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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6783976 No.6783976 [Reply] [Original]

>most of the board is completely imploding
>racing and shmup fans are fine
How the fuck do they do it?

>> No.6783992
File: 127 KB, 1080x1221, sketch-1597575472311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because the only good racing game ever made was 6th gen anyway in the first place

>> No.6784000

Shmups haven’t evolved since the mid 90s and 6th gen was arguably a golden age for racing games. Anymore retarded questions to shit up the board?

>> No.6784339

Why did you upload that image when you obviously meant Outrun 2?

>> No.6785124

There's no implosion it's just people butthurt that this change happened spamming the board with low effort threads to "show" the mods how wrong they were.

>> No.6785137

>being this paranoid
People are just posting childhood favorites.
I made a Sonic Heroes thread and people were accusing me of shitposting, when the game is perfectly retro now.

>> No.6785174

shmuptrannies were already discussing post-99 games even before the new rules, nothing has changed

>> No.6785440
File: 8 KB, 320x480, doug-My thoughts drift back to erect nipple wet dreams about Mary Jane Rottencrotch and the Great Homecoming Fuck Fantasy. I am so happy that I am alive in one piece and short. Im in a world of shit... yes. But I am alive. And I am not afraid..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is, now 6th gen toddlers will have to continuously defend the change from trolls and be the ones dealing with shitposts while everyone else will just shrug and say "That's why 6th gen was a mistake".
There's also going to be a lot of ressentiment against 6th gen posters because they basically ruined the fun for everyone else.
It was a forced change, not an accepted change
So, enjoy.

>> No.6785459

People prefer staying away from shmup threads because of the autism that reeks from them.

>> No.6785504

racing games didnt really "evolve" until the 7th gen.
and shmups have never changed lol
its not like FPS, where even in a span of 2 years they become completely unregonizable

>> No.6785730

This was the last video game board that wasnt trash memes and anime porn pictures but I guess thats all over now.

>> No.6786473

people talking about more stuff wont stop you from talking about the things you normaly talk about

the only anoying people are the big brains that hink LOL IL MAKE A CRISIS THREAD IM SO SMART for the 50th time is funny

>> No.6786530

racing and shmup fans are higher IQ on average so they understand all this

>> No.6786591

Fucking kek, guaranteed you think all shmups are the same and would argue ESPGaluda 2 and Gunbird 2 are identical

>> No.6786623
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>With the coming release of the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X, we think it's time to update /vr/'s definition

>Who's "We"?
>This is a mistake.
>Common sense is realizing none of those consoles are retro.
>pls no, mod-kun...
>Baffling decision.
>Thank you for completely preventing having discussions about any pre 5th gen hardware at all you fucking retards.
>Thanks for ruining the board with that bullshit decision.
>I agree v2k would be good but only because slow boards are actually a good thing.
>See ya /vr/
>Not necessarily sad, but I feel like discussion of 16 bit and older games will be killed off, which is a shame; I think it would have been smarter to just make /v2k/
>RIP /v2k/
>Unpopular threads on /vr/ already last less than 24 hours.
>What is even the motivation for anyone wanting this?
>You're going to need a /vrr/ soon.
>yeah, not a good change.
>Well, it was fun while it lasted
>Honestly, It hink/v2k/ would've been a better idea,
>This is like when MTV2 stopped showing music videos.
>why could Hiroshimoot make 50 million new /v/ boards for all kinds of shit, but a /v2k/ is completely out of the question
>Why is a /v2k/ impossible but a mobile games board is?


>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

>> No.6786725

> the amount of pre 1999 threads can almost be counted on one hand

The fact that most of the board is now filled with post year 2000 games is proof enough that a /v2k/ board would have been a better idea.

>> No.6786784

I agree that /v2k/ would've been better but that's a stupid argument, 6th gen was only allowed very recently so of course there'll be a flood of 6th gen threads right afterwards.

>> No.6786897

>people talking about more stuff wont stop you from talking about the things you normaly talk about
Remember how generals for more obscure games died on /vg/ when the pace increased because of gacha shit?
That's the main issue here. Widening the topic of /vr/ will increase the pace meaning less popular topics will fall of the board faster.

>> No.6786926

i have worshipped tom delonge since i was twelve

>> No.6786951
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>extremely retarded decision, why I would expect better though
>make another board and throw gen 6th and 7th in it
>So now /vr/ is basically /v2/. No point posting here anymore
>Please just do the sensible thing and making /v2k/ you will absolutely destroy this board.
>A /v2k/ board would be good for discussion of anything besides current gen.
>you are faggots if you do this
>Please don't do this.
>Yeah what the fuck, mods?
>When we tried to make a 6th gen general on /vg/ we had 6 regular posters. You people are trying to cater a vocal minority.
>Great. Really great. This will ruin /vr/.
>Really bad move. Now mods basically have to double down after realizing what a bad idea it will be
>You guys added an RPG board. Why
>You doomed /vr/ to /b/ tier shitposting. Rest in piss you dorks.
>You already struggle to moderate off-topic posts on this, the slowest-moving board
>The other things you mods did not think about. Some of us want a board to discuss 6th gen. We want this board without fucking shitposting.
>bad idea mods the ps2 too fucking vast in years
>should've just made /v2k/ instead

>> No.6786982
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>> No.6786984

the 2007 cutoff allows people to post 7th gen games as long as they were released on PC. Mods have down syndrome.

