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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 555 KB, 1121x800, DKC3_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6788731 No.6788731 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.6788746
File: 96 KB, 518x563, C01BDDC8-2BE7-4FD7-9E95-CACADB745745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that so many gamers still name Donkey Kong Country as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game ever only tells you how far video games still are from becoming a serious art. Video game developers have long recognized that the greatest video games of all times are The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros., which were not the most graphically advanced or acclaimed or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. I myself rank the highly controversial Super Mario U.S.A. over video games that were highly popular in arcades around Japan. Gamers are still blinded by good graphics. Donkey Kong Country had better graphics than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Music enthusiasts grow up listening to a lot of music of the past, film enthusiasts grow up watching a lot of films of the past. Gamers are often totally ignorant of the video games of the past, they barely know gameplay mechanics. No wonder they will think that Donkey Kong Country is anything worthy of being played.
– Shigeru Miyamoto (1995)

>> No.6788748

I had a dream the other night that this board added gen 6 and then this guy kept spamming and spamming the board for 2 full days before he died in a fiery car accident. Kind of funny, huh?

>> No.6788778

Legitimately don't understand the hate. 2 & 3 were my favorites.

>> No.6788794

>all these gen 6 threads clogging the board
>only SNES thread is this fucking abomination

>> No.6788801
File: 207 KB, 278x307, Wwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Playing it first time right after 2 and three worlds done in 3 and it's not clicking with me, i'm going to finish it but it just seems much weaker in just about every way

>> No.6788809
File: 161 KB, 266x337, Warp_Barrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those barrels are the best thing about dkc3

>> No.6788816

Just curious, what do you feel is weaker? Help me to understand.

>> No.6788876

Sure thing anon
I think the theming is weaker, I just got to the factory which improves it with weaponizing the kremlings but you would barely be able to tell the theme this time is science compared to 2 where it was clear from the get go is pirates and hunting for gold which 2 did better.
No David wise should speak for itself, I know the GBA got his songs but no way I'm playing a washed out version
This isn't really fair for me to say but this is way easier than 2 so far, maybe that's because i got gud but it's so easy
Graphics looks strange this time, don't know how to describe it but it just looks off in places, does look amazing in others though
Could go on with saying the world map isn't as good or retard kong but you get it. Does it get better anon?

>> No.6788897

only two things I wasn't too keen on was the DK stand-in, Kiddy and the crystal button pattern game. I don't hate the character, but the design just didn't mesh well, I suppose? As for the button pattern following minigame, it just didn't feel particularly fun to just either get the sequence right or spend half a dozen tries in an attempt to remember a 8 color sequence

DK3 is only a tiny bit different from 2, which I don't mind. It's different, and the more "freer" sensation of exploring the overworld between level hubs was kinda fun as well as the bears.

>> No.6788984

can't play as DK and personally i found the forest setting off putting and depressing

>> No.6789127

>I think the theming is weaker
It really isn't. Where you have enemies in pirate garb in 2, you have mechanized enemies and enemies wielding bazookas in 3. Where you have pirate ships in 2, you have factories and forests being chopped down in 3. Where you have a bird boss in a pirate hat that you fight twice in 2, you have a robot boss that you fight twice in 3. Where you have pirate K. Rool, you have scientist K. Rool. It's the same shit.

I will admit that David Wise did a better job bringing the theme together with his music, but that speaks more to your second point.

>> No.6789203

Thank you. I was missing my regular daily dose of DKC3 threads.

Worst thing about DKC3 is the third half of the game where the worlds look exactly the same (Brown cliffs and brown caves) and the level where you play as Ellie the Elephant inside the mill and sneaking by the rats.

>> No.6789214
File: 938 KB, 256x238, tumblr_n8c482aCGK1r6trtgo4_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i found the forest setting off putting and depressing
I find it cool

>> No.6789215

Making up gimmicks at that point, RARE was clearly out of idead but they needed to keep the cash flowing

>> No.6789303
File: 1.77 MB, 360x270, waterskip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kid kong is a bad charact-

>> No.6789317

>"1 of 4" of the 2-second sections in the entire game where you can pull this move off
For what purpose did they add this

>> No.6789330

This gimmick argument is fucking retarded, and I'm sick of seeing it. DKC2 had gimmick levels too, like Toxic Tower and Web Woods coincidentally the two biggest pleb filters in the game. There is nothing inherently wrong with gimmick levels.

>> No.6789336

You're right about the pleb filters in 2. In 3.... well not so much

>> No.6789346

Sounds salty about the fact that people liked more a Nintendo game that wasn't made by him.

>> No.6789350

So your argument is that gimmick levels are only good if they're pleb filters? Then I guess Poisonous Pipeline is one of the best.

>> No.6789362

Unironically yes

>> No.6789370

Fake quote la

>> No.6789385

Then you have to admit that Poisonous Pipeline is fine, because it's probably the number one most complained about level in 3.

>> No.6789391

its pasta with the names/games swapped

>> No.6789416
File: 23 KB, 1079x434, 1595542599161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fake quote, period. Please kill yourself.

>> No.6789473

>For what purpose did they add this

>> No.6789569

A-team worked on N64 so only the rookies worked on this.

