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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 43 KB, 372x500, 4 resident evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6785653 No.6785653 [Reply] [Original]

GOAT thread.

>> No.6785687


>> No.6785717


>> No.6785738

FACT: RE4 is underrated

>> No.6785742

It's often listed in the top five games ever made.

It's like...top 20 at most.

>> No.6785813

>It's often listed in the top five games ever made
that's why it's underrated.
it's much better than ocarina of time.

>> No.6785825

I can't believe Capcom wants to remake this. They ported it to everything under the damn sun, I don't think ANYONE who wants to play it hasn't been able to yet.

>> No.6786153

RE4 is a good video game by itself, but it is a garbage RE game.

>> No.6786316

no one cares

>> No.6786436

Smoothbrain logic.

>> No.6786459

That makes no sense

>> No.6786496

Sure it does.
>old RE does not have round house kicks, ingame merchants to spend currency drops on
>RE4 does
Therefore, RE4 is not a real RE game.

>> No.6786502
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>> No.6786506

I want to smell Ashley.

>> No.6786580
File: 978 KB, 1848x3280, classicVSmodern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worse than every RE game before it

>> No.6786590

shoot at dumb A.I.
is this the final cope for who get filtered on real tps?

>> No.6786604

haha zombie pinata go "BASTA HIJO DE PUTA"

>> No.6786613

>I only have 16 bullets left
>save the shotgun for emergencies
haha what a meme

>> No.6787589


>> No.6787612

>comparing the super arcade RE3 with 4

>> No.6787651


Exactly this! Resident evil has been utter shit from 4 onwards.

>> No.6788484

Mediocre game.
Attempts to stray from the original games to be more action oriented, but is too scared to go to far, thus resulting in retaining things that actively detract from the game. The inclusion of a stop and pause inventory hinders the game in many respects, particularly with how long it takes to enter, exit, and equip weapons or items. The game should've had a quick select option of some kind for the weapons, as that menu just breaks all tension and immersion in one fell swoop.
The 'puzzles' from previous games also rear their head here, but between how easy they are and how much time they waste, I honestly can't see a reason for their inclusion beyond "The other games did it." To compare to an RE game release two years prior, Dead Aim knew to drop the puzzle shit if it wasn't going to be survival horror, and while you may disagree on if Dead Aim was good, that was a smart decision. The puzzles themselves just waste time and add nothing to the game.
Additionally, some other things. Way too much repetition in this game, the base enemy is already boring by the end of the village, with the plaga mutations being annoying at best given how unresponsive they are to your attacks (making most of your weapons feel weak, but not in the scary horror game way, in the "am I doing this right?" way (and I guess you aren't as they job instantly to flash grenades, sucking out more tension)), and the few new enemies over the course of the game are just annoying or easy.
Resident Evil 5 was the same concept, but in gameplay, executed far better. Its only real failing is Chapter 2-3.

>> No.6788590

you're wrong

>> No.6788727

And so the post quality of this board continues to wane.
Make an actual post next time. Don't say two words and bump the thread like you're on 'le ebic rebbit xD' you fucking moron.

>> No.6788860


>> No.6789024

>Expecting good discussions from /v/ diversity nominees, GBAutists and 6th fen toddlers

>> No.6789279

It literally is. You sound like those 'not my president' types. It's OK not to like the direction the series took, but saying it isn't part of it because of different gameplay is just silly.

>> No.6790395

>equating things with political shit
Fucking Christ this board has gone downhill record time

>> No.6790428

Fingerpainting with shit is better than any Zelda game, and Resident Evil for that matter

>> No.6790612

It's an example, you moron. If this was bullshit from /pol/ I would have make an off-color remark about blacks or jews. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.6790701
File: 44 KB, 450x447, aa9fcd8bd05a41c216f17c898372e433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you like that, don't ya, bitch? This pic get you hard? I bet it does. Nnngghh... So dirty...

>> No.6790721

Right game. Wrong console. Sorry, Wii is not retro.

>> No.6790759

GOAT of all time

>> No.6790796

Not retro.

>> No.6792084

Who the fuck allowed post 2001 games to be discussed on /vr/? What a fucking disaster. Go back to /v/ you fucking coombrain zoomer.

>> No.6792096
File: 162 KB, 1066x1500, 81nuHUOENtL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops wrong picture guys

>> No.6792108

says the seethelord who spammed "not retro"

>> No.6793841 [DELETED] 

Why are we talking about farm animals such as goats? I thought this was for video games. Also , not retro.

>> No.6795507

gamecube, retard

>> No.6795564
File: 479 KB, 489x400, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6795726

This game fucking sucks. Worst Resident Evil game of all time.

>> No.6795746 [DELETED] 
File: 409 KB, 1536x2048, Ed-CeULVoAAbJjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish they would make an anime resident evil with loli school girl main characters

>> No.6795902

Bitter anti-6th gen faggot detected. You're not even trying anymore. Kill yourself

>> No.6797250

The tension in this game is just masterful

>> No.6797321
File: 1.69 MB, 1876x1080, inv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what could have been