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File: 318 KB, 3066x1024, SEGA_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6757429 No.6757429 [Reply] [Original]

why did they fail to maintain relevance?

>> No.6757435

The talent left

>> No.6757438
File: 402 KB, 977x368, BC2AD11C-E9F7-4FDE-AFC7-AEE0D5EC6789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can think of a reason...

>> No.6757442

Because they did nothing with most of their popular franchises?

>> No.6757448 [DELETED] 

they took their eye off the ball at exactly the wrong time when the market was getting way more high-stakes. basically they underestimated sony and thought they could fuck around milking genesis for two more years instead of pushing saturn as hard as possible.

>> No.6757453

they took their eye off the ball at exactly the wrong time when the market was getting way more high-stakes. basically they underestimated sony and thought they could fuck around milking genesis for two more years instead of pushing saturn as hard as possible.

look at sonic R and tell me it's not a waste that traveler's tales made any games for genesis while the saturn was out.

>> No.6757467


Go there faggot.

>> No.6757490
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, F7AB96DC-008E-4EAF-B9A1-279F5EBE7184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that we all like to meme here, but when one considers pic related, would it be fair to say that it quite literally and unironically never even began for Saturncels?

>> No.6757497

SEGAs freshness, quirky humor, and arcade spirit has not been cool in gaming for quite a few years now, unfortunately. Games like Power Drift or Crazy Taxi were AAA titles in their day, but now people would think is they are just weird and shallow games. Those games are not accepted by normies anymore, who prefer the more serious modern action adventure titles.

Also, they don't have as many famous characters as Nintendo, so only hardcore fans appreciate games like Sega & Sonic All- Stars and similar.

>> No.6757498

Those Sega Yakuza games are pretty popular

>> No.6757508

You're talking about angry zoomies not pic related?

>> No.6757518
File: 278 KB, 599x887, SonictheHedgehogPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? They just had the most successful video game movie of 2020.

>> No.6757551

It's probably their most popular game series at the moment, but I don't think it's as popular with normies as God of War, The Witcher or The Last of Us. The Yakuza games still have that bizarre SEGA sense of humor that not everybody likes or understands.

>> No.6757559

declining relevance of arcades outside of Japan and namco taking the spotlight over the remaining arcade scene with ridge racer/tekken, and a general failure to read the western market letting Sony effectively have their PlayStation be the genesis successor

>> No.6757571

>The Last Of Us
Part 2 was awful.

>> No.6757590

>Part 2 was awful.
Well, I was not talkign about quality but just about sales. For some reason, for quite a few years those kind of games are getting much more popular with casuals, while the SEGA spirit has lost a lot of appeal, and probably not having a dedicated console has hurt them in that sense.

>> No.6757639

They made arcade games

>> No.6757681

They're doing fine as a publisher and creator of arcade cabinets these days.
Games by Atlus, The Yakuza games and naturally Sonic the Hedgehog (plus whatever else Sonic Team makes) still make them a lot of money.

>> No.6757683

They fumbled the transition from 16bit. The CD and 32x should have been one unit, with all software for that system compatible with Saturn.

>> No.6757789

Sega of Japan kept fighting with Sega of America.

>> No.6757798

Both of those add one were not that bad.

Looking at some of the 32x games I really think Sega of America had the right idea.

Sega Japan would of had to give Sega of America more freedom to pull off the 32x

Sega CD had enough titles to justify its existance but its price at the time was too high for American consumers.

>> No.6757843


>> No.6757860
File: 1.43 MB, 360x238, 1583275705786.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality control was and still is, nowhere to be find. That company's such a fucking mixed bag.

>> No.6757864

One of their biggest mistakes was resenting the success they had in markets outside of Japan. Japanese companies are known for being strangely petty about that shit and Sega was no different when it really mattered.

>> No.6757868

>Looking at some of the 32x games I really think Sega of America had the right idea.
How? They were literaly competing against themselves and hurting Saturn's sales. Most 32X games could have been released in the form of Mega CD or SVP titles with very few compromises. The whole thing just made no sense and was a product of SOA's ego.

>> No.6757948

Because they made some of the most well recognized and loved games of the 80's and 90's. Wait - what was the question again, retard?

