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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6811105 No.6811105 [Reply] [Original]

Confess your /vr/ sins.

>> No.6811112

Fuck off pedo

>> No.6811118

I lied. No one ever called them mayors.

>> No.6811123

I think all games before snes/genesis are shit
Except duck hunt

>> No.6811127

I used the rewind function to beat SMB1 on an emulator

>> No.6811129

I lied. No one ever called them bosses.

>> No.6811132

Wrong I did. Burn in hell.

>> No.6811152

I attempt to use RPG mechanics in action games where the objective is to not get hit once.

>> No.6811157

i jerked off to a bootleg game on the genesis

>> No.6811164

>tfw half of my childhood was watching my mom ace smb1 and batman on real hardware hundreds of times
Yeah, I think you should fucking off yourself.

>> No.6811183

Sonic 3D was my first Sonic game and no joke, my TV and connector was so shit, I confused Tails for an anime fairy girl and Knuckles for a hot redhead in jeans and I fantasized about those images in my head.

>> No.6811185 [DELETED] 

Honestly, all memes aside, I might be the most mentally ill person on /vr/ and most akin to Kefka.
I've already posted in this board 120 times today, but I decided to take it seriously this time around.

I post on /vr/ exclusively for about 12-16 hours each day. Every day. This general is pretty much my entire life. My life is just sitting in my room with movies playing in the background as I post here. I have several different monitors hooked up to different vpns to even change the number of posters in a given thread so no one calls out my samefagging.
On top of that, I pretend to be different people and even argue, disagree and insult myself. Writing in different styles and using different mannerisms so no one knows the extent of my posting or recognizes me. Often times when I'm online and in my peak posting hours, the catalog will be almost all me.

I figure I make about 20 posts a hour on average. Consistently for three years, that's about 300,000 posts, conservatively. I posted very frequently a decade prior to the three years of becoming a hermit, but not to this extent. I'd like to think I'm hitting close to a million posts in the near future.
Sometimes, I post so much I forget who is and isn't me. Chances are, if you're a regular on /vr/, you've spoken to a version of myself. Each time I make a successful meme or get a lot of (you)s, I save the image, print it out and frame it on my wall. I am surrounded by accomplishment.
You are in my home and I'll most certainly be seeing you around.
But the great thing about 4chan is that you'll never know it's me.

>> No.6811194
File: 446 KB, 600x450, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, all memes aside, I might be the most mentally ill person on /vr/ and most akin to Kefka.
I've already posted in this board 120 times today, but I decided to take it seriously this time around.

I post on /vr/ exclusively for about 12-16 hours each day. Every day. This general is pretty much my entire life. My life is just sitting in my room with movies playing in the background as I post here. I have several different monitors hooked up to different vpns to even change the number of posters in a given thread so no one calls out my samefagging.
On top of that, I pretend to be different people and even argue, disagree and insult myself. Writing in different styles and using different mannerisms so no one knows the extent of my posting or recognizes me. Often times when I'm online and in my peak posting hours, the catalog will be almost all me.

I figure I make about 20 posts a hour on average. Consistently for three years, that's about 300,000 posts, conservatively. I posted very frequently a decade prior to the three years of becoming a hermit, but not to this extent. I'd like to think I'm hitting close to a million posts in the near future.
Sometimes, I post so much I forget who is and isn't me. Chances are, if you're a regular on /vr/, you've spoken to a version of myself. Each time I make a successful meme or get a lot of (you)s, I save the image, print it out and frame it on my wall. I am surrounded by accomplishment.

You are in my home and I'll most certainly be seeing you around.
But the great thing about 4chan is that you'll never know it's me.

>> No.6811228

I buy loose discs and replacement cases

>> No.6811231

I consider sixth gen to be retro.

>> No.6811237

I wanted /vr/ to talk about 6th gen games, but I had hoped we'd have the restraint to only talk about niche shit like Dreamcast and original Xbox launch titles.

>> No.6811246

The DS is retro

>> No.6811247

I masturbated to bubble bobble rule 34 art

>> No.6811259

Is this pasta?

>> No.6811278

I like retro games but I can't stand retro gamers.

>> No.6811281
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>> No.6811505

This pasta has aged poorly.

>> No.6811514

I cant stop hiding threads, I want to filter as much of this crap as I can

>> No.6811523

oh god its real

>> No.6811557

This is less pasta than you people think

Maybe not this anon, but theres a guy out there arguing with himself untill threads catchs up

Not,the hero we need, but board is shit now anyways so who cares

>> No.6811561


>> No.6811571

I play Jarpigs

>> No.6811583

I have never paid for a single videogame in my life

>> No.6811602

I think 5th gen aged like milk, and that the transition to 3D made for a lot of shit titles. 4th gen >>>>> 5th gen.

