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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6783275 No.6783275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>we are retro now

It's over DCfags

>> No.6784573


>> No.6784586

crossposted this to r/gamecollecting

>> No.6786050


>> No.6786054

The Dreamcast still had a much tighter library than the PS2, it's just the PS2 was great by sheer force of volume.

>> No.6786063

>It's over DCfags
Rent free

>> No.6786071

I grew up with the original xbox :D

>> No.6786176

or port more DC title on GameCube and Xbox.

>> No.6786189

No, this is wrong. DC is however better than GC and as good as Xbox.

>> No.6786241

What's over?

>> No.6786274

i think you mean DChads

>> No.6786532


>> No.6786568

Wrong anon

>> No.6786579

You wrong too.

>> No.6786584

6th gen is not retro and this board is fucking ruined now. press F to pay respects lads.

>> No.6786790

Now watch numoot create 3 new videogame boards, none of which will alleviate this mess, just to spite us.

>> No.6786838

I thought xbox was dreamcast 2?

>> No.6786846

Why isn't 3DS allowed? It's basically a portable Gamecube.

>> No.6786935

>It's basically a portable Gamecube.
What? They're nothing alike.

>> No.6786978

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.6786993

i'm not shitposting. this board is ruined. it was meme free and discussion driven. they essentially dropped housing projects in the middle of a nice neighborhood.

>> No.6787007

Take your meds schizo and stop shitting up the board

>> No.6787458

> GBA is essentially a portable SNES
This was always a shitpost, but going by the actual age of the console, it still deserved to be retro just by virtue of how old "retro" was initially versus how old the GBA became.
Retro is a matter of age relevance. Since the GBA is old and hasn't been relevant for some time, it deserves to be here.

>> No.6787467

lol no. The GameCube is significantly more powerful than the 3DS.

Same situation. SNES is significantly more powerful than the GBA.

>> No.6788187

Get stomped again.

>> No.6788194

This board was already dying with the same saturn, 5th gen wars, and bernie stoler threads daily. 6th gen will breath new life into this board.

>> No.6788196

DC = GCN > PS2 >>> HexBawks

>> No.6788264

You're correct about the GameCube but completely wrong about the GBA. The fact alone that the GBA can run Doom without a coprocessor and at a higher framerate than the SNES is proof enough. The only thing the SNES does better is sound and that's because of a better DAC.

>> No.6788282

Objectively wrong in terms of power and sales but agree if you're rating them based on quality of games.

>> No.6788316

Haha keep coping dipshit. It finally happened, and you have no choice but to Suck It.

>> No.6788428

>this board is fucking ruined now
it's been ruined for a while, anon. it's just that you fianlly caught on.

>> No.6788606

Xbox > DC > GCN > Piss2

>> No.6788618
File: 219 KB, 377x485, 55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and were not going to talk about retro games

>> No.6788636


>> No.6788650

you can't even change your bad habits what makes you think you're gonna change anything else

>> No.6788654
File: 431 KB, 1816x1026, RETRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip /vr/

>> No.6788673

OK /v/tard

>> No.6788691

oh my god fuck off with your false equivalence you autist.

>> No.6788696

No, change it back to pre-y2k. /vr/ is NOT for your current millennium bullshit, that's what /v/ is for.

>> No.6788706

Well, there's the option of migrating over to endchan, 8ch@nnel, tinychan, and 5chon.

>> No.6788708

how am i wrong? twitter was started in 2007 and falls in the same category as lumping ps2 games and crysis in with retro games

>> No.6788709

cry more autist

>> No.6788718

Hello janitor.

>> No.6788728

>google started in 1998 that means it isnt retro because it has a modern iteration today
>hes the crysis posting autist
do you realize that no one is discussing crysis unironically, it's literally shitposters like you flooding the board?

>> No.6788730

Fuck you and the mods for destroying /vr/.

>> No.6788740

>destroying /vr/
>when theres nothing but video game conversation going on
>the only posters that are upset are vr purists like you who cant handle the fact things age
you're more than welcome to fuck off.

>> No.6788742

has the schizo been here since the rule change? I wanted to see him flip shit

>> No.6788761

>defending old /vr/ is shitposting
>not threads saying "hurr so xbox is cringe right?

>> No.6788775

>deleting old /vr/ when you can still discuss the same games you always have
>implying old /vr/ didnt have shit threads too
keep throwing your tantrum you fucking child.

>> No.6788795

>why is my thread on page 5 in less than 5 minutes?
>oh its because theres 25 xbox vs ps2 threads being memed

>> No.6788808

>has to exaggerate this hard because he knows it isnt a problem
jfc im done here faggot

>> No.6788814

you obviously didnt come here before

>> No.6788828

I was thinking in terms of soul, honestly.

>> No.6788906

Yeah, I agree on that front too.

>> No.6788921

Its going to slow down in a week

>> No.6788948


>> No.6788998


Any tips getting the best of these systems on a OLED display? The fucker only have HDMI, and my Retrotink does not pick up the signal as it should, it's like the console's image is bigger than my display and it bleeds outwards. Anyone help?

