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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6824905 No.6824905 [Reply] [Original]

Why'd Capcom do this to us bros?

>> No.6824935

I’ve tried to play through RE4 twice, and both times I got to the island after the castle, got distracted by university/work, and never came back to finish it. Is the end of the game worth going back a third time?

>> No.6824943


>> No.6824951

huh? yes it is? the island has some great parts, not to mention regenerators. not to mention the great unlockables after completing the game.

>> No.6824953

No, it's just more of the same with a boring anticlimatic end boss.

>> No.6824965

The village was the only fun part of re4, rest of the game was garbo.

>> No.6824967

you type like a faggot redditor.

>> No.6824970

You type like a person who is not so nice.

>> No.6824972

must be tough having reddit live inside your head rent free 24/7

>> No.6824978

at least i'm not rude

>> No.6824982

shouldn't you be out screaming black lives matter? or telling me about the 32 new genders you discovered today?

>> No.6824995

It's true the acts in RE4 regress in kino quality the farther the player gets.

>> No.6824996
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you retards never fail to make me laugh ill say that much

>> No.6825003

Jesus what IS that shit? The PS2 version, some mobile port? WHY DOES IT LOOK SO AWFUL?

>> No.6825036

Why is Punisher such a good gun, bros?

>> No.6825128

Resident Evil 4 was a botch job by Capcom. Whoever thought it was a good idea to go in a different direction from the previous games, should have shot themselves.

>> No.6825160

That's the best part of the whole game right there. I wish the game had more multitasking levels like that. Nothing like being asked to pull together all of your skills while under pressure to really make a game stand out.

>> No.6825207


>You can have RE4 threads on /vr/

This is just pure mind blowing. I still consider RE4 to be a "modern" game not a classic one. But it's like 16 years old!

>> No.6826031

Wrong. It's bad because it's not comfy and it's stressful. Pleb.

>> No.6826043

This is one of my favorite encounters in the game

>> No.6826053

I actually always considered just about this era to be retro still. Games like RE4 set the template for the modern shit that came after, but the game itself still had one foot in each era.

RE4 may have inspired the modern 3rd person shooter basically by itself, but there's a reason nothing else could replicate its magic. It simply shared too many ideas with the past.

This game for shooters/action, and FFX for the changes that it inspired in RPGs are the two turning points into the modern era for me. And these two games both share the distinction of inspiring a bunch of terrible bullshit while being excellent in themselves. That's not a coincidence. They marked the start of a new era.

>> No.6826069

It doesn't help that it's remastered like every year...

>> No.6826090

does anyone know if the PS3 HD version is based on the Gamecube or PS2 version?
t. ps2 just died and I have no PC

>> No.6826118

More closely related to the PS2 version, however it does have real-time cutscenes during the main game, unlike the PS2 (Separate Ways only ever had pre-rendered cutscenes)

>> No.6826703

>that initial pc release with no lighting
How did that even happen?

>> No.6826712

>that initial release with no mouse controls
Well, that is bigger question.

>> No.6826721

All the button prompts were based on general PC gamepads, remember? They simply expected people to not use the keyboard at all. That's not as weird as "HEY LET'S NOT HAVE LIGHTING IN OUR HORROR GAME"

>> No.6826730

Yeah, they didn't give a fuck. Ports of SH2 and SH4 are known to be bad but not this bad. It is almost Deadly Premonition level of idiocy. How were pc ports of original three games?

>> No.6826761

They were pretty fucking solid. They will give you tons of problems these days but it's all just modern OS compatibility issues, not the fault of the ports themselves.
I especially loved playing RE2 on PC over PS1 back in the day because the PC port was based on the Dreamcast version. I also hear there was a 2nd release on PC in DVD format with higher-res FMVs.

>> No.6826764

Lol nice one bro got em bro

>> No.6826830

The fuck, how. It's a tense encounter that requires some strategy unlike almost everything else in the game, only shitty part is helping Ashley shortly after.

>> No.6827040

that part is realy easy once they launched the pc version
just use the shotgun

>> No.6827091

And it clearly wasn't caused by a bug that they never noticed either. They KNEW lighting was fucked. Because they increased the brightness on all the pre-rendered cutscenes so it matches better with the broken, full-bright game graphics.

>> No.6827143

Yeah it sucks I agree. It's just not comfy.

>> No.6827608

The entire castle section is a fucking chore. Who thought that would be fun?

>> No.6827963
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Beat it on my first try.

>> No.6828236
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>folds under pressure and can't handle anything beyond "comfy"
>calling me the pleb
Imagine getting filtered by RE4.

>> No.6828360

It's... PC 2007.

>> No.6828372

RE4 quickly overstays its welcome. The castle is boring and the prison island is a fucking slog. The only good part is the village desu.

>> No.6828381

The saddest part if you die there.
Game's down-difficulty kicks-in and you feel inside like a casual shit.

>> No.6828407

Take your meds

And to the OP there isn't a single part of RE4 that's taxing. I dont know why everyone e has issues with the pacing.