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6832202 No.6832202 [Reply] [Original]

Why was it so popular? It was just a compilation of previous-gen games, but in 1993 it was a massively hyped bestseller that got 10/10 reviews everywhere.

>> No.6832206

Pretty graphics

>> No.6832215

It was a high effort remake with new graphics, many people didn't keep their NES when they got a SNES and backwards compatibility and emulation wasn't really a thing yet so people appreciated being able to go back to them, and also Lost Levels was more or less an entirely new game exclusive to the collection.

It's not like nintendo just put nesticle on a SNES cart with some roms.

>> No.6832219

>4 games in 1
This was not a common thing. I don't even know any other companies that did this at best you got 2 in 1. 4 in 1 was insane value for money.

>> No.6832232
File: 231 KB, 871x1280, E6522FE9-1812-4BD8-829D-2002E85D2E74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone didn’t grow up with a sega genesis

>> No.6832246

Pretty much this. Also, the save feature was a nice addition.

>> No.6832247

Streets of Rage is 15fps on that cart, and Columns and Super Hang-On are shovelware.

>> No.6832251

Actually I did, didn't have a Super Nintendo at all. I think I forgot about this because it was released at the end of its lifespan, I had moved onto other consoles by then.

>> No.6832289

You don’t have to lie anon, we’re on the internet, you don’t have to impress strangers.

>> No.6832297

In europe there were several "Mega Games" multicart volumes and they always came with the console meaning they were advertised a lot.

>> No.6832303

that came out after All Stars

>> No.6832324

So? He literally said "I don't know of any other companies that did this". He doesn't know because he was born after 2005 minimum.

>> No.6832401

>Streets of Rage is 15fps on that cart
??? Does it really run slower on that cart than on a stand-alone one?

>> No.6832413

He's a retard.

>> No.6832425

Only two games there are good and the Mario collection has 4 masterpieces

>> No.6832468

Terrible taste. Super Hang On kicks ass. You nubs can't Outride A Crisis.

>> No.6832474

You're just a genesis baby, your games were always weird ass offshoots of SNES games

>> No.6832526

SNES has an embarrassingly bad shmup/arcade game collection in comparison to genesis though. Its only real strengths are 2D platformers and RPGs.

>> No.6832596
File: 111 KB, 1024x683, 02eccef1726f64dae1edf89718a356f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why was it so popular? It was just a compilation of previous-gen games, but in 1993 it was a massively hyped bestseller that got 10/10 reviews everywhere.

Part of the reason why it sold so well, is because it was part of multiple Nintendo promotions back in the day. Nintendo included it as a pack-in game with Super Mario World for the SNES in North America. Later, they released a second version that has Super Mario All Stars and Super Mario World on the same cartridge. But also, if you bought an SNES, you could send in its UPC code and proof of purchase to Nintendo and $3.50 (the price of shipping), and Nintendo would send you a boxed copy of All Stars in the mail.


Nintendo, commissioned All-Stars to be developed after the backlash that the SNES was not backwards compatible with the NES. many parents complained that they couldn't play their old cartridges on their new SNES. Plus on top of that, Sega was packing their Genesis with Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 to upstage Nintendo. As Nintendo's only pack-in game was Super Mario World. So Nintendo's response was to package Allstars with the SNES.


>> No.6832627

I don't know what to tell you. I had a Mega Drive, I never heard of these multi-carts. I've got nothing to gain by lying and it's absurd you think I am.

>> No.6832637

Lost Levels is a glorified rom hack

>> No.6832643
File: 114 KB, 1000x650, allstarsmarioworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the cartridge I had back then. It came bundled with my SNES.

>> No.6832646

SNES has the best library out of any console ever (not counting modern era PC’s able to emulate everything)

UN Squadron, R Type III, and Gradius III are all great SHUMPS

>> No.6832732

It was literally a packin and it was a way to play 3 mario games (and the ACTUAL 2) on your SNES. According to the Gigaleak it was also supposed to be an SNES CD title, which explains a lot.

>> No.6832749

Gradius III.

>> No.6832750
File: 1.51 MB, 1169x930, genesispackin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Revenge of Shinobi is the best game on that 6PAK. Then there is Sonic 1. Streets of rage and Golden Axe were good for two player co-op. Was never a fan of Columns.

Sega packaged the "6-PAK" with the Genesis model 2 as an alternative to Sonic 2. They also included a package like this, minus Sonic 1 for the Sega/ Mega CD as well.

>> No.6832791

How is Super Hang On, a console port of a 1987 arcade racing game, itself a sequel to a 1985 arcade racing game, an offshoot of SNES games? At best you could try to draw an equivalence to Excitebike but anyone who's played both would see it's a bad comparison. Not just from a perspective but from a course design perspective. This was a low quality shitpost, anon. It's ok to admit you haven't played any Hang On games yet. Go check them out, you'll have a good time.

>> No.6832801

Best version of super Mario 3

>> No.6832885
File: 2.44 MB, 2100x1540, ngt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AllStars is a lot better than Ninja Gaiden Trilogy on the SNES. Ninja Gaiden Trilogy were SNES ports of the NES games.

>> No.6832924

Axelay's good too. And a lot of people like Space Megaforce

>> No.6832931

Bad ports.

>> No.6833003

Any difference between All-Stars and All-Stars + Super Mario World?

>> No.6833018

I think one of them's got Super Mario World in it

>> No.6833046
File: 16 KB, 408x366, luigimarioworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any difference between All-Stars and All-Stars + Super Mario World?

