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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6829914 No.6829914 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6829916

Old good new bad hur
Hur dur

>> No.6829923

t. bitter poorfag

>> No.6829932

You weren’t even there.

>> No.6829936

You realize the bottom one has an option to make it look like the top one, right?

>> No.6829941

You realize that is not the way the developers intended it to played right?

>> No.6829942

When you realize an AGS-101 was cannibalized to make that Frankenstein setup, you'll realize how soulless it is.

>> No.6829953

yes I was. I did not enjoy needing a tiny little reading lamp to play gameboy at night. I'll never understand this nostalgia you people have for outdated tech.

>> No.6829956
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>> No.6829957

As long as they can unsolder the fucker back to normal, nobody should give a shit

>> No.6829960

Soul, yeah. You gotta pray to see the fking thing you moron.

>> No.6829961

The devs intended to manufacture the unit on the cheap.

>> No.6829964

/vr/ is dedicated to obsolete tech, ya ninny

>> No.6829967
File: 171 KB, 986x332, 43B23C42-7CF3-44FA-BE5F-8D483AC004D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lookin’ good

>> No.6829973

Also wrong. They make replacement panels new now.

>> No.6829978

I'm sure most of us emulate

>> No.6829990


that lcd damage visible while playing
wouldn't fuck with

gameboy advance is tiny components and very difficult for me to get into w/ my clunky soldering iron.

GBC is as far as id go
and honestly i do miss the frontlit screen

they sell aftermarket kits for this stop breaking perfectly good SP systems bros

>> No.6830129

That left picture is from an emulator, not an AGS 101 screen. Why resort to dishonesty?

>> No.6830140

IPS > AGS-101

>> No.6830171

Reminder that all current IPS mods have serious issues with persistence on flickering sprites, extra lag due to frame buffering, and ghosting.

>> No.6830181

This guy gets it.

>> No.6830185

this simply isn't true.
people go for IPS mods because the AGS-101 has such agressive ghosting.
Never seen any sprites flicker either or any added lag.
Rhythm Tengoku plays fine with the mod just the same as with the original screen.

Sounds like you bought some chinkshit off ebay and then was surprised that it was chinkshit.

>> No.6830193

Sounds like you can't read and are blind on top of that. But I'd expect nothing less of a stupid, fat American who plays on a sliced up GBA with a repurposed phone screen.

>> No.6830201

I have a genuine AGS-101 and don't see any real ghosting.

>> No.6830208

sounds like a black girl stole your man and now you're gonna have a cry about being genetically deficient flat white bitch.
lmfaoing at your life.

>> No.6830210

>not owning both a shitty chink screen GBA and soulful vanilla version with perfectly situated reading lamp

>> No.6830212

Sounds like your last dilation session didn't go too well... good luck keeping that wound open girl

>> No.6830216
File: 165 KB, 1376x972, 20200419_004121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that all current IPS mods
Lying faggot.

That guy is an idiot, as are you.

>> No.6830262

>look mommy, it shines in the dark!
cringe son, I didn't raise you play video games with oversaturated colors much unlike the developers intended.

>> No.6830281

How does one raise a child without ever having sex?

>> No.6830292

Holy fuck that looks fucking disgusting, neck yourself cringe redditor

>> No.6830293

I was there and I really hated not being able to see shit in my games. When I got a gameboy player for the gamecube, I played gba on that and didn't even look back.

>> No.6830313

>unnaturally oversaturated colors
>retina burning screen brightness
>nothing like the developers intended
Cringe and soullesspilled

>> No.6830348 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6830509
File: 258 KB, 935x759, 1571651560477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6830536

Is that a reference to how supposed souls can't be seen?

>> No.6831553

Can we use a learning AI to auto-permaban everyone who uses one of these stupid images?

>> No.6831597

wow, cant the chinks put a blue light filter in this fucking shit?

>> No.6831695

They're right faggot. The current IPS solutions for GBC and GBA are absolute dogshit. Display lag, ghosting, image persistence, non-native resolution, requiring cutting among others things.

>> No.6831749

>gatekeeping literal shit
holy kek