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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6763134 No.6763134 [Reply] [Original]

Post games with poor voice acting. bonus points for posting quotes.

>Don't come! don't come!
>Go and prevent the confusion in the city
>Suffer like G did?

>> No.6763156

Resident Evil 1 for sure (the original, not the remake although that had shit voice acting too). Like, I don't know how they listened to that after recording it and thought "fuck yea, nailed" I guess its a reflection of how low the standards were back then for voice acting in games.

>> No.6763158

*nailed it

>> No.6763160

Illbleed has godawful voice acting. Coincidentally all of the games mentioned thus far are great

>> No.6763172
File: 150 KB, 976x1079, 1529503147919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 games based off of grindhouse horror films. Shitty acting but entertaining as hell.

>> No.6763221

Resident Evil 1's VA is the biggest example of so bad that it's perfect

>> No.6763935

I think HotD's bad voice acting is part of why people like it.

>> No.6763936

We're meeting G.....over there.

>> No.6763962

jfc anon i read that in the shittiest voice possible. HotD2 is a masterpiece because the acting is so terrible

>> No.6764026

>because the acting is so terrible
HotD is generally great because of the abysmal script. Not even a voice acting god could save those terrible lines.

>> No.6764118

I have already taken care of G, you're next!

>> No.6765958

The games are great and the voice acting is memorable. I wish we could go back, before the Nolan Norths, Troy Bakers, Liam O'Briens and Laura Baileys burst onto the scene.

>> No.6767235

>Martian Gothic:

>Resident Evil1
>Deep Fear

>> No.6767248

Read *xxxx* in Kermit-Voice:

To protect the *LIFE* cycle!
I have made a creature to rule over *MANKIND*!

>> No.6767270

WTF is wrong with English Voice acting. Before it was terrible. Now it's terrible and infected with left wing politics.