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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 64 KB, 500x500, C6596DDC-86E5-426E-B7C2-A3A319EC2269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6804295 No.6804295 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly didn’t mean for it to go this far. I was just having fun making boomers apoplectic with GBA port threads.

>> No.6804297

I like people who use the word apoplectic, I like you, OP

>> No.6804305

You get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.6804316

it honestly was worth it just to shut up the NEVER EVER guys
now i hope things cool down and normalize

>> No.6804328

It's about time we moved on from 4chan. Let the past die, kill it if you have to.

>> No.6804337

It's honestly a lot better already compared to the last 2 days. It will only get better. The Schaudenfreude laughs I got from this were honestly worth any price. I haven't laughed so much in a long time honest to god.

>> No.6804340

This game aged pooly

>> No.6804370

Honestly, I hated it when I got it as a kid. I got it before SMB 3 and YI and it liked those 2 so much more. I thought it had an extremely interesting art direction and atmosphere, but my praise ends there.

>> No.6804394

>Mario Madness was the first game to receive an enhanced GBA port
"b-b-but it's dokidoki not a real mario" Nintendo fucking thinks it's the best Mario so shut up

>> No.6804670

It will, eventually people will stop throwing tantrums, and either they leave, or they'll just do what they always do and discuss the old games they're actually interested in. Perhaps some of them will some day take the leap and check out some of the legendary classics of 6th gen.

>> No.6804676

Honestly, retooling Donkey Donkey Picnic into a Super Mario game was a great idea, regardless of if the original Super Mario Bros. would get localized or not, the resulting game is really good, and much better than the game it's based on.

>> No.6804682

*the original Super Mario Bros. 2

>> No.6804690

How I wish that was true. We got a few main-line Mario Staples out of SMB2 like bob-ombs and POW blocks but Miyamoto is way too adamant about making sure SMB2 stuff is largely forgotten outside of maybe Birdo in spinoffs and Shy Guys in Yoshi's Island and Captain Toad. All we've gotten in mainline Mario after Mario 3 was a single level with Ninji in SMW, a few mutant Shy Guys and Snifits in SM64, and a single song in SM3DW.

>> No.6804724

I mean, you can grab stuff in all those games

>> No.6804759

YK: DDP / Mario USA / Mario Madness was directed by Tanabe with minimal input from Miyamoto so it makes sense that it’s not referenced as much, just like we don’t see much carried over from the Mario Land series into later mainline Mario games.

>> No.6804894

Try being a Mario Land fan. It's like the series never existed.

>> No.6804967

You just know that Miyamoto is still salty about the existence of Wario.

>> No.6805081


>> No.6805280
File: 107 KB, 680x677, wario pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad. Wario is an endearing counterpart to Mario.

>> No.6805814

Fuck boomers

I'm 35 and happy we can talk about PS2 now

>> No.6805917

28, and it is what it is. I think a 20 year rolling cutoff regardless of platform, or /v2k/, would have been a more elegant solution, but here we are and now we'll just have to deal with it, and we'll do what we should always do; talk about the most interesting and the most fun games in the given time frame.

I haven't played Strife in ages, and I'll be doing that soon, then I'll be cruising /vr/ for people to talk about it with.

>> No.6806101

You did the right thing OP.

>> No.6806110

The board has seemed much more vibrant in the last few days. I hope it continues like this.

>> No.6806260

It's honestly been stale as fuck in the past couple of years, if that can be attributed to miserable fucks who only wanna console war and complain about games they think are overrated, good thing they fucked off.

>> No.6806341

A few of them probably killed themselves after the rule change, and we attracted a lot shit heads that only want to cause damage and butthurt but their attention span will make them leave in the coming days, but some of them are gonna stick here for years trying to post false flags when people are just discussing games. Because they're just that petty and autistic enough

>> No.6806359

It will not go back to normal because the board is full of faggots like this now >>6804337
who are only happy when they can ruin stuff for others. That's why the whole board is low quality trash now. Why should they stop? It's like giving niggers rights and then expect they will not ruin everything.

>> No.6806394

>40y/o /pol/yp manchild seething about vidya
State of you.

>> No.6806409

This. Shame we no longer have a place to discuss retro games.

