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File: 22 KB, 316x315, Dracula_x_(j)_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6741530 No.6741530 [Reply] [Original]

Rando of Blood = Castlevania 3 > Castlevania IV > Castlevania 2 = Castlevania 1.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.6741535

You aren't, except Bloodlines goes above 4, and 1 is after Bloodlines

>> No.6741536

who cares

>> No.6741549 [DELETED] 

Shit list, you forgot the based arcade and Sharp X68000 installments.

>> No.6741550

Oh I forgot about Bloodlines. It's equal to Castlevania IV.

>> No.6741680

> based arcade
Haunted Castle is fucking garbage

>> No.6741958 [DELETED] 

lol consolebabby got filtered.

>> No.6741971
File: 2.77 MB, 768x672, fleamenbatshort.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6741973

Castlevania IV is shit. Castlevania 1 is much better.

>> No.6741976

SotN > all of these

>> No.6741980
File: 19 KB, 460x338, 1479496068692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aria of Sorrow>Dawn of Sorrow>Harmony of Dissonance>Circle of The Moon>Symphony of The Night>Those two Castlevania 64 games> everything else.

>> No.6741984

Both great games. Rondo is the overrated entry.

>> No.6741989

There's such thing as TOO based anon

>> No.6742042

tank yu

>> No.6742063

>maria mode
>good controls


>> No.6742064

>portable castlevania
>better than sotn


>> No.6742067


X68K is overrated tough and not all that good.

>> No.6742072


>> No.6742076

You took the Rondo BBS bluepill like it's 1997 son.

Here's the real ranking:
Castlevania IV > Rondo > Castlevania 3 > Chronicles (PSX) > Bloodlines > Caslevania 1 > Castlevania 2 ----- delete Dracula X.

SotN beats all of course, but that's apples to oranges and is a moot point in this case.

Also, it's 2020 so can you mouth-breathing youtube cunts stop calling Dracula X a port of Rondo please, the ABSOLUTE ONLY thing they have in common is Richter and other than that they are two completely different games. Also, get a real job you lazy hacks.

>> No.6742353

>filtering an anonyfaggot

But anon ya can't.

>> No.6742529

Dracula X has shit level design. It's built like a rudimentary kaizo hack. "Lets put all the spearmen! And dracula fight has holes!"

>> No.6742534

I see a lot more undeserved CV4 dicksucking than Rondo. CV4 is a fine game but its also a very weird Castlevania game. Rondo and Bloodlines are much more in line with the franchise feel.

>> No.6742542

I know its cool to hate on SOTN now but there is no way in hell Circle of the Moon is better than it.

>> No.6742671 [DELETED] 

I'd rather kaizo-esque level design of DX than Rondo's boring as fuck level design.

>> No.6743461

I feel the opposite, Rondo has a very different tone (with all the anime aesthetic during cutscenes and stuff), and Bloodlines, while more in tone with Castlevania, still has a weird feel overall, almost spin off.
Also, both Rondo and Bloodlines removed certain characteristics from the classic formula, such as no whip upgrades on Rondo, or no classic subweapons on Bloodlines. Also both games removed how the stair mechanics work.
IV is more on par with the original Castlevania, as is X68000.

>> No.6744821

The secret moves put me off of SOTN because I'm not a button masher.

>> No.6745223

Dawn of sorrow>Aria of sorrow>SotN>>>>>Every other metroidvania castlevania

>> No.6745224

>dawn being higher than aria

The touchscreen deaths of the bossses was retarded. Killed the gameplay. Pissed me off.

>> No.6745230

I've never really cared about that, they were easy to do. Well, it was the first time I got interested in castlevania and my first castlevania, so it's probably my nostalgia talking

>> No.6745240

I finally had the occasion to play Rondo, and I was very disappointed. I liked the secondary weapons and their "super use", but the whip was the same as in C.1. At least, if you don't want to make it like in S.C.4 (which I loved but I understand it's one of the things that made the game easy), make it like in Bloodlines or something.

But what really killed the experience for me was the cringy, badly animated cutscenes. They were just terrible, and pulled me out of the game and the atmosphere.

>> No.6745430

>or no classic subweapons on Bloodlines


>> No.6745439

I think it's understandable. Dawn has a lot more content, with more gameplay possibilities for replay value, more multipaths options with and without sequence breaking, better graphics. I didn't think much of Dawn at first but it's the kind of games that can grow on you with mutliple replays.
The only thing I hate is having to grind 9 of the same soul for the yellow ones to be maxed out. Fuck that shit.

>> No.6747282

I feel the same way. Don't like how Bloodlines only has 3 weapons to choose from, one being a cheap imitation of the cross as well. Also, movement feels stiff, even when comparing it to the older Castlevanias. The locations, like that factory, definitely feel out of place. And some of the bosses, like that cog one, just feel off. Also, limited continues? The games are hard enough as is, why even bother doing that?

I get why some people like the globe trotting around Europe, but the levels like Atlantis and Germany don't seem to fit the Castlevania motif. I also really appreciated how CV4 gave you more control over Belmont. Yeah, it's easier, but I feel like that's only true for the first few levels. But I'd say once you get to stage 4, it gets harder. After that you have stages like the dungeon, haunted castle, and Clocktower, which are legitimately challenging. Also, in my opinion, stage b is one of the hardest levels in any Castlevania level, with how the falling staircases have fucking hit detection, and having to contend with the saw at the bottom constantly chasing you. And yeah, Dracula is hard, I don't care what anyone says, especially the final part where he starts electrocuting you and you've only got like a split second to react.

Plus, Super 4 has a hard mode, which DOES add significantly more enemies, making the 8 directional whip more purposeful, and even some sub weapons necessary at certain parts. I think that people are down on 4 lately because it's just the hip thing to do, and that Bloodlines is getting more love because it's fresh and new to many people. It was forgotten for so many years, so it's like a novelty. Same for Rondo. It's a rare, not very accessible Castlevania, so it appears to be exotic for many.

Personally I would put Rondo above Bloodlines though. I like its level design. That and the item crashes are kind of neat. Bloodlines took a step backwards with its 3 items and movement gimp.