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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6757101 No.6757101[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is retro gaming such a magnet for LGBT? I used to enjoy this hobby, but as someone who isn't a part of that milieu, it's extremely alienating.

>> No.6757103

Are you literally schizophrenic? What are you on about.

>> No.6757106

I've never heard of this being an issue, every retro game e-celeb for example I've seen are usually straight male boomers and the occasional zoomer. LGBT seem to be more rampant in the speed running community instead.

>> No.6757107
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This is now the Dixie Kong feet-puffing thread.

>> No.6757125

What did he mean by this?

>> No.6757134

>LGBT seem to be more rampant in the speed running community instead.
Yeah, like OP's pic related, but also romhacking and LPing.

>every retro game e-celeb for example I've seen are usually straight male boomers and the occasional zoomer
You're right, when it comes to game historian types like Ross, LGR, et al, they're typically standard nerds. The LGBT stuff infests forums, streaming, and other "community" environments.

>> No.6757138


>> No.6757146

like everything else, there's actually very few of them, it's just those few are very loud about it, so you're probably going to become familiar with each and every one of them before too long

>> No.6757147

>The LGBT stuff infests forums, streaming, and other "community" environments.

Well good thing the only retro forums I go to are /vr/ and my local community FB group which is full of relatively normal people.

>> No.6757156

why would they post here? you can't build a reputation on an anonymous website (well, you sort of can, but it takes a lot of effort to do so without actually breaking the rules, and you can't control how others interact with you, which defeats their purpose)

>> No.6757159

How often do you see LGBT baiting on /vr/ of all places? Are you new or something?

>> No.6757162

Do you literally not know what schizophrenic means?

>> No.6757165

OP is complaining about a phenomenon that largely doesn't exist as >>6757106 points out. So he's either schizophrenic or a closet fag himself who sees fags and LGBT shit everywhere where there really is none.

>> No.6757175

I don't find this to be accurate. Try jumping into a random forum/IRC/discord about anything retro.

>> No.6757176
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This is the best way. Discord seems to attract them. I dont have the time nor do i care enough to memorize everyones preferred pronouns.

>> No.6757180

it's not, you're thinking of indie games.

>> No.6757182

You're the one coming off as hyper-defensive bud

>> No.6757183

but not this one?

>> No.6757187

Because what you're saying is nonsensical.

>> No.6757192

it's one way a man can get into camwhoring
they naturally have a bigger presence where cameras are involved

>> No.6757193

older people into retro games aren't disproportionately LGBT, but younger people into them are. it's a real pattern, probably has to do with infantilism and autism.

>> No.6757203

>non-LGBT feeling alienated by LGBT

wew the irony lad

I don't see many at all on videogamesage, then again I don't really care if the person I'm chatting with sucks cocks or not, otherwise I wouldn't be posting here

interesting point, hadn't considered the camwhore element. By comparison, straight guys just virtue signal about their interests via background objects. Battlestation threads are the king of this on here. Some of it I admit also comes from ghosts of the self-esteem movement asserting that everyone is special, wonderful, and valuable. You feel encouraged to tell people everything about yourself when you're raised in an overly positive echo chamber.

>> No.6757204
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>he doesn’t know about The Method

>> No.6757207

I'm 21 and I've been collecting retro games since I was a kid, fuck faggots and fuck trannies.

>> No.6757208

Probably because you can’t make this thread on most non-private forums

>> No.6757210

Or he’s neither and you have no idea how to diagnose schizophrenia and just pull the word out whenever you don’t understand somebody.
Breast puffing is when you put your mouth on a girl’s chest and puff. I imagine it’s the same thing but with feet.

>> No.6757212

cool, what board did you start with on this shithole

>> No.6757213

Found the schizo.

>> No.6757215

schizo is commonly used as a useless response to the equally useless comments about trannies and dilating. The neverending saga of retarded newfag bullshit continues.

>> No.6757216

Case in point.
Hyper-defensiveness is not a rational response to nonsense.

>> No.6757217

How am I defensive?

>> No.6757227
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Started on /b/ when I was around 12. Despite that I like to think I'm a well rounded enough individual, I'm not a khv and have a life outside of 4chan.

>> No.6757240

lol what a bunch of babies. No shit a group alienated by others found solace in being lost in something. Just like you autistic nerds with no friends growing up. Why do you give a shit if they're gay or trans or poly or? Have you tried empathy lol?

>> No.6757251

Ok homo.

>> No.6757252

well you didn't start out on retard central like so many newerfags, so I guess you're alright. Can't imagine having spent almost half my life on 4chan though

The first part, I have to agree. When you're a shunned outsider, of course you get into the hobbies of other shunned outsiders. I wish games weren't cool anymore so that people would stop joining.

>> No.6757258

Can't hear you over the salty cum from your dad just flowing out of your mouth like a fire hydrant opened in Harlem in the 70's

>> No.6757265

I didn't use it regularly until I was about 15 or so to be fair, when I moved on past 4chan being that scary forbidden site and started using it for non meme boards. What's retard central by the way, /r9k/ or /v/?

