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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 154 KB, 731x1024, panzer-dragoon-saga-saturn-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6761629 No.6761629 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the most overvalued, overrated game in history? It's too short, the random battles get infuriatingly annoying, and the story is a typical Jap Star Wars rip off. I really don't get the appeal other or understand why it's so popular other than Saturnfags hyper exaggerating how good it is to cope and I say this as a Saturnfag.

>> No.6761634

>Jap Star Wars rip off
Well tell George Lucas to stop ripping off Akira Kurosawa then.

>> No.6761639

Ok but Japs weren't ripping off their films they were ripping off Star Wars which was ripping off their films but they didn't know that.

>> No.6761645

lol shut up OP

>> No.6761646

It's only overvalued because it was a late US release Saturn game, all the late US releases are expensive since they didn't want to bother making that many copies of them. And even then a lot of them only ended up seeing the light of day because of fan demand.

>> No.6761650

>hurrr japs invented movies with sword fighting

>> No.6761656

>hurrr humans invented stabbing

>> No.6761664

>You tried

>> No.6761669

>any opinion I don't like is bait!

>> No.6761704 [DELETED] 

>I say this as a Saturnfag
This is like those people on /pol/ who say "I used to support Trump, but I am voting for Biden this election".

>> No.6761861

>all Saturnfags need to 100% love all Saturn games
I wish I could see the world in black and white like this.

>> No.6761874

>Jap Star Wars rip off

>> No.6761879
File: 549 KB, 1125x787, 89115F09-3863-4882-A4CE-10B247B1E0CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the story is a typical Jap Star Wars rip off.
Oh? How so?

>> No.6761882

I hate all the zoomer "over rated" threads, but I agree this game is over rated. It's not good. I think it's praised just because of how shitty the systems library is.

>> No.6761884

It is one of the best jrpgs ever made with a fun combat system that values positioning, lets you customize your dragon, and doesn’t have worthless party members or any party for that matter. It also has a great ost and unique world and atmosphere. Is it worth $1000+ dollars? No of course not. Was it worth the $50 at release, fuck yes. I paid $250 when emulation was trash and still fucking loved it. Plus you can emulate it now. It’s one of the best games ever in general, and rivals any of the best jrpgs on the psx

>> No.6761896

>implying saturn emulation isn't still trash

what are you smoking anon

>> No.6761901

works on my machine

>> No.6761903

It’s good enough to play the game, and for PDS that’s what matters because the physical copy isn’t a game anymore, it’s becoming an antique at this point.

>> No.6761907

>too short
It’s admirable when a game isn’t filled with worthless fluff

>> No.6761948

Jarpig fans aren't used to games that don't feel like annoying busywork.

>> No.6762071

>the concept of something being overrated is now "zoomer"
Leave this website and go outside.

>> No.6762214

Zoom zoom

>> No.6762221

At least put some effort into the faleflag board sliding.

>> No.6762230

Not OP but what the fuck is board sliding?

>> No.6762247 [DELETED] 

Imagine supporting anyone with a D next to their name after the violence, chaos, and ignorance they’ve been spreading this last year

>> No.6762251

Still not as bad as having le orange man as president.

>> No.6762257

Maybe cops should stop being faggots
>inb4 i trust the police, they protect you!
Tell that to the citizens of Belarus or China. Police are not your friend

>> No.6762261

convince the unconvinced with frequently regurgitated opinions and half-truths (note the bitching about random encounters which the same person has been insisting are a problem for months despite the game having encounter control as a mechanic lmao) so those opinions become the expectation which disinterests people from it.

>> No.6762279

I’d honestly take the CCP over the Democratic Party. At least they care for their citizens, provide healthcare, and national stability. Democrats are a party of ignorance and chaos bankrolled by the worst corporate cocksuckers on the face of the Earth.

Fuck America and fuck liberals, id take Eastern Bloc commies at this point. This dump is becoming even more of an unlivable, degenerate hell world every year thanks to you ignorant fucks.