>> No.6811610
File: 12 KB, 586x546, 334A4734-11CB-4F94-B66F-0BB0810DE75B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Divine Sealing?

>> No.6811619

odd number generations suck, and gens 4 & 6 are the best by a large margin

>> No.6811648

agreed. although I do think 3rd is at least somewhat alright.

>> No.6811657

Well on the PC version of GTA 3, I modded one of the billboards with a naked picture of my cousin whom I was sleeping with secretly.

>> No.6811686

Here's one from yesterday.

I plugged a snes video cable in upside down somehow because I was leaning over the console and didn't see the cable was upside down. Looks like it didn't do any damage but these chinese s video cables are soft enough to be easy to accidentally plug in upside down. Be careful.

I'm shocked it didn't break it desu

>> No.6811705
File: 14 KB, 229x220, 1520778330543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used one of those "lookin' good" filters when I played through Mario RPG. The game's graphics looked like shit without it

>> No.6811721

I lied. No one ever called them "cartridges"

>> No.6811724

I never learned how IRQ worked, I just clicked things at random in the config menu until I got sound in the games.

>> No.6811741

Kek I haven't laugh this hard in a while.

>> No.6811743

I think Duke Nukem 3D gets way to much praise and is overrrated.

>> No.6811804

>4th gen >>>>> 5th gen.
I think a lot of people can actually agree with you there. 5th gen was a very experimental phase and while there were a few really good gems to come out of it, there were still quite a lot of abominations. Although, I would say a lot of the 2d games that came out of 5th gen were pretty stellar.

>> No.6811837

I've never completed SM64

>> No.6811848

I've never played SM64

>> No.6811868

I'm perfectly happy emulating all old consoles on my PC and using my xbone controller to play everything.

>> No.6811880

I was the guy who killed Donkey Kong Racing

>> No.6811914
File: 1.18 MB, 303x307, 1519528148960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a bad one.

I have never been to an arcade or played a game on an arcade cabinet.

>> No.6812183

How old are you?

>> No.6812192

I'm 23.

>> No.6812280

I have gotten bored and quit Final Fantasy 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9, but I finished FF1 twice, once on GBA and once on NES, and I finished Mystic Quest. The rest i've not played.

>> No.6812283

I put FAG as my initials on arcade games

>> No.6813093

not a sin since it is retro

>> No.6813096


>> No.6813105

go to Galloping Ghost if you want to relive that. The only arcades I went to were in places like restaurants and what not when I was a kid. Mom never took me there. Went to Galloping Ghost about a year or so ago. Was a great time.

>> No.6813108

I occasionally voiced support for GBA before the rule change, leading to the destruction of /vr/

>> No.6813110

worst sin of all IMO

>> No.6813147

Posting on this board.

>> No.6813156

imo 6th gen games are the best
inb4 millenials come to reeeeeee at me

>> No.6813175
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>> No.6813191

aren't gba games like pokémon and all those licensed platformers on tasvideos
or was it already the 3d handheld

>> No.6813198

When it comes to consoles, I care just as much about the aesthetics (what the console looks like, how comfortable the controllers are, how cool the design of logos and startup screens are, etc) as the actual games, if not more.

>> No.6813274

>Confess your /vr/ sins
i sometimes reply to the bernieposter

>> No.6813284

I finally finished Super Metroid and Super Mario Bros 3. I'm free from my sins.

>> No.6813294

I actually had a lot of respect for GBAutist and found his arguments to be quite persuasive. If the boomers would’ve kept their OCD in check and just simply ignored his threads they probably wouldn’t have changed the sticky.

>> No.6813323 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.69 MB, 1083x5504, 1598959589888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Would much rather erp than play retro games or moderate a board about them

>> No.6813387

Hi GBAutist good to see you

>> No.6813441

not as bad as the mods talking about /sp/ but still pretty terrible. mods are a fucking joke, remember months before the rule change that one autist kept posting coverart for PS2 remakes of Dreamcast or earlier games and it was "within the rules" even though he was flooding to board. Then the mods deleted a 3ds thread about what were the best emulators for 5th gen and earlier.

>> No.6813465

>still flooding the board with this shit
Get over it already lmao

>> No.6813502


>> No.6813507

imagine seething for this many days in a row

>> No.6813514
File: 102 KB, 500x1200, 4chan is the right place for me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you or someone else keeps flaunting this embarrassment. It really is hilarious. Regardless of if you're the person in the image or just someone pretending to be them. The original Anon really shot themselves in the foot by posting it in the first place. Thinking it would make the mods look bad but only makes themselves look awful in multiple ways. I'm not usually one to complain about outsiders but this "Anon" fits the stereotype to a t. They couldn't be any farther alien to 4chan but act as if they desperately want to be native to it. It really is Poe's law tier, indistinguishable from parody. It's like a living incarnation of this image just with the topic swapped. They have no understanding of what this place is, who lives here, how it operates, and make it painfully apparent by demanding that the place change "back" to something it never was.