>> No.6806413

I'm 37 in a month and I am happy as shit they legalized GBA

>> No.6806414

Right. Eventually the community will just leave and someone else will replace them. Who gives a shit right. You got your /v2.0/ to shit up over again. Congratulations.

>> No.6806417
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>It will not go back to normal because the board is full of faggots like this now >>6804337
who are only happy when they can ruin stuff for others. That's why the whole board is low quality trash now. Why should they stop? It's like giving niggers rights and then expect they will not ruin everything

>> No.6806419
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>It's a lot better

>> No.6806426

Are you trying to make us feel better by letting us know this place is better without you, 40yo men throwing tantrums

>> No.6806429

I've been here since the beginning, if people want to continue to delve in stale bullshit non-discussions and quasi-/pol/ normalfag bullshit, they're free to do so elsewhere. If new people come and they also take interest in older games than they were looking for, then that's all the better.

>> No.6806440

A thread where someone complains about the board, just like you are, I can see the problem now.

>> No.6806469

how fucking blind do you have to be to see that thread as the problem in that screenshot

>> No.6806472

>quasi-/pol/ normalfag bullshit
keep stacking buzzwords and they'll somehow make sense.

If people were interested in older games in the first place they'd have come to /vr/ on their own. There really is no point in pouring one community upon the other, other than doing it out of spite.

>> No.6806480

What else? Roblox? Yeah, that's pretty shitty but I can filter that.

>> No.6806485

>pretending to be a dumbass
why do people do this?

>> No.6806520

You can filter whatever you want but you can't use that spot for a pre2k thread.

>> No.6806524

So your complaint is that people are talking about games under the new cutoff? Deal with it.

>> No.6806528
File: 2 KB, 170x143, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh noooooo.

>> No.6806529

Yes. My complaint is that the majority of the board (which is supposed to be about retro games) is now threads discussing non-retro shit.

>> No.6806534

I am sure the problem here is that the original community was dissolved into this rehash of /v/.

This is the same as if the mods merged /pol/ with /a/ or any other board for the matter.

>> No.6806541

Thanks for ruining /vr/, faggot.

>> No.6806554
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mentally retarded

>> No.6806556

>Oh no! I have to actually browse for threads!

A definition of retro that literally only existed here and which was changed.

>> No.6806559
File: 25 KB, 432x188, vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently /vr/ is made up of:
>1 Sticky
>95 threads about 6th-gen related topics (Games, characters, recommendations, etc)
>19 threads about 5th-gen + Dreamcast related topics
>12 threads about 4th-gen related topics
>3 threads about 3rd-gen related topics
>2 threads about 2nd-gen related topics
>6 general threads with no set "gen" (GCCX, 90s FPS thread, SHMUP thread, 1952-88 gen, etc)
>10 miscleanious threads about stuff like Kojima, Dragon Quest vs Final Fantasy, etc
>2 threads bitching about how /vr/ is ruined forever


>> No.6806562

Original community dissolved? I'm still here, plenty of other people are still here, it seems more you're upset it hasn't remained the exact same circlejerk forever and ever.

>> No.6806564

>literally only existed here
Not true.
>which was changed
The word retro still means the same thing. Team Fortress 2 and Final Fantasy XII still aren't retro. The rules are just wrong, and killing /vr/

>> No.6806568

What is there to discuss, the board is now dead and pointless. It's just 6th gen kids circlejerk.

>> No.6806570

The board is doomed, we can never talk about a pre-2000's game anymore, it's impossible!

>> No.6806572

The problem is clearly the two bitching threads.
Also the 95 gen-6 threads are just false flags they will calm down in a few days, right?

>> No.6806578

>Not true.
Point to a fucking dictionary or encyclopedia where the word "retro" is described as "thing which existed in the 20th century"

>> No.6806579

Browse? You mean browse the archive? Because people you won't find shit anymore.

>> No.6806585

Do you have a learning disability? You're unable to scan through the catalogue to look for threads you're interested in, much less making your own?

>> No.6806589

You're here, along with a bunch of zoomers and shitposters from /v/. Feels like home doesn't it. Perhaps you should read what Dissolved means.