>> No.6758002

Neither were bad, but they were rushed and a mess PR wise. The Saturn would have hit the ground running if 32x and CD games were designed to be compatible with it and they wouldn't have been fighting against the ill will generated by the then useless 16bit addons.

>> No.6758018
File: 174 KB, 960x1280, 137684_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The passed up golden opportunities to print money, like doing a slightly modified version of pic related on the Dreamcast, which would have sold tons of systems.

>> No.6758175

There's no replay value in these on-rails shooters

>> No.6758191

Arcades and
Literally everyone in Japan plays Yakuza

>> No.6758194


because they made a string of terrible decisions for several years that would tank even the most successful company

>> No.6758195

>There's no replay value
Spotted the zoomy who can't comprehend high scores and deathless runs.
I've gotten "ADMIRAL" on hard mode on a machine like that one and it's a rush that you'll never feel.

>> No.6758202

they’re experts at making stupid decisions

>> No.6758204

this, SEGA has a catalogue of good IPs and do nothing with most of them

>> No.6758207

>zoomies don't understand arcades
like clockwork

>> No.6758213

I like the bizarre sega humor.

>> No.6758218
File: 67 KB, 817x801, gxn2ny35x9l41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rocket league

>> No.6758247

Sega needs a better CEO and Chairman.

>> No.6758374

>maintain relevance?
Depends who you ask. They aren't relevant with your CoD/FIFA playing normalfags anymore but as a company they are still doing really well and have turned a turned a profit every year except 2015 for the last 10 years. Multiplat releases have been doing really well for them in recent years especially on PC. Thing about Sega is they are pretty reasonable with their budgets. Yakuza being a great example all the production values go into the main story cutscenes with some of them looking really great.

>> No.6758439

Yakuza sucks.

>> No.6758449

who is this man

>> No.6758474

Bernie Stolar

>> No.6758529

your opinion sucks

>> No.6758561

These days they're one of the few companies consistently doing good projects - but only if you like videogames.

>> No.6758598

The moron who led to the destruction of Sega's hardware manufacturing.

>> No.6758603

Correct. Except they still made arcade games and still do last I checked.

>> No.6758618

please understand, sega a very small company, sony very big

>> No.6758628

Faggot OP here. I still don't understand. Can you make a tiktok or youtube for me?

>> No.6758639

Please visit BLACKED.com for a visual demonstration of what may be a reasonable facsimile of Sega's treatment at the hands of Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo at the turn of the century.

>> No.6758682

>Games like Power Drift or Crazy Taxi were AAA titles in their day, but now people would think is they are just weird and shallow games. Those games are not accepted by normies anymore, who prefer the more serious modern action adventure titles.

This is what Marketers ACTUALLY believe.
Fallguys on the PS4 alone has 16 million players and has technically become one of the single most popular playstation games. I say technically because it's cross-platform.

Also this: >>6758218 Some of the best selling games of all time are casual games that can be enjoyed by all ages.
Even this Year, if I remember correctly; Animal Crossing has sold something like 20 million physical copies? Whereas The Last of Us 2 has only sold 4 million? Though, that number seems low even to me, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Tldr; people want fun games.

>> No.6758693

sega is literally massive still to this day.

>> No.6759745

because it was just more sonic trash after sonic trash. We get it, sonic 1 and 2 were ok. Can we get back to good games? Oh here comes another sonic game. Fuck sega, they like george lucas raped my childhood with all the sonic trash

>> No.6760073
File: 1.08 MB, 1668x910, 1590582889591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did they fail to maintain relevance?
what was that, nintentoddler? i can't hear you over the sounds of sega/sammy gambling machines. cope harder.

>> No.6760084

Faggot OP here again. I visited that site but it just made me even more gay than I already was. Do you have any youtubes that don't involve yuge back cock? I get enough of that from my moms boyfriend.

>> No.6760652
File: 245 KB, 751x1063, 1512496761922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didnt evolve gamelay wise with the industry, when most developers where putting 20 hours plus per games, focusing on multi player (see n64) and adding tons of characters in their fighting games, Sega still was making games with an arcade style gameplay and length, for example Nights can be beaten in less than 3 hours with both characters with a handful of levels, meanwhile Crash had hours and hours of gameplay with a crap ton of levels and some variety on its gameplay. Even though VF was better it had the exact number of characters than in the arcade meanwhile Tekken offered more characters to unlock having more replay value.
Besides Sonic, the second most popular franchise they have in the console market sales wise is Sakura Wars siting at 5M units sold, people think that Sega was killing it in the home console market with their own franchises but most of the stuff they put on the Megadrive besides Sonic (they most popular console) barely hit the million mark.