>> No.6787065

Lets pretend that 6th gen is retro. Based on threads I currently see:
2007 PC shooter that is blatantly 7th gen
7th gen game released on 360 in 2006, but because it got a PC release it is allowed
>Assassins Creed
7th gen game with a PC release
Released in 2007 but does not look like a 6th geb shooter at all.
Completely fucking ruined the board.

>> No.6787085

>Mod was some Zelda gay elf jarpig lover
Doesn't surprise me

>> No.6787097

I don't see the issue here. Discussion of PC games should not be restricted by the console concept of generations.

>> No.6787127

Please join my Doom Eternal thread because PC games are not generational like console games.

>> No.6787130


I get the opposite impression. The 2007 cutoff date seems designed to exclude 1 JRPG.

>> No.6787132

What do you not understand about the cutoff for games being 2007?

>> No.6787145

Doom Eternal is a 5th gen pc game

>> No.6787169
File: 428 KB, 281x281, cube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is like when MTV2 stopped showing music videos
ok this one got me
at least we got wonder showzen out of that shitshow

>> No.6787181

It's fine lads everything will calm down in a few days.

>> No.6787191

The idea of not having any arbitrary generations really melted your consolefag brain, didn't it?
How does it cope with consoles like the TG16 or the NeoGeo that also don't fit into your gens?

>> No.6787227

Give it a rest, dude.

>> No.6787234
File: 27 KB, 400x315, gamecube is retro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitch, bitch, bitch

>> No.6787237
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You were right bros. I've been rallying for legalizing GBA since we ended up talking about GBA ports and sequels so often anyway. But at what cost bros, at what cost. Look at all those shitty PS2 threads. It's so wrong. There's fucking Kingdom Hearts threads in /vr/. It's feels so wrong. What have we done.

>> No.6787247

Just make /v2k/ already, I don't see what the hold up is, its apparent this isn't working.

>> No.6787250

>There's fucking Kingdom Hearts threads in /vr/. It's feels so wrong.
That's you realizing that KH came out when Attack of the Clones was in theaters. The game is old and so are you.

>> No.6787258

>its apparent this isn't working
Screeching about /v2k/?

>> No.6787270

Nincels would be this boards doom, as they were /v/'s many many times.

>> No.6787272

Because we don't believe in gatekeeping. Everyone has the opportunity to enjoy videogames.

>> No.6787296

>we don't believe in gatekeeping so we made a decision that would flush out all conversation that isn't about 6 gen consoles
you can't actually be this retarded can you?

>> No.6787298

What the fuck happened over the last day? Suddenly 2001 consoles are allowed and this board went immediately to hell, right? Guess I'll just leave.

>> No.6787305

Post that redditor Twitter tard screen cap who unleashed this mess

>> No.6787323 [DELETED] 

and then the board goes to shit. Pat on the back for the moron that thought this was a good idea.

>> No.6787353
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>secret club

Fuck that. Open borders for /vr/!

>> No.6787365
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>> No.6787374
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>> No.6787386

Jesus Christ i fucking hate Anglos

>> No.6787390

>Open borders for /vr/!
Why not just delete the board? 2007 cutoff is still gatekeeping.

>> No.6787392

The board had nearly as much if not more "6th gen not retro!!!" shitposting before the change. 6th gen is retro.

>> No.6787410

This is absolute retardation. Retro discussion older than 6th gen isn't going to die just because 6th gen is allowed. Give it a week or so of shitposting about "look at this generation that is now considered retro!" and things will go back to normal with occasional 6th gen games.

>> No.6787412


>> No.6787424

stop being am asscuck

>> No.6787473

Call me when this spam is over. If it's not gone in a week I'm never coming back.

>> No.6787485

It'll be gone in a few days when they start banning the falseflagging retards. 6th gen becoming allowed has buttblasted a lot of people and they're all coming out of the woodwork to pose as 6th gen lovers and shitpost.

>> No.6787502

This, I want to bitch slap the fucking mod that allowed this to the sun

>> No.6787526

They were in on it in the first place. The hell, why do you think the feedback thread was not allowed up for at least one day..

>> No.6787605


>> No.6787621

The board isn't ruined. Most of the shitposting is from people who were arguing against allowing 6th gen all this time. When they calm down things will go back to normal.