>> No.6806593

>4chan rules should be decided by a dictionary
you're a very strange man, anon

>> No.6806594
File: 135 KB, 341x320, 1362445163312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's most certainly impossible to talk about them when all of the non-6th-gen-related threads on the board combined don't make up even half of /vr/'s Catalog.

>Also the 95 gen-6 threads are just false flags they will calm down in a few days, right?
Let's see how it is in a month's time

>> No.6806604

Oh wow, scanning through the catalog will make some interesting niche game i didn't know about magically appear on top of some 6th gen game i got tired of beating in my childhood.

This board isn't /vg/, midwit. Stop shitting up this place.

>> No.6806610

Maybe if these """""old fags""""" made interesting topics, their threads wouldn't die in 2 posts.

>> No.6806615

It will never calm down and you know it.

>> No.6806619

The board is going through the usual bullshit that happens when rules change.
>spammers who like the change victory lapping and wiping their ass everywhere
>falseflaggers trying to bend the rules again ("But this game was released December 1st, 2007, I want to talk about its sequels *smug anime face.png*") and annoy regulars
It dies down with time, it always does. The board's not going to be the same, but it's not going to be ruined forever just because some anon three months from now wants to talk about Jet Set Radio plus Future.

>> No.6806620

Maybe if the retarded mods would have given this desperate /v2k/ community their own board this other community wouldn't have died.

>> No.6806631

It's not going to get shitposted forever but it's already ruined. At this point this board should be called "/v/- videogames" and the other board "/cv/ - current videogames"

>> No.6806641

>It dies down with time, it always does
Actually, it never does. If anything it slowly gets worse as the board is consumed by people who prefer the new rules, and then it's changed forever. A recent example is /asp/
The rules changed to allow wrestling there, and currently there are... 2 non-wrestling threads on the entire board.

>> No.6806643

And in a week it will be even more balanced. 6th gen threads will probably have more topics than 5th and below for a long time but pretending that they "deserve" less or whateverthefuck would be pure denial.

>> No.6806649

So the term retro gaming. What does that even mean? Hmmm lets google it for a moment, shall we?
>Retrogaming, also known as classic gaming and old school gaming, is the playing or collecting of older personal computer, console, and/or arcade video games in contemporary times. Usually, retrogaming is based upon systems that are obsolete or discontinued

Oh. So I guess it's ok to include games from 2007 and below. Imagine losing your shit because mods decided to get with the times. I sure can't

It's going to be shit posted in here for a while. Give it a few days and it should calm down. Boomers complaining doesn't help at all either.

>> No.6806652

More evidence Hiro does not care about 4chan and uses this place as another platform to enlarge his wallet to purchase tranny hookers.

>> No.6806659

>give it a few days
you said this a few days ago too. It's gotten worse since then.

>> No.6806676

Well have you seen the reactions people are getting out of this? It's "comedy gold"

You can't expect the board to become "normal" again when people keep losing their shit over a fucking videogame that wasn't retro when they first started posting in this board.

>> No.6806692

I think you're in denial. How many times do you have to be proven wrong in order to face facts? /vr/ is dead. You said "wait a few days" a few days ago, and now you're saying it again. What will you say in a week's time when it's gotten even worse? Seriously, how will you process that reality?

>> No.6806716
File: 134 KB, 750x948, 1573659340768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gotten worse because you pathetic boomer faggots have stopped talking about games to make complaints to the mods, discords, and /qa/, AND generals where you endlessly bitch about the changes.

The only reason the catalog doesn't have old /vr/ threads is because old posters have stopped making them. You are all just hysterical fucking women. It's so mentally ill. Just keep posting like normal.

And don't even get me started on the anti-GBA SEETHE gen poster false flagging Gen 6 threads.

You faggots have all made this way harder on yourself than need be. It's made me truly hate you all very deeply. I've actually started posting in Gen 6 threads exclusively because I'm sick of the learned helplessness and pearl clutching from you all.

>> No.6806723

This is another exodus. But where? All lands have been salted with the poison of the previous lot. The pastures are empty and the animals starving.
wat do?

>> No.6806724

The reason why i'm saying this is that anytime a board has posting rules changed, people do this shit.
Fags who say that /vr/ is dead are in denial.
Go back to /v/ if you want to see a dead board full of outlaws and shitposting faggots

>> No.6806725

factually false.