>> No.6789016

This is some Dreamcast Junkyard level segay cope.
Time's up, The Geek Critique.

>> No.6789019

It was literally and unironically 100% worth it just to see the otherworldly levels of despair and seething from bitter, abject faggots who just 1 week ago were telling me in no uncertain terms that quote, "your childhood would never be retro, fuck off to /v/" despite growing up with Gens IV/V and posting here since 2014.

>> No.6789056

Consider getting an OSSC.

>> No.6789087
File: 295 KB, 980x1306, IMG_8336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a PS2 with component video and a retrotink and it plays fine on my LG C9 OLED. Whats wrong with you?

>> No.6789148

>XXXX is not retro
the wheel of time turns...

>> No.6789249

I have the SCART one :(

Should I get the component one then? Or get an OSSC?

>> No.6789285
File: 148 KB, 660x420, A57505E6-AFA0-4BAF-91BF-1A3FFECBFC13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think this mad lad is feeling today?

>> No.6789289

I don’t understand. The new wave would rather destroy /vr/ than participate. I guess mods are younger than I thought. It’s clear as day the board is ruined. It has zero continuity.

>> No.6789294

Nigger he is right nigger

>> No.6789304

Seethe, cope, dilate, etc.

>> No.6789314

I only understand seethe and cope

>> No.6789316

sounds like you should just leave then you fucking faggot and let the people who actually play video games talk about them

>> No.6789326

Ha. That’s rich.

>> No.6789386

Most of it is false flagging butthurt.

>> No.6789420

this. All these 6th Gen threads are punishment for their autism.

>> No.6789465

This. Imagine how many of those "This late 2007 port of an 8th Gen title is my favorite le retro classic haha" threads spammed by pouting boomers could’ve been Famicom translation threads or something.

>> No.6789591

PS2>Xbox>>memecast>>>powergap>>>da nintendo shitcube

>> No.6789619

PS2 and Xbox are soulless.

>> No.6789647
File: 2.32 MB, 2710x1874, 20200828_145048_100_saved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he never played any of the fall 2001 and earlier lineup
Eat shit. Dark Cloud, Twisted Metal, Combat Evolved and the majority of the PS2 launch lineup is soulful as fuck. Also refer to pic related, memecast and shitcube had NOTHING like this.

>> No.6790264

Should have been /v2k/

>> No.6790609

So what caused the change anyway? Did Hiro come down hard on the mods and tell them to lighten up?

>> No.6790623

one faggot spamming gba

>> No.6790627

The sixth generation is ~20 years old and the ninth is about to drop.

>> No.6790649

YOU are the one shitting up the board with gta re4 and shovelware spam

>> No.6790658

Chink ad money

>> No.6790686

take your meds

>> No.6791023

I never understood why people act like millenniums mean anything. 2000-2004 had a lot more in common with the 90s than it did with 2005-2009, let alone now.

>> No.6791056

Because of the general shift caused by 9/11.

>> No.6791071

>meanwhile the PS1 has been allowed on here for years

>> No.6791108


>> No.6791253

I hereby declare Retro derangement syndrome (RDS) to be a thing.

>> No.6791260

And the PS2 was out for a full 11 months beforehand. Some of its best titles got released before then too.

>> No.6791659

>it was meme free and discussion driven.

Well that's a fucking lie. I've been here for weeks and it was a bunch of 40+ year old faggots calling each other "Zoom zoom" i mean what the fuck is that even?

I'm fucking embarresed for my geenration (I'm not even a Boomer just a GenX) and this will breath new life into this autistc dull forum

>> No.6791682

Why is it over? Why are anons treating this like 5th gen and earlier are no longer retro?

>> No.6792093

Just cuz this shit board changed a sticky doesn't mean shit. Nobody outside this board considers these retro lol. You lose again zoomers

>> No.6792124

Your retro derangement syndrome is showing.

>> No.6792151

This. It’d be one thing if this was 2014–15 but /vr/ was in bad shape for a while now.

>> No.6792183

honestly i'm more pissed that we didn't get /v2k/ (the obviously superior solution) than i am about losing most of the space for actual /vr/ discussion

>> No.6792254

Zoom zoom

>> No.6792270
File: 382 KB, 506x622, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792296

Well this board is fucking shit now.

>> No.6792304


>> No.6792310

As expected.

I'm genuinely curious if these are either 40 year olds with nothing better to do with their lives, or bots. I completely missed the sticky because I was too busy working my fucking job.

>> No.6792320
File: 66 KB, 926x617, monke-gibe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your tears. Gibe them.

>> No.6792439

You're the cancer that killed this board.

>> No.6792457

>breathe new life into the board
Yeah, that's really working out well.

>> No.6793429

It is, this board has literally never been faster.

>> No.6793450

Who care brainlet. Gonna have more fun.

>> No.6793498

Faster =/= better.

>> No.6793570

Too bad BGM music on Doom GBA get terrible quality. There was two youtuber composers redo in best.