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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6733774 No.6733774 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Ebay bidders so retarded?
>Bidding on SM64
>Have a budget of 25$ - 28$
>Auctions always end with the price being the same if not higher than the Buy It Now option
I refuse to pay 30$+ for old vidya.

>> No.6733780 [DELETED] 

>bidding on anything

>> No.6733781

>I refuse to pay 30$+ for old vidya.
But you would for modern shit?

>> No.6733783

>$30 for SM64
lolwut. I got a copy of this for like $8 at a flea market. Sometimes you have to do the legwork, OP.

>> No.6733785

Get back to decoding leaks, you attention WHORE!

>> No.6733827
File: 377 KB, 428x412, 1363834705590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider this:
At the price of 3 64 games, you would almost be paying the same amount for a flashcart that can hold EVERY N64 game.

>> No.6733832

look bro, you're not buying "vidya" when you buy old games. you're buying a collectible artifact. if you truly want retro but you have to have physical, just get a repro cart.

>> No.6733837 [DELETED] 


>> No.6733849

Man people who bid more than what it costs to buy it now piss me off. What's their logic why are they so fucking stupid? Do they even know how to use ebay. No sweat off my back I'll go buy it now and you can pay $5 more for being a retard.

>> No.6733851

its the seller's own sock account

>> No.6733858

Then they gotta pay the faggot ebay fees dont they

>> No.6733952

>But you would for modern shit?
Not always.
If it's something I've been anticipating and feels worth my time then yes. Otherwise, I wait for a sale down the road. I buy about 2 - 4 games a year and most of them are usually indie shit.

I'm too much of a lazy pleb to figure out repo/flash carts and the only games, in terms of N64, I'm interested in playing on original hardware is small: SM64, Zelda OoT + MM, Star Fox 64 and Rayman 2.

It might be the thrill of bidding.

>> No.6733960

Just play the PC port, literally functions exactly the same way, without shitty emulation software.

>> No.6733981

buy a flashcart stupid

>> No.6733982

As someone who doesnt have a flash card for the N64 but has had one for other consoles they're easy. You download some roms, maybe update the firmware that's found on the site, and stick the thing in to play.

>> No.6734134

Buy an ed64. Shit comes preloaded and can also run mods.

>> No.6734139

You just put roms on an SD card and that's it. Flashcarts are stupid easy.

>> No.6734171

bids on fagbay have been rigged ever since 2013, they use both bots and snipe bots to jack up the price using dummy account that dont have th pay the money at the very end when they beat you up, no joke, and it just so happens the ending bidding price is ALWAYS flat around their inflated BiN prices.

Ebay is a fucking cockroach nest, it only still exists for keeping a rotten zombie corpse.

>> No.6734773

>seller puts up game for low bid price and adds buy it now option for more money
>someone sees listing and bids
>seller uses sock account to engage in bidding war
>seller drives price of item past buy it now price
>someone else comes along, sees buy it now price and bid price
>sees buying it now is cheaper than bidding
>they opt for that because they think they're saving money
It's a mind game. If they do end up having to pull the listing, they may have to throw a few dollars to ebay, but a lot of these people that do this are flipping games they bought for very cheap, so they sell one and they can run this scheme unsuccessfully several times until they sell another.

>> No.6734801

>Ebay is a fucking cockroach nest, it only still exists for keeping a rotten zombie corpse.
Then what else do you recommend? I can easily find "common" retro shit at Goodwill or random thrift stores, but I'm in the market for a 3D Saturn Controller and it has been an absolute bitch trying to find a decently priced one.

>> No.6735935

for the price of 3 n64 games these losers could pay for a woman to touch them.

>> No.6735969

>I refuse to pay 30$+ for old vidya
your options are going to be quite limited then, unless you like licensed shovelware games

>> No.6735972

there’s nothing to figure out with repro carts, you just stick it in the console and play like you would a normal game

>> No.6736410

>why are boomers retarded
Answered your own question OP

>> No.6736418

Make more money, you simp

>> No.6736434
File: 154 KB, 640x868, 8588D1AB-5357-4457-8AC4-0E5823B5771A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$80 on Amazon. Plug and play, comes pre-loaded. Doesn’t get any easier than that.

>> No.6736630

if i wanted to just play the games id get an emulator retard. some of us like the authenticity of having real cartridges. after all, whats the point in having an n64 at all if you can have an emulator for free?

>> No.6736650

Learn to Cope

>> No.6737057
File: 7 KB, 764x410, 1590645143844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I didn't want to believe there'd be sock puppet accounts and/or other sellers colluding together, I'm not surprised.
Ebay is such a pozzed site that treats sellers like dirt and caters to scammer customers. There's even a string of fetishists that sell used shoes, boxers and briefs to other fetishists.

>> No.6737061

Because you can still play games on a real TV with an everdrive instead of your mom's old LCD.

>> No.6737074

Because it'll run better than the N64 emulators do

>> No.6737107

Leave the s.0_y

>> No.6737137

>bid or fair BIN
>someone breaks the BIN by bidding
>it sells for more than the initial BIN
You'd think people would learn that you should just buy it if the BIN is fair, your chances of saving by taking the bid gamble are very slim nowadays.

>> No.6737147

>used shoes

>> No.6737148

This and if the game is disc based it's gonna be scratched to hell which will cost you another $5 to get it resurfaced

>> No.6737150

as a collector, I know with certainty in these tough times, I can live within your head...RENT FREE

>> No.6737151

Well there are 3 N64 games worth playing so you might as well go down the route that gives you collector clout.

>> No.6737152

>I refuse to pay 30$+ for old vidya.

