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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 71 KB, 640x908, gc_zelda_wind_waker_p_8fbv6j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6775689 No.6775689 [Reply] [Original]

Wind Waker thread.
Talk about the last good Zelda game here.

>> No.6775713

This would be implying Wind Waker is good.

>> No.6775873

It is.

>> No.6775901

Wind Waker is a masterpiece my dude.

>> No.6775959


If you want to be delusional and pretend that WW is good maybe you should go back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.6776181

Wind Waker was the last good Zelda.

>> No.6776342

TP is flawed but finished with good dungeons

>> No.6776929

WW is literally the best Zelda

>> No.6776948

This isn’t link to the past.

>> No.6776972

Well, you got your way, and now look. All of you saying all those obscure PS2 Japan-only games you wanted to talk about would be the focal point were full of shit, yet here we are with carbon copies of /v/ threads taking up the whole top row of the catalog. Gonna get a lot faster here with so much more shitposting, threads won't last or have as much real conversation anymore. Fucking idiot mods for changing that rule. Enjoy /v/ Redux.

>> No.6776981

TP is okay. In a lot of ways it doesn't "feel like" Zelda to me.

>> No.6777359

I'd say Twilight Princess was the last Zelda that really felt like "Zelda"

>> No.6777374

who are you talking to

>> No.6777664

Too much of this game just feels like a chore.

>> No.6778584

Stay mad. Is the boom boom crying? Faggot.

>> No.6778709

>Talk about the last good Zelda game here.
Skyward Sword isn't retro tho.

>> No.6778717

Fuck off. Skyward Sword was irredeemable garbage. That game sucked massive balls. GTFO here with that shit.

>> No.6778731

I haven't played any Zelda game after TP, but if that's the case that is really sad.

>> No.6779243


>> No.6779414

Remember when Nintendo of America tried to push on their websites that all Links in all games were the exact same character until this game smashed that headcanon to pieces?

>> No.6779450

Wind Waker was the point I realized real Zelda games were dead.