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6741386 No.6741386 [Reply] [Original]

All-Stars is quality

>> No.6741390
File: 52 KB, 500x386, smas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's great.
Back when remakes had soul.

>> No.6741391

Ah yes, the Super Mario Bros. 5 in one gamepak

>> No.6741418

Enjoy your broken physics.

>> No.6741420
File: 115 KB, 642x448, B40EDAAF-4562-4BBC-A8DC-DC0B7B3884EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741427

Only in SMB1/LL, and only speedrunners really noticed. No tracks of people noticing about it before speedrunning became mainstream.

>> No.6741442

>baiting now consists in posting pics in 16:9 with some zoomer filter

>> No.6741452

The brick fix patch has existed for years anon. This is the definitive way to play oldschool Mario unless you have a boner for flat colors and super simplified 8-bit sprites. The only thing I would change is the sound effects. The jump, stomp, and fireball sounds from SMW are so weak compared to the NES games.

>> No.6741454

shitposting aside SMB1/LL themes sound like shit in all-stars

>> No.6741456

Do you even know what’s wrong with the physics? The vast majority of people wouldn’t notice.

>> No.6741493

Not a fan of reggae? That's what inspired the music of the original games.

>> No.6741581

They new graphics are ugly as fuck

>> No.6741585

>only eagle-eyed autistic speedrunning savants notice gameplay differences
/vr/ keeps saying that for some reason. I definitely think that's the case with 2 and 3, but honestly if you don't notice the brick thing in 1 it can only mean you've barely played the original

>> No.6741649

Nah it fucks up the flow in the brick heavy stages. I feel sometimes that smb3 was a step in the wrong direction by putting in a shit ton of vertical space in every stage. Yeah exploring is fun and all that but something about how frantic yet super smooth the first one is makes it more replayable to me.

>> No.6741650
File: 1.70 MB, 2000x4000, remake_allstar0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who played the NES games knows its broken. dont listen to these kids who grew up playing the retarded SNES versions of these games

>> No.6741651

Well if you say so, but most people would disagree.

>> No.6741653

I hate Luigi spitting his fireballs

>> No.6741657

each time I see charts like this I'm reminded on why gamers are retarded and will never be happy

>> No.6741660

The smb3 changes irk me but only because it homogenizes what was clearly supposed to be very stylish. Those all black eye pixels on Mario looks good to me. If they changed literally everything but just updated the Mario sprite to match the old sprite I'd say it's perfect.

>> No.6741664

Are you ever not running as fast as possible in mario 1? outside of the castle stages and water ones the game outright encourages it.

>> No.6741669

You could do that yourself with very little effort using a graphic editor. I flipped the Mario and Luigi overall and shirt colors to match the box myself and it took like 20 minutes.

>> No.6741698

those aren't stars retard. it was never stars.

>> No.6741701

The nes version walls looked like legos, all snes did was flip them 45 degrees. it works for the dream theme honestly

>> No.6741703

This. Imagine being butthurt your cave level has an actual cave background

>> No.6741719

How did they change the physics?

>> No.6741736

In SMB1 and TLL, big Mario/Luigi don't bounce back down when they hit a breakable block with their head, instead they just kinda go through it so slightly which can really throw you off if you're used to playing the game in a speedy way but average joes wouldn't notice this.

>> No.6741770

>only speedrunners really noticed
Yeah no, even as a kid who had never played the NES original and didn't know it was a bug I thought it felt weird how Mario stopped dead after hitting a brick. Nowadays you can just patch it in an emulator/flashcart but it's a real problem on the original cart.

>> No.6741834

They didn't intentionally change it; there was a single flipped bit where it adjusts your momentum upon hitting a brick; it's supposed to push you down but the integer is backward so it actually pushes you into the brick, which slows you down dramatically.

>> No.6741902
File: 167 KB, 1000x900, mario_land2_nb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The nes version walls looked like legos
Not just legos, but Nintendo N&B blocks.
Also these people crying about the physics change in 1 and LL are so annoying. Just play the originals if it really bothers you that much, I can play both original or All Stars and do good at both.

>> No.6741914

This, it's literally just a sign issue in the calculation: when you break a brick your vertical speed is supposed to be multiplied by -1 (therefore inverting your vertical momentum and bouncing you back proportionally), but in SMAS it's instead just multiplied by 1 and thus kept the same so you just keep going up as if there was no brick at all

>> No.6743902

>muh slip n slide

>> No.6743949

*7 since Mario Bros. is in Super Mario 3 and Donkey Kong unlocks when you complete all games.

>> No.6743978


B-but muh block physics!!1

>> No.6743991

>Donkey Kong unlocks when you complete all games.

>> No.6744052

>DK unlocks
My fuggin sides

>> No.6744164

The only thing I don't like is the sky colors. SMB1 and 2 looks like it's freaking rainy, I prefer the bright colors from the originals.

>> No.6744226

i actually like the graphics and music in the smb2 and 3 remakes a lot. fuck the lego blocks though.