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File: 49 KB, 499x417, 11259377383_34879f0ab6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6733060 No.6733060 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get marker off a cartridge?

>> No.6733078

don't do it op the spirit of a drowned kid lives in your cartridge

>> No.6733083

That's a shitty game anyway, OP.

>> No.6733085

Hey that's my cartridge

>> No.6733090

You're thinking about this all wrong, just take a black sharpie and color the whole cartridge black and you won't even notice it.

>> No.6733091

Really easy if it's just on the plastic like that. You can something like alcohol or white vinegar.

>> No.6733092


>> No.6733098

Use sand paper

>> No.6733103

No way it's my cartridge!

>> No.6733106

>star fox has sticker for video shop in kid rock’s hometown
d-do you think he rented it, bros?

>> No.6733115

Brake cleaner/WD40.

>> No.6733167

Who did you steal the game from op?

>> No.6733223

Came here to say this. This really is the best solution.

>> No.6733230


>> No.6733235

3 seconds of google

>> No.6733242

I just use soap and rub the shit out of it

>> No.6733286

give me back my game Brendan I know where you live!

>> No.6733302

This. Or Hand sanitizer. If none of those work, but they only barely get it off, just keep trying. If you're worried about "muh cartridge label" or something just find ways to cover up the bits you need.

Word of warning though: the older the sharpie is the harder it'll be to get off.

>> No.6733325

Use a dry wipe whiteboard marker. The solvent will dissolve the ink enough that you'll be able to wipe most of it off, although it'll take a few applications. Isopropyl alcohol will take care of the rest.

>> No.6733332

Nail varnish remover.

>> No.6733353

Colour the rest of the cartridge in black, then sell it off as a special edition cart

>> No.6733385

just use 90% rubbing alcohol and a q-tip. Comes off like its nothing, even if it's a permanent marker.

>> No.6733438
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>> No.6733489

This is the perfect combo is nonanswers, I laughed out loud, each one distinct in it's misdirection. God bless you /vr/

>> No.6733704

You don't. Become Jake.

>> No.6733716

change your name to jake and be done with it, bruh

>> No.6733731

It wasn't THAT funny, sperg. Calm down.

>> No.6733758

Ok actual question that's slightly harder to answer. My girlfriend's copy of Pokemon Snap has her name written in kanji because that's what the box told her to do as a little kid. It looks like shit and I can't even read Japanese. Is there anything we can do to remove it?

>> No.6733760 [DELETED] 

Soak/submerge the cartridge in bleach solution

>> No.6733775

Why don't you value Jake's autograph? He's a famous Goldeneye speed runner

>> No.6733789

Shove the cartridge up your ass.

>> No.6733808

some alcohol or if you don't have that, some axe body spray you all use that.. right?

>> No.6733847

Jake owns your game and your pale skinny ass.

>> No.6733930

thats what you get for dating a tranny

>> No.6733980
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>some axe body spray you all use that.. right?
Homosexualarino SPOTTED.

>> No.6733991

Rubbing alcohol.

>> No.6733994

peanut oil, lemon oil or goo gone, then rubbing alcohol

>> No.6734015

Bring some chocolates too, Jake loves chocolate.

>> No.6734025

Why would you want to remove the thing that makes it unique?

>> No.6734038
File: 459 KB, 2592x1944, tonys poop smells good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6734048


>> No.6734063

A basic pencil eraser is surprisingly efficient at removing permanent marker/ink.

>> No.6734078
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>> No.6734085

Based wise anon

>> No.6734097

Jake drowned

>> No.6734207 [DELETED] 

>How do I get marker off a cartridge?
throw it in the trash

>> No.6734476

dude just leave it thats hilarious

>> No.6734481

>tony was so hot her poop smelled delicious
>imagine never knowing how good tonys poop actually smells

why even live

>> No.6734490


>> No.6734494

No; most of us don't like the idea of dowsing ourselves in lighter fluid.

>> No.6734503
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nail polish remover

>> No.6735729
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Isopropyl alcohol works surprisingly well.
Top was after the first pass. Bottom was after a bit of work with q-tips to get into the textured surface.

>> No.6735781

Put it in a bag of rice

>> No.6735809

Just change your name to Jake.

>> No.6735851

Who hurt you, Anon? How can we make it better?

>> No.6735853

Delete the save file? I mean really, that’s probably the only way.