>> No.6760661
File: 11 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6760682

i can't trust a random sega game to be enjoyable like i can a nintendo game
they were fine up to the mid-90's, but then home games started to diverge from arcade games, becoming more than just short sessions, but far longer stories, permanent progression and unlocking, etc, things you can't do with an arcade game
but sega never did completely get out of that arcade mindset

>> No.6760684

A """""""""villain""""""""" who did nothing wrong.

>> No.6760686

They will come back someday, right bros?

>> No.6760687

>japanese bubble economy
>le greedy jew

pick one

>> No.6760717

They got lucky. It spawned a bunch of interest when they remodeled Sonic due to backlash, then it got released right at the beginning of quarantine when everyone was stuck at home with nothing to do but watch movies. Good for them desu

>> No.6760754

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks. Bernard is the Patron Saint of /videoretro/

>> No.6760759

Only SJW Leftist cucks go to that website.

>> No.6760762

Except led to Sega not manufacturing consoles forever. He's the worst thing that could ever happen to Sega.

>> No.6760767

True. If they had not remodeled Sonic, this movie would have bombed. Thank god Paramount had the common sense to listen to fans and not the Leftist SJW's telling them to not listen to the fans.

>> No.6760780
File: 113 KB, 511x765, 778E5902-95F0-4D51-9727-1EB420158F6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gives you a state-of-the-art sega gaming machine WITH (wait for it) an actual sanic game*
>here u go anon hope u enjoy

>> No.6760781

They didn't want their consumers turning into irresponsible manchildren who fill their houses with plush toys of goombas n shit

>> No.6760792


>> No.6760825

I don’t know what that is.

>> No.6760861

Their games just weren't good enough.

>> No.6760928

>zoomie cope

>> No.6760934
File: 763 KB, 500x275, why sega died.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6761082

The Genesis add ons and Saturn fucked up any chances they had on staying on the market because of poor management and the lack of quality exclusive games. Companies like Nintendo and Sony were able to make instant hits that everyone would play except for Sega. Arcades and Sonic is pretty much the only reason why they're still alive.

>> No.6761465

I remember when that series was mostly an obscurity that only jaded outcasts played, to the point where they didn't even want to bother translating 5 for western markets until fan demanded they did, and of course only translated 0 because Sony told them to. Then 0 became popular with the masses. It's nice to see Yakuza become SEGA's flagship franchise to the point where one could argue it's bigger than Sonic at them moment.

>> No.6761498

What do leftists care about Sonic looking like an abomination?

>> No.6761514
File: 338 KB, 2000x1333, YuSuzuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yu did this

>> No.6761534

>bigger than football mananger
>total war
>fucking crazy taxi

Delusional weeb

>> No.6761564

Because Leftists wanted Sonic The Hedgehog to bomb and for Birds Of Prey to succeed, so of course they wanted the ugly Sonic design. They even went so far as to falsely accusing the Sonic movie "racist" and "homophobic" even though the movie hadn't even came out during that time they posted that.

>> No.6761593

>Crazy Taxi
That franchise is literally dead, anon.
SEGA is too scared to do anything vidya related with that franchise after the success of Mania and the flop of Forces.

>> No.6761609

It was already out of most theaters by the time quarantine started. I saw it around valentine's day and quarantine started in America in the later half of march.

>> No.6761707

>Japanese bubble economy
The bubble burst in 91 you nig.

