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6803937 No.6803937 [Reply] [Original]

Metroidvania? More like SOULvania.

>> No.6804041

For me it’s Aria

>> No.6804440

Tres soulful thread.

>> No.6804491

Curse Of The Moon
>shitty enemy placement too often
>pain to navigate
>no shop

Harmony of Dissonance
>lack of customization and things to do
>even with le mirror castle it still feels short
>there is a shop but it sucks. Wanna buy something? Okay just make sure you enter the room at 23h59m59s with an uneven amount of money in your wallet while the moon is only a quarter. What do you mean you couldn't guess that? Dumbass.
>you can get item drops but the vast majority of them are useless

Aria of Sorrow
>finally fucking nailed it

>> No.6804537

This guy gets it

>> No.6804835

That's not getting it. This is getting it:
>CV3 = CV1 >>>>> SotN >>> who cares

>> No.6804840

Forgot CV4 and Bloodlines which are also both better than SotN

>> No.6804843

You weren’t even there.

>> No.6804847

Now THIS guys actually does get it for real.

>> No.6804856

Those are both mediocre as fuck. Neither confused curios like CV64 and LoD nor truly good games like ADx68k. Just very average action games. Forget about them.

>> No.6804871
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>Best looking GBA Castlevania
>Best controls
>Most interesting exploration
>Best protagonist
>Refined and interesting spell system with the best signal to noise ratio.
>Best environment

The real pleb filter right here.

>> No.6804898

Not to sa that the music was freakingg reat. I fully understand that most people didn't like it and not to sound elitist, but it was too highbrow for a portable horror adventure game. To an untrained ear it sounds like hot garbage, which is understandable, but it's actually really clever and well-made. Of course, you shouldn't be a classically trained musician to appreciate a fucking GBA soundtrack. Again, not to sound elitist or anything. A doctor is not elitist for knowing more about disease. As a trained musician, I'm just qualified enough to say that HoD's expressionistic soundtrack overshoots, not undershoots, its purpose. The soundtrack actually emulates modernist music that's often used for 1920s German expressionist cinema, and it does so reasonably well. Legitimately good shit.

>> No.6804907

I've rarely heard anyone complain about the compositions.

>> No.6804914

They're well above mediocre. They are also better than SotN.

>> No.6804937

Oh, the soundtrack is universally reviled. It's part of the common knowledge in the fandom that HoD's soundtrack is a total fuck up. In actuality, it's emulating modernist music associated with German expressionist cinema, from which Castlevania borrows quite a bit of imagery, but most people hear noise, which is understandable.

>> No.6804981

The quality of the audio is reviled. I don't recall any consistent disparagement of the compositions.

>> No.6804985

You weren’t even there.

>> No.6805006

I was. Most of the criticism is targeted toward the audio quality, which was the result of poor optimization. I know you want to feel special, but you aren't especially. Not to sound elitist or anything.

>> No.6805065

People often equate the two and just pronounce the music worst ever. Anecdotal as it is, I've never seen anyone saying "the music is really good but that sound quality mang". And the quality isn't worse than msot GBA games either. GBA just sounds like shit and people accept it.

>> No.6805074

The person you just responded is a different poster. They're memeposting throughout the thread: >>6804843 >>6804985 . I thought that would be painfully obvious.

>> No.6805084

Somehow I missed that.
>And the quality isn't worse than msot GBA games either.
It's a little rough compared to many. Igarashi himself mentioned it on multiple occasions. They got better at optimizing.

>> No.6805094

I'm sure we can all agree that Igarashi is an imbecile.

>> No.6805097
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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate Harmony of Dissonance's original soundtrack...

>> No.6805102

Is there a remastered version of the soundtrack on YT? Golden Sun has one.

>> No.6805126
File: 317 KB, 1024x1024, castlevania_harmony_of_dissonance___rearranged_ost_by_junkisakuraba_dbtq6vk-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a nice faithful sounding rearrangement, I don't remember if it was the whole soundtrack though

>> No.6805134

No, IQ has nothing to do with it. You just need experience with modernist music. Your parents' finances have more to do with this than your IQ. That said, if you have experience with such music, or better yet, musical training, you will be able to appreciate how professional and inventive HoD's soundtrack actually is.

>> No.6805140

I agree with you but I was just doing the meme copypasta

>> No.6805143

Post some examples of modernist music.

>> No.6805176

It takes me a year to teach the basics, dude. You can start exploring it from late romantics like Ravel and Rimski-Korsakov or via actual modernists like Prokofiev and Stravinski. Or you can jump into atonal music head-on via Alban Berg, Arnold Schoenberg et al. Schoenberg's own Transfiguration Night is a nice late romantic precursor to modernist music by a composer who started off in the old era and then branched intot he new one, like Beethoven did with Classicism and Romanticism.