>> No.6762290
File: 9 KB, 300x168, A521789B-6F81-4A2D-A194-ACCFC6BFC171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Belarus or China.

I’d rather live there. At least they don’t deal with this chaos.

> Police are not your friend

BLM thugs are even worse.

>> No.6762295

What's the best way to emulate Saga nowadays? Best emulator?

>> No.6762297

Isn’t there a virus? Why are these dumb fucks out?

>> No.6762310

>care for citizens
Yeah genociding uighurs and letting rural areas live in africa tier poverty is taking care of people
>provide healthcare
Shit tier healthcare and it’s not even universal
>national stabilty
Through fear, not loyalty

Yeah great country. Despite america’s issues, it’s still better to live in than basically anywhere outside of europe and australia. I know cubans who lived under an actual dictator, it’s not fun.

>> No.6762314

There's only a virus when it's convenient.

>> No.6762559

>despite the game having encounter control as a mechanic lmao
You call the radar shifting to one of three colors with no indication as to where the enemies actually are a well implemented encounter control system? Shill.

>> No.6762578

More info than most other JRPGs will give you at least.

>> No.6762592

Ok but the entire genre is shit so that's not saying much.

>> No.6762612

Low iq opinion

>> No.6762625

Imagine being too dumb to read a manual

>> No.6762694

It's really good story telling there's this one part where you meet this guy who's a mechanic and he's a dick at first but then he gets on your nerves so you're mean to him and then he makes fun of you but you're mean to him a aswell so you two become friends and it actually feels real.

>> No.6762726

It's just one of those games that people pretend to fawn over because it's old and rare and Saturn emulation sucks so no one can prove you wrong

>> No.6762758

ssf if you don't want to deal with retroarch, otherwise retroarch's mednafen/beetle saturn core

>> No.6762940

Find me the part in the manual that explains the radar any more thoroughly than I did. Find me the part that explains in detail how to avoid the invisible red and yellow zones on the map AFTER you enter them and battle is imminent. Really, go find it you """boomer""" piece of shit.

>> No.6762947
File: 144 KB, 206x522, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6762950

That explains neither of the things I asked for.

>> No.6762952

here's your explanation: ________________________git gud___________

>> No.6762956

Just admit the game is shit.

>> No.6762957

Just admit you're bad at one of the easiest RPGs ever made.

>> No.6762965

I'm not bad at it the enemy encounter system is just objectively terrible. Kill a swarm of monsters, move an inch, back in another battle, rinse and repeat until you clear the area. This is just awful what is wrong with you.

>> No.6762967

>move an inch, back in another battle

>> No.6762978

>enter area
>move an inch
>radar immediately turns solid red
>move an inch in the opposite direction to escape
>pointless battle, 30 seconds wasted
>return to overworld
>radar still red
>move an inch in the opposite direction to escape red zone since the game gives you 0 indication as to where the danger is exactly

>> No.6762980

lol someone's bad

>> No.6762985

have sex

>> No.6762990

Already am w/ your mom right now while you seethe over a sega godurn game cuz you're bad at it

>> No.6763102 [DELETED] 
File: 388 KB, 351x481, denreyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a PS2 copy of Tomb Raider Underworld coming in the mail tomorrow, hopefully it comes with the case. I'll probably show it off here.

>> No.6763106 [DELETED] 

fuck wrong thread

>> No.6763448

SaturnBros, how do i get into Saturn collecting? What should I start with? I can understand some Japanese so I should be able to handle most non rpgs I think.

>> No.6763450

It’s a tough one to get into with how expensive it all is. I’d start with like Sega Rally and Tomb Raider, both are great and cheap too.