The biggest change is Luigi's sprite change for Super Mario World. The original SMW Luigi was a colour palette swap of Mario's sprite. There is also a different title screen for the collection. Other than that, everything else is the exact same.

>> No.6833117
File: 165 KB, 800x1341, smwas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think one of them's got Super Mario World in it

>> No.6833121

Super Mario and the All Stars - Orange Label Edition is the one with SMW Word

>> No.6833157

>if you bought an SNES, you could send in its UPC code and proof of purchase to Nintendo and $3.50 (the price of shipping), and Nintendo would send you a boxed copy of All Stars in the mail.

that's how I got mine. I remember checking the mail eagerly every day. I think it came on a Friday so I had all weekend to play the fuck out of it. Also, this was how Nintendo got peoples addresses to send out the DKC and N64 promotional videotapes

>> No.6833209

>this was how Nintendo got peoples addresses to send out the DKC and N64 promotional videotapes
I bet you went bananas when you got those

>> No.6833232

This and only this. It is not a good game and some of the later levels are exactly like mediocre amateur stuff.

>> No.6833262
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I didn't get my bing bing wahoo until it was near end of life.

>> No.6833573

>this was how Nintendo got peoples addresses to send out the DKC and N64 promotional videotapes

Not for me, it wasn't. I had a subscription to Nintendo Power Magazine, and Nintendo sent me the Donkey Kong Country Exposed tape and the Star Fox 64 tape.

>> No.6834024

It was 3 tried and true games, plus one never released in America remastered into 16 bit all for the price of one, of course it was popular.

>> No.6835329
File: 2.43 MB, 1549x1747, goomba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All-Stars was the only reason I got to play any of the original Mario games, UK was Sega country at the time and I was born too late to play them on a NES if we even had one
All-Stars SMB1 overworld theme is the best version in any game, this cannot be disputed

>> No.6835373 [DELETED] 

It introduced the classic retro moppets and mayoral battles of the original 2D trilogy to a new generation. Super Mario World was a great game with excellent moppets and mayoral battles but it lacked the soul of the original 2D trilogy, which was truly inventive in its moppet design and mayoral battles. The moppets and mayoral battles in SMW were very creative but just lacked a certain amount of retro soul compared to the original retro classic 2D trilogy. While the moppets and mayoral battles in SMW were certainly a lot of fun, they weren’t as innovative or soulful compared to the original retro classic 2D trilogy. Nintendo didn’t truly innovate the moppets and mayoral battles of the Mario franchise until they released Super Mario 3D 2: Super Mario Sunshine, which had truly inventive and soulful moppets and mayoral battles.

>> No.6835384

I love how you've completely lost your mind already.

>> No.6835394 [DELETED] 

This is actually an excerpt from the script to my next YouTube video entitled “The moppets and mayoral battles in these games may SHOCK you. Here’s why.”

>> No.6835401

you can save anywhere in the world map by pressing select, that and luigis sprites are the only change

>> No.6835403

Sounds very 2010s

>> No.6835412

Emulation was not a thing yet, you could not play Mario games on pc with a couple of clicks.
People were less critics towards retro releases, it was not simply a nes port, and at least for me it was a legit good deal.

>> No.6835468

You got 3 in 1 on the nes though.

>> No.6835494

there's a reason why nintendo still makes consoles and sega doesn't
there's a reason why mario is still around but sonic isn't

sega is a flop

>> No.6835821

Birdo's feet...

>> No.6835906

Well they did remake all three games and gave them SNES facelifts. That's the reason why it was so popular back then.

>> No.6836736

It dook

>> No.6836763

>10/10 reviews everywhere

>> No.6837112

my mom bought me the allstars + world console bundle and while she was buying it the guy at the store tried to talk her into buying the world bundle and sending away for allstars. I remember her telling him that made no sense at all and angrily saying, "no, thanks"

>> No.6837282
File: 1.50 MB, 956x1644, Screenshot from 2020-09-05 14-38-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mom bought me the allstars + world console bundle and while she was buying it the guy at the store tried to talk her into buying the world bundle and sending away for allstars. I remember her telling him that made no sense at all and angrily saying, "no, thanks"

The Super NES Super Set bundle did not come with Mario AllStars bundled with the system. Instead retail outlets were told to put stickers on the pre-existing stock telling people about the All-Stars promo deal.

Sega did this earlier in 1993 with Sonic 2. which lasted from January 1993 to April 1993. You would send in a proof of purchase/ receipt to Sega provong that you bought a Genesis with Sonic 1, along with $3.50 and they would send you Sonic 2 in the mail. Months later in 1993, Nintendo did the same thing with AllStars as a direct response. The Nintendo deal lasted till December 1993. Only the All Stars + Super Mario World cart was packaged with the SNES.

>> No.6837450

Not quite. You can quit the game with Select, but it'll be considered a no-save quit like just turning the game off.

>> No.6838446

Yeah so by the sound of that they wouldn't have honored the mail in anymore because I think it was '94 already. Salesman was probably a teenager. I wonder where he is now lol. I still have my allstars + world cart.
I also remember when I got a defective Yoshi's Island that would get to one specific level and then blackscreen. Might have been valuable if I hadn't returned it. The store made us prove it on the demo kiosk and when it happened everyone gasped. lol.

>> No.6838998

Cos little kids and basic bitch manchildren will settle for anything. Post-Wii Nintendo is proof of that.

>> No.6839010

Fuck off Super Hang On is amazing.