>> No.6789625

Okay, but what was the real reason they bothered coding it.

>> No.6789636

And yet it's still better than the first DKC.

>> No.6789667

And yet it's still better than the banjo games

>> No.6789672

No DK or diddy.

>> No.6789695

C'mon you know half the board was threads like this shit before. Thread about how kids can't figure out bombing for secrets in Metroid. Threads about how A Link to the Past is the best game of all time / is the most overrated trash. Threads about how Sonic CD sucks / rocks. Weekly threads about Nights into a Dreams because that's the only Saturn game zoomers know about.

>> No.6789796

It just doesn't have the same feel, or 'soul', if you so wish, as the earlier entries. Also music sucks. Because other dudes worked on the 3rd entry.

>> No.6789837

'Soul' is a meaningless buzzword. DKC1 gained notoriety purely because of its graphics, and would've been utterly forgotten if not for its sequels.
>no secret world
>no verticality
>animals are useless outside of Enguarde in water levels
>every single boss is just a bigger version of a normal enemy that you jump on three times
The fact that newcomers still suck DKC1's dick to this day utterly boggles my mind. Chalk it up to normalfags being normalfags, I guess.

>> No.6790030

Nothing. Great game in a great series

>> No.6790085
File: 350 KB, 736x570, DONG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The theme of DKC3, I'm always surprised it goes over people's heads, when it's quite obvious.
It's B-Movies. Living barrels, giant spiders, slug monster in a waterfall, living snowmen, robots, mad scientists.
You're playing through a coked up, 90's version of horror B-Movies. I fucking love it for it.

Granted, DKC2 is my favorite, but I got 2 after 3 from my parents. So I appreciated 3 for what it was.

>> No.6790112

This game isn't really "retro" in the strict sense because nobody's heard of or played it. There should be another board for this. Like /va/ or something - video games/ancient

>> No.6790164

'B-movie' isn't a 'theme', though. B-movies are just conglomerations of pop sci-fi concepts to begin with. A more accurate assessment would be "DKC3 is attempting to be a B-movie" but even then I would disagree.

>> No.6790172

it's bad

>> No.6790184

>being this new
it's a scaruffi pasta dumbfuck

>> No.6790368

Literally who?

>> No.6790389

Name one B-movie with living barrels, snowmen, or a slug monster in a waterfall. This feels like a reach.

>> No.6790414

That horrible Jack Frost Christmas movie. The evil slasher one, not the sappy dad one with Zappa's kids.

>> No.6790420

why would anyone say the sountrack sucks?

>> No.6790469

If only there was a way to search for information like this

>> No.6790487

I looked him up, and I'm still confused as to why you think this guy should be a household name or something.

>> No.6790498

He's a delusional zoomer. That infamous Miyamoto quote comes from an interview in 1995.

>> No.6790516

It doesn't exist, period.

>> No.6790523


>> No.6790536

Kill yourself.

>> No.6790549

I know. It's just sad that the shitty threads are the ones to survive the flood.

>> No.6790554

You mean like the Stampers seriously considered after reading Shiggsy's quote?

>> No.6790568

Literally who?

>> No.6790590


>> No.6790597

I reiterate: kill yourself.

>> No.6790617

I too reiterate: That's what the DKC crew and the rest of Rare were probably considering when that interview hit the press.

>> No.6790628

>This feels like a reach.
because it is. anon is a retard, as usual

>> No.6790830

The playerbase

>> No.6791468

Not as a single movie, but there's giant spider movie from the 50's called The Crawlers or something like that. There's the horror Jack Frost movie, I can't think of a giant BARREL in specific but there's thw Claw which is a giant vulture thing. KAOS without the helmet looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

>> No.6791563

>this much reaching for straws

>> No.6791646

Come on, even K. Rool is a mad scientist pastiche with a cliche castle at the end, and there's stuff like the cyborg bees with buzz saws

>> No.6791698

This game isn't a fucking B-movie, you repugnant soiboy.

>> No.6791795

God damn /v/ flooding.

>> No.6791841

No, there is a very real type of person that includes you.

>> No.6793272

bump for retro

>> No.6793345

OP here,Just Beat Main 7 worlds and still think its the worst DKC. Not terrible but still a step down. The lightning level can fuck off also

>> No.6793871

The final Squawks race was the biggest pleb filter gimmick of all. Still love that level though.

>> No.6795232

If you cleared Toxic Towers and Web Woods, that shit is just a victory lap.

>> No.6795514

Miyamoto actually did shit on DKC though
just not with this exact quote.

>> No.6795668

Then produce the quote.

>> No.6795681

I never found the last banana bird. It’ll haunt me forever.

>> No.6795719

DKC2 is a legit masterpiece so whatever followed could never live up to it, but it does boggle my mind why they made the setting so generic. It reminds me of Alaska.

>> No.6795741

Nothing. It's the best of the trilogy by far. Only smoothbrains with shit taste think otherwise.

>> No.6795916

3 never committed to anything. Every other level was a gimmick level that was appeared in one or maybe two other places in the entire game.
It's not a bad game, I enjoyed it and it's OST but there's a distinct lack of focus.

>> No.6795940

DKC2 raised the bar too high.