>> No.6765640

is kronos any good? thats what ive been using to play panzer dragoon and ive had no problems other than having to make some folders for savestates and memory

>> No.6766019
File: 115 KB, 600x729, Moebius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Star Wars
Where the fuck do you even get that from? The art direction in Panzer Dragoon is obviously most heavily inspired by Moebius, and Dune. The story is also more what you'd expect from a typical jrpg than a Hollyjew blockbuster script. Is anything remotely sci-fi with an underdog and muh evil empire a Star Wars clone for zoomers now?

>> No.6766025

You don't. Dreamcast is the absolute borderline console for "coomlector whoring for obscure shit for plebbit karma" territory. Anything more obscure/more of a commercial failure than that is pure shoyu.

>> No.6766068

I started collecting Japanese games about 4 years ago. Don't know about now, but quite a few of the Saturn exclusives and rpgs were absolutely dirt cheap, like $2-3 on Amazon shipped locally in Japan, sometimes a bit more like $10 but still cheap. Nights, Astal, Guardian Heroes, Burning Rangers, Dragon Force, all Panzer Dagoon games, Soul Hackers, Shining the Holy Ark, Shining Wisdom Albert Odyssey, Magic Knight Rayearth, Princess Crown, Vampire Saviour- you name it, I bought them all for either dirt cheap or reasonable. The exceptions is all the shooters and Capcom 2d fighters, most of them have been pricy for a while. I own about 55 physical copies now, of which only a few like Radiant Silvergun, X-Men VS Street Fighter cost me anything substantial (got a local deal for Radiant Silvergun, Space Harrier, Daytona USA and the Saturn flight stick for only $120 total). Outside the handful of expensive games I'd estimate I only paid around $600 for about 50 games, the console, extra controller + 3d controller, Action Replay. Now this was mostly all sent to a close friend in Japan who took it with him in his suitcase while traveling home for no extra charge on his part, so I'm probably more lucky than most. But I also picked up some Saturn games while travelling to Japan myself. I also do know Japanese to the point where playing rpgs, VNs and reading novels isn't an issue, so there's that.

>> No.6766118

>kurosawa made movies about magic and spaceships


>> No.6766253

Their government took them from a backwater, agrarian wasteland to a global superpower in one generation while America’s standard of living and wages (when corrected for inflation) has stagnated in that time.

>> No.6766257

>>pointless battle, 30 seconds wasted
There are no "pointless" battles in this game compared to rpgs like FF7. You are always perfectly leveled to take on the challenge at hand. You never have to grind.

>> No.6766264

>thinks having 50 shiturn game boxes in his room is a good thing
>brags about having a few thousand dollars worth of Japanese region games
Or you could have just worked at McDonalds for a few weeks and made that much money, but spending years buying shiturn weebshit off Amazon works too.
I like my ODE.

>> No.6766330


BLM "thugs" exhibit thuggery to police (who are oppressing you and every other American. Deny it all you want, its the fact) and white supremacists.

Only in america will there be millions upon millions of people who get fucking mad at the people fighting back against their own oppressors.

>> No.6766334


Democrats aren't the ones shooting up walmart and sending fucking BOMBS in the mail.

>> No.6766383
File: 81 KB, 1000x616, e94fa546266f058ad0366841124d9949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jpg for ants
What's going on in that pic?

>> No.6766392

Mednafen would like a brisk word

>> No.6766396

Non retroarch Mednafen

>> No.6766471

>being this assblasted that someone owns physical games
>compares the value to some McWageslave wage like I'm some reseller cunt
>muh ODE is a replacement for real games
The anon I replied to asked about collecting and I told him my experience. It's definitely not about reselling value as never sell the games. I also happen to use ODEs and they're great and convenient but don't replace having the real products on the shelf, taking out the CD and putting it in your drive, which is the most soulful way of enjoying vidya. When the Japanese games were that cheap there's nothing to lose but a few hundred bucks. Emulators are a great convenience too, sometimes better than original hardware depending on what you're looking for. I'm all for redundancy so I use just about every method there is to play my gayms.

>> No.6766508

What's wrong with you?