>> No.6806735

This doesn't contradict my post in any way you senile cocksucking clown pie faggot. Don't ever reply to me again.

>> No.6806738

calm down tranny. just go back to /v/

>> No.6806761

I've been posting on /vr/ for 4 years. I miss the discussion of older games but I truly don't see a problem with Gen 6 at this point. Unfortunately, your petulant behavior has proven that the issue lies with old /vr/ and not the Gen 6ers. Just stop your gay little "underground resistance" threads and keep posting like you used to.

OR, or I guess you could start calling people trannies and things that clearly prove you aren't from /v/


>> No.6806765
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>> No.6806773

>The reason I'm saying this is something that was proven wrong a few posts ago
Right. See

>> No.6806806
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Complaining about it doesn't make it better. It just gives shitheads more reason to post threads that get boomers mad.
Yes it wont be exactly the same. But that's fine. I rather have people actually talking about games that are 14 years old than the same 6 threads about the same handful of games.

>> No.6806831

>keep posting like you used to.
i did and the threads are gone after 2 hours with no replies. never happened before.
man how can i be as cool as you

>> No.6806845

I've literally made <Gen 4 threads that are still in the catalog right now. Maybe you're just a boring person????

The Doom threads are still up and going. So are the gigaleak threads. You're just a pathetic effeminate woman. Protip: your whining isn't going to make anyone feel sorry for you.

>> No.6806853

Goalpost shifting.
Before you were saying the shitposting would stop in a few days. Now you're saying the shitposting is a good thing.

>> No.6806863

just don't reply in those who make deliberate bait thread with retro word, just reply in threads where videogame discussion is enforced, avoid consolewarshit and flasflagthreads

>> No.6806868

Link to your threads?

>> No.6806869

t. falseflagger posting about ps2 shovelware

>> No.6806887
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Who said I thought shit posting was a good thing? Are you brain dead? Dropped on your noggin as a youngling?
I clearly said I rather have more discussions about video games that are close to 15 years old. That's not shitposting. It's keeping up with the rules.

Please learn to read.

>> No.6806891
File: 247 KB, 844x540, hatching a diabolical plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer here. I was happy that finally there was a better place to discuss GBA games instead of /v/ but know this board is flooded with GBA/PS2 threads and it's unbearable.
I just wanted to discuss Wario Land 4.

>> No.6806892
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>I haven't laughed so much in a long time honest to god.
Is this really true? Did you really laugh that much at text of people saying they don't want /vr/ to be flooded with gen 6 games?

>> No.6806897

And now you've shifted again to accusing me of being the same as some other poster.
Just face facts. /vr/ is ruined and it's not coming back.

>> No.6806909

It's shitposting.

>> No.6806913

>legendary classics of 6th gen
We've played them, anon.

>> No.6806917

>Maybe you're just a boring person?
im not posting about myself. i post about retro games. looks like 6genners think retro games are boring. would explain why the board is so shit now.

>> No.6806926

Amazing argument. Glad I had this conversation with you. If you believe /vr/ is dead then get off it and walk away from its supposed corpse.
You would be doing everyone a great service

>> No.6806943

>"Go away"
That's an even weaker argument than your attempts to claim shitposting is good for the board.

>> No.6806945

And look what you fucking did, you asshole

>> No.6806965

And it used to be just a 4th gen kids circlejerk you dumb faggot. At least people are actually talking about games now instead of sperging about muh filters and muh crts.

>> No.6806975

Imagine being so fucking dumb you don't know what goalpost shifting is.

>> No.6806976
File: 295 KB, 374x349, B295531C-4E35-4E8A-98AE-2A3488112A73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"""""""""""""""""""""""""my bad"""""""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.6806986

the entire existence of sm3dw jacks off smb usa every second like how sm3dl jacks off smb3

>> No.6807046

Its not an argument when it's over. I was giving you a solution to your "/vr/ is dead" issue.

If you feel that it's shitposting that's fine. It's very much ok to be wrong.

I don't see it as shit posting as the rules have changed. It's called getting with the times.

/vr/ won't die as long as people post shit. It may be dead to you but to others who don't hold on to the past will see it as thriving.