>> No.6735859

>-ino meme
>calling someone else homosexual

>> No.6735880
File: 12 KB, 964x116, 41FuyccNpDL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Prismacolor Colorless Blender Marker"

>> No.6735916
File: 246 KB, 1500x1475, 6A8B24F4-9BB1-47B0-BBB6-E177EE455C93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mr clean magic eraser

>> No.6735978

Fuck you jake

>> No.6735991

Keep it. Some child scribbled it onto the cartridge half a century ago--the scribble is more interesting than the cartridge.

>> No.6736246

Hand sanitizer is basically ipa. Just use ipa.

>> No.6736249

Don't do this
Will ruin the plastic

>> No.6736253
File: 76 KB, 198x250, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what Jake's poop smells like ha ha.

>> No.6736275

The important thing to note here is that each phrase looks like it was written at a different time. Specifically look at the fade and style of O's.

I have to imagine it was Tony's cart and they were going to lend it out so they put their name on it. Then whoever they lent it to put "poop smells" on it before returning it. Whoever that was must have asked for it back, and as the ultimate burn, instead of cleaning it off, Tony added "good" before lending it out again. So the other kid now tells their friends
>Yeah Tony lent me Diddy Kong Racing again, come over and play with me
then everyone sees that sticking out of the top of the console and makes the connection.

>> No.6738364

people are joking about coloring it black but that got me to think, how would it look if you just color over the name with a gray marker?

>> No.6738658

Ever see a parking lot where they painted over the old lines, and the new paint is fading/chipping? Probably as bad.

Assuming you're able to match the case color, you'll probably need a paint marker else the black will show through. But now you'll alter the surface/texture of the cartridge.

>> No.6738664

Wait til it gets dry, and scratch it off.

>> No.6738763

Blow on it

>> No.6739072

Just cleaned off permanent marker from the back of an N64 rumble pak. Used some 70% isopropyl alcohol medical wipes to start with. Got quite a bit off it with that. Then used a combination of 100% isopropyl spray and eucalyptus oil onto makeup pads to remove the rest. It reeks of eucalyptus, but it looks perfect. Really wish I had taken photos before I cleaned it.

>> No.6739201

bond games were the perfect B tier games.. i miss torturing hostages with taser gadget in 007 nightfire

>> No.6739227

Tony is a male name, Toni is a female name. You're fantasizing about a (likely underage at the time) boy's poop.

>> No.6740718
File: 65 KB, 800x517, 20180717_160e00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born and raised in Japan
lol trans people aren't even recognised there... no one knows they exist

nah I mean on the physical sticker that's on the cart. not my photo I'm not putting my gf's full name on 4chan but it's written on here like the instructions say

>> No.6740742

Just add "is a fag" to the end of it.

>> No.6742764

isoprophyl alcohol, then I do a layer of dry erase marker that I wash off with more alcohol. After that, if there's still some stuff on it I use those magic eraser things that you just add water to and scrub the rest off.

>> No.6743414

I remember that thread!

>> No.6743681

What kind of autistic pricing is this?

>> No.6743684

Holy fuck, I'm Jake, how did you end up with my Goldeneye cart?

>> No.6743757

> Japanese don't recognize trans people
Really? Because they have a word the use specifically to identify them.

>> No.6744613

>who hurt you

That’s the gayest troll I’ve ever heard

>> No.6744631

Easy peasy, take some rubbing alcohol and put it on q tip. Use the q tip the get the marker off. It's super easy.

>> No.6745365

ah, the ratclo cart

>> No.6745634
File: 2.55 MB, 1547x867, Smug Zeiram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6745638

Upvote and move on

>> No.6745640

cum and a little elbow grease

>> No.6745645

Do you even haggle bro

It's a starting point, not a set price

>> No.6745657

justice for Patolo!

>> No.6745750

You can't, you now have to scribble over the rest of the cart.

>> No.6745761

This post must be read with a deep... mystical... all-knowing tone.

>> No.6745764


>> No.6745772

>removing soul

>> No.6746417

>Try to burn tony with smelly poop joke
>Tony adds good and says I wrote it
>Now every kid thinks I have a weird poop fetish

>> No.6746743

They're recognized but mostly as a joke. They're called new halfs.

>> No.6747621

i love when i get carts with names on them. it gives them a little character. My copy of TMNT for nes was once owned by a "sugar"

>> No.6747649

What is your problem? Why react this way when someone quotes your posts and says they were funny?

>> No.6747729

Go back.

>> No.6747825

magic eraser and some water will take that off in one scrub

>> No.6747857