Transfiguration Night (precursor, late Romanticism, Decadence)

Visions Fugitives (Prokofiev -- early Modernism)

Rite of Spring - Sacred Dance (Stravinski - modernism)

String Quartet 3 (Schoenberg - full-on dodecaphony)

Quartet for the End of Time (Messiaen, written and performed in a Nazi concentration camp)

>> No.6805196
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Perhaps, but that's irrelevant in this case. It's just a fact. It was ultimately a technical problem he wouldn't have had much to do with beyond the kind of judgment call he describes in the attached interview excerpt.

>> No.6805210

The end result is that the game sounds like an average GBA game, and not any worse than CotM. The music itself is very dissonant and abrasive, which is what, in my opinion, led people to complain and not the sound quality itself.

>> No.6805264

>not any worse than CotM
You would be mistaken. I like HoD's compositions too (some more than others), but the trade off was -- and is -- incredibly obvious. Aria of Sorrow's development was consequently fixated on avoiding needing to make that kind of sacrifice.

>> No.6806013

Really nice collection

>> No.6806036

Reminder that the Double Pack glitches up item drops in HoD.

>> No.6806045

Modernist music is like Schoenberg, Babbitt, Xenakis, Stockhausen, all that tuneless crap that doesn’t have any melodies or harmony and is just a completely random set of notes. It’s not even music, just noise.

>> No.6806273

in a good way or bad way?

>> No.6806392

Great game, the first one I got for my GBA SP and I was blown away. Felt like having SotN in the pocket, but with a grittier atmosphere

I still remember fondly the Marble Gallery bgm despite not having heard it in years

>> No.6806479

Bad way. Some rare drops are completely removed and replaced with common money bags.

>> No.6806550

I don't have anything to add but for me it's https://youtu.be/bqww2bvf51g

>> No.6806581
File: 25 KB, 800x600, castlevania-haunted-castle-image_2012-02-26_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dodecaphony is the opposite of random. The whole point is it's extremely structured instead of relying on traditional musical language.
To laymen listening, dodecaphonic music is a type of atonal music that throws away the very tonality (everything we consider Western music, really) and imposes a rigid arbitrary set of rules to which every single tone in a work adheres. Love it or hate it, calling it random is incorrect on the most basic level.

>> No.6806837

Konami milked those Rondo assets to death, didn't they?

>> No.6806847


>> No.6806890

There isn't a single Rondo asset in that pic

>> No.6806948

They sure did, except in those screenshots there's, like, not a single one, dude.

>> No.6806950

Xenakis literally pioneered a compositional process that uses randomness, look it up bro it,s called stolastic music, It’s random and tuneless as fuck, completely devoid of periodic rhythm. Music is defined as melody and harmony with perioidic rhythm this is what the masses consider as music Xenakis and modernist crap is literally just noise has no structure doesn’t go anywhere doesn’t tell a story doesn’t touch the soul. I’m a classically trained musician by the way.

>> No.6806995

Xenakis and stochausen et al are the godless music of the 20th century, they implemented godless, structurless forms to oblivate the dominion of BACH which is the true music of God. JOHANN SENASTIAN BACH had the most divine structure and spiritual being of form with contrapuntal melody and rhythmic harmony that is said to be ‘The True Will Of God’. Xenakis and stokhausen made music structureless, formless, melodyless, harmonyless, rhythmless, and Godless, turning music into pure noise which repelled the masses and made music into a parlor game for Godless intellctuals

>> No.6806997

Yes, aleatorics, but modernism is characterized by rigorous structure rather than randomness. Meanwhile, "random noises" is a common complaint that people unfamiliar with atonal music raise (and you start your list with Schoenberg), which is in error.

>> No.6807016

Counterpoint was the basis of quite a bit of modernist music from dodecaphonists to neoclassicists (like middle Stravinski), so your shitpost actually misses the mark on closer investigation. For quite a few of them, Bach did represent the ideal, you know. Their music was in opposition with classical and romantic harmony rather than baroque counterpoint.

>> No.6807053

the based levels are through the roof

>> No.6807345

I enjoy each of them, if I had to rank them, I would say they got better with each installment.

CV4 is my favorite Classicvania.

>> No.6807351

Kid Dracula should count as a castlevanian game.

>> No.6807389

It is a Castlevania game. We don't talk about it too often because it's pretty damn mediocre and the GB version is even worse, is all.

>> No.6807482
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>> No.6807492

>DS games

not retro

>> No.6807723

Everything older than Fortnite is retro now.

>> No.6809251

More like Gimmickvanias. Aria of Sorrow is the only one that doesnt make me want to puke.

>> No.6809292

Rondovania - Your classic Belmont scotformers
Metroidvania - SOTN clones
3Dvania - PS2 games

Rondovania > Metroidvania > 3Dvania

>> No.6809428
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>> No.6809448

>Ecclesia last
>Bloodstained third

>> No.6809546
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looks better with the pocketron shader

>> No.6809576


>> No.6809751


>> No.6809864

No, I'm pretty sure it's Metroidvania.

>> No.6809947

No, I'm pretty sure it's Castlevania.

>> No.6811027

>That atmosphere

Agreed. I recently played the GBA trilogy for the first time, and HoD was my favorite of the bunch.