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File: 1.08 MB, 951x1143, Shigeru_Miyamoto_cropped_3_Shigeru_Miyamoto_201911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6828493 No.6828493 [Reply] [Original]

What would you say to him if he was here?

>> No.6828497

You're a hack who hasn't made a good game since 1988.

>> No.6828504

Yeah, let it all out, man. Can you elaborate on that?

>> No.6828514

Every game he directly worked on or produced was unfinished shit from Mario World onward. Fuck Nintengay.

>> No.6828523

I know a guy who will suck your dick for a chance to play Ura Zelda.

>> No.6828535

"Hi. What are your best memories of your career?"

>> No.6828540

The fact that so many gamers still name the legend of zelda as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game ever only tells you how far video games still are from becoming a serious art. Video game developers have long recognized that the greatest video games of all times are Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario Bros., which were not the most graphically advanced or acclaimed or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. I myself rank the highly controversial Super Mario U.S.A. over video games that were highly popular in arcades around Japan. Gamers are still blinded by good graphics. The legend of zelda had better graphics than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Music enthusiasts grow up listening to a lot of music of the past, film enthusiasts grow up watching a lot of films of the past. Gamers are often totally ignorant of the video games of the past, they barely know gameplay mechanics. No wonder they will think that the legend of zelda is anything worthy of being played.

>> No.6828581

I'd tell him that OP is a faggot who should have never left /v/.

>> No.6828613

Why did you let your daughter get COLONIZED?

>> No.6828620

Great to see you again. One of the highlights of my life was shaking your hand at GDC.

>> No.6828621

domo arigato mr. miyamotosan for inventing video game

>> No.6828653

Was Super Donkey the real reason you hated DKC?

>> No.6828709


>> No.6828858
File: 10 KB, 250x248, 1496108460646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely true

>> No.6828865
File: 26 KB, 300x300, kiddiekongsad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you hate me?

>> No.6828935

He never directed a bad game.

>> No.6828946

"Get out of my board, /v/ tourist"

>> No.6828952

Why did you steal from Argonaut?

>> No.6828967

Based as fuck. He made a couple of alright games in the 80s and was then allowed to run soitendo into the ground for 30 years

>> No.6829017

Domo arigatou.

>> No.6829023
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 1521592932968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all the fond memories.

>> No.6829034


Thank you for boiling the commoners on Channel 4 every time you remember that Nintendo is always considered the top of the game.


>> No.6829079
File: 1.01 MB, 811x801, 1533231060527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the hatred for Miyamoto all deriving from the Paper Mario thing? Because even though I too prefer the classic style of Paper Mario, that is really petty. His record for hands on development is still some of the strongest, and he shows that he knows game design principles better than most when he puts his own signature on the game.

>> No.6829081

It's more zoomer console war shit from /v/.

>> No.6829092

There is no hatred for Shiggy, it's just people memeing.

>> No.6829114

I hate Shiggy.

>> No.6829118

Make nintendo do another pilot wings game

>> No.6829121

Get what now?

>> No.6829131

I would say "Daisuki Suupa Donki Kongu! Arigatiou!"

>> No.6829149

You don't.

>> No.6829153

Thank you.

>> No.6829207

Nobody hates Miyamoto. It'd just meme faggots.

>> No.6829212

This is probably what most would actually tell him every time they come across him.
Guy is going to be in history books from centuries to come. Meeting him is like meeting a living legend.

>> No.6829221

Just go away so Nintendo can try to move on.

>> No.6829228

Where are we?

>> No.6829254

I don't know anything about vidya development. What, exactly, does ol' Shiggers do? I know he draws.

>> No.6829271

I'd ask him to give his younger talents a chance to make their own hits without so many over bearing restrictions.

>> No.6829334
File: 22 KB, 1395x227, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6829419

Don't come here, the people aren't worthy

>> No.6829441

This is probably what most would actually tell him every time they come across him.
Guy is going to be in history books from centuries to come. Meeting him is like meeting a living legend.

>> No.6829638

zou are jing

>> No.6829703

Release prototype/beta sprite/tile assets from older games as artbooks/coffee table books. People want this stuff.

>> No.6829707

marry a white guy presumably

>> No.6830054

t. doesn't know anything about miyamoto

>> No.6830071

Nobody cares about your journo gossip.

>> No.6830084

t. doesn't know anything about miyamoto

>> No.6830086


>> No.6830093

Pikmin is shit, stop trying to meme them into popularity.

>> No.6830108

Hi uncle, how have you been?