>> No.6813523


>> No.6813545

>thread keeps getting buried
Haha better go ahead and bump it so it stays right at the top

>> No.6813568

Good thinking :^)

>> No.6813578

I don't know if I can. I wrote a ton of text on this twice already in previous threads but in reality it's understood just by being here for a long time. If you stay here long enough and actually pay attention to a lot, you'll come to understand why that rant and what they're focusing on is just absurd.

It's like trying to argue with a wall, but not in the traditional sense people use that phrase. I'm not saying the mods are stubborn or anything like that, the point is that their rant is fruitless and misdirected. And they CAN'T direct it anywhere else. Why? It just is that way.
The mods have no sway over the board and neither do the rules.

I mean really, just read it. They're complaining about a 4chan moderator, acting like a weeb on IRC (for all of a few lines) in response to them ranting as if there's any other possible outcome. The mods already know they're powerless to control the flow of the imageboard, it's been like this since inception and spans more than 4chan itself. There is a way of imageboards that isn't like a club house, cult, dictatorship or any other somesuch. Trying to influence or control it in this way has and will always be retarded in a way that is so particular and complex that I'd have trouble explaining it in any way other than saying "lurk more" not even as an insult. It's just you won't be able to understand why things are this way unless you have observed it and deviations from it for years and years.

I'm sure this isn't the answer you're looking for but I'm sorry I can't convey it properly. You'll have to deeply analyze and consider it all yourself and you might see why this person deserves to be mocked. Their ignorance is glaring to the experienced imageboard lurker.

>> No.6813582

Well said, thanks

>> No.6813586

I regularly anally penetrate myself with an XG-1 light gun, and I can only get hard if I'm wearing a Power Glove when I'm jerking off.

>> No.6813605

from the same autist who posted these:

>> No.6813636

Based accountability poster

>> No.6813645

Er, nope. They seem like completely different personalities, in fact. Wow, you're fucking stupid.

>> No.6813657

Oh wait. I used a profane word like the other anon. Ya got me. Twerp...

>> No.6813659

>Er, nope
Based effeminate retard poster

>> No.6813678


>> No.6813737

Haha better bump this thread again, it’s almost like someone’s trying to hide it in the catalog!

>> No.6813757

How weird haha I better bump it again too just to make sure

>> No.6813785


>> No.6813801

A lot of games can actually look pretty good with those kind of filters

>> No.6813802

Thanks man

>> No.6813906

Thank you sir may I have another?

>> No.6814006


>> No.6814018


>> No.6814045

Sometimes I bump this thread just to do it

>> No.6814197

I edited several Master System pictures to make them say Sega System.

>> No.6814221

Had plenty of relationships with some decent looking women.
I'm also a father of two.
This means I've had actual real sex.
Which is more than I can say about you.

>> No.6814283

I miss Gramps.

>> No.6814309

The mods have full control over whether this board includes 6th gen or not. You're an idiot.

>> No.6814314

ERPing is ironic weeb normalfag shit. Don't associate weebs with that garbage.

>> No.6814325

>decent looking women
Holy shit imagine bragging about bringing home a bar girl and putting 2 kids in her lmao

>> No.6814362

>this means I’ve had actual real sex
o I’m laffin

>> No.6814469
File: 167 KB, 761x881, snes-station-3000-jogos-patch-ps2-frete-gratis-D_NQ_NP_873015-MLB25129184788_102016-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been savestating since I was 8.

>> No.6814497

I only played House of the Dead, or whatever it was called. There were also some Jurassic Park games, and I think Resident Evil. They all had these plastic gun things, it was pretty fun.

>> No.6814504

I wanted to judge you, but realized I did the same thing.

>> No.6814515

so much chaotic energy in this one

>> No.6814526

I'm still playing through SMB3. It's a great game.

>> No.6814601


>> No.6814820

No they don't. They're bound by the passing of time and the demands of the posters. As is always the case when the rules change.

>> No.6815191

I beat castlevania with save states

But I did beat Journey to silius with no saves

>> No.6816249

In an action game, I don't adapt to attack patterns and respond with attacks knowing my hitbox/hurtbox limits and timing attacks to break past the enemy defenses so much as mash the attack button and imagine a context sensitive attack pattern based on real life martial arts but filled in by my imagination which I imagine the character doing in response to my press of the button, rather than accepting the attack animations that are already programmed into the game.

>> No.6816293
File: 60 KB, 267x373, Sonic_2_US_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 2 is the worst in the trilogy man fuck this shit it's fucking lame.

>> No.6816349

I told prince faggotleaf to kill himself. I stand by my statement.

>> No.6817072

that's no good