>> No.6761717


>> No.6761736

>create biggest arcade hits for company
>cult of personality starts developing around you
>create dream game that needs 40-70 million yen budget
>take years and hop from one platform to another while draining resources during development
>only way for your big killer app to turn a profit is for every single dreamcast owner to buy the game. Twice
>game flops
>company needs extra cash from dying CEO and exits hardware market so they won't collapse
Checks out

>> No.6761741

>The term originally referred to the years from 1991 to 2000
>Japan's strong economic growth in the second half of the 20th century ended abruptly at the start of the 1990s.
Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.6761773

There's even a Saturn commercial where they try to zing the competition that way

>> No.6762415

The ignorance of both SoJ pushing Saturn in america too early and SoA releasing 32X despite the fact Saturn was coming out

>> No.6762435

I read that the game was developed because he wanted to change RPGs because he felt that they started being dull, have in mind that the other home console game he made was a early shitty RPG on the MegaDrive.

>> No.6762840
File: 19 KB, 279x312, CD05CE6C-3C4B-4C43-B60F-BF045B5DD441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A greedy new killed what Sega was supposed to be.

>> No.6763041

It's not Sega's fault that NPCs can't get into Yskuza.

>> No.6763118

>barebones gameplay


>> No.6763164

Lack of commitment to their own product. They mostly killed off support for the Saturn in the West instead of capitalizing on their unique offerings, and then also dropped the Dreamcast like a hot potato after less than three years (1½ years in the West).

>> No.6763228

Nobody anymore.

>> No.6764018

This quirky style of arcade gameplay is still pretty big in Japan (and Saturn and Dreamcast did OK in Japan) but its us in the West who see it as "shallow" or "naff".

And unfortunately for Sega the west became a bigger market than Japan, and Nintendo/Sony (and later Microsoft) understood the Western market better and appealed to it better

Also, hardware problems and rushed, early releases. Lack of AAA in-house titles except Sonic (And for some reason Sonic struggled to adapt to 3D whereas Mario, Link and Samus Aran all took to 3D like a duck to water. It could be that Sonic gameplay was always more arcadey than those other games, and just focussed on "wow! speed! fast!" and this wasnt such a clincher in 5th/6th gen).

>> No.6764027

They made some great games on Nintendo Gamecube. Arent F Zero GX, Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2, Billy Hatcher And The Giant Egg, Beach Spikers, Phantasy Star Online and a whole load of Sonic ports all made by Sega for Gamecube? Also a Crazy Taxi port

>> No.6764072

The Gamecube was when Sega first got into bed with Nintendo to make titles for their new console. Same with how Microsoft and them had a contract to make the starting days of the Xbox like the Dreamcast 2.

>> No.6764074

>tfw that "deepfake face sings that one karaoke song from Yakuza" meme drummed up normie attention to the franchise
Double edged sword tbqh.

>> No.6764081


>> No.6764083

Early 2000 SEGA was pretty good even on the GBA they had some gems.

>> No.6764714

>And unfortunately for Sega the west became a bigger market than Japan, and Nintendo/Sony (and later Microsoft) understood the Western market better and appealed to it better.

Pretty much. Also, Sony has always been pretty western oriented, and Nintendo has good games with popular characters which have worldwide appeal. Curiously, Konami also was a pretty japanese company with a strong japanese sense of humor (Goemon, Parodius, Bishi Bashi...) that also went down the toilet even worse than SEGA.

>Early 2000 SEGA was pretty good even on the GBA they had some gems.
And of course, Out Run 2. SEGA was still releasing some interesting games till 2006 or 2007. Then, it was all Yakuza and Sonic.

>> No.6764729

>bizarre SEGA sense of humor that not everybody likes or understands.

This isn't even Sega humor, it's just basic Japanese humor. Watch any Japanese comedy or skit show and you'll see the exact same beats.

>> No.6765137

>playing the same game over and over again like an autist when you could be playing a different, more in-depth game on another console

Sorry Alice, this is the console industry not AGDQ

>> No.6766039

>Konami also was a pretty japanese company
And simultaneously one of the best at catering to Western tastes. Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, Contra... god I fucking miss them.

>> No.6766069

They got outmanuvered and outclassed. Sony is a household name, and the lower price won most people over.

>> No.6766223

Anon, I honestly want all commies to be genocided, but this is a retarded take

>> No.6766229

They dropped the ball on far more than pricing with their final two consoles

>> No.6766709

>Google for his name
>First thing I see is that he is jewish
Holy fucking shit! Why tf is the world making me hate jews that much recently!!???

>> No.6766764

You had to google if a guy named Bernie Stolar was jewish?

>> No.6767782

No. Just googled his name and the first result was saying that.