Okay. Enjoy getting outbid then I guess. I paid more than double for most of these games new. If you don't want to emulate or pay market value I guess all there is left is to cry about it.

>> No.6737161

I personally go out of my way to bid up to market value so reddit faggots can't go "LOOK AT THIS GAME I GOT FOR 3 BUCKS IM SHAKING GUYS"

>> No.6737168

>some of us like the authenticity of having real cartridges.

It's nice to want that, but understand that vintage games are collector's items so you'll pay accordingly if what you want is the original physical product.

At this point you just come off as a cheap entitled baby who wants everything handed to him for bargain basement prices. Grow the fuck up lol.

>> No.6739638

theres also a difference between genuine supply and demand and skyrocketing prices for no reason. how did i even imply entitlement? retro game prices are dictated pretty arbitrarily, considering that quite a few popular games were produced in the millions yet still get $80 on ebay. yes, these are collectors items, but they don't warrant the price given. it's just a product of normies thinking something is rare, when it actually isnt

>> No.6739656

Unless they have a reserve, bidding makes the BIN option go away. What you propose wod only work if the seller had two separate listings for the same item, one as a true auction and one as a buy it now.

>> No.6739663
File: 175 KB, 391x378, 1546026066321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep trying, eventually you'll either win a bid at the price you want, or find a Buy it Now listing that you're cool with. Never get caught up in a bidding war, just make a note of the absolute highest you're willing to pay, and don't go over it.

>> No.6741326

There are some carts that are cheap but the downside being they're beat up and dirtied as all fuck and supposedly still work. If I weren't an autist I'd go for it and give'em a wash.

>> No.6741327

Good thing emulators are free

>> No.6741369

>Auctions always end with the price being the same if not higher than the Buy It Now option
This is how it is now on Ebay now that only around ~10% of all listings on the site are actually auctions. I've seen games sell for nearly twice the price of a buy it now listing. Let the retards waste their money.

>> No.6741372
File: 8 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying modern games

>> No.6741409

nothing, physical is not worth anymore at this point, and if you wanna buy goods, use a japanese bidder system to buy from yahoo japan, but not for vidya.

I been sayin this before and ill say it again, we need to expurge and kickout and block the s_0.yfreak hipster larpers who took over our community and gate them, and then we need to adpot the japanese system of NOT keeping the games and selling them at lower prices.

>> No.6741419

90% of the time the BIN price is bloated too.

and here's the more scummier trick yet.

>sell game at ACTUALLY fair or cheap BiN
>charge up the ass for shipping to add up the current ''standart'' BiN price

Last thing i ever bought from shitbay was some anime blurays and only because some stores liek Discotek set up their own, i guess those are at least decent people to buy, but everything else, is not.

>my bluray is a samsung one and it bricked out thanks to the firmware of death.

>> No.6741426

Either bots or just pride.
People will get salty they got outbided, so they'll try to +1 you, worrying about outbidding you first and the final price later.

>> No.6741441

>some of us like the authenticity of having real cartridges

That is fine, but authenticity costs extra, whether it's worth the price or not. Maybe you can get the games cheaper if you buy your console and games from a different region but if you refuse to compromise then you'll just have to suck it up and pay $30+ for SM64.

>> No.6741457
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, 20200811_110537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a collector myself and have some major experience with buying games to play. Your best bet here is to completely forgo auctions. They almost never turn out in your favor. Sharpen your negotiating skills to a fine point and keep a close eye on the market using something like pricecharting.com. If you're looking for SM64 average price it goes for is about $34.50. If a second wave of corona hits like some experts are anticipating, then I suggest getting it sooner rather than later since a second wave of pandemic shit will cause the price to jump again. My golden rule on best offers is to always kick off negotiations by undercutting asking price by 20%. It's not high enough to scare them off and it's just low enough that they might bite. If they don't like that then work back in 5s. Hit them with a 15% cut to asking price and if they don't bite for that then look elsewhere. Don't limit yourself to eBay either. Shopgoodwill has loads of games for some great prices, but it's all auctions. One final tidbit of info. For N64 games ALWAYS ask to see photos of the bottom of the cartridge if there aren't any on the initial listing. Reproduction cartridges for N64 games are SUPER common and it's easy to be fooled. However this one telltale sign gives it away. Pic related has orangish brown plastic on the pins. If that orangish brown is white. It's fake.

>> No.6741468
File: 69 KB, 520x353, Fake-us-superman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a picture of the white pins ai was talking about. You can see if you zoom in on the pins on the underside it's white down there instead of brown. Guaranteed fake N64 game

>> No.6741485

>buying modern shit at all
gas all zoomers

>> No.6741490

Lol, faggot.

>> No.6741545

How the hell is SM64 $30+? It was the single highest selling N64 game. It should be $10 max.

>> No.6741606

Sure it's common but that isn't the only factor that goes into pricing. It's a very high quality game that a lot of people want to play and N64 nostalgia is just now starting to go on the down trend. Nintendo games are really good at holding their value. If you think SM64 is bad then don't look at Paper Mario 64

>> No.6741676
File: 314 KB, 800x600, 1539487343359(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, faggot, I said most of my purchases are indieshit. I rarely, if at all, buy AAA garbage.

>> No.6741697

Supply and demand. It was the highest selling N64 game so there are a lot of copies, but a lot of people also still want to play it today. It's also not available on other consoles aside from the DS port, which also adds to the price. Plus Nintendo tax.

There are fewer copies of Jeopardy! for N64 around but who the fuck wants to play Jeopardy! on N64?

>> No.6741710

You're entitled because you think market value should be what you feel like paying and you're upset over that not being the case. Every post you made reeks of pissy whiny entitlement.