hope they'd do in an Alien Soldier sequel is give the counter force its own button, and give it more utility.
I think it would be cool if you could use it to deflect physical attacks from enemies, sort of like this:
That way, when a boss is right there in front of you about to do some physical move, you can do something skillful and interesting instead of just dashing away like a pussy, and since you're more equipped to deal with attacks from bosses, bosses can be much more intense without it being stupid and unfair.
Maybe countering certain moves could even leave the boss totally open to attack for a bit. Maybe a boss even take a little extra damage while it's stunned or whatever.
Might be cool.

I'd also hope they give bosses many more attacks to do.
Most bosses in Alien Soldier only do one or two things. They should do more shit. They should also do less just sanding around.

>> No.685115

All these adorable chibi characters from the 8 bit era would be perfect for a modern revival. Princess Tomato, Alex Kidd, Wonderboy/Adventure Island, Bomberman, Psycho Fox, Bonk...

Why can't we get something like that in the age of Toki Tori and Angry Birds?

>> No.685120


Still good despite the shitty art style.

>> No.685148

In all honesty, I'd love a new Cool Spot.

>> No.685152

Man, OP, I was just thinking the same thing the other day. Ristar is such a good damn good game, and it has a lot of sequel potential.

>> No.685186
File: 149 KB, 840x1159, ecco_the_dolphin_comic_part_2_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The creator of Ecco tweeted once about a possible chance for a new sequel to come about. Seen as Ecco 2 left on a bit of a cliffhanger it would be nice to get one more adventure in that series.
Personally I would prefer it to be 2d sidescrolling but maybe with today's tech and a competent developer the transition to 3D could be much more successful than I found it was with the Dreamcast game.

>> No.685187


He actually had a Kickstarter to make a spiritual successor to Ecco called The Big Blue.

It failed miserably - it was pretty heartbreaking since it looked great. Like the Dreamcast game.

>> No.685612

But we already had a Bomberman revival. Remember Zero?

>> No.685709
File: 62 KB, 700x771, ristarcar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, if not a new game they could at least use him in a few cameos.

Why do they not acknowledge his existence? Nintendo doesn't ignore characters like that

>> No.685714


>> No.685759


He does cameo in Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed as the flag man. Of course, this is not good enough, but a start.

>> No.685768

Agreed with both of these. I'd definitely like to see a Decap Attack remake done up like and old monster movie and maybe have prerendered stop motion visuals

Also, I think a remake of Bug! and Jazz Jackrabbit is definitely in order

>> No.685780

While I do love the shit outta some Ristar, it's not like he was a big SEGA character.

As far as I can tell, people only know about him because of Sonic Mega Collection.

>> No.685808
File: 452 KB, 950x936, 1217388561699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave the toon shit at the door

Maybe its been forever since you played the game, but it had a lot of goofy cartoony moments. There was an enemy that looked like Kirby, a fetch quest that involved a naked hippo and a fashion savvy Chain Chomp, and.. oh yeah AN ANIMAL VILLAGE.

Don't get me wrong, a 3DHD remake of Link's Awakening would be pretty balls out, but please also remember that it wasn't a dead serious game.

Now a remake of Metroid 2, the most claustrophobic game in the series, would be AWESOME if made really realistic.

>> No.685847

Well, to be fair, Ristar was released pretty late into the Genesis' life cycle

>> No.685857

>don't forget to leave that toon shit at the door, please.

I wouldn't mind it looking somewhat cartoonish, but I'm burned out on the Toon Link aesthetic.

>> No.686417

I was talking about toon artstyle like wind waker's or skywardsword. I love everything in that game, i just want it to look like how majora's mask was intended to be if it wasn't because of the n64 limitations.

>> No.686427

lol japan

>> No.686458

Toon Link as in Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are the worse iterations

>> No.686502 [DELETED] 

I have never seen an opinion be so objectivley wrong

>> No.686503
File: 31 KB, 475x347, KidClown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1 sequel was shit

>> No.686506
File: 44 KB, 600x450, 218588-gunstar_heroes__7__super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.686512

I tried to get in to Ristar... just couldn't. Not even sure why, i usually love my 2D platformers.

>> No.686526

>Le funney /vr/ maymay.

>> No.686530

I get nervous whenever someone shits out a reboot or sequel to a game in that kinda league. It's like remaking Robocop, no matter how good it is, it's inevitably going to be worse than the original.

>> No.686558

A sequel would be cool. A remake is unnecessary.

>> No.686570

I agree wholeheartedly with an update for the Phantasy Star games. I still play II yearly for nostalgia purposes, but I have to admit it still looks dated. A graphics update would be marvelous.

>> No.686571

Burning Rangers. Proper Translucency and fire effects, bigger and more detailed areas, more levels/objectives and some more Burning Ship stages.

>> No.686572
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>> No.686574


But Gunstar Heroes had a sequel. It was actually quite good.

>> No.686579
File: 1.09 MB, 790x578, mischief makers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and this

>> No.686581
File: 572 KB, 799x446, sonic 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay the fuck away from my Ristar, you pieces of shit

>> No.686615

Harsh but fair.

>> No.686847

Ristar should become SEGA's Kirby.

>> No.686854

Sounds cool!

>> No.686870
File: 162 KB, 640x911, 916725_23962_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one, but it's Japan only.


>> No.686878


Pretty sure the first one was fan translated actually.

>> No.686904
File: 35 KB, 471x472, 1367044074457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just found out Ristar is on the Sonic Mega Collection

>I've never unlocked it because it requires me to play the abysmal Sonic 3D Blast

>> No.686917

>thinking 3D Blast is bad
They need to remake that one too.

>> No.686945

It seems like I will never understand the fixation with 3D. Ristar looks wonderful the way it is.

I'd be up for something low-poly, though, since it maintains artistic merit and careful model construction. I see it in parallel with pixel art, as realistic 3D is in parallel to vector art.

inb4 nostalgia, my first console was actually a Dreamcast

>> No.686951

My dog remakes it in the grass all the time.

>> No.686956

>not liking 3D Blast if only for the SIMPLY EPIK special stages


>> No.686962
File: 2.43 MB, 251x185, you funny man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.686963


>boring 3d version of Sonic 2 bonus stage

um ok

>> No.686972

There are no merits to low poly over higher poly. Mario 64 is not better of a game than New SMB because the models were primitive.

3D tends to look sterile but that's not the format's fault, it's the artists'

>> No.687102

Always wondered if anyone at R* ever keeps this one in mind. For all of its flaws the gameplay manages to shine through.

>> No.687135

>it's not like he was a big SEGA character
Doesn't really matter. He has a huge cult following. Wasn't Ristar one of the most wanted characters for Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed?

>> No.687205

But Sonic 2's special stages were unfun rote memorization bullshit, and 3D Blast (Saturn)'s were very enjoyable, and had a decent amount of variety and shit. Best half-pipe special stages the series has ever seen.

'Course, that's all irrelevant, since only the Genesis version of 3D Blast is in the Sonic Mega Collection, and those special stages suck dick.
Great music though.

>> No.687365

at least the genesis ones are really easy, so you can get them over with

>> No.687386

That's definitely true. I don't think I've ever failed one of those special stages even once.
I'd still rather be playing a fun special stage, though.

>> No.687618
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