>> No.6757268

bruh shut up about schizophrenia and being schizophrenic. The OP is a loser making a troll thread sure, but you're even worse. You keep going around the threads saying schizo this and schizo that and normally it makes no sense at all.

Schizophrenia is something psychiatrists call people who have delusions, and especially people who hear voices. They can also throw it at someone as a label at anyone if it fits their prescribing patterns or preferences.

How the fuck you decided to show up here and talking about schizophrenia and schizo just gtfo. I don't know if you thought it was edgy or idgaf, just go and talk about your behaviour with your gaurdian/handler and leave us alone.

>> No.6757271
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It comes from damaged and spoiled recluses that focus on a particular thing extremely, and include and develop their sexual interests along with it, never being rebuked for doing so and thus never changing and rather getting worse. Autism, both figuratively and literally. Chris Chan is the most infamous example of this, but most of the transvestite movements of today are often founded in this.

There are explicit homosexual comments made in posts here all the time, though. There seems to be a correlation with (some) hacky boomers here, and most reddt cucks and resetera trannies.

>> No.6757273

Go back to r*ddit snowflake.

>> No.6757274

lol are you talking like a normal person? Even when i explain stuff i add colorful language and insult someone. That's the only way to get them to talk back more then lololfag. You're being dumb as fuck

>> No.6757278

>There are explicit homosexual comments made in posts here all the time, though
Find 10 examples on the catalogue right now.

>> No.6757279

good choices all, but I still give /pol/ the crown. /pol/niggers are like pavlov's dogs, they see queues, they get triggered, and then they spew memes as per their programmed response. They're less than human, and they can't help but shitpost everywhere, so I despise them.

>> No.6757280

Me telling that person they have their dad's cum in their mouth doesn't count. I'm straight as fuck

>> No.6757281

Is Arcus gay???

>> No.6757282

wait arcus is gay?

>> No.6757285

>There are explicit homosexual comments made in posts here all the time, though.
not all of it is going to be sincere though, 4chan is well known for it's pretend faggotry

>> No.6757289

aaaaand *clunk*

>> No.6757290

Checkmate, Drumpfkins.

>> No.6757294

if he is, he doesn't advertise it
well unless you count calling himself a cowboy and wearing stereotypical cowboy clothes counts, which would be fair

>> No.6757302

Ah right that makes sense. I have quite enjoyed the /cvg/ threads earlier this year but otherwise don't go there often.

>> No.6757307

>>6757271 got it. It comes from the toxic mix of a lack of a strong father figure, autism, and the emasculation of society. Imagine if they learned how to hunt, or fish, or fix a car. Instead we have obsessive repetition of the same game over and over again for no gain.

>> No.6757308

/vr/ has an abnormally high number of reddit newfags.

>> No.6757310

No need to get so defensive, straw man.

>> No.6757313


>> No.6757318

t. retarded

>> No.6757337

You are more obsessed with homos than homos.

>> No.6757349

I'm not obsessed. I just argue about them on the internet everyday.

>> No.6757351
File: 160 KB, 500x261, fuck off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude fags are everywhere. How do they make it alienating?

I don't see how the inclusion of more people makes something alienating??

>> No.6757356

why did you use a pic of Arcus to talk about LGBT, Arcus isn't gay

>> No.6757357
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>> No.6757379

Fuck you Arcus is based, only streamer I watch

>> No.6757381
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>> No.6757383
File: 134 KB, 828x1472, dee1otwb5vn41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horrifyingly, the LGBT community gets a free pass on Twitch. They never get banned or policed properly and are the biggest threat to people's rights. They are like Nazis.

People born with mental illness who perceive themselves different are able to group and become virtually immune to criticism through the pipeline for profit that is tech. They use the new political perception of acceptance of sex and gender to hide. They do not have real personalities; They've become their sex and gender. They believe they are pronouns on their twitter profile, she/her. They are not fully developed people inside. This causes them to violate rules and norms and stay within their corrupt discords. Moderation roles gives them a sense of importance and power. But they are a threat to free speech and normal society.

You'd probably hide with rainbow hair too if you thought about anal sex with men or abusing kids, or trying to be a powerful discord mod that bans gender normative teens who are just trying to play. LGBT should not be brainwashing today's kids. Its gross. They are easy to spot because they dress like prostitutes, are ornamented, and have nothing real to say. They love Animal Crossing. For some reason trannies love retro.

If a woman looks like this or a man looks like this, stay the fuck away.

>> No.6757384

Because LGBT people are so inferior genetically that their brain capacities can only handle two dimensional game world's.

>> No.6757386

But it isn’t including more people, the people are adopting stranger and worse behaviors.

>> No.6757387

>it's no longer about me anymore, so I'm alienated: the thread
Who knew anonymous posters wanted so much attention.