>> No.6807073

>when all of the non-6th-gen-related threads on the board combined don't make up even half of /vr/'s Catalog
Probably because 6th wasn't here until just a few days ago. Stop bawling you big baby, it'll slow down.

>> No.6807081

>Usually, retrogaming is based upon systems that are obsolete or discontinued
Oh yeah, the GBA and PS2 aren't obsolete or discontinued or anything.

>> No.6807084

Guise it will calm down I swear, just hang in there

>> No.6807092
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>It's called getting with the times.

>it'll slow down.

>> No.6807103

You have, I didn't, I was poor and all I had for 6th gen was a used PS2 I got from my brother, as well as a GBA, both with just a few games.
6th gen is ripe for exploring for me.

>> No.6807106

They uh are. When was the last gba game released?

>> No.6807107

I laughed so good, Anon. So good you love it.

>> No.6807114

>complains about post quality
>posts wojaks
You should probably commit suicide.

>> No.6807128

fits right in in this shithole

>> No.6807145
File: 110 KB, 582x752, C1B8B5D7-E99F-4058-B5DA-37E0C91196F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like the BZC fits right into yours.

>> No.6807148

So you don't actually want to talk about the videogames you want to talk about, you just want throw a tantrum and stomp your feet like a toddler?

>> No.6807168

Imagine talking about games you like

>> No.6807203

Yeah, I do exactly that on /vr/, every day, even now, and I've done so ever since the board's inception. Fucking crazy, isn't it?

>> No.6807207

Right? It's fucking wacky to think you can do that?

>> No.6807213

>every day,
>and I've done so ever since the board's inception.
>Fucking crazy, isn't it?

Anon, I...

>> No.6807357

Been listening to Culture Beat and talking about Wario games, Castlevanias, and Dooms. Be the change you want to see.

>> No.6807362

I love wario games! Which ones you playing anon

>> No.6807443
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Anything that's not sixth gen is not our future.

>> No.6807448

Right now? None, I've been neck deep in a project all summer, but I did replay the first Warioland recently, and it was as fun as always.

>> No.6807523

/vr/ should be pre-1995. Fuck your nugaming trash, kids. The PS1 and N64 are full of terrible games that appealed to little idiotic children with style only and kids didn't even care that the gameplay was trash, they were playing pretty (at the time) visually appealing "games".
You kids have five billion fucking boards to post your modern shit to. Let /vr/ be about OLD games.
Fuck you and fuck 4chan for falling for your begging and pleading pseudo-nostalgic shit.

>> No.6807541

this but unironically

>> No.6807570

> ps1
> n64
>>> implying either is modern
And now you anti-6th-genners see how retarded you sound.

>> No.6807580
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, birdman mayor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the last board
>almost at the final mayor of the game
>the birdman casino comes alive and tries to kill you
Almost shat meself the first time I saw it

>> No.6807668

>or they'll just do what they always do and discuss the old games they're actually interested in.
What part about /vr/ being a place made up mostly of older gamers with less time on their hands don't you understand? There was a reason /vr/ was so comfy. There was a reason it was so slow compared to other boards. Now we're flooded with /v/-tier threads and you expect the old school /vr/ to be able to compete?

>> No.6807724

It will.

>> No.6807861

The patches that darken the palette and removes the awful voices is the only way to play

7/10 experience tbqh

>> No.6807902

>he got trolled by the NEVER EVER shitposters
lmao'ing @ ur life

>> No.6807943

Rule bending retards have been around forever. They're not going away and you know it.

>> No.6808378

I'm talking about the shitposting and the seethe that has taken place in response. Shitposting is an art, and people were doing an excellent job at it for the first two days after the rule change.

>> No.6808394


Where did this meme come from?

>> No.6808401
File: 189 KB, 1055x778, B314F19B-F6D0-41FD-A113-9651D05F5C8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6808471

In case you zoomers don't know what this picture means, it's an "instruction manual" a book that used to come with video games. This is the SNES port of The Outbreak one of the hardest arcade shmups of all time.
As you can see the final enemy of a stage is called a mayor.

>> No.6808753

why do you have so little free time? I've seen the divorce rates in developed countries and surely your kids hate you by now for not endorsing their only fans page or fortnite career? The fact that you choose to look after your girlfriends kids or that you didn't escape a dead end job is your own problem, this is a board for game discussion.