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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6824014 No.6824014 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me what the fuck a scotformer is?

>> No.6824017

scottish platformer

>> No.6824025

It's a forced meme from australia-kun, an actual mentally ill guy who has been spamming /vr/ with his weird memes for years, but especially during this year, he's also the same guy who tries to force "sega sytem", "mayors", "mario madness", etc.
To me, it's not offensive enough to warrant hate, but it's weird for sure. I guess a glimpse into the mind of an actual autist.

>> No.6824026

Oh. I prefer Welshformers anyways.

>> No.6824029

well said.
shouldn't we be IP banning these people?

>> No.6824067

I should do this
Force the dumbest god damn meme possible

>> No.6824072
File: 23 KB, 620x350, shigesato miramoyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the late 80s, future Video Game magnate Shigeru Miyamoto spent roughly 7 or 8 months sojourning in the United States. He was there conducting a tryst with a local american woman who later became the visual inspiration for Princess Toadstool. Following the release of the smash-hit platformer, Mario brothers, featuring Nintendo's most popular long-running mascot, Miyamoto's profile had raised considerably. As a result, he was forced to use codenames/decknames/pseudonyms wherever he was staying. Most commonly, he used the name "Scott Foreman" because it looked completely innocuous and uninteresting on a hotel registry. This was confirmed by the then-manager of the best western motel that Shige was staying at, who said, "Well, I'd never met an oriental fellow named Scott before, but his money was still green and I afforded him the privacy I extended to all of my motel guests. I distinctly remember he was a very generous tipper, and one time even gave me tips on beating world 3 in Mario. (We had a NES at the reception desk at the time)"

>> No.6824075

portmanteau for 'maSCOT platFORMER,' but people will look at you funny if you say it outside of /vr/ (see >>6824025)

>> No.6824078

During his stateside sojourn, Miyamoto was known to use the Scott Foreman name to indulge in one of his more deviant behaviors, hosting plus sized modeling pageants in the lobby or tangerine ballroom of whatever middle-shelf lodging he was currently living out of. Rumors say that Miyamoto had a strong affinity for natural blondes with large breasts, pouty lips and ample hips. The winner of the pageant received several thousand Yen worth of prize money, as well as a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend a private audition, in miyamoto's suite, for the coveted role of princess Toadstool. These women would become known as the "Scott Foreman Girls" and would also be lent out to japanese advertising agencies to endorse products targeted at american GIs. It's estimated that Miyamoto spent as much as $6.5 million dollars over a period of 3 years indulging his eccentricities.

>> No.6824081
File: 26 KB, 444x325, mario if he real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyamoto would typically bill his expenses to nintendo directly, once again under the name Scott Foreman. This incensed the president of nintendo of tokyo who said on record "this scott, he lacks filial piety, and his manners are of a lower status than a cambodian's." And thus, the hunt for Scott Foreman was on. Nintendo spent the equivalent of $450,000 USD in a single year investigating the matter. Meanwhile, Miyamoto was on an unflappable hotstreak, notching one smash hit genre-defying wunderproduct after another. He was a veritable rockstar in Japan, he was the toast of the yakuza, and the toast of the common man alike. But things were not well in the Scott Foreman camp, unbeknownst to all but his closest confidants, Miyamoto was living a double life in the States. With mounting alimony payments, gambling debts, the walls began to close in. Piles of cash disappeared overnight, checks were coming back insolvent. Scott Foreman was at rock bottom when the dulcet tones of inspiration would strike the most profound harmonic swell of his illustrious career: he had the idea for his next game, he would combine his love of Mario with his love of defacing gardens and his love for french circus. He would call it: Mario Madness

>> No.6824082

Hi Australia. Ran out of meds again eh?

>> No.6824090
File: 219 KB, 484x371, d58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't even bother with that shit dude

>> No.6824098

wow who knew miyamoto was such a controversial figure?

>> No.6824121

What platformers AREN'T mascot platformers?

>> No.6824128

Scotformer stands for Scottish, not mascot.

>> No.6824130

If you're controlling a human, it's not a mascot platformer

>> No.6824138

Deepest lore

>> No.6824142

Sounds based

>> No.6824149

Mario? Alex Kidd? They're the definition of mascots.
The phrase is more loose when you're talking about characters that weren't exactly made with the same intention and pushed by their creators.

>> No.6824152

Mascot Platformer, platform games that have a company mascot or a character with similar qualities.

>> No.6824161

Do you mean Alex THE Kidd? If yes, then yea, its a scotformer.

>> No.6824168

There's a single autist here that randomly tries to coin shit like jarpig for jrpg or then marpig for mario (j)rpg and scott means mascot and platformer for this one. It's extra retarded but so are all of the autistic's meme's. He'll regularly use it to describe non-mascot platformers.

Forced memes aren't really ever funny even if repetition is a force of humor. Humans love patterns and all but in this form it's far too basic. Childish. "I posted it again mom" plus "I know something you don't know" combined with petty creativity.

>> No.6824184

Joe and Mac?

>> No.6824307


>> No.6824319

For all we know, former might not stand for platformer either

>> No.6824346

it refers specifically to games with scottish development-heritage-lines (look it up) which "formed" your view of video games (this is a rudimentary way to explain but i doubt anyone here could understand the original japano-gaelic required to grasp the nuance), thus the term "scotformer"

>> No.6824364

the inferior predecessor to marpigs. really, they're only notable for being the original outing of some of the most popular mayors.

>> No.6824478

Too late, brushy bat already happened.

>> No.6824897

I'm pretty sure mods decided to stop moderating /vr/ at all out of spite after the outrage over the gen 6 shit.

>> No.6825479