>> No.6787639

Psst. You can talk about actual retro games on /vmg/ because emulators are on smartphones and nobody actually wants to talk about mobile games.
Here's a thread on snes games:

>> No.6787662

Things won’t go to normal. If it doesn’t in a month, I’ll be sure to respond to your faggot ass post. You don’t understand how many people hate this board so they can shit it up. This literally detracts all the good things from /vr/. If I joined /a/ and /b/ then I would ruin it. This is the same equivalent

>> No.6787708

The only way things could fail to go back to normal is if seething faggots like you keep making "let's talk about this RETRO game from 2007 on PC!" threads. 6th gen is retro. Most games from before the cutoff see little to no discussion on /v/ anymore, they NEEDED a place to be discussed that had a specific "game age cutoff".

>> No.6787729

Most people just don't understand what retro gaming philosophy is. There are lots of 6th gen games that are retro, but it takes a certain type of gamer to tell the difference. Company culture and demographics changed a lot during 6th gen. This will cause the lowest common denominator anons that some of the worst 6th gen games pander to to voice their braindead opinions.

>> No.6787739

>just give it a few years the shitposting should stop by then

>> No.6787741

>nooooooo you can't create /v2k/ and make everyone happy, you have to force two very different communities to coexist
fuck off

>> No.6787776

So they could've made a new board.
You need to understand how image boards like 4chan work. The topics being discussed and how they're discussed is highly dependent on how fast a board is. Generally, the faster the board is, the harder it is to talk about niche topics and the lower the quality of discussion is. The current spam will die down, no doubt, but it won't go back to old /vr/ levels meaning it will be far harder to discuss some obscure games you like, or some platform no one gives a shit about anymore.
But hey, at least you ruined a board so you can discuss some normalfag games from 15 years ago.

>> No.6787783

toxic post

>> No.6787785

Yep. Mods have down syndrome.

>> No.6787794

I'd have accepted /v2k/ too, or even preferred it honestly. But the fact is that this is better than letting things continue as they were. /v/ is a cesspool and the mods rightly understand that they need to give things that used to only exist there their own space. That said, shit like /vrpg/ and /vmg/ is retarded.

>> No.6787803

2000s games had perfect discussion on /v/ for YEARS. What’s the point of ruining a board and increasing the server bloat?

>> No.6787810

People only complained on shitpost threads created by 6th gen toddlers
On any other thread people didn't give a fuck about 6th gen
Of course people complained when your autism was causing you to shitpost in bad faith

>> No.6787814

Us Shmup Lads are a resilliant group man. We’ve always been niche so the trends of the outside world don’t affect us.

Also even newer Shmups are still basically retro in spirit. Newer stuff was already getting posted before, we just didn’t care. We are insulated.

>> No.6787824

Nice contribution
That's what 6th gen toddlers bring to the board

>> No.6787892

6th gen was getting no discussion on /v/, it deserved its own place. /v2k/ would've been better but this is still better than the status quo.

>> No.6787923

Nice idea.

>> No.6787928
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You just hate to see it...

>> No.6787935
File: 2.55 MB, 2566x2670, gbautist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't like a board? Tired of its community full of gatekeeping elitist secret club reactionaries? Just spam them until you get your way!

Open borders for /vr/!

>> No.6787964

> gatekeeping secret club reactionaries
But that's unironically what old /vr/ was you flying faggot. "Retro" is a measure of age.

>> No.6787984

We had TONS of discussion on these games on /v/. This isn’t a good decision at all

>> No.6788005

We had TONS of discussion on like five of those games on /v/. Once /vr/ realizes that there's more to the sixth gen than the five games they're shitposting about because /v/ still had discussion on them, we'll be fine.

>> No.6788042

This decision indicates that the mods don’t know what they’re doing and are full of bad ideas. They’ll leave this board as the shithole it has become and blame its users

>> No.6788094
File: 128 KB, 750x920, pep4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely hope that this specimen had some niche Famicom questions that he'll never, ever, find the answer to now.

>> No.6788451

>frogposter wishes misery others
Not surprising

>> No.6788717

This. Zoomer posting may subside somewhat in a week or two, but only somewhat. I'd also guess many VRos have jumped ship to /vrpg/. You're trying to mix oil and water, and as a result this will become a ruined schizo board.

>> No.6788818

>shmuptrannies were already discussing post-99 games even before the new rules, nothing has changed
because we use abbreviations and mods don't know the genre lol

>> No.6788834
File: 37 KB, 640x640, 118275562_326764011776377_3439643170337368290_nfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I play shmups, how could you tell?

>> No.6788839

Apparently the new thread speed is around 3 hours to archive from last reply.

>> No.6789013

That's not GT3

>> No.6789023

wheres my /v2k/

>> No.6789026

>When they calm down
Never fucking ever.

>> No.6789032

no, anything pre-3rd gen is dead and anything 3rd gen that's not nintendo is dead. also, there's already monotonous shit posting about which multiplat was the best. didn't have that problem before. at least the mario and zelda 64 faggots will be drowned out now.

>> No.6789042

if they had higher than double digit iq, they would delete the games that can't run on period-correct 2001 computer hardware.

>> No.6789067

/vr/ was mostly a shit board, but you knew people were at least playing games.
Now is nostalgia central, people complaining about their shit childhood.

Frog tourists make no distinction from /v/ or /vr/, because now there is none.